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Latest revision as of 03:32, 31 October 2019

An Avid Fan
Date of Scene: 30 October 2019
Location: New York
Synopsis: Andrea meets one of her fans, and Amanda finds a date with a bodyguard.
Cast of Characters: Amanda Deveraux, Rage

Amanda Deveraux has posed:
New York City - Following a World Series game, Andrea Jackson is giving a concert in Central Park. The venue is absolutely sold out, packed solid with her adoring, screaming fans. There's a woman near the stage, way off towards 'stage left', who doesn't quite fit the mold of the pop star's typical fan-base. For one she's too old. Of course the brunette with the pixie-cut has a certain timeless beauty about her, but she's certainly no teenager. The leather jacket worn open over one of Andrea's concert t-shirts does help, but still.

And for anyone on Andrea's staff who might be paying attention to such things, this woman's no stranger to the starlet's concert venues. This isn't her first time, not by a long shot.

Rage has posed:
The concert has enough security to protect the UN. There was numerous anti-mutant protestors on the street with their signs, screaming and cursing her name to the heavens. The Friends of Humanity of course are at the forefront in an attempt to manipulate media, spreading lies such as she eats babies and mutants are going to take over the world and put everyone in slave camps. Typical crazy nonsense.

The concert itself as usual went off without a hitch. There was fireworks, smoke bombs, intense choreography and a powerful voice to go along with the lyrics to her music. Unlike most popstars that sing about boys or good times, her songs are about life, struggle and desperation to be accepted as not only a person, but as a woman. She sings for everyone with obvious political undertones coupled with an insane party beat that brings the ruckus.

At the end of each show, a screen behind her shows several mutant kids with their names, as well as the date that they passed away on from either abuse or suicide. It's an emotional moment for the show as she sings her final song: Equality as the images flash behind her. Kids as young as barely ten. Some in their upper teens. All of them gone.

As the crowd files out and she is ushered off the stage, those with VIP badges will get a chance for a meet and great with the popstarlet for autographs, pictures and facetime. Not surprisingly, a number of VIP badges always seem to fall into the hands of young kids who may not be able to afford them. Generous donations from the Starlight House which is her own personal charity for suicide preventation.

The woman at the show has been singled out a few times by her security detail throughout the last few shows, but no one has bothered her. But a familiar face will always stick out to James, her personal bodyguard.

"Ma'am." A gruff voice comes out from behind her as the large man with a black suit and mirrored glasses stare at her. "Sixth show in a row now I've seen you here." He's built like a marine. Has the flattop of a jarhead.

Amanda Deveraux has posed:
Amanda Deveraux wondered how long it would take for her to be singled out, really, so she's not surprised to hear the voice behind her. She doesn't turn, at least not immediately. "Don't you -ma'am- me like I'm someone's grandmother." she offers, only then turning to face him. He may be taller and broader, and for that matter gruffer, but the woman faces him down all the same.

"And I'm fairly certain that I'm not the ONLY fan here who's seen six shows in a row. Except it's actually closer to ten." Amanda continues. She carefully opens her jacket a bit wider, then. "See? I've even been collecting Andrea's merch." She tilts her head, then, sizing him up. "But because I'm old enough to have a driver's licence I must therefore be a stalker of some sort. Darling, I assure you that couldn't be farther from the truth."

The woman smiles wryly, then. "So if you're going to throw me out or handcuff me or call the police, you're welcome to try. I would've bought a VIP ticket several shows ago, but Andrea likes to donate them and I didn't have the heart. I would like, instead, to make a 10,000 dollar donation to Starlight House. Would that be sufficient to allow us to meet?" She pauses, then. "Go ahead and talk to your boss on the headset. I'll wait."

Rage has posed:
The large man tips his head forward so that his dark eyes can stare at her from over the top of his shades. "I was going to say, that Andrea would like to speak with you and thank you for being a supporter of her career, but your paranoid ranting and defensive stance sure didn't make me feel better." The man says in a deep rumble in his chest. He is all business and the sidearm on his side, holstered, would say that he is not your typical rent-a-cop security guard. The scars on his face also tell a story that he has seen some shit.

"You are not even the oldest fan here, ma'am." He ma'ams her again as he pushes his shades back up to his face.

Amanda Deveraux has posed:
Amanda Deveraux chuckles softly, tilting her head. "Again with the -ma'am-, is it? And don't fault me for being defensive when some big, heavily-armed, ex-military bodyguard singles me out of a crowd. What woman -wouldn't- be defensive, hmm?" Reaching slowly into an inner jacket pocket, she tugs an envelope free just enough to show the corner.

