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Some people are excitable
Date of Scene: 29 October 2019
Location: Cabin In The Woods
Synopsis: Kurt visits Rahne, talk of travel is made. Rahne tries to resist his charms (it might have worked)
Cast of Characters: Nightcrawler, Wolfsbane

Nightcrawler has posed:
It's a wonder he remembers to not teleport into the cabin. But he can be heard a good ten yards off appearing so that the wind carries the smoke away. Mingling with the burnt match smell comes hickory and heavy cedar to try and remove it.

Once he's through the door there is an air-tight container set aside and following the pop, if Rahne isn't in the living room the heavy scents of garden and wildflowers start to fill the cabin, for those sensitive to that sorta thing. Honeysuckle and posies in force with lilac in a boquet held by the fuzzy blue elf as he makes his appearance.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Morning has given way to afternoon, and afternoon has given way to late afternoon. Shadows grow longer, sunlight filtering through the trees, some of them shedding leaves, others perpetually green.

The wolfen woman is in the kitchen, sitting down with some fish and chips. That is where she is when the various aromas begin to make their way around the place. "Kurt? Whit's all this?" she asks, head tilting just as she's dripping some malt vinegar on the fish.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Beaming, Kurt steps into the kitchen, digging a vase out of a cupboard to put the flowers in, since her hands are full, setting it on the table before her. "For you, of course, Rahne." leaning to plant a kiss at the corner of her mouth. "So... I have things ready for travel - a drop-off with the Jet to avoid dealing with customs... Image inducer has trouble with some of the machines."

He is shaking, excited and he slips up behind her, hands beginning to gently work at her shoulders to keep from troubling her while she tries to eat. "I thought you'd like them too, the honey suckle is fresh if you want to get some of the nectar too."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Scents begin to clash. Fish, vinegar, and tartar. Various flowers. Wolf. Kurt's own particular aroma, just lessened. "I learned about those food delivery places today," Wolfsbane explains.

"When is th' flight?" She's forgotten, clearly. "An' how do ye deal wi' checking in if ye're using an image inducer an' th' machines dinna work wi' it?" Shoulders roll slightly in place from the rubbing, following the brief kiss near her mouth. "My food," she mock-warns. The honeysuckle is given a glance, a nod following. Maybe after.

Nightcrawler has posed:
"I usually teleport through." Kurt admits, "I mean... who else besides one of us would be less likely to be a terrorist, ja?" he frowns, "Those of us associated with Charles, I mean." rubbing her shoulders a little more slowly, "I'll be careful, so you don't spill, Rahne." taking a few breaths now as he settles in.

"Sorry. Excited, if you want I can have us flown out this weekend if you wish." leaning back while he stands there. "There's some stretches of woodland that we'd both enjoy, I used to leap and brachiate through them as a kid... Circus is long gone, and... there are some areas that think I'm dead; so we'd have to use the inducer for certain. To show you around I mean."

Wolfsbane has posed:
"As long as it doesna keep ye from boarding th' plane," Wolfsbane says. It wouldn't do to have him denied that and potentially detained, even if they wouldn't really be able to keep him detained. She uses a fork to separate a piece of fish, giving it a nibble before deeming it, "No' bad. No' like home, though. I'll take ye tae a place. I was never allowed tae buy anything from it, but I always heard good things about it."

She looks around the room and says, "I'd like tae see some o' th' places ye grew up around, if ye're comfortable showing me. I could do th' same for ye, but there's no' verra much tae show an' I dinna think most people there would react well tae ye as ye are." She says this with a note of lamentation. "I'd even probably have tae go around more normal-looking."

Nightcrawler has posed:
"I grew up in a tent... in a cage if I acted up, before I could teleport." Kurt's brow knits and he frowns, "I never had a standing home - never the same place for more than a couple weeks." his tone growing embarrassed "I never had a... regular home before the Mansion."

"And don't worry, I have travel arrangements all set Rahne. We'll get over fine." swallowing, But there's some lovely towns I recall, and the woodlands where I was allowed to play." he trails off, it's all starting to sound more depressing as he goes - so he does what he does best and changes the subject.

"I think that the UK will be much more interesting. Did you travel it much before you came to America?" letting her eat still, trying not to disturb, but she can smell he wants to.

Wolfsbane has posed:
"A cage?!" Wolfsbane would be visibly paling at the idea if not for the fur that darkens her skin. It leaves her aghast enough to put her fork down and stare at him. "Tha's horrible, Kurt." She reaches for a hand of his, squeezing it in hope of supporting him with the bad memory revealed.

