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Latest revision as of 16:49, 1 November 2019

'Too soon' for Hitler
Date of Scene: 29 October 2019
Location: Steve's Room, Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: Steve and Wade catch up.
Cast of Characters: Deadpool, Captain America

Deadpool has posed:
There's a strange scruff-scruffing sound at the door. Then a piece of paper starts to slide under the door, but catches on the carpet.

It withdraws.

There's a pause. Then more scruffing sounds as the bent paper is once again pushed underneath, but it gets caught.

Captain America has posed:
Crinkling sounds filter their way into Steve's current state of reading a novel. He frowns and looks towards the door before his eyes fall to the base of the door. In sweatpants and a t-shirt, with plush gold-toe socks on, he sets aside the book after putting a post-it note to save his place within its page.

A crouch down and he squints at the paper attempting to slide across the shallow catch of carpeting. Holding a palm over his mouth, the Captain simply waits. This is...far too novel of a way of contacting him; there's an element of curiosity snagged like a fish on a lure.

Deadpool has posed:
The paper is folded in half, but through the paper is the clear visual of a photocopy picture. It's a piece of paper, but it's too hard to tell what's on it without opening it up to see the image: but it's defintely a black and white image. Finally, it wiggles, and gets through!

And partially lifts open, to reveal...

A photocopy-mashed deadpool-mask face, clearly pressed down on a photocopy bed, both hands showing waving on both sides.

Then there's more rustling. There's more pages.

Captain America has posed:
Surely Wade sees the paper begin to move of its own volition, at least the last centimeter of it, before Steve plucks it within the bedroom to unfold it proper. Then comes the snort of stifled laughter, betraying him on the other side of the door despite his silent approach and lingering.

"What else do you have for me, Wade?" The Captain's voice floats through the solid wooden panel to inform the Merc of his presence of the muted laugh did not. More pages come through. Steve eyes these and opens them. On them?

Deadpool has posed:
Wade is laying on the floor, in his full usual Deadpool-suited glory. He's on his side, with a few papers poking out of a manilla folder he has with him, and was clearly attempting to feed them, one at a time, under the door. He looks up when Steve opens the door, and does a finger-wave. Wiggle-wiggle fingers.

He then flips the folder shut and offers it up. It's a series of the same thing. Some of them are not face, but none of them are lewd, since Wade has his suit on for all of them. Some contain props, though.

"What's up?" Wade asks, still laying on the floor, but props his head up on one arm.

Captain America has posed:
Rising to his feet, he opens the door carefully inwards, still holding the scanned images on paper in his hand. "Hey Wade. Found some free time, I see." Taking the manila file folder, Steve briefly flicks through the papers at the odd chance of something oher than pictures within the collection. He nods thoughtfully at the props in the manner of the artist acknowledging creativity on display.

"Nothing much. Now that the Sentinels seem to be settled and over with, it's more prepping for the holidays. Something about being a public figure and all," the super-soldier grumps. "Here, come on. There's beer in the fridge as usual. Might be some leftover pizza."

The manila folder ends up beside the book he was reading at his desk and Steve ends up seated on the desk's edge, arms lightly folded and ankles lightly crossed. "You celebrate Halloween at all?" It's an honestly curious question by Steve's open expression.

Deadpool has posed:
Wade sits up, drawing his legs in, and then pops up to his feet. "What kind? What do you like on your pizza? I feel like you can tell a lot about a person from what they like on it. Me, for example, I like to order entirely random combinations and have new experiences," Wade says, coming inside, and shutting the door behind him, comfortable and easygoing. There's a warm, cozy lucid quality to Wade's chatter. It's a chatter, but it's sequential and has a flow.

"I love Halloween. I do different things. Sometimes I trick or treat. Sometimes I do haunted houses. Or mazes. Or parties. What's up?"

Captain America has posed:
"Pizza in the fridge has three types of meat on it plus vegetables, extra cheese." A.K.A. as much calories as possible without making it impossible to eat. It's within a medium-sized brown box from a local pizzaria by the red-inked emblem atop the box's lid. Steve shifts his weight against the desk and smiles enough to showcase one dimple. "No pineapple though, or hot peppers...or red onions."

There's also a random selection of glass-bottle beers, one or two of each type, with five types as a whole -- most are dark, but there's a red ale and something lighter yet that might have been something Janet brought in and stashed.

"I was curious. Some people don't celebrate it or find it distasteful. Wanted to make sure I wasn't going to step on your toes about it. Been to a few parties already, a couple of fundraisers. It's been alright. There's another Halloween party coming up; Janet's throwing it, so you know...it'll be an affair," he chuckles.

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool hums a little while he fishes in the fridge for the box, drawing it out entirely, and making the most of the table. It isn't rude, though: he won't put it on top of things if there are things in the way, he'll move those first. Nicely and neatly. The pizza is eaten cold, and direct from the box: after, of course, the mighty unveiling of Deadpool hood, which he entirely pulls off and tucks into his belt pouch neatly. The gloves stay on.

"It is super not distasteful. really? You thought Halloween would be the line that I wouldn't cross? Me? Really?" Deadpool is entirely charmed by it. "....Really?"

