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Latest revision as of 16:46, 1 November 2019

Second Date: Trick, Treat
Date of Scene: 31 October 2019
Location: Bryant Park, Midtown
Synopsis: After coming upon Alexis Carr violining for tips, Sam convinces her to join him for a costume party. Kitty Pryde arrives to give expert opinions, and Sam and Alexis work out a couples costume.
Cast of Characters: Prismatic, Cannonball, Shadowcat

Prismatic has posed:
    There is a certain type of music that people love to hear around Halloween. The creepy stuff, the minor keys, the haunting melodies and the ancient prayers for the passed.

    ... or they like hearing Nightmare Before Christmas. There really isn't anywhere in between.

    So, along a gray, rainy afternoon, beneath the overhang of a closed storefront, there is a young woman, a violin tucked beneath her chin. She was wearing black pants, and a black shirt, black shoes, her hair pulled back neatly into a long braid hanging most of the way down her back, her sweatshirt hanging open as she played, the lonely strains of "Sally's Song" sorrowfully slithering around the London Planes as the skies drizzle down.

    Her violin case was open, with a bunch of bite-sized candies in one side, tips in the other.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes walking down the street. Sam has been a bit slack. He needs to find a last minute halloween costume for tonight. He is heading through the park to go to one of the local halloween stores to check out. He hears some music, and looks over a brow raises but smiling a bit as he sees a familiar face. He will head towards her, and waves but keeps silent to not interrupt the music

Prismatic has posed:
    The violin continues, Alexis's eyes closed as the mournful tune continues on, a one-sided love affair with a man obsessed, taken by his own fascinations that he forgets what he has around him. Truly, a classic tale of pining.

    A few people have gathered, a couple tossing in some change, a couple odd dollar bills.

    Once the song draws to an end, there's a smattering of clapping, others having already continued on their way long ago, but Alexis pauses to bend down and sort through the bills, when she looks up and spots Sam.

    And her eyes go wide, her ears go a bit red as she swallows a little nervousness.
    "Mr. Guth-- Sam." she catches herself, snapping up. "Hi!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles a bit at her, and says "Well looks like ah finally got to hear you play some. You are very good." He did clap for her when she finished. He will wait till she is standing and offering a hug to her "Ah did not expect to see you out anf about today but Ah must admit it is a pleasant surprise. How are you doing today?"

Prismatic has posed:
    He opens his arms for a hug, and Alexis gives a small smile, giving a one-armed hug to Sam (the other still supporting her violin). She pokes at him with the bow as she draws back, and gives a little shrug. "Well, taught lessons this morning, figured I might try and spread some Seasonal Cheer... or fright." she gives a little smile, and adjusts some of the tuning pegs.

    "What of yourself, Sam? What kind of trouble are you finding today?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Actually out looking for a decent costume, got a party to go to tonight and realized, I forgot to go out and get a costume with everything going on. " He smiles a bit at the poke "Say want to go with me?

Prismatic has posed:
    "I'm... I'm afraid it's very short notice, Sam." the young woman replies, looking rather surprised a tthe sudden invitation. She looks to her violin case, and she gives a soft breath out. "I'm afraid I've not had time for a costume myself..." she replies, looking for a gentle let-down.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and says "Well, we can go find something together if your interested in fact might be easier to find a costume that matches with another than finding a solo one." He grins at her, and says "And would be nice to not have to go alone, we can go costume hunting now, and since it is late notice, Ah will food the bill for both costumes.

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis looks to him for a moment, her eyes narrowing a bit before she takes a deep breath and siiiighs.

    "There's no getting out of this one, is there?" she asks in a playfully sour tone, and gently begins to pack away her items, making sure there's no water on the violin before she looks to Sam, clipping everything closed, and she stuffs the dollar and change into her backpack.

    "All right then, where to?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks and says "Well no easy one except telling me ya just don't want to go, and if that is the case I am ok with it, but figured we could have some fun, see the sights. They do Halloween over in Britan ? I know jack o lanterns started out as turnips in Ireland, and a Scottish friend of mine was not a big fan, but think thats more cause of her specific up bringing than the local she was from.

Prismatic has posed:
    "Ah not to the point it is over here in America, but I spent a decent amount of time in... vaarious places." She gives an uneasy smile as she turns to walk with Sam, giving a soft 'hm' sound. "Our wild night was the Fifth of November, when we'd build guys and then set them on the bonfire. Apparently my grandparents' grandparents' grandparents didn't take kindly to someone attempting to blow up parliament." she gives a wry little smile.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and will take Alexis hand in his. He looks over and says "Guy Fawks, yea Ah heard a bit about that. Sorta figured that in a way as closer to our July 4th to be honest." He walks with her as they seem to be headed to a costume shop. "So, what kind of costumes you like the best? He will ask. Sam is smiling as they chat.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde can be seen coming down the street. She's got on a sweater and a light jacket, jeans and boots. The brisk weather for the last day of Halloween has put a little bit of rosiness into her cheeks.

