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Protect Xaviers: Jotunheim
Date of Scene: 19 October 2019
Location: The Realm of Jotunheim
Synopsis: Rogue, Samuel Guthrie and Doctor Strange travel to Jotunheim to recover a component for Wanda's spell.
Cast of Characters: Scarlet Witch, Cannonball, Rogue, Doctor Strange
Cast of NPCs: Gref the Lustful Dwarf
Tinyplot: Protect Xavier's

Scarlet Witch has posed:
The Avengers staff had spent several days going over a group of snowmobiles, making sure they were in perfect working order. They didn't really understand the request from Wanda Maximoff, given there wasn't any snow in New York yet. Though, they do realize the Scarlet Witch teleports around, so likely think she plans to take them somewhere else.

Well, she does, but not to Vermont or Canada. The backyard of the Avengers mansion is where she gathers with those who responded to the call for the trip into Jotunheim. Wanda looks about those gathered, having warned in advance about the frigid temperatures, so everyone should come with clothing prepared for it.

"Thank you for volunteering," Wanda tells them. One of Stark's drones puts up a holographic display of an ice planet, then zooms in. "This is Lauffey's place. We're aiming for the other side of the planet, thankfully," she says, the display rotating the planet and zooming in further.

"This is a holy place, but not a heavily populated one. It's kind of like... Kansas maybe? Frost Giants make pilgrimages to Mannfreim Falls, a patch of frozen ice with mystical qualities. It's possible you might encounter some there, but if you avoid their travel routes you should avoid significant numbers. And might be able to sneak in and out completely," she says.

Wanda motions over to an area of the back patio where a magic circle has been drawn in the pavement with various materials. "I will be opening the portal for you, and holding it open until your return. To avoid likely notice, you'll start out a bit out from the objective and travel there. I have snowmobiles prepared if you wish to take them, and some supplies though hopefully this won't be a long mission. Get in, get a sample of the falls in one or more of the containers I've given each of you, and get back to the portal to return," she says. "Any questions?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is wearing his costume under a suit of Armor for warmth . Anyone who might be in the know could recognize the work as high quality dwarven made. He has his goggles on his forehead. He nods a bit to Wanda in greeting as he looks over to the snowmobiles, and says "Any idea if it is the time of year for a lot of pilgrimages, or off time of the year or anything?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is standing there in a ski jacket with the hood up over her wool knit cap covered head, some sweet multi-colored sunglasses / snowgoggles on over her eyes and her hair braided into pigtails where the white and brown twirl around one another like a figure skater twirling around on the ice. Her clothing, all freshly purchased from REI is green and black.

She pops her hand up immediately when asked this question after hearing Wanda's briefing. "I thought we were going on a ski trip." She then says, slowly lowering her hand down again. "I recently came home from the Moon where we almost died because we got left there after being teleported there. I..." She glances around to the others here. "I don't wanna repeat that experience, if at all possible. I didn't know Batman had a house on the moon t'save us. I'm pretty damn sure he doesn't have one on Ice Kansas Planet."

Her hand goes back down down to her side, then both of them go to her hips and she shifts her weight from one snow booted foot to the other. She looks over at Samuel, who asks a more rational question...

Rogue sighs. "God damnit..." Her goggled eyes look down to the ground and she shakes her head, her multi-colored pigtails gently swaying against the sides of her face. "I'm gonna get stranded in space again..." She mutters.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    A hand rests on Rogue's shoulders, and a looming presense she likely was once used to but is probably not experienced for some time. "You'll be okay Anna Marie." Stephen says to the former avenger and friend. Then bags under his eyes are only getting worse and worse as he seems to never stop.

    The former surgeon is wearing his usual cloak but instead of the collars of doom, it's folded into a sort of hood, with fur on the inside framing his face and what could be called a scarf wraps around his neck and face but doesn't obscure his voice one bit. The wizard has come prepared.

    "I am your safety net." The wizard promises as he slips his hands into the pockets of his thick wintery coat. Then he turns to step onto the spell Wanda has prepared and gives the witch a strong nod. He's ready, lets get to work.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue jumps with Doctor Strange's hand touches her shoulder, she was clearly shocked by him being there and when she shoots her stare over to look at him her green eyes are huge. "Oh... uh, hey. Didn't know you were standin' there." Her eyes then take registry of his face and she narrows them a little as she inspects his... weariness.

"You doin' okay?" She asks of the doctor and her old friend of two years now. Her right gloved hand raises up and she points a finger at his left cheek near one of the eyebags. "You aren't gettin' enough sleep." She's probably already changing his mind about this safety net thing.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda tells Samuel, "I'm afraid I just don't know enough about the Frost Giants to say. We were fortunate to have this amount of information, truth be told," she says.

