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Latest revision as of 17:10, 12 November 2019

Gun's Up, hands Down
Date of Scene: 09 November 2019
Location: Bushwick (Mutant Town), Brooklyn
Synopsis: Frank and Kid cross paths once again, during one of franks operations.
Cast of Characters: Kid, Punisher

Kid has posed:
Malcolm 'Kid' Iron has once again been hired as a bouncer. While he doesn't deal with the Underworld much these days, sometimes his services as a effective Bouncer, both in looks and in skills were desired. Malcolm followed the old rule of 'No Questions ask' not that he asked many.
    Tonight he was in The Shallow Salone Club. Whoever came up with that stupid name outta be shot in Malcolms mind. But none the less, he guarded the Door to the back private area, where a meeting of a few Mob-Boss and king Pins where being held. Malcolm more or less took this as an oppertunity to keep a Mind Out for anything interesting that may be occuring. And so far - no one has given Malcolm trouble, which was fine by the brute in a suit.
    None the less, the Bar was a (bad) mix of Old Wester and Old English. Leather seating, cigars smoke filling the air. Oddly enough good modern music at least. Overall, not a place that screams Criminal Activity.

Punisher has posed:
The night proceeds well. Nothing untoward happens. It's a routine night, and the mob leadership in the back has their deal going smoothly.


That's the sound of an explosion from the back, where the deal was being made.


Now, there are body parts all over the place. A couple of the bosses are chunky against the wall now. All in all, four people just died instantly around the table... everyone else manages to get away with a concussion.

Kid has posed:
Of course. OF COURSE. Something had to happen. SOMETHING! Whoever the hell set off that explosion BETTER have the mangos to face him...or give him. Preferably give.

Malcolm didn't consider the mob-bosses his real priority. Not everyone here was a crook or degenerate of hell. As such he sends out a telepathic pulse that was one simple Suggestion o O ("Leave Through the Front"). In alot of cases people would scramble towards the nearest exit - and if that ment the back, people would normally go through the back. But in this case, even those nearest to the back begin heading to the front. Running and screamming Galore. But far less bystandards to deal with.

Speaking of Dealing...

Malcolm barrels through the door and looks upon the carnaga. He doesn't exactly seem off put by the body parts. Infact by the way his nose flares...he mighty looked...hungry...as he eyed pieces of Brain matter.

He shakes himself off and begins scanning for a Mind that did not belong, trying to find the source of the explosion. Perhaps one of the bosses tried to do a double cross, or someone else was here. He planned on finding out.

Punisher has posed:
There's something going on out of the ordinary inside except for the obvious panic. Just on the edge of psychic perception outside though, 'Malcolm' can feel a mind unlike any others around. A cold, military focus with the intent to punish evil washes over Kid as he scans that mind... along with the Iron Will of that mind.

If Kid tried to go beyond surface scanning, it'd be hell to get through the fortress that is the Punisher's mind.

Kid has posed:
Screw the 'intent on punishing evil' bit. Kid senses the cold military like mind - he knew that mind well. Too well...he seems to focus in on that aspect and he growls from past memories. There a reason he more or less distrusted authority - and military definintly fell under that catgory.

Not intent on going deeper, he would need to feed on another psychic anyways for that, he grabs the Boss'es he was in charge of...and actually goes out through the exit the explosion provided, after checking to make sure no one was outside of it.

His mind was focused on two things. Food, and getting away. Primarily the second thing. Once outside he (roughly) tosses the light weights into the back of a non-descript car. He himself get in the drivers seat...

And puts the pedal to the metal. The smell of burning rubber and screeching tired evident as he crashes and smashes out of a alleyway. It was time to try and get far FAR away.

Punisher has posed:
Inside the Battle Van, Punisher has been watching the entire thing over monitors. He had planned this attack, and was well prepared for runners, having a drone watching the area in overview and an M4A1 and SPAZ-12 at the ready.

As Kid comes out of the alleyway, a hatch pops on the roof of the Battle Van, and Punisher takes aim for the car.

Not at the passengers... but the engine.