She's striding along the New York streets with a purpose, heading somewhere in particular. And it seems to be the same costume shop that Samuel Guthrie and Alexis Carr are approaching. And that doesn't even turn out to be a coincidence, as Kitty raises a hand to wave towards Sam.

"I didn't see anything I thought you'd like. Have you checked in here yet?" she asks the Kentuckian as she walks up to the pair. "Hello," Kitty says with a friendly smile for Alexis, but lets Samuel do the introductions.

Prismatic has posed:
    Hand holding? In /costume hunting/? It's more likely than you think.

    Alexis gives a wry smile. "You know, Sam, I /am/ American." she teases lightly, and gives a soft 'hmm as she pokes around through the costumes, wrinkling her nose at some of the options.

    "If it has 'sexy' or 'feminine' in the title it's probably a dud..." she pauses, and comes up to Kitty. She raises her eyebrows, looking the other brunette up and down a moment as she shyly gives a smile to Kitty.

    "A friend of Sam's?" she inquires, offering a hand to shake. "Alexis Carr, freelance street musician and music instructor, how do you do?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, a bit and says Alexis Carr, this is Kitty Pryde an old friend of mine. Was telling her earlier about needing to find a costume. She used to work for Janet Van Dyke, so figured she might have a pretty good idea on last minute fixes for clothes." He will tell her. He looks over to Kitty. "Alexis agreed to go to the party with me tonight, figured we might be able to find a good couples costume and go with that." He will hold up a Fred Flinstone costume "Ah don't think this is quite me."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty takes Alexis's hand, shaking it as she gives the other woman more of the friendly smile. "Really nice to meet you, Alexis," Kitty says as Sam provides Kitty's name for her. "Ooo, couples costume, eh?" she asks, and her eyes go to Samuel, just enough in the look to signal to him that he's going to have to dish on that topic later.

Kitty looks back to Alexis and spots the violin case. "Hmm, how about if you get an I <3 Atlanta shirt and a University of Georgia hat? Sam can get a devil costume and pick up an old second-hand fiddle and spray paint it gold?" Kitty proposes.

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis blinks a moment, giving Kitty a kind smile, and she shakes her hand. "Sam has the most incredible people in his life, I'm beginning to feel like I should be jealous." she offers as a joke to Kitty and Sam, before moving a little in, and blinking at the joke.

    "I'm... I'm sorry, I don't understand the reference?" she admits quietly, her ears turning a little pink as she riffles through some of the costumes. She looks up to Sam, and raises an eyebrow at the caveman get up, and then pulls out a horned helmet attached to two massive blonde braids.

    "Oh! Brunhilde!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks a bit and says "Devil went down to Georgia by The Charlie Daniels band." He will tell her. He looks over to the helmet, and says "A Valkery?" His brow raises for a moment, and hmms, picking out another costume, and holds it up. Pin stripped suit and says "This Jack or an old time gangster Ah wonder?" He nods to Kitty's look and will have to fill her in before the kids do.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty is already pulling up the video on her phone. She queues it up and passes it over to Alexis as she hits play. "You also would want a name tag that says, My Name Is: Johnny," Kitty offers with a grin.


Kitty gives a little wave of her hand. "Just did a project for Janet, couple of weeks review of her network and systems," she says. The brunette looks towards Sam. "Gangster would be decent. Or maybe something 1920s, like you stepped out of a speakeasy?" she suggests.

Prismatic has posed:
    "I'd be careful with that. Mutant Town's had a few run-ins with a violent gang that's been sporting such looks." Alexis states, and she gives a wry smile. "Yes. Wagner's Valkyrie." she sets the helmet to the side, and accepts the phone, listening to the classic country song and she looks a little unsure of it.

    "It... certainly is a catchy tune, mind you fiddle is a somewhat different skillset than I'm used to--" she trails a moment, and hands the phone back to Kitty.

    "Oh, so you're involved with tech, Miss Pryde?" she asks, and picks up a large, round, gaudily deecorated shield. It has a star on it.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "I think Jay and Andrea might do that idea bit more, but not sure if he would be comfortable with the whole couples costume or not." He hmmms and continues holding up a spiderman costume. "Not bad, but no clue who would be a couple with him." he hmmms "Minnions? Na not in the mood to say bananananan all night."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde takes the phone back and pockets it. It isn't a brand that would have been recognizable. "Yep, computer engineering and programming mainly. I'm working over at Stark Tower," she says. Kitty grins at the sight of the shield, but then Sam is pulling up a Spider-Man costume.

Kitty bites her lips to control her smile. "Sam, I think that would be awesome for you," she says with a quick nod. "There's a Spider-Woman. Or, Ghost Spider actually, too if you wanted to go as a couple of spiders," she says.

Oh please, oh please, oh please let Sam pick it. Kitty is already working out how to get pictures of it if so.

