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Latest revision as of 16:48, 1 November 2019

Date of Scene: 30 October 2019
Location: Clinton (Hell's Kitchen), Manhattan
Synopsis: Spider-Man fights crimnials. Lois takes photos of him. An NPC is there, too.
Cast of Characters: Spider-Man, Lois Lane

Spider-Man has posed:
And away. We. Go!

Roll on camera one.

Sound check?




The night Before Halloween isn't Devils night, but it's a hot bed in the Devils Kitchen. Pete was just out for a swing, testing out his arm strength, which was rapidly getting better with each day and heard the call for help down in an alleyway some few stories beneath his slanted wall-run. His fingers drug along the bricks as he prepared to leap off the corner of the tenament, only to pause in doing so by that cry.

"Someone in need?" He mused, glancing down into the gloominess, "Some damsel needs rescuing!?" A leap, but this time a side flip that took him to the adjacent building, and then down.. where he lands amongst a group of three muggers... maybe it's not a very big group, but it's still a group, okay?

"Uhhh.. was the general shoutiness of your cry indicative of some interplay between the varying mugger species or have I stumbled across a new, soon to be endangered, sub-species in the wild?" They're shocked, the woman is happy, and that's about where things get interesting.

Lois Lane has posed:
As the muggers stare at the Spider-Man and their victim breathes a sigh of relief, an unmarked and inconspicuous door down the alleyway slips open. Out of it steps a woman, dressed in a leather jacket and jeans with sensible shoes and a camera slung around her neck on a strap. She sticks out a foot, helping to close the door without a sound as she wanders out with her eyes fixed on the camera's digital displays. Her face lit by the glow of the display.

"Heh," she chuckles malevolently to herself, flicking through the pictures, "Ha!"

It's probably best not to dwell on what the pictures contain.

She stops suddenly, looking up to spot Spider-Man, his goonish friends, and the erstwhile mugging victim (muggee?).



She lifts the camera up and takes a photo of the gathering.

Spider-Man has posed:
"So... I'm going with sub-species, since it took you six whole minutes to say nothing."

That's a subtle meta.

"I'll work on that."

Be sure that you do.

Spidey leaps up in a shoulder over roll across the back of a charging goon who made the blistering mistake of lowering his head like a bull. *THWIP* a small line of web connects to the back of his head as the agile vigilante manuevers and gives a yank that jerks the guy backwards, off his feet, and down onto his back in the middle of the alley.

"Come on guys, you're suppose to scream Get'em! and charge me all at once.. It's like you're not even trying anymore."


The pair remaining on their feet do just as Spidey requests, each charging at him from an oposite direction.

"Oh, no, I've been foiled!"

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois snaps a few more pictures. Sure, she's no Jimmy Olsen (has anyone ever thought of Jimmy that way or any proto-Jimmies since the dawn of time?), but she lines up her shots fairly well. Spider-Man flipping about, shooting webs and stuff. It's all good money. Her boss's boss has a raging ... moustache for photos of Spider-Man. Here she is supplementing her income a little.

But when the two others charge at the Webslinger, Lois frowns. This isn't how they're meant to do it. They charge him one at a time. It's like an old kung fu movie. She stoops to the ground, picking up a half-chunk of brick and calls out:

"Ever heard of Gonzo journalism?!"

And then she throws the brick at one of the charging goons' back.

Spider-Man has posed:
Spidey was just about to dispatch his own form of theatrics... enter the spider-fu...? The webbed fist of justice! ... He was about to dispatch THAT, when the sound from off to the side draws his attention, "Oh hey, it's a journalist! Hello journalist!" The brick!

Shall we lament its passing?

Shall we call it back?

That we shall, heroes.

Spider-Man extends his wrist, leaping up and over one goon in a rather graceful backflip, to catch the brick with a web and swings it around like a flail against the business side of one of the goons temple.

"Oh! Man, you're going to have a face for radio after that one..."

He lands a little awkwardly and brings his left hand up to rub his left shoulder, the one that threw the brick, and half watches the goon besmirched stumble into some trash cans with a clatter. "The license plate on that truck was s.p.d.r.m.n.62... I know you were going to ask later."

The remaining goon, not realizing he's licked, as goons often do, turns around sharply with!


A gun.

"Really? You know there's starving warlords in Africa that would ki- there's nothing culturally appropriate about this quip..."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois is no coward but living in a city with Superman has taught her to let the brightly dressed folks with super powers do the 'being shot at.' When the gun is drawn, Lois surreptitiously drops behind a stack of trash cans and lifts her camera to take a photo. She might be taking cover, but she's not really trying to hide herself. More just making sure any stray bullets have something else to hit that isn't her.

"Shouldn't all these guys be hanging from a streetlight or something by now?" she calls out from her cover (not hiding) place, the camera clicking.

