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Latest revision as of 06:14, 5 November 2019

Crooked Swung A Spider
Date of Scene: 05 November 2019
Location: Morrisania, The Bronx
Synopsis: Gwen checks up on Peter. They come up with a plan. Then crime fighting. Fin.
Cast of Characters: Ghost Spider, Spider-Man

Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen definitely absolutely visited Peter when he got hurt.

She studied the toxin in her own lab though after getting the information from the Avengers but didn't make a breakthrough fast enough.

Hell she is very glad he seems to be out of his coma and swinging and has send him messages to meet her... hopefully tonight he will and she can worry less.

She has the usual sandwiches and is waiting on the usual rooftop watching the evening sky.

Spider-Man has posed:
Spider-Man made a big splash when he returned from his two week hiatus, knocking heads else the criminality of New York forget about him. It came with some hiccups, as all things do, and he had to knock the rust off a little (read a couple weeks worth of cot flab), but he's as good as could be expected for a guy who almost died a little under a month past.

The message is received and another sent off that he'd meet her at the usual place. Landing there a short time later with his mask immediately pulled off his head and tucked down behind the thin belt worn about his waist. "Gwen!" Hoping, out of a jog, up onto the ledge beside her.

"How's it going?" He's still favoring his right shoulder, even all this time later, so he's not completely healed... but... most people would still be in bed!

Ghost Spider has posed:
Well she has still been running tests on the crap that was put into him. Not like the avengers gave her updated access and all that other than her quick visit.

She hops up to her feet when she spots him and smiles, peeling her own mask. She closes the distance pretty quick and grabs Peter up in a hug, careful of the arm he seems to be favoring. "The hell man.... are you sure you should be out swinging... are you okay.... did the Avengers figure it out?" she will be peeved if they did but she didn't.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Oof.." Pete sounds, but quickly breaks into a laugh and closes Gwen in a return hug with his left arm just a touch stronger than the right, "I'm alright, yeah.. I haven't been doing a lot-" Lie. "-Mostly just getting myself back into shape. I was going completely insane bottled up inside for two weeks." Truth.

He shakes his head, however, at the last question, "Not entirely. They know it was some kind of neurotoxin derived from a spider in Russia or Eastern Europe, but couldn't isolate how it effected me so effortlessly. I was hoping you'd found something out." So meta. His eyes travel down to the sandwiches, "Is one of those for me?" Always thinking with his tum tum.

Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen absolutely makes sure it is a six second hug, ah yisss oxytocin release.

Then she lets him go and squints up at him through the pink dip dyed bangs. "You are such a bad liar Parker..." is grumbled there.

"Also of course one of those are for you... what am I a monster?" with that Gwen pulls out a sandwich and offers it up to him.

"Hmmm do they have the name of the spider.. that would actually help me... but yeah I did figure something out. The toxin was .. well it shared a lot with our altered DNA.. which by the way.. our DNA was altered by a very similar spider program... which confirmed a lot for me." she totally has your blood and DNA now.

Spider-Man has posed:
"They did.. the Pisaura novicia." Pete confirms for Gwen after the release of oxytocin, the good stuff, proving that a hug a day and not an apple, is what keeps doctors away.

"Huh..." Reaching for his sandwich after dropping down on the ledge with next to no fear for the dropping off the edge, "That does make sense, yeah." Rubbing at that spot at the base of his skull, then unwrapping his sandwich in a thoughtful silence.

"So it was designed sepcifically for us using our DNA? How? And why... someone has it out for spider persons?" Is that so far fetched?

Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen starts to undo the wrapping round her own sandwich there as she plops down to sit on an HVAC watching Peter. "Well of course someone has it out for us... we punch bad guys on a regular basis and send them to prison... usually while taunting them."

Bite of sandwich.

"I mean a proper rogues gallery of our animal themed villains were involved in you getting stabbed with that spear right?" her head tilts. "I mean someone wanted you taken out specifically.... I think .. maybe with that information about the spider now I may be able to get farther in deconstructing it.. maybe I can make an anti-toxin but yeah.. some jack off got access to one of our DNA samples and made that horror show Peter."