No, it's funny. So funny.


Captain America has posed:
Steve shrugs, pinking a little at his ears before he laughs. Walking over to the table, he sits down and snags a piece of pizza.

"I dunno, Wade, I can't read your mind! Met a lot of people who thinks it's all satanic 'nd that the candy companies are behind it. It's actually got some important aspects of history to it 'nd besides: who really wants to deny the kids their fun? Wasn't big when I was young, but there's something about seeing them smile." With a tuck of his chin, the Captain shrugs and takes a huge bite of pizza as if he's stuff his mouth with it simply to make himself stop talking.

Deadpool has posed:
"I promise I won't be Thor -- or any other missing Avenger-- for Halloween," Wade promises, in a grave way, climbing to a chair and sitting in it with a plop of ass on seat. "So am I invited to the party or was that more of a way to tell me when I shouldn't visit?" Wade asks.

"Like a 'fancy people do not come wade' type event?" Wade questions. He doesn't seem offended, particularly, but there's a lot to take in on Wade's travesty of a face that doesn't have anything to do with his expressions (or lack of eyebrows thereof), but his voice lends sad.

Captain America has posed:
Steve swallows his mouthful of pizza; the piece is nearly all gone already, as if he'd realized he was hungry after all.

"Dunno if it's gonna be fancy. It'll be for the caped crew, if you know what I mean. I don't see why you can't show up if you want to. Dunno the fine details yet, but Janet'll let me know. Oh," and he reaches for another piece of pizza. "Thor's back now, he's not missing anymore -- but yes, don't emulate any Avengers for Halloween. Maybe pick something else. What're you going to be anyways?"

Deadpool has posed:
"Well, maybe if I'm invited. I'm trying really hard to not come in uninvited. I feel like this is a test," Wade observes, tapping one finger against the side of his nose, as if he were ON to Steve and his tests. Wade has to quiet to eat one hell of a lot of pizza: Steve likes Calories? So does the healing merc, who can rebuild his destroyed anatomy out of pizza and tacos and beer.

"I have a magic toy that lets me be anything. I don't gotta decide ahead of time. You do, right? What are you gonna do? I think it's 'too soon' to be Superman or I'd suggest that," Deadpool says helpfully. "Also 'too soon' for Hitler."

Captain America has posed:
It is with a mild solemnity that Steve replies, "Yes, Wade, it is 'too soon' for both of those options." Sitting back in his chair, he chews on the cold-thickened crust for a short while. "'s'true you can do pretty much anything with your image inducer. I mean, what do //you// want to be?"

Speaking around a cheekful of crust, the Captain adds, "Lemme get the fine details down 'nd I'll let you know when the party is. Consider it an invitation once I let you know. 'm not gonna forget. Janet's not gonna let me. We're going as Anthony 'nd Cleopatra."

Deadpool has posed:
"Who do I want to beeeeee," Wade wonders aloud, chewing on his own crust, rolling his eyes skyward. "Usually it's just 'anybody but myself', but that's not a costume," Wade grins abruptly. "I can't pick. Maybe Rainbow Dash," he comes out with suddenly. "Or a mummy. Or a mix. It could work," suggests Wade.

He looks dubiously bored with the suggestion of Anthony and Cleopatra. "That's really normal. You could be anything, right? But okay. Okay. Sure. Historical." A pause.

"Is it 'too soon' for Jesus?"

Captain America has posed:
Wade is pointed at with the last inch of crust from the Captain's piece of pizza. "'s'not that normal, Wade, Janet's in the business of fashion. Watch her put a spin on it no one's seen before." He's still speaking around the cheekful of crust which, in an odd way, is indicative of the assumed level of friendship from Steve's perspective. So few are privy to such a lack of manners.

"'nd yes, 'm thinking it's too soon for Jesus too. D'you want to do something historical though? Or not? I mean, haven't seen anyone do a combo of a mummy 'nd this Rainbow Dash person you're talking about."

Deadpool has posed:
"Or Batman? I could be Batman. I /like/ Batman. Is he dead? There's a lot of confusing information out there about Batman's status. I guess I could go light up a batsignal in Gotham and see for myself. I met one of the clowns there, too. Maybe she'd know. I didn't think to ask," Deadpool laments.

"If I asked Janet to make me a costume do you think she'd like me more?" It's a real question, abrupt, and earnest. "Not like a date of course. That's you. I'm not interested. I mean not that she's not sexy. She--- you know. I like you more that way than I like her, that's all." That made it better.

Captain America has posed:
Steve's eyebrows quirk more and more as the question about costuming is fully explained. He's trying not to smile and failing at it. Leaning in again, he snags another slice of pizza -- number three now, which leaves two left.

"'m not bothered if you like me more'n Janet, Wade. Neither of us are for everyone. I mean, I don't get along with everybody 'nd I don't expect them to get along with me. I expect 'em to listen to me in a time of crisis, maybe, but those're few 'nd far between. You could ask her about a costume, sure. What can she say but no, right? 'nd you have your image inducer if she does say no. I can't say if she'd like you more, Wade. Wish I could, but that's maybe something you can talk about with her." An empathetic twist of his lips follows along with a little shrug.

