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Latest revision as of 17:16, 12 November 2019

Flying Snakes!
Date of Scene: 11 November 2019
Location: Marion, Ohio
Synopsis: Jemma and Berna chill.
Cast of Characters: Sowa, Jemma Simmons

Sowa has posed:
    Sometimes the stuff SHIELD gets isn't necessarily in their mission statement, sometimes it's something so strange that nobody local has any idea how to handle it. This for instance, yeah nobody has any idea what the hell to do. You see Marion Ohio's lone super hero, "The True Son" was struck dead last night. According to the officers who discovered the body, the guy was "Shot with a snake" which at some point slithered off after the deed was done.

    The case bounced around the federal apparatus for a few hours, before resulting in orders issued. It might take a few hours to turn up, but well somone at command had issued orders to meet at the crime scene by 7AM the following, which probably isn't too inconvient if you're traveling by Quinjet. The orders of course do specify "No capes", incidentally.

    And well no jokes 6:55am the following morning Berna pulls her rental car around and pulls her ballcap down, before snagging her backpack from the back seat. SHIELD badge displayed on it's little lanyard around her neck, which is a new one for her. Anywho quietly she slips past the police tap and pauses, giving the alleyway a careful study.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    'Shot with a snake' certainly earned its own level of intrigue. And, considering the biological component, the request to investigate landed somehow within the scientific wing of SHIELD...and in particular to a certain biologist. Not that Agent Jemma Simmons minded, of course. She, unlike certain others, actually liked going out into the field. Of course, she couldn't convince her counterpart and normal partner Leo Fitz to come out with her. He said something about him and snakes not mixing, but that was just silly. Snakes don't mix with anyone.

A Quinjet does arrive, touching down nearby. As the gangplank opens, out steps Jemma, with her little bag of tricks. Tapping her ear, she chatters calmly. "Yes, Fitz, I just arrived. No, there isn't any reptiles in sight." Her face clouds with confusion. "why should I be on the lookout for Samuel L Jackson and passenger jets?" The joke, or whatever it was, just flies on by the scientist as she shakes her head. "Look, you should have came. Now, I will let you know if I need you later. I have a crime scene to investigate." With that, she taps her earpiece and walks over to the crime scene.

    Jemma takes her turn to slip past the crime scene barriers and finds that she isn't exactly the first to arrive. She announces her presence with a polite clearing of her throat, before her decidedly British accent breaks the silence. "Excuse me...I didn't realize there was already someone here."

Sowa has posed:
    "Do you prefer "Doctor" or "Special Agent", I'd hate to be inconsiderate."Asked as deadpan as the English Language permits, of course. Berna slowly half turns to fix Jemma with a decidedly blank expression, eyes half lidded and hidden under the shadow of her ratty "Berger Bullets" ballcap. Not even a hint of so much as a micro-expression, which suggests well. Machine or, some sort of neurological injury right?

    "Command said to expect an Anglican Doctor, but did not inform me you were also an agent."Slowly she leans back, stuffing one hand in her thrift store army jacket before offering the other towards Jemma. "Shot with a snake, right?"

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    A blink, before the hand is taken within Jemma's own. "Agent Jemma Simmons. You can use Agent Simmons, Doctor, or just Jemma." A flash of that warm smile of hers is given to her impromptu partner. "Whatever is most comfortable for you." It is unknown just how familiar Berna is with SHIELD personnel, so the name of Simmons might ring a bell....or not. Either way, Jemma does seem to linger a bit with the handshake, as her eyes take in the expression...then she moves on.

    Releasing the hand, Jemma turns to the task at hand. "Shot with a snake...yes. That is the theory, isn't it?" The bag opens, as a scanner of some sorts emerges. A Fitz's special, no doubt, as the device fires up, a laser grid tracing along the surface of the crime scene. As an explanation, Jemma speaks. "looking for trace evidence...scales, disturbed debris...something that will indicate where our murder weapon ran off to."