Spider-Man has posed:
"I don't really deal punches and quips to brilliant masterminds capable of that kind of gross genetics, though... I mean maybe Dr Connor, but he's basically gone legit, right?" Pete also takes a bite from his sandwich, staring straight ahead as if he might be able to pluck the name cleanly out of thin air if he stares long enough.

"And how did they even get samples of our DNA? I'm pretty careful...and I haven't been hurt like that in a long tim-...." This is why you shouldn't chew with your mouth full. Peter's revelation turns into a choking fit that requires almost a full minute of coughing into his elbow before he could ever hope to speak.

His eyes are as wide as saucers though.

Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen watches close enough to make sure Peter isn't about to aspirate to death on his sandwich. "Are you dying... I mean your eyes are very wide...." she squints and reaches out and steadies his shoulder.

"Also I said like our DNA... it could have been Miles or that one girl ... it doesn't have to have been from you. It resembled .. it wasn't a perfect match."

Spider-Man has posed:
Finally Pete gets the piece of sandwich up and spits it off the side as if it was the sandwiches fault! That poor sandwich...

"Silk, yeah.." He bobs his head, rubbing both hands down his face, "She got captured a month or so back.. some crazy looking Russian dude in all kinds of animal furs.. he beat the hell out of her. I mean..." Hands out wide.

"If all he needs is blood, there was plenty of it.. and hers was altered by the same spider that altered me.. so it'd be like winning the genetic lottery as far as Spider toxins go."

Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen shakes her head pulling her hand back, she is relieved she didn't have to do a heimlich maneuver on him. I mean sure she would have but it would have sucked.

"Okay that sucks.. but I mean it definitely tracks with the Russian Spider Toxin.... I mean I have no idea why it was a spider from Crimea though ... I mean... unless the Russian dude just likes Russian themed stuff."

"Any idea who he was though other than Russian in furs?"

Spider-Man has posed:
"I'm a biologist, not an anthropologist, maybe he was from the crimea.. I don't KNOW!" Pete holds his hands up, one of them holding a sandwich, "He sounded all sassy and russian. Call me a racist, I think in this rare case the shoe fits... they literally all sound the same in Eastern Europe, say I'm wrong."

As for other ideas.

Pete shakes his head and takes another bite, "I did beat his ass and clown him, though. That's still the Russian, possibly Crimean, guy in furs. Maybe Rhino has finally had enough of my shit and went to night school?"

Ghost Spider has posed:
"Well the Russians think Crimea is part of Russia so well.. you assuming Russia is a safe bet Petey..."

"I'm pretty sure the Russian if he had access to Silk probably is involved... we should probably ask Rhino.. or ..well shoot who else was kicking your ass that day... the two of us should be able to apply some pressure and ask questions.."

Spider-Man has posed:
"Hang on now..." Pete says with both hands up, "First... nobody was kicking my ass.. there were four of them and that'd be difficult for anyone-" Except Tony Stark. "-Second, uhhh Scorpion, Electro, Vulture, and Rhino. Then whoever the sniper with the bolt gun was who put a harpoon through my back... After I totally kicked four super villains asses like a boss..."

Said then followed by a bite from his sandwich.

Ghost Spider has posed:
"Okay.. sure sure...." she grins and considers. "Okay out of those four.. who is the most likely to talk if you punch them in the face a few times..."

"Or well trick them to talk... maybe a bit of both... I doubt any of those four idiots were the mastermind behind this... so my bet is the person with the bolt gun...."

She takes a bite of her sammich next finishing it off.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Rhino even said they were hired to attack me." Pete agrees after another bite is swallowed, glancing side long at Gwen, "Probably Vulture, right? Guy's like three hundred years old with arhtritis, he doesn't want to spend the last thirty days he has on earth in prison... I bet if we gave him a proper thrashing and took away his 'old people' medicine, he'd get real loose lipped."

At no point did Peter think it was one of those clowns.

Has to be an unknown variable he'd not seen before.

"Definitely has pretty deep pockets though.. Scorpion doesn't come cheap.. could have gone with Shocker with some knock off electro too..." He takes another bite and sets the sandwich down beside him, "Alright, I think Toombs got released too, we can go pay him a visit in the retirement home."

Ghost Spider has posed:
"That-a-boy." says Gwen.