"Dunno about Batman though," admits the super-soldier afterwards with a hint of embarrassment. "The family's always been tight-knit in Gotham. Don't expect they'd be forthright if he were in deep trouble. Guess if you wanted to, you could go throw up the signal."

Deadpool has posed:
"A time of crisis? Whose crisis?" Wade asks, curiously. "Because you shouldn't just spill your personal love-life crisis to just anybody. You can talk to me, though. I hope you think of me like that. Piggybackride pal that you can talk to." Wade adds a thumbs up. He's stopped eating pizza, but does fish around in his belongings, until he locates what he wanted: a lollypop. He pulls the wrapper off and puts it immediately in mouth. A light scent of green able comes along with the candy.

Wade proceeds to talk around it with complete fluency. "Once I made a signal out of a light with a dead possum stretched on it. It did not work."

Captain America has posed:
"I can't -- " Steve coughs and clears his throat, having almost inhaled pizza in abrupt brief laughter at the failed spotlight. " -- can't imagine why it didn't work. Probably didn't have the correct shape to it. Maybe do a cardboard cut-out this time?"

Sensing Wade's finished with the leftover 'za by the appearance of the sucker, the brown box is picked up as he rises from his seat to return it to the fridge. "'nd I appreciate you lending a listening ear if I need it, Wade," Steve adds. "I meant 'crisis' more like...the Chitauri invasion a while back. Y'know, things where it's making sure people don't panic like a herd of cattle."

Deadpool has posed:
"Oh. Yes. I didn't immediately think of those types of things. Shiiiit, being an Avenger must suck sometimes. Having all that heavy weight on your heart," Wade says, empathetically, sitting up in his chair a little and twirling the sucker against his tongue. Which, of course, is turning green. It is NOT a good look, considering how horrifying Wade's face already is. The green tongue leans undead /and/ diseased.

"Do you need to talk about it?" Wade asks, kindly, tone sentimental, crossing one leg over the other at the knee, kicking the foot a little bit.

Captain America has posed:
Steve's chair now creaks as he leans back in it until the weight is rested on the back two feet. He continues chewing on his final slice of pizza and while he gives Wade a grateful smile, he simply shrugs those broad shoulders of his.

"Not right now, Wade, but thank you. Same goes to you. If I can help you out with lending an open ear, you lemme know. It's..." His sigh is big enough and he reaches back to scratch at his nape with blunt nails. "...I mean, hate to say it, but the peace is nice right now. Sure, nothing's perfect... Losing Superman was a blow to everybody, not knowing the status of Batman leaves uncertainty, 'nd I haven't heard of anything critical out of Gotham just yet, but..."

Knuckles rap on the table. It's made of wood after all. "Maybe we can make it another week or two without a 3am wake-up call."

Deadpool has posed:
Wade looks back into his pack and fishes there, to draw out another sucker. It is watermelon flavor. He extends it across, as if it were a vitally important peace offering. The type of offering it's best to accept even if you don't want it, because it's so clearly important to the person extending it.

Or maybe not: Wade's weird.

"I'm good right now. I mean. For me. Good for me," Wade answers flippantly, but grins anyway. His teeth are good: nothing wrong with Wade's teeth. "I did some creepy sentinel-cyborg hunting. Pretty fun. The usual." He checks the time, on Steve's clock. "Is it 3am already?"

Captain America has posed:
Amused, the Captain reaches to pluck the sucker's stick from Wade's fingers. The offering is accepted, though Steve's got crust to finish yet. He chews away at it, and smiles close-lipped if only to speak around the cheekful once more.

"Glad to hear you're weeding out the remaining 'bots. Thank you, Wade, I really appreciate that -- no loose ends 'nd all." He glances over at the bedside clock and back to the Merc. "S'not that late yet, but getting there," he confirms.

"Mind telling me if you came across anything odd while you were cyborg-hunting? I mean, more odd than usual: something you haven't seen yet."

Deadpool has posed:
"Hey, sure," Wade says, switching the sucker to the other side of his lips, and removing his phone. "I took an amazing amount of pictures. I can show you. I have some of these cyborg metal bits in a bin at my hut. I didn't think to bring them, so maybe you can pick out which ones you like, and I can bring them at halloween, if you like those. Otherwise, I have scientist faces and things," Deadpool says, crossing to come around next to Steve, and starts to thumb through pictures.

Lots of the pictures are Deadpool doing weird selfies with unconscious people. Lots of them.


Like a comically large amount of Deadpool doing selfies with different scientists and corpses, usually with name tags thrust into the front. It's going to become a 'process' to go through this, but Steve did ask for it: and it's a rare window into something that might not open again. Deadpool's game to stick around and go through it -- until he just hands over his phone and settles by Steve's TV, that is.

Hopefully Steve won't go TOO far back in the camera, there's some /weird/ things on Deadpool's phone.

Like a Squirrel stealing a taco. What did YOU think I meant?


Yeah, also that.