Everyone has a nice high tech holographic map to help find their way. It's a good several dozen mile trip from the portal location to Mannfreim Falls. Wanda smiles over to Doctor Strange. "Yes, it will be far easier to return and use the portal that is being held open. But if worst comes to worst, Stephen can be a get-out-of-Jotunheim Free card," she says. "But it will be much more difficult for him to open one from there, thus my staying." she says.

Wanda raises a hand to forestall Stephen. Or maybe Rogue. "And that's NOT because I don't like the cold," she says with a grin. If they wish the motorcycles they are brought over to the magic circle, if not just kept close at hand by some of the staffers.

"Very well. Best of luck to you," she tells them. And then the Scarlet Witch draws on the chaos magic that she is known for. An ever growing swirl of red light flows into the lines that form the circle. Soon the lines are themselves glowing bright and red, and then they are extending up into the air, forming intricate patterns that shift and interact, until finally a they form something like a large archway. A blast of frigid air comes through immediately.

On the other side is Jotunheim. Frozen ground that ranges from ice to snow-covered. There are columns and plateaus of some sort of frozen material, often taking a form like segmented or undulating columns. It's an alien, arctic-seeming landscape. The sky is only dimly lit there. No sign of anyone to see their arrival.

"Good luck!" Wanda Maximoff wishes.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie does take one of the snowmobiles, lowering his goggles down over his eyes, he will be the first one through. "See ya on the other side." He tells them, riding through, he will start to head up one of the plateaus, to get a look around. Waiting till the other two are through to do a mic check. Magic realms it is always good to double check things. Once he has a look around he pulls his sword out from his side, and checks it, with a soft dratz. He had sorta hopped it would gain it's magic back here.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just gives Strange a grin and before he can respond to her she turns to go toward one of the snowmachines. She glances up to Wanda's magic and then down to the Witch. "Love ya, forever." Rogue says to Wanda before she pushes the bike through the gateway and then raises up her mask to cover her nose and mouth... she may not feel 'pain' from cold up to a certain degree at least, but she doesn't like BEING cold cause it just makes her feel uncomfortable and stiff.

She follows Samuel and watches him do that thing that he does where he shoots off on his own, she waits for Strange though on the other side while she looks right to left and then mounts the snowbike to try to turn it on, flipping switches, turning things until it comes to life. "So this place sucks." She says over the team comms, her feminine voice filtered a bit by the transmission process.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen opens his mouth to speak but Rogue is already mounting up on the snow mobile and he gives a shrug towards her, towards Wanda and to the situtation, though he turns to Wanda and gives her his fingers in a crudely shapped heart formation. It's awful before he turns around and looks up as if he was being 'beamed up'.

    "This place is unpleasant indeed. Anna, Sam, I hear you both. I say we skip the trudgery and meandering and go into the objective as soon as we get the all clear. The more time we spend here, the worse it is for us." The wizard notes with a look towards the horizon.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
The snowmobiles start up readily, the engines having already been warmed. With the changes in terrain elevation there is plenty of chance to have fun with the high-performance vehicles, specially upgraded for the trip.

The weather is frigid as expected. Exposed skin gets rosy quickly, but not too much worse than that. The desolate scenery has its own kind of beauty. Well, to a Frost Giant maybe.

Off ahead on the horizon is something that might be considered a little unexpected. The curl of smoke from some kind of fire. Frost Giants, not really big on warming their tootsies before a fire, after all.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will come back down to the other two, and tell them "We got some type of fire off in thata directions." He points to the place he saw the smoke. "Not sure what it is, but if they are willing to have a fire out this way, they probably know a bit about the area and liable to know where this place we are looking for." HE will wait to see what the others think.

Rogue has posed:
Well Rogue is on a snow mobile that she doesn't own, nor hold any financial responsibility toward, and they're on another planet. So her reaction? Take it off some sweet jumps.

The southern belle from another world lays on the gas on this thing and rocks up a snowy slope then rockets off the other side of it to send a trail of powdery ice behind her. A big grin beneath her mask, she lands with a even thud upon the deep snow, nearly vanishing in it up to her hips before she rockets up another slope and repeats the process.

Eventually, she comes up and in on where Sam and Strange and the distant smoke is. She sees it and she speaks over the comms. "Should we approach it and see who's home?" She asks.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen shakes his head as Rogue takes off after Sam's report comes in. "We have no other option that I can easily see." The wizard notes and then he takes a step forward and instead of starting to tredge through the snow, the wizard is now next to the fire and he places his hands out to warm against the heat.

