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Latest revision as of 16:49, 1 November 2019

A Visit to Alias
Date of Scene: 24 October 2019
Location: Alias Investigations, Clinton
Synopsis: Matt comes to check on Jessica, bearing a precious gift.
Cast of Characters: Daredevil, Jessica Jones

Daredevil has posed:
Things were looking up for Nelson and Murdock, they'd signed X-Corp as a client and now there were plans to expand their practice out to Mutant Town. For once the intrepid lawyers were being paid in more than pie.

The flip side of that success was the cost to other things, Matt barely had time to put on the suit and as for dropping by Josie's for a drink? That was happening less and less too.

Today though, Matt is making time to be social, and so with a bottle Macallan 25 in hand he makes his way to Jessica door, knocking as he calls out, "Jess, you around?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Come on in," Jessica calls out, not bothering to get up from her desk. Not that she's in the middle of work, mind you. Instead she's reclined in her seat, her feet propped up on the desk, and she seems in the middle of staring at the ceiling. But the thing Matt is bringing with him, does seem to draw her attention, "that what I think it is? Did you win the jackpot and I never heard about it?"

Daredevil has posed:
Matt slips in through the door and lets it close behind him. "Hmm?" he says holding up the bottle pretending to look at it, "This isn't the Canadian Club?" he says looking like the picture of innocence.

He grins then, and nods, "Sorta, fancy new clients, figured I might as well come by and share the wealth, see how you were doing."

Setting the bottle on the table, and perching on the corner of Jess' desk, he asks, "So, how have you been doing?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Don't play games with me, Matt, you know I'm the one who'd say it was Canadian Club, and take it off your hands, no questions asks. So, what's the occasion? This is something they keep locked behind the counter," Jessica notes before reaching for a better look at the bottle. Handling it like some sort of a holy grail, "you do fancy clients now? What happened, Hogarth rubbed off on you?"

The tone at least was tongue in cheek, she knows Matt's character pretty well by now. "Congratulations, glad you're doing well." She then shrugs when asked about how she's doing, muttering, "I went to Carol Danvers' birthday, she got me to dance with Thor..."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt grins as he can sense Jess giving defference to the bottle like it was the communion chalice, "I'd say open it, but it seems like you might want to make friends with it first," he says with a smile before chuffing a laugh at the client remark. "You have my permission to shoot me if she ever does, no, this is a special case, they're mutants, figured with the whole giant robot business, someone had to stand up for their rights and make a difference."

A smile then once he's done with the crusade part of this deal, "Plus they've got a billionaire backing them so they pay pretty good, you should have been there when the check cleared, Foggy actually wept, it was pretty great."

"Danvers? Alpha Flight and the Avengers right?" he asks before he breaks into a smirk at the mention of Thor. "Oh, and how'd that go?" clearly probing for details.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"The Macallan 25? You bet I wanna make friends with it, and I want it to be my best friend, who comes to see me everyday." Jessica is more than willing to take that one, well deserved as it may be. Putting the bottle down, she heads for the kitchen area, "I think this one actually calls for glasses." Which also means that Jessica has to wash a couple of glasses, because she doesn't generally keep clean cups on hand. Doing dishes in a timely manner is tough, ok?

"That actually sounds noble, so I'd say definitely nothing to do with Hogarth." Jessica grins at Matt, giving him a meaningless thumbs up, "you're still a good man, Murdock, nice that you get perks for once though! Shall I pour you one?" She asks as she goes back to her desk with the glasses. "Yeah, that's the one...I happen to know her, and I regret showing up. Parties are not my thing..."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt grins, "Agreed," he says of them needing some glasses to enjoy the drink.

The grin becomes a sincere smile though at Jessica's words. "Thanks, Jess," he says, "And yeah, though the perks are taking some getting used to, you know, the whole growing up in Hell's Kitchen thing means having money feels like it should be happening to somebody else." A shrug. "I'll get used to it."

The bit about the party earns a concerned raise of his brow, "What happened?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Oh I know exactly how you feel, I'm like that with money myself," Jessica admits, "must be why I fit so well in the neighborhood." She grumbles at the mention of the party, "I was made to dance, I didn't feel like dancing, and then you're supposed to socialize and make nice...ugh," she moves her arms about animatedly, before relaxing and focusing on a fine pour of a fine whisky. "I also had a case resolve badly a week ago, and I have been a little off my game since."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt cocks his head and grins at the fitting in remark. "No kidding, I actually forgot for a moment you were Kitchen born and raised. Queens right?" he asks her.

