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Latest revision as of 17:15, 12 November 2019

The End of Nightmares
Date of Scene: 10 November 2019
Location: Hammer Bay, Genosha
Synopsis: Magneto's Acolytes bring before the King who was responsible for the nightmarish construct... NPC mutant rp'ed by Lorna
Cast of Characters: Polaris, Magneto, Emma Frost

Polaris has posed:
Genosha's palace had been on high alert since the coronation and birthday celebration of Magneto's youngest child. The guards had worked tirelessly to find answers but found nothing. A disappointing cloud of anxiety hummed over the occupants there as they tried to limit the rumors of the nightmare's intrusion to the inhabitants of the island at large. After all, having a seemingly unbeatable opponent that interrupted the royal family at the height of their power was bad for the morale of the island on a whole.

News outlets did not report on it at all.

Magneto would've received countless messages from Lorna begging to come back, to help, to do something.. but she did not return without her father's blessing either and remained in New York.. at least until her phone calls abruptly ceased and she became oddly quiet. Nothing had seemingly happened, as reports would confirm that she was still at the Mansion.. she just stopped asking to return.

Which is around the same time the nightmarish entity that haunted the Palace halls reappeared again. Bloody remnants of Magneto's staff inside the palace were found. Often in sickeningly twisted fashions.

A bloody, skinned, lampshade made of flesh was found one night. A mocking bar of soap left at the end of a blood trail. Teeth left in a pile beside the body. Letters written in blood on Magneto's bathroom mirror, inscribing out his children's names in a dripping letters.

All the while, if the King slept, the Nazi officer Herr Hitzig would torment him there too.

Magneto has posed:
     Magneto was indeed tormented by Hitzig, which was why he refused to allow Lorna and the others back to Genosha. The less they knew about the truth of what he did in Auschwitz, the better.

  It was clear that Hitzig was not truly the man that Magneto had dispatched in his youth. But someone was using the King's memories against him somehow.

  The King had returned to the throne room, the scene of where Hitzig had first made himself known to Magneto, looking at the ring someone had made for Lorna, incorporating the Genoshan and Xavier's crests.

Polaris has posed:
The throne room doors burst open, thudding back to slam against the steel framed walls as the guards pulled someone into the large echoing, otherwise empty room. Two of Magneto's Acolytes were yanking a small figure between them, a young mutant girl by the looks of it. She couldn't have been older than seventeen, if that. She was crying, though wasn't making so much as a sound. The two Acolyte's dropped her before Magneto's throne, one pushing her down to kneel before the mutant King while the other drew up to his full height and bowed.

"Your majesty, we've caught the one responsible for everything." The Acolyte that rose said, "She was on the palace records of having been hired as a maid in the royal chambers a few months ago, right when the construct first made itself known."

The young woman would indeed look vaguely familiar to Magneto if he bothered to remember the staff that came and went to help the Palace run. A mutant refugee that had arrived in the past few months, the young woman knelt, her head bowed before the King and her hands splayed out before her to keep her somewhat upright as she sobbed, tears splashing on the floor.

Magneto has posed:
     Erik turned, looking to the sobbing girl. He approached her and looked down from his standing. "Rise." He bids his subject.

  He had requested the presence of someone he trusted as well, someone he had known for a long time.

  "You were the one causing all this fuss? Why?" He was unsure what to do with this. He had wished it was someone with a grudge for him, it was easy to dispatch an enemy, but as he looked upon this girl, he felt that was not the case here.

Polaris has posed:
The Acolytes looked warily between each other as the King rose from his throne and bid the young, sobbing mutant to rise to her feet. The young girl shakily did so, and it was clear that those loyal to the King hadn't been particularly kind to her in grabbing her forcibly and dragging her to the throne room. There was a darkening, deepening bruise on her chin, her lip was split as if she'd taken a blow.

Her eyes lowered, and she hugged her hands around herself tightly.