Her amusement remains, but her voice becomes more serious then. "I meant what I said about the donation, darling, and I have the cashier's check right here. I'm a big fan of the *messages* in Andrea's music. I've gone through my own struggles for acceptance and even survival, and I'd like to show my support in some small way."

Rage has posed:
"You're still getting a pat down." James says as he reaches up to tap his ear, letting out a low sigh under his throat.

"Eagle to Raptor. Tell Louve that I am bringing her back."

Turning his attention back upon Amanda, he gives a motion for her to follow him as he lumbers for the stage, keeping his hand settled over his firearm by way of nature. Never know when one of these pimply goofballs may reach for it, or some bigot may have snuck in.

"Telepathic patdown." He calls over his shoulder to her. This sure isn't a Taylor Swift concert.

Amanda Deveraux has posed:
Amanda Deveraux inclines her head slowly and turns to follow. "Of course I am." she replies, following with a comfortable separation. The woman has known MANY military men over her long years, and she knows better than to get close enough to make them nervous. There's nothing worse than a nervous man with a gun, after all.

"I've never had a pat down before, not even in the airport." she lies glibly. Telepathic patdown? Oh this will certainly be different. "But I do understand. There are too many people out there with hate-agendas, and Andrea is rather exposed." Amanda smiles warmly, then. "Or she would be, if it weren't for capable men like you."

Rage has posed:
"Capable men /and/ women." James says as he enters the back stage area of the venue, where there is quite a hustle and bustle of people running about to break things down and pack up.

Once they reach the back room and head through a door, Andrea can be seen surrounded by a group of kids of various ages. She is taking pictures with them, autographing shirts and squeezing all of them with big hugs. She is a different person than when she is on stage. Instead of the flashy outfits and makeup, is just a normal teenage girl in a baggy NYU sweater and a pair of jeggings.

James stops and turns towards Amanda, letting out a grunt. "Arms up and out. Spread 'em." He says as he squints his eyes at her. Andrea gives a curious look over towards her bodyguard, but she doesn't interrupt his work. He's in charge after all. She does offer up a smile though, encouraging.

Amanda Deveraux has posed:
Amanda Deveraux doesn't seem to mind the hustle and bustle, of course, but she does stick close to James as he navigates them through. Brown eyes brighten at the sight of the starlet at last. Out of the shadows, now, Amanda is wearing close-fitting jeans, knee boots, a leather bomber jacket and (of course) an Andrea concert t-shirt from about 4 shows ago.

James' grunt catches her attention, however, and she gives him a rather curious look at the command. Widening her stance, she does spread her arms and raise both hands to place them on the back of her head. Yeah, she's done this before alright. "Whatever you say, of course. But I -would- like your number afterward. A girl has to have standards, after all."

Amanda shifts her gaze to Andrea, then, offering a smile as well as a playful wink.

Rage has posed:
"My safeword is pineapples." James says without humor in his voice as his hands go about the process of patting her down. He does a fantastic job of course, even going so far as to check her belt in case she hides a knife in the buckle.

Once he is done, he steps back from her and gives a firm nod of his head as 'Sarah' from Marketing is currently signing some paperwork gives only a barely glance over. She is a skilled surgeon when it comes to telepathy and perhaps one may only feel a whisper along the back of the neck. Like a small shiver. Did the AC brush her hair? It's here and there without much fanfare.

Andrea winks back, then takes a selfie with a green skinned girl with four eyes, then smooches her on the cheek afterwards. They start to talk a bit about the young girl's life, and she listens quietly to every word she speaks. Taking the girl by the hands, she squeezes them tightly as she nods here and there. She is bullied at school. She is beat up every day by this jerk and she is scared to tell her parents.

"James?" She calls over to him.

"Yes, ma'am." He responds in kind to his ward.

"Can you make sure Destiny here talks to Maggie?"

There is a firm nod of the head as he steps away from Amanda, giving her a glance, then heads out of the room. The look on Andrea's face? It's there for a moment. It's a flicker. But there is a storm behind her dark eyes. Feral. Then she's back to all smiles. "Thank you for sharing your story with me, Destiny. I love you."

Amanda Deveraux has posed:
Amanda Deveraux isn't carrying so much as a wallet, actually, although James would find a small case with a few credit cards and a key fob to an Audi. Along with the envelope, of course. She squirms just a little during the patdown, and even makes a few pleasant little sounds in the process. "Mmm. We'll have to have a conversation about pineapples later, then." she coos playfully.