    One head turn and another Stephen looks for those that would be at the flames and gives a single wave like he's chopping the air to greet anyone present. "Evening. I assume."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
As Rogue and Samuel Guthrie close in on the fire, Stephen Strange teleports forward to it, and finds an unusual sight. There are some stunted trees in the landscape here and there. Some of them have been pulled out, entire trunks worth stacked together to make a bonfire.

Beside it is a cage of sorts, carved out of rock and holding four dwarves in armor not unlike Samuel Guthrie. They are huddled up against the bars nearest to the fire as if to try to keep warm.

The other inhabitants around the fire are not near the fire. Frost giants, six of them, have appeared to lie down for the evening and are sleeping at a greater distance, not wanting to be near the fire's warmth. A fire that seems like intended to keep the dwarves from freezing while the Frost Giants, each nearly ten feet tall, rest.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will ride in with Rogue looking over at Rogue "Now that's just cheating." He says of Steven's teleporting. When he sees the area and the dwarves being held captured. He will stop his snowmobile, and will start to head over towards the cage. He will hold a finger up to quiet the dwarves as he nears. He will look at the cage, trying to figure out how it is locked, and how to open it. He will hmm, and step aside looking to Rogue letting her open it as she has a way with locks.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue kills her snowmobile's engine once she crests the hill and sees the flames. She sees Strange already down there and just grins for a second before she glances to Samuel. "Go see who's in that cage setup over there." She states before standing up on top of the vehicle she'd rode in on and she scans around the campsite. "Ice guys. I remember these." She adds over comms. "Strange, these things wake up then they're probably gonna wanna fight us, I fought'em in New York once, they weren't very friendly."

Rogue steps forward and floats through the chilly wind, the dark frills of the fuzzy lining around her hood whip about the sides of her face whilst she floats through the air silently now. She sees Sam reach the cages and angles her path over to him. With a light sigh she glides down and just reaches up to pull the whole damn door off of the cage, rather than just the lock.

"Ya'll better not be bad guys." She warns the Dwarves.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "It's not cheating Samuel." Stephen retorts as he keeps warming his hands even though they're still in gloves. He looks to his left and right once more, this time realizing the Frost Giants are asleep and he shrugs his shoulders, and affirms to himself that it is at least evening or maybe nap time. Either way it's not important at the moment.

    "What are we going to do with Dwarves?" Stephen asks the mutants before they can open the gates, but it's not like he's going to keep them locked up either way, it's just something he's curious about before he adds again to try and teach Rogue and maybe Sam something, "Bad is just subjective Rogue, plus, they wouldn't tell you either way."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
The dwarves watch the trio arrive, eyes widening with surprise. One nudges another when Samuel Guthrie arrives and they see his armor. They all rise to their feet, glancing anxiously at the surrounding, slumbering giants. One puts his finger to his lips in a quiet gesture.

And indeed, the quiet conversation causes one of the Frost Giants to stir. He snorts a bit, the sound loud and unpleasant, before he settles back down into a deeper sleep.

As Rogue rips the door open, the dwarves step out, trying to move quietly. "Aye lass, yer a welcome sight," one says softly. "Let's be away afore yon Jotuns wake from their slumber," the bearded dwarf says.

The others nod quickly as well. One sneaks over to where the remains of what looks like their supplies are at. A few dwarf-sized weapons are amidst the wreckage, and he picks them up and returns them to his comrades, who look to Samuel, Rogue and Doctor Strange, ready to follow them.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the group and motions them towards where the bikes are. He will look to the dwarves and says "We could use your help, but lets get out of here, and then you can help us a bit." He will move to lead the m al away to a safe distance so they can talk without waking the giants.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue has a smile spread across her lips at the Dwarf's reaction to being freed. "Awwww." She says as the one speaks to them and says those words. "Well, we're just your friendly wanderin' Earthlings, here t'save people from... yeah, giant ice people?"

Her eyes dart over to Strange then and she walks toward him. "We're not keepin'em, that'd be weird." She sasses the doctor. "Just lettin'em out is all."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen lowers his hands from the flames as Rogue approaches, as he's ignoring them saving the locals. It's not for them to interfere with, especially him. "So what's our next move from here?" Stephen asks, not sure what they actually acomplished so far other than heading towards the only warmth in the whole realm likely.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
The dwarves look a bit roughed up, with bruises and some small wounds. They are more than ready to get away from the camp where the Frost Giants are currently sleeping. They creep well despite their armor, following Samuel away towards where the snowmobiles are parked.