She frowns. "We dinna have tae go around those places if th' memories are bad. But, I dinna have verra good ones o' muh home either. I never go' tae travel anywhere. I wasna allowed tae." Would it be a good idea to revisit them? A bad one? Could it be cathartic?

Nightcrawler has posed:
"I didn't know at the time Rahne." Expression softening when she takes his hand, crouching to be at eye level with her, "I was a freak, an attraction... It's sad to think on some times - but ignorance made me free then, until I grew old enough to know." lifting the hand holding his to kiss her fingers.

"Die erstaunliche Nachtkriecher." winking, "I own it now. Good memories with a grimy veneer from knowledge. Das ist why I like the woodlands rather than the towns, or the clearings we set up in. I'd prefer to show you those - and I think you and I could truly appreciate the forest ja?" he leans up to bump his nose against hers, "I'm not letting it be more than bittersweet - don't be sad Rahne. A lot of me comes from those years, ja?"

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane murmurs, "An' it took a long time for me tae start tae understand tha' whit I was is okay." This is what she's talked about with others from time to time. "Wherever we go, we'll just be careful about it an' make sure we're there for each other."

Still hungry enough to eat a bit more of the fish and chips, she's not going to let it go to waste. "Want a piece?" she asks him after he's given the fingers a kiss. "An' I know our pasts have made us whit we are noo, but we still have growing tae do. Did I tell ye Mister Logan an' Dani stopped by while ye were oot? He left ye a beer."

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner's ears perk up, "Jim wa- Er. Logan was here?" beaming, "I'll be sure to have it out on my own, save from offending your snoot eh?" standing to take a bit of fish and pop a kiss on her lips - simple but affectionate before he plants a hand on the table and flips up into a one armed hand-stand to somehow eat without choking (long practice).

"Danke, mein Schatz." beaming at her, "Und ja, we will of course be there for one another. We should be fine. Were they zur Begrußung then?" a pause "Welcoming you back home?" legs and tail moving to let him 'lean' towards her, with a wink of a golden eye, "I told you we wanted you home." voice dipping to a conspiratorial whisper, "Me most of all... Dani maybe a close second. Tied mit Jimmy."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane nods. "He came by last night. He taught me a few things when I was still learning," she explains. "He wanted tae give me muh space, but he was keeping an eye on things from here." She raises a brow after the kiss, which she returns in spite of having fish-mouth taste, and the brow is for the way he chooses to eat. Maybe it's a callback to another time for him.

"I might have tae learn some German if I'm gaunae understand some o' th' things ye say," she murmurs. "But..aye, they were happy. Dani was sorry we didna get tae talk sooner. Maybe it wid ha' helped, but a' least she came by. I was happy tae see her as well." The lean is noted, not avoided.

Nightcrawler has posed:
A blink and then Kurt laughs at that "Oh... I called you, my darling." his hand emptied of food both are planted and he remains there, upside down and grinning at her. "I'll try to use less. Habit, due 'Bean' one of the new students. He's from the Rhine I believe."

Kurt then nods to himself before stating, "I'll get things set though as well, to leave this Friday? Would you prefer Germany first? or Scotland?" excited again, "Oh! And do you think Paris before we go home then as well?"

Wolfsbane has posed:
"Maybe I'll teach ye some Gaelic in return," Wolfsbane muses, though she hasn't been heard to use it very often. How much might she know? "But if ye just tell me whit ye're saying sometimes, that'd be a help."

Finishing up her meal, she takes the plate over to rinse off right away, glancing back over a shoulder toward him. "I'll let ye make th' plans. I trust ye wi' it. We'll just be going tae Ullapool in Scotland for sure."

Nightcrawler has posed:
Pushing off of the table to twist and flip to his feet, Kurt wanders over once the plate is rinsed off. Moving to turn her and wrap her up in a hug with arms and tail, "Well then I will make sure, Liebes Herz, my heart" translating as he speaks now, "That we have a trip to Germany, run through the woods - then go to take in the sights of your home, und if we have a poor time in either place we'll finish off in Paris." drawing back enough now to rest his brow and nose against hers.

"Und there I will dine and dance you, und take you to all those romantic places - to say cute things und do all those little schmaltzy things to see if I can get that big smile out of you." looking her in the eye. "It'll be good memories, ultimately." his own smile practically ear to ear as he makes his promise.