I mean maybe she shouldn't be encouraging beating up the elderly but she has a very vested interest in figuring out what is going on with this whole spider killing toxin business.

She likes breathing.

"If that fails we can get one of the dumb ones like Scorpian or Rhino to maybe spill it.... I mean.. it isn't like this is the brain trust though."

Spider-Man has posed:
"Toombs is definitely the most likely to have thought the thing out, anyways." Pete points out with a brisk nod. He too has a vested interest in figuring it out. Sure Gwen, Miles, and Silk can take care of themselves, but they're still his responsibility. Mainly Miles. He practically talked the kid into putting on a costume, afterall.

"Rhino definitely knows he got paid, but I bet he doesn't know who.. Scorpion would, but is least likely to talk... in english... and Elektro is... an asshole. Seriously, that dude is an asshole. Have you ever had a conversation with him? Me either, he's always making bug zapper jokes and I want to tell him: DUDE... That's for flies you insufferably turd pie."

Hands up in a big shrug.

"So it has to be Toombs. We'll go put the screw on him tomorrow night?"

Ghost Spider has posed:
"Okay I tend to agree with your assessment... I'll also get some of those spiders at work and try to work on an enhanced anti-toxin... we don't know how much more of that stuff whoever got you has Pete." she fishes out a soda now that her sandwich is done and tosses one to you as well.

"Tomorrow night sure.... though I doubt Toombs is in an old age home... I mean do they have villain old age homes."

Spider-Man has posed:
"Yeah, I was worried about that too." That there might be more toxin going around. Pete nods slowly and rubs the back of his neck, "We'll figure it out." His hand snaps up without him even looking at the tossed soda and snatches it easily out of the air, "We have to figure it out. I mean, the kids are counting on us Gwen... Think of the kids." Looking up at her with wide, saucer like eyes as he pops the top on his cola.

"our little spider children babies that we never had."

Slurrrrrrrp. Just trying to make it awkward.

"He's not. He's surprisingly difficult to find when he doesn't want to be found... thankfully, they took his wings, so I know he'll be trying to build a new pair soon. If we're lucky and we pray real hard, maybe Santa will give us our Christmas presents early and we can beat up an old guy."

Ghost Spider has posed:
Okay he has succeeded in making it awkward. "Okay but this is just working because Miles might be my fault from one of my experimental spiders..." mostly she is still unsure how it might have got out of her lab but she did end up missing some from the whole batch that nailed her. Damnit.

"Okay so we track down people who could be supplying him tech and then find him... got it." she sips her soda. "Want to go beat up some muggers?"

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete finishes his soda in a couple of quick swallows, looks down at the sandwich beside him with just a few bites left, and nods up at Gwen. "Yeah, let's go handle the business." The sandwich is devoured posthaste and he replaces his mask while he's still chewing. It makes setting the electro-sensors that allow the yes to move a little weird and they do some freaky shit until they're settled, but eventually he's ready for work!

"Gosh, it's good to be back out, teaming with my be ef ef... If I didn't know any better I'd say we're on the road to a happy ending, Gwen."

Ghost Spider has posed:
Which is the point where Gwen bounces her empty soda can off his head. "Christ! What are you trying to do jinx us with some epic Black Cat stepping on cracks in front of someone's grave levels of bad luck!?"

She pulls her mask down now with a deep sgh. "I can't believe you said that Solo."

Spider-Man has posed:
"hey! Watch the hair!" Pete swats at the thrown can with a laugh, faking like he almost tumbles off the roof, which they both know he would not and could not do. "I take luck into my OWN hands.. and you should never, ever, tell me the odds." With his mask firmly on, Spidey launches himself up from his seat and swans out into the open air beyond the ledge, catching a line as it escapes his wrist launcher. It sends him tumbling through empty space down the street and the sounds of a suspiciously well placed siren!

Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen shakes her head and well she leaves her sandwich bag on the roof, sirens are more important than littering after all.

She takes a running start and fires off a web line after getting some momentum and swings after Peter. "Wait for me jerk"

Spider-Man has posed:
"This isn't checkers, it's chess! First one there gets to deliver the winning fight quip!" Spidey says over the *THWIP* of his webshooter firing another line that pulls him down a side street where the red and blue likes of the police can just barely be seen chasing what looks like a Ford Focus.