"I didn't mean to." She whispered, a faint hush of breath escaping her as she whimpered and shut her eyes. "I swear, I didn't mean to. I .. I tried to stop it.. but I c-can't." She choked out, shaking visibly as she spoke. Her blonde hair was a muss of tangles around her face, and her eyes remained screwed shut as she trembled.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma had done her due diligance and had custom made a regal outfit for her to wear as to be fitting in the first mutant courts but to not upstage the ruller she is here to aid. The telepath stands off to one side of the chamber, waiting for the summon from Erik to do what she does best.

    The icy blue eyes of Emma look to the girl and have been scanning her mind since before she entered the room and the minds of those that brought her here and for now the the White Queen is holding her tongue. Emma looks to Erik asking for permission to approach the child. This. This is Emma's purpose, she can help this girl in so SO many ways, she has that twinge of near maternal instincts urging the blonde woman to teach those younger how to be better.

Magneto has posed:
     Erik's eyes softened as he looked upon the girl. "My dear, I am sorry. We had thought it was someone who...aimed to do harm to me." He did not blame his acolytes, they had wanted to see whom was responsible for all the damage pay for their crime. But it hadn't occurred to anyone that it could be a mutant with an errant power run amok.

  Erik felt Emma's glance and bud her come forward. The news outlets tried to paint Magneto as a despot, but those closest to Erik knew he was only a forceful ruler. He had compassion for the plight of his people, this girl was no exception. He rose from the throne, approaching the blonde girl, and placing his finger against her chin, raising her head up. "Worry not, my child." He said in as much of a supportive tone as he could muster.

Polaris has posed:
In Amy's mind, the young girl's name became apparent in Emma's probing, it became apparently very quickly what had happened. The young girl's powers had manifested, the ability to bring dreams into reality, and been found out by her family. Months of medications that attempted to stifle her powers, 'correctional' programs for troubled youth, being kicked out, locked out, tormented.. and abused, had left its marks. Her powers souring with her troubles. The dreams slipped away from her control, and as she'd fled on a ship to Genosha.. her powers had sunk into bringing nightmares to life.

The constructs typically faded with the daylight, or when the sleeper awoke.. Or even more so, when Amy herself was far enough away.

But the strength of horror that Magneto's nightmares had generated, and the deepening 'souring' of her powers.. had dragged Herr Hitzig into creation, solidly into reality. Tied between Amy's life and Magneto's.

Amy sniffled, still shaking as she looked up at the King of the mutants as he approached and tipped her chin up to look at him. She flinched, her gaze lowering as she trembled. "I'm sorry. I tried to stop it. But ... ever.. ever since things got bad, I .. my powers.. They just.. everything I try to create goes bad." She whispered, and lifted up her hand. A tiny, illusionary looking flower bloomed into being above her hand.. Only within a breath's time, did it curl inward, rotting away and becoming a thorny mass. She dismissed it, and it vanished with a puff of mildew and decay.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma saw her invitation clearly and was moving down towards the girl at the same time as Erik, choosing to stand to his left and just a hair behind, as a show of respect. The telepath looks to Erik while wishing to speak to the girl, but she knows better of it so instead she whispers to the magnokinetic's ear, "Amy, she summons dreams into reality but lacks actual training. The humans have tainted her, maybe soured her to the quick, I can't be sure without deeper examinations." Emma explains.

Magneto has posed:
     Erik's blue eyes flashed open wide when Emma whispers in his ear. Suddenly it all became clear, more clear than it ever had been.

  Magneto looked to Emma, then back to Amy. "Amy, a beautiful name. Tell me dear, do you understand what it is that we both have created?"

  "When I was a boy, long, long before your parents were born, I knew a man who forced me to do terrible things. Things I will not force you to understand."

  "That man has haunted me, since I was younger than you. And you and I...have brought him back." Erik looked to Emma with a nod of understanding, he was originally going to ask her to probe for clues, but in this case, he knew she could give this poor child succor. "This is a friend of mine, Amy. I think she can help you." Magneto feared, if Emma couldn't help the girl, he would have to end the girl's suffering himself, which weighed heavy on the King.