"Aye, what your allies?" one asks Samuel once they are far enough to safely talk without their voices waking the Jotuns. Another, a stout dwarf with black hair, eyes Rogue's arctic-clothed form and says, "Especially yon tall woman," he comments. He wets his fingers and fluffs his shaggy black eyebrows a bit as he glances her over from up on the rise where Samuel led them to.

"Ye've our gratitude, human. And curious to see you wear armor of Nidavellir," the first says. "I'm Britri. This is Sondri," he says, then motions next to the dark-haired dwarf eyeing Rogue. "That's Gref, and this is Brikkik. Our expedition here took a bad turn. What brings humans to Jotunheim?" he asks.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to them an says "My name is Samuel, and Ah am a friend to Eitri, he took me in when He was hurt, and made this armor for me. We are looking for Mannfreim Falls, my friends and ah need to get there for a quest we are on. At is good to see you, Ah have wondered about how the dwarves and the wolf people have been since I head there had been some issues in the golden city of Asgard.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue, with Strange just shrugs her shoulders. "I plan t'hit up Starbucks after this, then maybe sneak in and use Lorna's hot tub once I get home." When the Dwarf speaks to her as 'tall woman', Rogue looks over--and down--at him. She pulls her mask down and smiles at him. "Tall'n strong woman, fella." She gives him a sassy tease of a response.

Her goggled-eyed-gaze goes to Samuel then and she motions to him. "Yes, a quest. We are on a quest. Its a glorious quest. I am the tank." She taps her chest with her right gloved hand, then motions to Samuel. "He is our damage dealer." She then gives Stephen a nod. "And he is our moody, yet capable, Wizard."

To the Dwarves then, Rogue smiles yet again. "Wanna come with us? We could use some more hefty butt kickers."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Pretends to not hear anything Rogue and Sam are saying in regards to him as he steps away from the fire with the crew of dwarves and mutants. This has to be one of the weirdest adventures he's ever been on. The wizard moves his hands into his pockets and looks between Graf and Rogue, and even behind his scarf, Rogue would know the wizard is enjoying this as the wrinkles around his eyes hint at a smile.

    "Could you at least point us in the direction of the Falls. We need to move quickly lest we are discovered."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Britri eyes Samuel Guthrie. "Aye, we've heard of Eitri. And the Falls. 'Tis the goal of our expedition as well. A measure of the ice can do wondrous things in the hands of a skilled dwarven smith," he says.

Gref finishes teasing his eyebrows to full, deadly effect for Rogue. "Only thing better than a big woman, is a big, strong woman," he says, giving her his best smile and an upnod.

Brikkik is more brusque, elbowing Gref. "We'd join forces with you and accompany you to the falls, if you're of a like mind?" he asks the humans. "We'd hoped to sneak in, but this group stumbled onto us, curse our luck," he says, spitting. He looks over at the motorcycles. "What manner of contraption is this? Be they your steeds?" he asks.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the dwarves, and say "Climb on two behind me and two behind Rogue, the tall very strong lady." He will grins and says "And we shall hear out point us in the direction." He will wait till everyone is ready and will set out to head the direction he is told "So is Eitri, and the realm doing well? He will ask making small talk as they travel.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue walks past Strange and she pats him on the shoulder because yes, she'd noticed his reaction. She then moves on over to where this Gref fella is and just gives him a big honest to goodness smile. "Careful." She says to him in a sultry tone. "I might keep ya and I'm fell'a surprises." She adds before heading on back toward her winter wonderland bike. "These are our rides, its true. Who's comin' with me?"

She kicks a leg over hers again and moves to start it up again. Whomever joins her, she'll tell them to hold on tight and get the show on the road again with likely more wild driving.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen stands, crossing his arms to fight against the cold wind biting at his whole being, and he just watches the dwarves and the avengers/x-men get on their snow machines and head off towards the rest of the adventure without him.

    Stephen of course will follow using his cloak of levitation but in this place, he'd rather just teleport and get the journey part of this thing done as quickly as possible.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
The dwarves climb on behind the X-men. Gref wants to settle in behind Rogue, but Brikkik shoulders him aside with a glare and settles behind her, arms going about her waist leaving Gref to hang onto the other dwarf.

As the snowmobiles speed along, the dwarves exclaim at their speed. "Humans have come a long way!" one calls into the cold wind as the snowmobiles carry them forward. "The Realm is well. I only know of Eitri, do not know him meself," Britri tells Samuel. "We're 'xpecting Frost Giants at the Falls. Had thought to bide our time waiting for an opening, though if all of you have the strength of yon white-streaked maiden, perhaps a more direct approach would work?"