Sowa has posed:
    The grip is warm enough, and gentle to boot. "Verywell Doctor, A pleasure. I'm Starzy Sierzant Berna Wieczorek, Just Berna would be best I think. Polish names can be difficult for English speakers, I know."Pleasantries done, well she steps out of the way. "My Doctor spoke very highly of you, Said you were his favorite English language researcher."Berna parks her hands in her pockets finally, adopting the characteristic slump of a professional soldier out of uniform.

    "So since the debrief landed I swept by the local Police department, turns out the body is missing. He was pronounced dead at the scene by EMTs, and the officer who discovered it seem fairly convinced."And finally a little shrug. "Never turned up at the morgue, and we have no projectile snake."

    The chalk line where the hero fell is plain to see, right there in the middle of the alley. What is amazing though honestly, is the amount of blood. It's an improbable amount of blood, and well it's all in one comically huge puddle. Beyond that the scanner turns up, well nothing of particular interest beyond a plastic bottle cap of some sort. A bottle cap smeared with blood, discarded behind a nearby dumpster.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    "Your doctor, hmm?" Jemma doesn't turn to look at Berna, as her attention remains focused on the scanner. "I assume the doctor that did your reconstructive surgery?" There is a side glance towards Berna, as Jemma's smile brightens a touch more. She doesn't mention exactly what tipped her off...but instead focuses on the facts at hand. "Doesn't that seem like a ridiculuous amount of blood to you, Berna?" Jemma falls so easily into using the first name, as if the two are the best of friends.

    It is the blood...and the bottle cap...that captures the scientist's attention. "It just seems rather unusual." And...with that, a test vial appears in Jemma's hand, held in that bag of hers. A sample of the blood is taken, then dropped into an evidence bag. Followed shortly by that bottle cap. "And this little cap. Why is it way over here? Curiouser and Curiouser...."

Sowa has posed:
    "One of very many, but then a hundred fifty five millimeter artillery shell can be rough on a girl."theres no change in expression, no intonation to speak of either. "Spent about ten hours flat line, Saw what comes after. Tax payer dollars were just too hard to avoid though, so I came back. Gotta make that fat government money, you know?"

    Berna steps foreward to inspect the chalk lines more carefully, humming softly. "Too much blood, and the pool is too tight. Our boy wasn't hit in the head or the spine, considering witness reports. So he'd have gone down and thrashed, maybe crawled towards the alley entrance."Slowly circling around to eyeball the bottle cap for a moment, before digging into her backpack for a notebook.

    A hand illustrated notebook full of measurements of, well a seemingly random collection of mundane items. Stop signs to the size of various mobile phones, American soda cans and finally..plastic water bottles. A few pages in and boom. "It belongs to a Gallon milk jug, I don't have a tape measure on me but the sizes line up by aproximations. Looks like somone faked their death, yeah?"

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    An expression of unabashed surprise crosses Jemma's features as she actually turns to acknowledge Berna. But then, the taxpayer dollar joke hits her and Jemma cannot help but laugh. "I see. I suspected massive trauma...but not exactly that traumatic." There is a another chuckle, muffled as the tax payer joke hits her once more...

    And then, it is back to business. "You see it, too, then. There is too much blood in too small of a space. There isn't any splatter patterns or anything of that nature. It does seem rather staged." The blood sample is tucked away...as she doesn't have the tools to analyze it immediately. However, she can look at it...and ponders. "How long has this been here?" Seems Jemma is trying to judge from sight what sort of substance this 'blood' is.

    And then, the bottle cap. No question as to why Berna would have a notebook with mundane objects within it. But...the bottle cap identified as a milk jug cap....makes sense. "The pooling makes sense as if it was poured out. Is there a container nearby that was missed? With all of this...it certainly seems someone wants to makes us think that our lone hero died. so...the question now is...why go through the trouble?"

Sowa has posed:
    "This long out, no way to tell how old."Theres a huff there, as finally the barest hint of a scowl. "Well if he's retiring or up to whatever, thats fine. We cannot presume he was not abducted, so we should endeavor to locate him."And well she's off, stowing her book as she goes. "Fire up your tablet, we're going hunting Doctor." She pauses at the trunk of her car, digging through some of the gear there until she can get her partner out.