Polaris has posed:
Amy's mind was damaged, trauma, and stress had permanently left the scarrings that suggested the young girl had some form of PTSD. Her blue eyes lifted up to meet the King's and she trembled slightly, biting her lower lip. And Magneto would doubtlessly remember hearing the constructed creation, Herr Hitzig's comments.. that for all of Magneto's powers, he wouldn't be able to destroy Hitzig without killing himself first..

The creature had of course, not mentioned Amy's existence.

Slowly, the blonde girl nodded, "I quit when it first showed up.. I thought if I went away, it would go away. It did for a little while, when you weren't here.. I think. I don't really know. It got quiet. Then.. then it was here and I couldn't stop it anymore. So I tried to come back but I was scared.." She whispered.

"I'm sorry. I didn't... I didn't know I could make things that wouldn't go away at all. I've been trying so hard to make him go away. But I //can't//--" Her voice cracked and she looked down, her hands pressing together and folding. Her fingers white knuckled as she clenched her shaking hands together.

"And now people have died.."

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma bites her tongue fiercely, it's not her place to say anything in this moment, in this place. Yes the child doesn't know her place, but she's not going to speak up for Magneto in his own him, with him here. That would weaken him in some way to those that are watching. No, he is a strong king and she will allow him to be such. Emma looks to the girl and waits for Erik's decision, for he is king and his word is law. Though her blue eyes glance at the side of his head and the lines of his face, for the briefest moment and the blonde is looking back to Amy.

Magneto has posed:
     Erik looked to Emma and Amy. This was a girl much like he was as a boy, traumatized and scared, with a power that, even though he wouldn't admit, rocked him to the core.

  Erik listened to Amy's story, gave her the ear that he figured she never had. "I do not believe you should be punished, child. People have died, but through no fault of your own. And there does not need to be any more bloodshed. Humans have hurt you enough, child."

  "Emma is going to make it easier for you to control what you create. And you will stay in the palace until your wounds have healed."

Polaris has posed:
Amy squeezed her eyes shut as the King looked away from her to Emma, she expected a hammer fall, expected... to be punished and to be treated as a criminal. Not through any fault of Magneto's but simply her mind telling her so. She'd never had a break from such expectations in her whole life, not since she'd had her powers manifest. As her sparkling dreams sickened and twisted.. so had those claws of wrongness taken hold.

As The King spoke however of making her better, she bit her lower lip, blinking repeatedly up at the King. "But.. but I .. what about the construct? I.. more people might die if it continues to be around. If I continue to be around.." She trailed off, her eyebrows furrowing sharply as she looked up at the King.

"It exists because of me."

Emma Frost has posed:
    The White Queen considers the child doth protest too much. Emma looks to Erik at Amy's questions and again, she remains silent, an aide for Erik as she has her own aides back in the Hellfire Club. She knows how to be a ruler and will not jeopardize that for a fellow mutant. Not yet at least.

Magneto has posed:
     Erik was without his iconic helmet currently, he looked to Amy and hushed. "No, dear, you do not understand, it will cease to be after Emma is finished." He started to grow impatient, but maintained his cool.

  "Emma, perhaps can explain better than I." He adds in, looking at the White Queen.

Polaris has posed:
The young mutant had no idea who Emma was, had no idea of Emma's powers or scope of power. She was a lost, confused, self-loathing mutant that felt as if everything she did was wrong. But as Magneto kept his patience, his tone hushed at least her trembling started to lessen. Amy nodded once, glancing toward Emma in confusion as she turned tearful blue eyes on the telepath.

The blonde girl had no idea why or how Emma could help, but her King had said that the woman would do so. She had to hope at least that that was true... even if she didn't believe it.

Emma Frost has posed:
    "I think it best I get to work immediately on the child, your highness." Emma says, asking permission subtly as she looks to Erik. Should she get the approval to leave, she extends her hand towards the young girl and Emma will escort Amy out of the chambers towards Emma's simple room and Genoshian workspace, the White Queen has a heck of a lot of work ahead of her.

Magneto has posed:
     Erik stood tall, and nodded to the White Queen. "Please go with Emma, Child." He said as he gave a small sigh afterward.

  Magneto had himself been troubled by Hitzig, and would be glad to see that particular construct go the way of the dodo.

  He would check up on Amy, of course.