The other dwarves mutter and nod, as if wanting pay back for their bruises.

Up ahead, a mountainous region gives way to a cliff where the fabled falls can be found, spilling down from above but frozen. Yet as one watches the ice they can imagine movement. Or is it imagination? And settled in the area before the falls? A full dozen Frost Giants at the least.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will pull up before they are in range of the giants, and hopefully out of their sight. "Not quite her strength but we have our own ways." He will look to Rogue, and Strange "Well there is a decent amount of them, but Ah reckon we can take em. "Not sure, what your style of combat is, but Rogue is up and personal and Ah am a bit of a hit and run, coming back to hit again. If I charge them they are gonna hear me for sure."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue has to grin at the two Dwarves vying for position on who gets to ride behind her on the bike. She doesn't comment on it, there has to be some measure of professionalism on this quest of epic proportion after all. She'd been joking before the mission started took, she'd known what they were here for and why she'd been asked by Wanda for this mission. She just had trouble containing her wide variety of personalities that often made her act strangely.

As they ride along, Rogue makes sure to take the sweetest jumps so Brik and Gref have a fun ride behind her on the snowmobile, but as they arrive she kills the engine near to Sam's position and her hand comes up to pick her goggles up off of her eyes and shove them onto her forehead.

Surveying the situation, looking up to the Doctor floating around, then back down. "Why don't we just make a distraction, draw'em out, then send a team in behind'em t'get what we need?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen touches down, his feet crunching the snow beneath him as the cloak slowly lowers him back to the ground. "We could just, go in behind them, take what we need and then leave." Stephen says, unfolding his arms and doing a soft motion to bring up the map Wanda gave each of them. "Now that I know where we're going, it's easy enough to just pop over there, and escape out and be on our merry way."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Brikkik and Gref both exclaim mightily as Rogue jumps the snowmobile off of a snowy drop off. "Hoary beard this device is fun. Does it work out of the snow!?" Gref calls ahead to Rogue.

The other dwarves hear the conversation once the group is pulled together enough to discussions. "Aye, we'd hoped to sneak in, but never even made it close as you could tell," Britri says. "The six we faced were too many for us. I can't speak as to how many you can handle, humans, but there may be others in the area too, should be considered."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to Strange, and says "Porting in behind, with Rogue, the dwarves, and myself ready to fight while you and which ever of them get the ice we each need. Sounds like a workable plan. If they hear us we should be able to hold them off long enough for you to get away and Rogue and I can fly our dwarven friends out if need be.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue grins back to the dwarves and she shakes her head. "Nah, these things require you t'be on snow, I think. I've honestly never driven one before." That should be comforting to hear.

She leans forward on the snow mobile's controls and folds her forearms together, her goggle covered eyes look over to Sam, then over to the Doctor. "I'm gonna differ t'you on this one, Strangey-poo. You're the oldest here, and the one with the most power at your fingertips. You tell us what the gameplan is."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Understood Samuel, I'll be waiting for the signals that you're all ready to begin the distraction part of the operation." The wizard says as he tries to stay as near to the crews on the snow mobiles as he can while not freezing himself to death via the flight provided to him by his amazing cloak.

    The wizard however doesn't seem to have any worries about flying too high. He's pretty sure that the combat technologies of the Giants tend to be mostly ground focus without a way to strike at smaller targets in the air, such as himself so he's trying to get a bird's eye view of the terrain and the location of the falls if he's able to.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
The cliff is about 150 feet high. The falls are frozen yet there seems to be a slow motion to them, the ice moving with a speed slower than cold molasses. The sample needs to be from lower down on the falls, not near the top.

The cliff extends in a straight line to either side. Scattered around the area are a number of frozen pillars of some mineral, often standing together to make jagged walls and bluffs of the odd substance, so there is some cover.

The Jotuns are mostly near to the falls itself, which empty out onto a frozen pool on which many of them are standing or sitting. They are capable of making ice, Doctor Strange would known, including shooting it up out of the ground like a spear, or throwing jagged shards of it.

The dwarves unlimber their weapons, two armed with swords, the other two with axes. "Aye, we're ready when you are, humans. We're give these Jotuns a bit of revenge for before, we will!" one of them promises. While the group is discussing things, a trio of Jotuns rise up out of snow banks as if they'd been sleeping perhaps, moving to the join the others, making closer to fifteen of them now.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Rogue, and says "Well seems the Doc wants a distraction. Ah'll drop my two friends about 50 yards out as I come in, from the right, you and your friends in from the left. A little shock and awe, to keep them busy while the doc works." He does look to the dwarves "How big a chunk from the falls you guys need?