Prismatic has posed:
    "No minions, goodness, that is a particular trend that needs to perish." Alexis states dryly, and she looks to Kitty again. "You must be brilliant then, working in Stark Tower, for Van Dyne, goodness. I'll have to keep you in mind, Miss Pryde, should I ever get a computer." she gives a small laugh, and draws up a simple black domino mask, and regards the Spiderman costume, and looks it up and down a moment before her ears turn a darker shade of ed. Much more red than the olive tones of her skin would suggest.

    "That... is rather form fitting, isn't it?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms a bit and says Maybe a bit, think I could pull it off?" He hmms, and says "Wonder if they have a changing room to try it on?" He holds it up against his body making spider-man hand motions with his other hand "Have heard he is a pretty decent fellow, and works pretty well with others. Don't know much about the female spider though . What you two think?

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty gives Alexis a grateful look for the flattering words. "Well, I just try to mungle on with the rest of them," she says with a shrug and a little grin. Kitty picks up a Bo Peep costume and it causes her to give a soft chuckle. "Rahne wore one of these the other night," she tells Samuel, indicating the costume. "Kurt was Woody. From Toy Story."

Kitty glances back to the Spider-Man costume and as Alexis mentions how form fitting it is, her hand goes to cover her smile. "It can be," Kitty says of the costume, though refrains from giving any opinion on how Sam would look in it. That'll be Alexis's call. "It's really an amazing outfit too," Kitty says, as she looks through the racks. "I've seen her once," she comments, finally finding the Ghost Spider costume and showing it to Alexis.

Prismatic has posed:
    "I beleive it is the shady area with the curtain in the corner." Alexis comments, and gives a wry grin over to Sam, though her ears are remaining pink.

    "What, you mean up close?" she looks to Kitty, surprised as she looks to the white, black and pink outfit. It has a full mask, and she reaches for the Ghost Spider costume, testing the fabric against her fingers.

    "How did you and Sam meet, out of curiosity, Miss Pryde? Associate from the school he helps at?" the polite young woman inquires, eyebrows drawing up as she searches for a price tag on the costume.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will leave Kitty and Alexis to talk, there are times when it would be so helpful to have a telepath around, but he trusts Kitty she is a smart cookie. He will hmms and is glad he wears boxer briefs, as he tries this costume on. It is almost like the old bumblebees so he is not totally unused to it, even if his normal choice of costumes is a bit baggier.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty nods her head. "Yes, I was an alumnus there actually," Kitty says. "So I've known Sam a few years. Enough to know some stories," she says, giving Alexis a conspiratorial grin. "So if you need someone to dish the dirt, just let me know," she adds with a friendly wink.

Kitty glances around the costume store. "I'm going to need to go get into my own costume soon," she comments. "Yes, with Tony Stark as a boss, you never really know who you're going to end up bumping into at that office," Kitty says. Which isn't really quite how it went, but the misconception is a harmless enough one.

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis sort of gawks for maybe a second, and then stammers "Y-yes, of course, Stark Tower is proibably an incredibly busy place." Alexis replies softly, her ears still pink s she checks her wadded up cash, and takes the Ghost Spider costume. "Well, if you are in attendence to this particular party, we'll see you there. If not? It has been a pleasure meeting your acquaintence, Miss Pryde."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes jumping out of the dressing room. The young man maybe a superhero himself, but yea he strikes a spidey pose, for now, he has the mask up so he can see the ladies reactions better. He makes the hand motions complete with wisk wisk mouth noises. "So what you think Ladies?" Alexis may get her first real cloe how fit of a condition Sam is in.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty smiles over to Alexis and says, "I probably will be. It'll be nice to see you there." She looks back over as Samuel Guthrie comes out in the costume. "Oh that's priceless," she says. She pulls out her phone to snap picture of him. "It's more of a... thwip thwip," she tells him, and struggling hard to contain her glee.

"Ok, I'm going to get home to change. Hope to see you there," she says with a big smile. Kitty waves to them and then turns to head on out. Oh tonight is going to be amazing.

Prismatic has posed:
    Yeah. Being up close next to him during flight was a hint.

    Alexis looks at sam. She holds her hands firmly underneath the costume, stands a little bit straighter (and as she already stand like she has a book on her head at all times, quite the feat!), and she takes a deep breath, keeping her eyes firmly on Sam's upper torso.

    And then she just gives an embarrassed sort of squeak. Oh, this is going to be a most interesting night.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie offers Alexis a smile and says "Think we should wear them out?" He will lower his voice so only Kitty and Alexis can hear it "Ah can fly us near the party and walk from there, really confuse anyone who looks up and sees us." He jokes a bit and actually seems comfortable in the costume.

Prismatic has posed:
    "Well, I mean, I can always put my sweatshirt over if it's too revealing..." the quiet girl replies, and she takes a deep breath, and turns to just go pay for her costume before putting it on -- a most interesting night indeed!