Thanks to James, Amanda has a few moments to school her thoughts for the telepath. This wouldn't be a good time to reminisce about medieval France. Her name is Amanda LeFauve, just like her driver's license would show, and she is an acrobat with the stage name of The Amazing Amanda. Currently between circuses. There really IS a cashier's check in the envelope, and her appreciation for Andrea's causes is genuine.

Deceit? Oh, this woman is *basted* in deceit. But there is nothing malicious here, other than perhaps finding James' rugged features strangely appealing.

Rage has posed:
Pushing herself up to her feet, Andrea gives a long stretch of her body to pop a few joints, then heads over to Amanda as she gives a nod of her head to no one in particular. Once she approaches, she gives a small 'sniff' at the air, then gives her a curious look. "Hey there, Amanda. Acrobat, huh?" It seems that there is no secrets in band camp.

"Thank you for coming to my show, again. Ten times, huh? I really appreciate the support. It honestly does mean a lot to me. You haven't got bored yet?"

She gives another hug to a girl who comes up to her, telling her 'good luck' in college, then waves as she heads off. Every detail told to her she memorizes from every girl in this room. Every conversation was about them, rather than her. She wants to hear their stories.

Amanda Deveraux has posed:
Amanda Deveraux lowers her hands and gives James a playful, parting smile. She chuckles at Andrea's greeting, tilting her head with an arched brow. "That's 'The Amazing Amanda', actually. All part of the trademark." Giving a slight bow, she offers. "Amanda LeFauve, if we're being informal." She smiles, glancing around as if searching for something. "I've never been 'telepathically frisked' before, I must admit."

"Bored? Never, *ever* underestimate your appeal to dedicated fans, Andrea. That's what separates a performer from a star, and you are definitely a star." Amanda waits a moment for the good-luck hug for college to continue. "You care about them. You listen to them, when no one else does. That is also a large part of your appeal. You are a courageous young woman taking a stand for what is good in this world."

"I would like to contribute in some, small way, myself." she continues. Producing the envelope, she offers it almost casually. "Consider this a show of good faith and good intentions. I thought about just leaving it anonymously, but then I decided that wanted to meet you."

Rage has posed:
"I try my best to make the shows interesting and educational while still being high energy and fun. I do care about them. I care about all young girls, whether they are genetically gifted or not. In my industry, we are told we are too fat, or too thin, or to dress this way and that. Smile for the camera, never show weakness, always cover your double chin with your hand when you pose, but make it look coy. Girls eat that up and think that is what the standard is. I don't want girls to think that about me. I want them to see /me/ up there. It's important that they know I'm as normal as they are, and they are just as normal as me."

As always, she speaks with true conviction in her voice. She really means this. There has been news reports where she has been stabbed and shot at several concerts and a Starbucks. The scars she bares on stage are shameless as she wants the world to see that she has been gutted and still standing. There is even a scar along her neck that leads up into her hairline.

"Thank you for your donation to Starlight. It does mean a lot. Even if you are giving me way too much money." No secrets after all. "I'm opening a free clinic in Mutant Town in a few weeks down the street from Club Evolution. It will be catered to mostly mutants, but I'd like it if anyone who was in need and can't afford health care will seek it out. Starlight is fully funding it."

With that, she steps forward to give Amanda a hug if wanted. She has a higher body heat than most. As if she is running a small fever.

Amanda Deveraux has posed:
Amanda Deveraux nods slowly, knowingly. "Darling, believe me when I tell you I -know- how the entertainment business treats women." she replies. "And society in general, for that matter. While it's true that a clever and resourceful woman can often take advantage of that, but to younger girls whose self-esteem is still formin it's absolutely devastating."

As for the hug? Amanda welcomes it with a full embrace of her own. Even mutant senses don't pick up anything unusual about the acrobat, although the embrace is firm and the woman is certainly quite fit.

"Well I may be giving you way too much money but you, my dear, take way too many risks. I've seen the videos and I keep up with the news." There's a pause and she steps back to hold Andrea at arm's length for a moment. "If you don't mind, I'd like to continue being a 'face in the crowd' at your concerts. Nothing against James, of course, but your security could use some bolstering."

Rage has posed:
"There is always risks in life and I welcome them." Andrea says in regards to her security. "If I put too much security, I look like I'm pushing my fans away, that I'm walling myself up and I'm caving in to the haters and the noise. I don't want anyone to think I'm afraid, because I'm not." She offers up a smile. "James served three tours overseas with my mother in the marines. He is a true warrior and American Patriot who takes my life seriously. My mother hand picked him for this job and he hand picked his team. If you wish to work with my team, you can give your resume to James, and interview with him. He'll want to do a complete background check on you, put you through a physical trial and you'll have your brain scoured."