Rogue has posed:
Rogue dismounts the snowmobile and crunches her boots on the icy ground beneath her. She adjusts her goggles and nods her head toward Sam. "Their left, or our left?" She asks, then shakes her head. "Nevermind, ours, obviously. Duh." Rogue laughs a little and glances over to the dwarves who'd ridden behind her on her vehicle. "Ya'll wanna see me in action? Ready for a show?" She asks them all sassy-like. A second later and she raises up off of the ground, spreads her arms out wide and twirls around to start to fly toward the Snow Giants on the left side.

Apparently Rogue's idea of a distraction is just presenting herself right on a casual charge-flight-path toward them!

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen has carefully phased himself through this reality to be just above the slow-motion/no-motion falls, with his feet landing just at the top of the semi-iceberg. He is watching Rogue and Cannonball work their ways to distract the giants. As they're doing this, Stephen's hands slowly spew sparks as the spells are formed and he begins to lower himself into the ice and through the cold into the 'back of the waterfall'. "Do be careful you two... People don't seem to realize I'm not a surgeon any more."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Britri tells Samuel Guthrie, "We need to fill one of these," and he pulls out a container from his pack. It's about the size of a grown man's hand. About the same size as the containers that Wanda gave to each of the team, so whomever might get the chance would have one on hand.

When the other dwarves see Rogue start flying forward, they heft their weapons and begin charging forward across the snow and ice and rock. It takes the Jotuns a few moments to spot them. When they do, the word spreads quickly and they rise.

Blue-skinned, often with red eyes, the Jotuns stand anywhere from 8 to 12 feet tall. As they see the weapons in the dwarves hands, various Jotuns start to have ice form about their hands, forming blades or skewers of ice, or bludgeons adorned with spiky icicles.

One of the Jotuns lets out a battle cry, while another pulls to his lips a horn that he's wearing, and sounds it. The piercing note lifts into the air and drifts across the frozen landscape as the Jotuns move to intercept their attackers.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look to the Britri and and says "When Ah say now, be ready to roll like your jumping off a horse." He grabs the dwarf, and then there is the glow, and the roar of Sam Blasting. If they thought the snowmobiles were fast, they get to see why he is called cannonball, and may realize who he is from years ago if they were in that big battle. He does call now to let Briti knows when he is letting him go where he should be able to roll and hit the ground running. The young man hits the biggest grouping of the giants, sending some of them sprawling but leaves a 7-10 split it seems.

Rogue has posed:
"You were a surgeon?" Rogue says over their team comms back to Doctor Strange while she glides through the freezing air toward the Ice Giants, she's teasing the good doctor after all.

"Looks like they're wakin' up and wantin' t'dance with us." She states next as she glances back to the Dwarves behind her. "Don't get yourself dead, okay!" She calls back to them.

Rogue leans forward then and shoots toward the Giants, at full speed she engages them, with her fists out and held together, the Belle flies right into the stomach of the first one who swipes his ice sword down at her, but she's too fast and she blows right through his body and out his back, then collides into the shoulder of the second one behind the one she just hollowed-out.

The hollowed-out one groans and topples to the ground, while the one she slams into the shoulder of roars at her and swings his ice hammer at her, but she's already out of range!

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen's feet hit the ice like it was solid and he frowns and then shakes his head. "Oh, come on Stephen." He groans at himself as he casts a second spell to start to actually descend this time though he's slow about it, careful and cautious as the mystic ice seems to want to prevent his entry.

    "Mind yourselves out there." Stephen reminds the actual combatants as he comes down to the place behind the falls and starts to rub his chin as he floats, pondering how to best start his part of the job.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
The dwarves dropped off by Samuel Guthrie charge forward as he clears out a number of the Frost Giants, sending them flying and the immense creatures groaning as they try to get back to their feet. The two that are left up attack the dwarves and are attacked in turn. Dwarf-forged weapons ring off ice, as one dwarf cuts off a Frost Giant's icy mace and his forearm both. The other dwarf gets a gash across his cheek from an ice blade, his axe swinging and getting parried.

Rogue blows through one of the Frost Giants, while Brikkik and Gref charge in, yelling battle cries of Nidavellir. A Frost Giant smashes a hole in the thick ice covering the lake and then scoops some of the water, sending a flurry of dagger-like flash-frozen splash up towards Rogue.