"One batch. Two Batch." Breath in, "penny and dime...." Breathe out.

A three round burst fires, precisely aimed for the critical points on the engine block. Then another.

Shooting out the tires means a loss of mobility... but shooting out the engine means no more power to the tires, and Punisher is more than capable of precision shooting on that level.

Kid has posed:
While Kid is many things - military trained is not one of them. He of course swerves to try and avoid the gun fire. And to his credit, perhaps from doing jobs for awhile, he manages to avoid the initial round, likely more by luck than by anything else. But the second round hit home, holes peppering the hood of the cars engine. It stutters and whines before simply giving out. Smoke rising from the comparment.

A rage was building in Kid. It was an illogical aggressive one. Animalistic. He kicks open the car door with enough force to dent it at least before hopping out, still disguised. He had to keep in control...he knew he had too. But it was becomming more difficult.

On the bright side, pretty hard to miss the Battle Van and it passanger at this point. He faces the van, perhaps seeing if someone would come out, perhaps preparing to move....but this is where Malcolm is careful.

He splits from his illusion. While Malcolm stays put, an invisible (via a secondary illusion) Kid moves to the left, away from the car and his own illusion.

Punisher has posed:
Someone who sits right in his line of fire in that manner is either a mutant or metahuman, or plain stupid.

A single round is fired at the man in the passenger side; an instant headshot for the mob boss Kid was protecting. Then, another single shot is shot at the shins of 'Malcolm'. A test to see what happens.

Neither shot is subtle or suppressed at all. Understandably, people are panicked to get out of the way... and at this point Kid can easily see the black trenchcoat on the man... and if he pays attention to the news and underworld rumors, will easily recognize the Punisher as he aims that bipoded M4A1 from the top of the Battle Van.

Kid has posed:
The thing about Illusions is...there an act. A visual display of anything possible. The Malcolm illusion let's out a roar of pain and grumbles to the ground holding his shin, blood appearing on his hands as he does so. Kid has seen his fair share of death and injuries to pull it off. What he couldn't control however was what the real bullet hit. Perhaps Punisher noticed the familiar thud of bullet agaist concreate as if the bullet went straight through, or perhaps it bounced off the sewer cover near Malcolm, if he notices anything at all.

Meanwhile, the real Kid was making his way around, skirting the sides as he makes his way towards the Battle Van. He feels like he recognizes the man, but can't quite place it yet. Rumos of the underworld tell him more than nay news.

Punisher has posed:
Punisher is not an idiot. He's in mutant town, and he's dealt with metahumans in the past. He has, in fact, specialized in taking down opponents with powers before.... so when the bullet doesn't actually do what it /should/ be doing, he notices. Medical training, and years of wetwork make it easy to tell somethings off about the whole act.

"I don't like this." Punisher mutters. Then, he taps a button on his headset, "Drive, Destination Alpha." The Battle Van begins to self-drive down the block at that point, going along with the traffic as as Punisher monitors the area.

Kid will need to make a serious move to keep up with him, if he wants to catch the 'fleeing' Punisher.

Kid has posed:
Well - Kid many things. Going after an insane killing machine is a bit too crazy for him. He was fine with the man simply being 'scared off' for lack of a better term. He looks back to the vehicle he was driving...riddled with bullets and with a dead guy. This was going to be either great for his rep to survive an encounter with the Punisher...or Terrible for his client dieing.

Eitherway, Malcolm was alive. And as Punisher drives he...he would see the fake Malcolm dissapate...and the 'real' one appear, just a few feet from where his Battle Van was - almost having had reached him. Oddly the illusion smiles and gives a two finger salute, before fading away again. Enough blood was spilled this day.

Punisher has posed:
Mission accomplished, but illusion powers confirmed... or at least projection. "Fuck, I hate workin' mutant town." Punisher grates under his breath, before he hits another button on his commlink. "Comin' back to the barn, Micro. Target eliminated."

It takes just a moment for Punisher to drop back into the Battle Van and close the hatch, blending into traffic as he heads for one of his safehouses.