The party though? Matt chuckles, "Dancing and socializing at a party? There should be a law or something..." he teases lightly. "Sounds like hell." The case though that he definitely has more sympathy for, "Yeah, what happened?" he asks, sounding concerned.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"I don't want to talk about my childhood," Jessica makes it short and to the point without delving into details. To be fair, that's pretty much like her. "Let's instead enjoy this ridiculously pricey drink you've brought, may you always have such affluent clients," Jessica hands one glass to Matt and takes the other to herself. "Case of missing girl," she answers, taking a shot, "found her dead, brought the asshole to justice, even though what I wanted to do was kill him."

Daredevil has posed:
There's an easy nod from Matt, "Right, sorry," he says about her past. He knew better to poke Jess about her past. "Sounds like a plan," he says switiching gears as he takes the glass and gives the contents a sniff before he lifts it to clink his glass to Jessica's, "To ridiculously pricey drinks," he offers in return before he takes a sip, letting the liquor pleasantly burn its way down his throat.

The news about the girl though? Matt pulls a face and sets down his drink, "Shit, Jess, I'm sorry," he says about the girl before flashing Jessica a sympathetic look and surprisingly no leacture. "Believe me I understand, but for what its worth you did the right thing, you don't need that asshole on your conscience, and well, a child killer... he's not going to have a good time in jail."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica allows herself to smile at the toast, despite sharing that bit about the terrible case she resolved. She takes a moment to clear her mind and enjoy an unusually fine glass of whiskey. Keeping her eyes close, for one sipping it like a proper drink to be cherished, rather than chugging it down like she's in some frat party.

"Yeah, the fact he's marked as a child killer and headed for jail made me accept it as a tolerable solution," Jessica admits, sounding like she still isn't entirely sure she shouldn't have just killed him, before she slumps back in her seat. "I appreciate the vote of support, glad Kate wasn't on this one with me...it's what I've been trying to teach her, the P.I. world is not a fun one."

Daredevil has posed:
"Not bad, huh?" Matt says as Jessica completes her little ritual around that first sip. "I sort of love it, but fuck if I can afford it most of the time, but it was always my favourite when Foggy and I crashed some of the high end donor parties at Columbia." There's a smile for the memory.

"Hey, no problem, I know it's not Lent but I'am trying to give up being a judgmental asshole," Matt jokes mildly before taking another sip of his drink and letting his eyes close. "Vigilante game isn't much easier, I've had a bunch of guys like that, ones I could have almost let myself kill, because right or wrong, the victim deserved some payback." He sighs. "But it's all empty, killing a killer doesn't bring back the dead."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Is that why Foggy went there...? I think I'm starting to get it," Jessica remarks, sadly, without Foggy there to truly make it count. She does smirk as Matt jokes at himself, and grins, "you know how to take away the fun from dissing you, you're clever, Murdock."

She crosses her arms at the reflection of the pay off from killing a killer, before shrugging, "would have made me feel better..." but she knows that's only true for the spur of the moment. That feeling never lasts. It's why she did do the right thing in the end.

Daredevil has posed:
"Pretty much that and the women," Matt counters with a wry grin, sure Foggy wasn't here to hear it, but it was still fun to gently poke at his partner, especially since Foggy'd make the same jokes himself.

"I suck, don't I?" he asks looking not even a little sorry at beating Jess to the punch. Even if that punch was aimed at himself.

He nods and lets out a breath, "For a bit maybe, but..." he begins but then leaves off, Jess knew, there was no point in saying it. A thought crosses his mind though, having brought up Foggy and his past in crashing parties at Columbia. "Hey, if you're not doing anything later, Columbia's throwing one of those mixers tonight, we could crash it, I promise, no socializing, no dancing, just scarfing free booze before they kick us out of there."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Right, the women," Jess groans, "prime motivation in college." Holding up a finger, Jess snorts, "that's as far as you're allowed to go. You did give me a fine ass whiskey today, that absolves you of all sin," and Jessica is known for her scholarly understanding of the bible after all.

"Free booze sounds good, but, you sure they'll kick out a respected alumi like the great Murdock? That should be persecuted."

Seems like she's willing to take a chance on this kind of party, the pricey whiskey needs to be perserved as much as possible after all. Better to chug down the cheaper stuff. Even better if she didn't pay for it.