A Frost Giant runs towards another, who cups his hands to launch the first through the air towards Cannonball, an icy axe growing from his arm as he swings it towards the Kentuckian's head.

The magic ice is resisting Stephen Strange's magic, but his spell begins to overpower it, allowing him to start to travel slowly downwards.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks a bit and the poor giant finds out that the young man is nearly invulnerable while blasting. He crashed into the axe, and the arm shattering both as he blasts along. there is some effect on the young man as he does arch down and digs a trench into the terrain. He does come to a stop in a bit of a crater turning shaking his head a bit to clear it and moves to head back into the fight

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's primary concern here is obviously keeping the ice giants busy, but more than that she doesn't know what the full extent of these Dwarves durability and capabilities really are. She likes them, she doesn't want them to get Dead.

So the Belle swoops around and spins her way through the ice attack that the Giant spews up at her, managing to dodge most of them with her Seventh Sense ability there to help guide her flight!

"You got the stuff yet, Doctah?" Rogue calls out over the comms as she shoots down to defend the two Dwarves with her, intercepting an attack before it can crush one of them! "God its cold!" She grunts out while catching an ice hammer in her hands and then throwing it upward and flying up to start to pummel the giant in his face with her fists!

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen hovers in the air behind the frozen water and he finds his teeth chattering like crazy. He's motionless in one of the coldest places he's ever been in his life and he's suddenly struggling to remember what he was even here for. "S-so cold." He mumbles to himself as he lifts his hands to his arms to try and warm himself. Levitating and complaining, Stephen is face to face with the crystals he needs to help save a bunch of people but it's so hard to think when breathing gives you brain freeze.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
The battle rages, the Frost Giants having trouble doing too much to Rogue, who is stronger than they are plus hardier. Cannonball has delivered a number of hurts to them and the dwarves are holding their own, though Britri joins Brikkik in bleeding before too long.

As Doctor Strange is nearing the area he can get the pair of samples of the potent ice magic from, the sound of something immense can be heard coming in from the left of where the team attacked from. The sound of those big pillars and bluffs being knocked over can be heard, like the Jotunheim equivalent of something immense breaking down trees as it moves.

The Jotuns hear the sound and those able to move begin to quickly scatter, running away from the battle. The dwarves lower their weapons, watching their foes they were providing the diversion against, depart. "Ah wonder what got into them?" Brikkick says, looking around and shrugging.

The loud movement gets closer, and then some of the gigantic pillars of minerals collapses as something immense pushes its way through them.

It stands nearly thirty feet tall at the shoulder. Immense front paws knock aside rubble, and white fur glistens in the wintry air as the creature steps forward. It appears to be... a snow rabbit. A giant, thirty feet tall snow rabbit. With fluffy white fur.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will stop as they go to run. He turns to see what the thing coming in and as he sees it, he stands there stunned for a moment. He will look over towards Rogue and will probably regret it but can not help himself "It's just a harmless bunny."

Rogue has posed:
When the ice giants flee, Rogue grins and looks to the other Dwarves, then to Samuel. "See, we're amazin'." She states, covered in ice and snow herself now. Her eyes then turn to look to Strange and she's about to call out to him again when the giant Ice Rabbit storms onto the scene.

"Holy jumpin' Josephine." Rogue says upon seeing the rabbit. "Thats possibly the cutest GD thing I've ever seen." She grins at everyone else and then floats up in the air. "Is it mean?" She asks, the Dwarves likely would know, right? "Please say its not mean, I wanna bring it home with us..."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen hears that over the comms and gets a bit of himself back together, enough to pull out his hand towards the wall and reaches out to take a perfect cube via his magics and then slips the sample into a pocket of his yellow sash. "Rogue, I swear if you put another pet in my house... you better at least come by and speak with it once in a while." The wizard remarks as he phases through the ice wall and hovers above the battle field with a smirk on his lips towards the belle and the rabbit with a roll of his eyes. "Or is Sam going to take care of it?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Gref wheels around, hefting his axe and ready to face whatever giant monstrosity should emerge. His hands are white-knuckled on his axe as the mineral pillars are knocked aside, only to see what it is.

"Oh sweet gods and goddesses!" Gref says, wiping a hand across his forehead. "I nearly sheet me breeches and it's just a bit cuddly bunny!" he says. He flashes a grin up to Rogue, waving to her and wiggling his eyebrows before turning and saying, "Hey there bunny."