This part, she is very serious on as she speaks. "I have had far too much attention and violence upon me in the last year since I came out as a mutant, and we are looking to minimize all risks. I take great care of my team, but I need to know that every person has my best interests. All the way down to my agent. I take my brand seriously, because I'm surrounded by young mutants who look up to me, and in return, I want to make sure their lives are safe when they're near me." For a seventeen year old girl, she speaks like a professional.

"I am not scared to die, Amanda. But that doesn't mean I want to see those who orbit my inner circle get hurt either."

Amanda Deveraux has posed:
Amanda Deveraux tilts her head at that, lifting a delicate brow. "I do see your point, of course, but you misunderstand me. I'm not asking to be employed by your security detail. I'm simply asking that they don't call me out during future concerts, because I -will- be attending." The playful smile returns, then. "I promise that I won't interfere with James in his job, although after that pat down he gave me I'd love to buy him a cappucino sometime."

Amanda's expression softens a little, then. "I will be watching over you, Andrea, at least until the winds of acceptance change. Whatever you may think of my methods, just trust that my intentions are good."

Rocking back half a step, then, Amanda adds cryptically. "Not every Raven is a portent of doom."

Rage has posed:
"I told James to get you." Andrea says with an amused smile on her face. "Because /I/ noticed you at my concerts. It's the only reason why he approached you. It wasn't because you didn't fit the baseline of my fans. I actually wanted to meet you and see what you were about, and thank you for coming. It does mean a lot to me when people dedicate their time."

"What do you mean you'll be watching over me and your intentions?" She asks curiously. There's no suspicion in her voice, though she maintains direct eyecontact with her. She has a confident posture about her. A wolf in charge. Alpha.

Amanda Deveraux has posed:
Amanda Deveraux looks impressed then Andrea admits to singling her out of the crowd personally, and the slight nod of her head shows it. "I do appreciate that you noticed me." she replies. "Not that I would be surprised if you were able to name each and every person at the concert." Yes, Amanda certainly noticed how Andrea doesn't miss a thing when it comes to her fans.

"As for the rest..." Her voice trails off and she retrieves both the key fob and her card holder with a warm smile. "Would it be possible for James to show me out through all this maze? I look forward to your next concert."

Rage has posed:
There is another small 'sniff' at the air from Andrea as she studies her curiously, still smiling. "I have big eyes." The better to see you with, my dear. "But when I'm on stage between songs, I get a few seconds to scan the audience and sometimes I pick out a familiar face. Yours though I've picked out a few times because you buy seats closer to the stage, which means you have the money to do so. I know what they cost and I know which ones aren't reserved by Starlight House sponsored kids. So after awhile, the math works out."

Strategy and tactics, she is putting on display. "You want James to walk you out?" She says, softly laughing. "He made that much of an impression on you? I know his pat downs are legendary .."

Amanda Deveraux has posed:
Amanda Deveraux's reply is soft, the smile knowing. "You keep track of all that while you're performing..." she muses. "And they call ME 'Amazing'." At the mention of James, the woman brightens and looks both pleased and surprised at the suggestion. "Would that be possible? Only if it wouldn't interfere with his job, of course. And thank you again, dear. It's been a pleasure meeting you in person."

The envelope is left behind, of course. The cashier's check is issued to Andrea directly, and is issued from an offshore bank.

Rage has posed:
"I'm not really amazing. Just attentive. I took a sniper rifle round to my shoulder, missing my heart." Andrea taps her chest. "Seven sixty eight round. Armor piercing. Blew my chest out and shoulder out. The scar killed any chance I have to being an undies model." She grins without a care in the world. "So I guess I just pay way more attention now the moment I finish a song. I just take a few seconds to pause as I get into position for the next song. I'm always 'on' when it's showtime, but I'm constantly looking for the next threat. Just in case."

It's about that time that James makes his way back to them, once he dropped Destiny off with whoever Maggie is. For those in the audience, she is a guidance counselor. A great one. "James. Miss Amanda wants you to escort her out." She says with a cheeky grin.

James takes the mirrored shades off and looks down at the smaller woman for a moment, studying her, before he gives a slow glance back to Andrea, who simply shrugs in a playful manner.

"This way, ma'am." Such a gentleman.

Amanda Deveraux has posed:
Amanda Deveraux looks incredibly pleased and flashes Andrea a wide smile as she waves. "Thank you again, Andrea." she replies. As for the sniper round? Well, Amanda DID say the starlet needs to be more careful.

Slipping her arm through James', she pulls herself up close and rolls her eyes theatrically at him. "Again with the -ma'am-, James? Please, why don't you just call me Amanda."