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Latest revision as of 14:50, 1 November 2019

Andrea FINALLY meets her Idol.
Date of Scene: 31 October 2019
Location: Main Foyer - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Andrea meets Allison for the first time.
Cast of Characters: Rage, Dazzler

Rage has posed:
It's Halloween and there is festivities about the mansion! Decorations are set up, the staff is doing a mini Trick or Treating with the younger kids and there is music and food in the dining room. With most of her fellow classmates out and about doing various different things, Andrea for a change doesn't have major plans. She turned down several events to spend time at 'home' and just have a chance to hang out.

Dressed in a Red Riding Hood costume, she is in the foyer tapping away on her cell phone, updating some social media sites, taking a few selfies of herself and checking her email. Even on a holiday, she is always 'working'. Big fake smiles for the camera, hashtags of all types, an update on her upcoming third album. She moves through each task smoothly.

Dazzler has posed:
It is a night that plenty of people go out, hit the bars, get drunk, having a good time. That doesn't appear to be the theme for one other individual, nor is dressing up and doing the trick or treating thing, either.

Some people have an easier time blending with the surroundings than others do, and the effort to which Alison has gone to actually blend in is almost comical. There's zero need for big sunglasses, but she's donned them, and a baseball cap has been pulled down over her blonde hair and she's wearing jeans and a t-shirt, with a rather worn in and beat up duffle bag over her shoulder as she lets herself in through the front door.

Rage has posed:
Tapping along her phone a few more times, Andrea tilts it upwards and puts on a big smile, then snaps a shot, then starts to edit it with a long with afterwards. That one is going to her parents. Hey! Totally having fun! Love and miss you! <3 XOXO.

As the door opens up and the new face steps in, she doesn't immediately recognize Dazzler as she gives just a momentary glance upwards in her direction. A group of kids walk past her, giving a wave and calling out her name, in which she waves back with that big bright smile of hers again, then hands out some candy bars to them from the basket she has dangling on her arm at the elbow.

Dazzler has posed:
Once in the house there is a slow outward breath, and Ali leans back against the door for a split second. Then she pushes away from it, tossing the bag down on the floor as she steps into the middle of the foyer, her arms spreading out before she raises her voice. "I'm home!"

Does it matter who hears? Probably not. It's a general call of greeting to the space, too.

Rage has posed:
"Hello, Home!" One kid laughs as he walks past Dazzler, dressed as Spider-Man. He has a huge sack full of candy and he is flanked by a pair of other youths his age.

Glancing upwards at the voice, Andrea takes a moment to study her, then recognition instantly hits as she straightens up visibly. Her eyes widen and she finds herself star-struck. Her heart is pounding. Her palms are sweaty. She's met the President. She has met /Beyonce/. She has met Tony Freaking Stark.

But in this moment? She feels very much like a seventeen year old girl, as opposed to a multi-platinum, grammy nominated megastar.

"Y... you're.. " The voice of Andrea stammers out as she drops the basket of candy to the ground with a clatter. "You are her." She breathes out.

Dazzler has posed:
"Aren't you clever." Alison replies with a laugh, pulling the sunglasses off, holding them out to point towards the mini-Spider-Man, "What about it, you and me...a selfie?" She moves to throw her arm across the shoulders of the kid, sunglasses hanging from them as she reaches for a pocket with her other hand.

Preusumably for a phone that she never finds as her attention is snagged by Andrea, and her head tilts before she laughs, "For some definitions of the words, yes."

Rage has posed:
The three kids pause for a moment as they see that it's Dazzler, then quickly rush over to her, digging their own phones out. "Woooah! Heck yah I want a selfie!" They hold their phones out in front of them to snap a number of shots with the celebrity, making duck faces and throwing up peace signs. With Andrea and Mason around, they've became pretty used to the two as fellow students. But /the/ Dazzler is a real treat.

Andrea waits patiently as she swallows tightly in her throat, wringing her hands together as she gives a bite to her bottom lip. "Wow." She breathes out again as she just /stares/ at her, eyes growing a bit glossy. "H.. Hi.. I.. I'm Andrea.. I am your /biggest/ fan." Everyone is her biggest fan, but not many people have one of Dazzler's guitars, autographed, from her first show on display in her condo in NYC either, as well as a closet full of Dazzler merch from all the concerts she went to as a child.

Dazzler has posed:
There is a well practiced ease to the photos, posing for them, each one just in time so that she's not caught with her eyes closed, or her mouth open in an awkward position. Alison allows the three to get their fill, she hopes, before she starts to straighten up and step away from them, one part of her sunglasses getting tucked into the front of her t-shirt.

"It's certainly really nice to meet you, Andrea." She replies, that smile that is offered is bright and wide, and she moves forward to reach for Andrea's hand, taking it upon herself to try and give it a shake, "I'm...well, I guess you already know, don't you?"

Rage has posed:
Reaching out to take her hand, Andrea shakes it firmly. She clears her throat and composes herself, taking in a deep breath. "Yes, I know everything about you. I have your entire wiki memorized." Her cheeks give a bit of a flush. "I uh.. go to this school. Surprise?" She says with a cheeky grin.

"I have waited a long time to meet you, Allison. Miss Blaire. Um... Dazzler.. wow... you... /you/ are the reason why.. I do all of this.. everything.. " She waves a hand up in the air, while her other one still clings to the older popstars, shaking it over and over again.

Dazzler has posed:
When the hand gestures upwards there is a look, like there might be an actual visible thing instead of just air. But that smile never wavers from her face, even when things like wiki's are brought up.

Safe bet that she's met more than one rabid fan before. The good AND the bad kind.

"Well....I'm very honored to be the reason why you do all of this. You're also in a really great place, you're very lucky to be a student here. It's wonderful." The hand is very, very carefully pulled away so that Alison can move towards her bag again to get it picked up. "I'm sure we'll have lots of chances to talk in the near future."

Rage has posed:
Once their hands free up, Andrea rubs the back of her neck a bit bashfully. "Sorry. I've just uh.. am a bit starstruck, that's all." She says as her cheeks burn with embarrassment. "You probably have a tom of important things to do, so I'll let you get to them." She says as she wrings her hands together again. "It was great to meet you, Allison."

Dazzler has posed:
"Not really." Alison replies with an almost apologetic smile, "It's just been a really long trip, and I'd like to fall face first on my bed for a little while. But I'm around for a while, if you still want to do any kind of talking after some sleep?"

Rage has posed:
"Oh. Sure. Of course. Yes. Anytime." Andrea says as she bobs her head quickly in a nod, giving her another bright smile. She brushes some of her brown hair back behind her ear, at least those that hasn't been touched with a hint of rainbow color.

Dazzler has posed:
The bag is slung back over her shoulder, then that bright smile is offered once more, "Fabulous. Let's do lunch, then?" While the question is tossed out there she doesn't linger for an answer. It was probably both an honest request but a rhetorical one at the same time. Either way, Dazzler is heading in the direction of where her room used to be.