    Her 'partner' is plucked from a neat black case and held aloft in a lifeless slump. It looks like a Raven at a glance, but well the angles are too sharp and the head is clearly packed full of cameras upon close inspection. Theres an audible -click- and the bird stirs, fluttering for a moment before she simply tosses it aloft and...off it goes. "Czarny will begin searching for prospective hiding places where an ambulance might be, and then we will go round up our wayward hero yes?"

    "Can you drive whilst I get my gear on, Doctor? I'll bring up the network once I'm all plugged in, and then we can mesh your tablet with my head."Because, meshing tablets with heads is a thing!

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    "But...that's my point. This isn't a fresh scene. so...really, unless an anti-coagulant was introduced into the bloodstream, like certain types of snake venom, this should be more viscous." Still, Berna is right. They should go looking for the person. And so, Jemma produces her tablet. "I knew I should have taken Fitz up on taking a DWARF with me."

    Of course, that is forgotten as Berna produces her avian-esque partner. "Ah...I see. You have the arial search handled." Of course....why not? Jemma already suspected there was more than immediately visible to Berna. And...seems she was right. "I can certainly drive. Though, I am not that all certain you want to interface with my tablet. Though, honestly, that's more Fitz's thing."

    With that, Jemma heads over towards the rental car, taking a moment to inform the quinjet to remain in place. Can't have a big airship tip off their hand.

Sowa has posed:
    "Well then take mine, it'll plug you directly into my optical feed."And into the backseat she goes, shrugging out of clothes and pulling on her combat stitch with practiced ease. "So if this guy did this all himself for whatever reason, in your medical opinion we found him with his nose broken right?"

    "Well I'm a sniper, so yeah I travel with a targeting engine when I can. It makes things much easier, helps keep people safe."Theres a grunt of effort, before she finally sits up to cynch down her chest rig. "Oh yes, I love the army. Every paycheck a fortune, every meal a banquet. Every assignment some backwoods grabass with the local flavor."And a grunt of effort as she pulls that poncho on and settle back with a pant. "You know Doctor, you can hate me for saying it but I'd rather prefer an alien invasion. I mean chasing cleetus is, I dunno what thats like for a doctor. Giving check ups to Billy goats?"

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    "Well, that would explain the military air I sensed. Though, I admit, I have experience with augmented military personnel." Jemma is being polite, in her usual way. Augmented...as in cybernetically enhanced. "At least, more than a normal person would. So I presume I am unique in that regard." The question of just how the hero is potentially found does solicit a wry grin from the doctor. "If we find him alive and well, his best hope is for only a broken nose, I would imagine."

    The idea of a targeting engine brings a nod. "Oh, Fitz and I usually use the DWARFs. 8 drones, each one set up with a unique task. I just thought it might have been overkill to bring them. Looks like I was wrong." The preference of a larger emergency is not lost to her. "Well..maybe not animal vet services....that is still noble. This is....more like chasing squirrels with scent trackers." Such an oddly specific thing to say can only mean one thing. Jemma has actually chased a squirrel with scent-marking detectors. Still, she drives as Berna prepares herself. "let us look for this squirrel."

Sowa has posed:
    "Augmented is a funny word. I mean I died, I did the whole thing. Saw the other side, toured the forest of invaders. Now I dunno, like I'm a new person. Berna two, if you will. Seeing as I was reborn this way, well I dunno. Does that count for augmented, if I'm essentially what I was reborn with?"Theres a humm there, as Berna snuggles down in the back seat. "You've delt with Captain America, the one armed Russian, The Black Widow. Those people went through a Process, I was just I dunno started over?"

    And finally she passes up the tablet, which displays both the aerial view of town as well as the real time sensor feed from Berna's own eyes. The Augmented reality overlay is present but, perhaps surprisingly minimal.