"Spider-Man going soft?" she tries out the title, muttering it to herself as she snaps photos, "Sloppy Spider slings sub-par ... "

"Hey!" she calls out to Spider-Man, "What's a good word for 'webs' that starts with an S?"

Spider-Man has posed:
The response is pretty quick, DESPITE SOMEONES JUDGEMENT...

Spider-Man holds his hands up as if surrounding, "You got me, big guy! Don't shoot, I'm allergic to bullets.." But then his wrist drops and the webbing splashes out around the gunhand, the gun, and the trigger assembly. "Now then..." He muses, ambling over with a little skip, one foot to the other, just to throw the goon off his guard enough to leap into a haymaker punch that lays the dude out like a Thanksgiving dinner.

The thought had crosses his mind though.

A hand rubs at his tight, but kind of loose too, belly. A little too much time in recooperation and not enough time swinging around.

"uhh spin. Definitely Spin." He shouts to the not hiding Lois Lane. "Can you maybe spice this up? Tell them I-" His senses go off, he leaps upwards, and backflips over another charging goon who acts as a touch off point for a downward kick that pushes Spidey up onto the side of the wall and his target down into the dirt.

"Really friend? I'm chatting with the journalist lady who is definitely not hiding.. you mind giving us grown-ups a chance to chat?" *THWIP THWIP* both of the guys hands are webbed down to the alleyway.

"Where were we?"

Lois Lane has posed:
"Pictures don't lie," Lois explains, rising from her hiding place now that the gun goon is dealt with, "Besides, don't you read the papers? I heard those duds at the Bugle get a bonus whenever they come up with a 'Tee or Em?' story. That's 'Threat or Menace?' Industry talk, I wouldn't expect you to get it. Your purviews more the beating up the socioeconomically disadvantaged in alleyways, huh?"

But still she grins, waving a hand at the Webslinger: "I'm just kidding you. This isn't even my beat. I was just checking out the - "

She jerks a thumb at the doorway at the end of the alleyway before a jealous look crosses her face and she clutches her camera a little tighter.

"The nothing. The empty building. I'm thinking of gentrifying the place. You know, rich white woman from Metropolis come down to suck all the flavor out of Hell's Kitchen. I can just see myself riding through here on my unicycle with my pet iguana ... "

Spider-Man has posed:
"The threat or menace..." Spidey bobs his head, absently swatting away the loopy hand trying to grab at his ankle by the goon who took a brick, then a dumpster to the face. "Schtawp..." *THWIP* Webbing him to the side of said dumpster, face, arm and shoulder. "In my line of work we call that the Money shot..." There's a long pause, Spidey kind of looking down and to the side, rubbing at the back of his neck.

"Nevermind that last part, it was definitely off the record."

Gentrification and socioeconomically disadvantaged?!

"Uhh excuse me, check your previliage..." Wiggling a finger around at the various downscale buildings full of, no doubt, no small amount of drug addicts and/or prossies (PG-13 for the oldest profession, dontchano). "This is 'my' beat, MISS.. and I'll have you know that pet iguanas almost /always/ end up in sewer systems and may or may not have once been science professors..." More pause.. More glancing down.


Lois Lane has posed:
"Sure, sure," Lois says airily, finally letting the camera down after a couple more happy snaps and plucking out her phone to jot down a quick note for later reference.

"So, I'm going to be honest," she adds, taking a step past the brawl when enough space is created to let her move towards the mouth of the alleyway, "This doesn't really fit into my story so I'm probably just going to file the pictures if I ever need them."

She pauses, glances sidelong at the mugging victim who is staying happily out of the way of the fighting, and takes a candid photograph of her. She then extends her hand, a small business card in her palm.

"I'm Lois Lane, by the way," she tells her, "You had a really nice mugging."

Spider-Man has posed:
"Lois Lane?" Pete perks up a little, tilting his head a little at the fairly well known journalist whose face nobody really ever gets to see because she's usually standing near or around Superman, but now Superman is dead so she has to do a bunch of stuff on her own!! "Big fan..." Spidey muses, wiggling a finger first at Lois, then at the muggee, then at Lois again. "I really like how you called her back, there. That was top notch."

The muggee looks like she probably didn't have a whole lot to give, as far as posessions go, so she probably wasn't being mugged for material stuff... which makes this a really dark sitch' more fit for Gotham, but Gotham doesn't OWN dark okay? It's not the boss of gritty! New York can be Gritty too.

"Yeah.. I also really like how you stood there mostly quiet while they did that thing that you were at, but looked like you were being controlled by someone who isn't the you controlling you now... Listen, I sound weird..." Hands up defensively, "But if you really think about it and search your feelings?

"You know it to be true..."

The web fires straight up and spidey yanks on it to pull himself in that direction, "Seeya around Lois Lane!"