The thirty feet tall white rabbit lets out a sudden bellowing cry. It rears up and it becomes clear the thing has six legs, and the middle and back ones are tipped with cruel looking claws. The rabbit's mouth opens sideways, splitting open to reveal sharp teeth as it suddenly lunges down, mouth closing over Gref.

The giant rabbit-like monster tilts it's head back, scarfing the dwarf down into its gullet to the sound of his bones and armor shattering under the beast's powerful teeth.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will start to ask the Doc to make sure he has gotten two samples but the rabbit's reaction stops him again. He will frown and moves to kick in his jet, and for a moment it looks like the young man is running, but then he does a u turn and starts flying in low to the ground grabbing a large piece of one of the giant's broken axes and bringing with him "Spit him out ya damn dirty jackalope." He hollars as he tries to impale the not so harmless bunny.

Rogue has posed:
"When have I ever left a pet at your place, Doctor?" Rogue asks. "Other than Kitty." She grins for a second then before she sees her lovely Dwarven admirer walking toward the rabbit. "Hey, yo. Be careful n---" Rogue watches with abject terror at what comes next and when it happens she just gawks.

But a second or so later she jumps into action and as Samuel tries to impale the Rabbit, Rogue flies toward its neck to try to grab it and pull it down to the ground to keep it from moving so it can be sliced and diced. "You sonnavabitch!" She shouts into one of its giant fluffy ears as she tries to grab with one hand and punch the ever living shit out of it with her right fist!

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen is trying to shake his mind free of the frozen stupor that washed over him and it's way too late for sweet loveable Gref. "I was talking about the dog and the snake, Kitty was fine." Stephen starts to say but is moving down to try and help with the rabbit but finds that attacking something like this is not something he can stomach. No, it's just the way of this world, no reason for him to punsih the natural law. He frowns and simply turns in place to look away as the 'heroes' do their thing.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
The remaining dwarves cry out as they see Gref turned into a snack by the giant creature. Samuel Guthrie and Rogue pummel it and wound it, causing to snarl and recoil from them. It's pretty clear from the way it chewed that Gref is already gone, he couldn't have survived what his body was subjected to.

The rabbit-like creature fights back at first, claws raking across Rogue's winter clothing and leaving a gash on them, but not able to break her skin. Nor does it manage to hurt Samuel Guthrie behind his shield.

Like most animals, it doesn't stay to fight for very long once it is wounded. It retreats, scurrying away and leaving red in the snow where it was wounded.

Britri takes off his helm, as do the other dwarves. "Oh Gref," Sondri says sadly. Britri puts an arm around the other dwarf. "We'll hold a feast in his memory, and sing of his exploits, once we're back." The leader of the dwarves looks to the humans. "We should be away before yon Jotuns return," he says, looking to the safety of those who remain.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie was taught the way of being a hunter, and looks to the others "If we leave it wounded it will be even more dangerous than it normally is." He seems ready to chase it down and put an end to it, and retrieve the body. His eyes do scan the sky for winged horses with ladies riding them.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue refuses to let the animal ride off after chewing up the nice dwarf who'd smiled at her. She refuses. So as the beast starts to bound away leaving a trail of blood behind it, she just straddles its neck while her left sleeve is ripped open and sags down exposing her bicep, and she just keeps punching the back of its head, trying to put her fist inside of its brain, hitting the damn thing with all of her might, all the strength she has in her to try to make the giant Gref Eating Rabbit stop, and die.

All while the other dwarves look on and already begin to mourn their fallen ally, Rogue just rides off on the Rabbit continuing to beat the other living shit out of the back of its rabbit head!

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen looks down at the two mortals and frowns. "I think we're done here." Stephen says to himself and kind of to his team. No, he's not going to just leave the rabbit to it's fate, he's going to summon the mutants and the giant beast into a caged in room that appears to be in a different frozen tundra. "Seems I have another creature to take care of. And you're both going to help me. But first."

    Stephen lifts both his hands and suddenly the trio, sans rabbit, are now back at the platform that Wanda sent them from originally and he's stepping up towards the crimson avenger and reaching into his pocket to grab a large cube of ices and extending it to his former student.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Rogue delivers a number of telling blows before Stephen saves the beast. The dwarves are able to get back to their way back off planet and back to Nidavellir with their sample of the ice. There will be many flagons tipped back and then smashed in the name of the valiant Gref.

Wanda is waiting for them, holding the portal open though the Avenger's back yard is looking pretty frozen from the weather that has been coming through.

"You made it!" she says, checking them and assuring they are ok as they come back through. "You have the ice?" she asks. "If so, we can finally do something to help the school maintain its secrecy and security."