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Latest revision as of 17:20, 12 November 2019

Go Go Alpha Flight Ranger!
Date of Scene: 12 November 2019
Location: Hangar Bay (Mackenzie King Station)
Synopsis: Trini joined Alpha Flight as an 'ambassador' from the Power Rangers and met Caitlin Fairchild. Got the five-cent tour.
Cast of Characters: Yellow Ranger, Fairchild

Yellow Ranger has posed:
Yellow Ranger is standing in the Command Center, after Zordon stressed the importance of defending the world from alien threats - well - other than Rita of course. She is morphed, as she glances over at Alpha 5, who nods encouragingly with her. As the 'diplomat' of the team, she was the one chosen. So she sends a message to Mackenzie Station. "Mackenzie Station, please come in. This is the Yellow Ranger of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Please come in."

Fairchild has posed:
There's a few beats and then an automated response acknowledges reciept of the message. A beeping series of electronic handshakes happen and then the monitor flickers on. "Hey-- Sorry! Hang on, one sec--" There's a loud *WHACK* and the image resolves into clarity. A redhead in a bright pink 'Columbia' hoodie slides into the chair.

"Uh, hi! We aaare... recieving," she says, looking offscreen. "This is Fairchild, go for Mackenzie Station. Is there an emergency?" she inquires with an eager enthusiasm.

Yellow Ranger has posed:
Yellow Ranger is in what looks like the bridge of a starship. A robot is standing behind and to the side of the yellow-suited woman with a saucer head. "No emergency, Mackenzie Station. I am requesting permission to board your station. I have a proposition. We are both doing similar things - defending the Earth from extraterrestrial threats. I have been chosen to serve as 'ambassador' of sorts."

Fairchild has posed:
"Ah... ah! Okay! Cool! I'm Caitlin. Er, Caitlin Fairchild," the redhead amends. "Let me... check to see if someone with clearance can authorize that. Give me just a minute?" she requests. The 'hold' image flashes for a second, then the image comes on. The chair's empty.

Thirty seconds pass and Caitlin slides back into frame. "Uh... ok, so apparently I'm in charge today!" she clarifies with an apologetic laugh. "Sorry. Yeah, authorization granted," Caitlin says. "I'm transmitting IFF and docking handshake protocols. You're on the starboard port; look for flashing yellow and red lights," she explains. "I'll meet you down there."

Yellow Ranger has posed:
Yellow Ranger giggles faintly - smiling under her helmet. "Ah. I was going to ask you about that. I was planning on teleporting. I have the station targeted - just need a place to go that will be accepted." She takes a deep breath - for she reealizes that for the first time since joining this team - she's about to reveal who she is to a new group of people - litreally only seven other people (including Alpha 5 and Zordon) know who she is.

Fairchild has posed:
"Starboard port," Caitlin repeats with a nod. "Lock onto my tightbeam signal; there's a pad there. I've dropped the zeta-wave blockers in that area. I'll be there in just a minute," she explains.

True to her word, by the time the computers fininsh communicating with one another, Caitlin's down at the docking port and standing by the teleporter pads. In black yoga pants, neon-blue athletic shoes, and her pink hoodie, she definitely doesn't look like a superhero on duty. She looks more like a postgrad student who wandered away from the library during midterms. Still, she's all smiles when the Yellow Ranger appears. "Welcome to Mackenzie Station," Caitlin says, and steps up to extend a hand to Trini in greeting. She makes a point of reaching over rather than standing /directly/ next to the (much shorter) Ranger. "I'm Caitlin Fairchild, but I'm off duty, so it's just 'Caitlin'," she assures Trini. "Sorry for the confusion. Normally Captain Marvel's the commanding officer, but she blasted off to handle something earlier. I didn't realize I was the, uh..." Her nose scrunches in thought. "Deck officer?" she hazards.

Yellow Ranger has posed:
Right as you enter the room, a bright yellow flash of light heralds the helmeted woman in the yellow spandex. She steps down, extending her hand. "Hello, I'm the Yellow Ranger." She looks around. "Very impressive place you have here. I... I'm not used to working like this with another team." She does sound a bit nervious. "It's a pleausre to meet you, Caitlin."

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin squeeze Trin's fingers very carefully. There's a sense around Caitlin of someone who spends a lot of time worrying about stepping on toes (in the literal sense, anyway). "Hi, uh, Yellow. ...Ranger," Caitlin says, enthusiastically. "It's a great place, innit?" she remarks, and looks around the docking bay. "Really stellar setup. I think I like it better than the Watchtower."

"C'mon!" she beckons. "I'll show you up to the conference room. We might as well do this officially."

She looks down at herself. "Er, sorry for being dressed casually. I really wasn't expecting to be doing anything more intensive than playing Warcraft today," she confesses wryly.

Yellow Ranger has posed:
Yellow Ranger smiles faintly. "That's alright. Wait - regular Warcraft or WoW? You can connect to the Internet here? I can barely get a cellphone signal in my base." She follows after you to the conference room. "So - ummmm... this is just a bit awkward is all. I got special permission for... well... I swore an oath not to reveal my identity. If I join this august group, I'd have to ask you to keep my secret. My family's at risk." She looks out the window, gazing towards the moon, as if she can see that palace that somehow impossibly perches there causing her team menace.

Fairchild has posed:
"We're sitting on a transciever that taps right into the ICANN backbone," Caitlin says with as much modesty as she can muster. "Piggybacking a little server connection is easy peasy. I've got like, ten milliseconds of lag," she explains, and finds a seat.

At Trini's plaintive request, her brow furrows uneasily. "Well..." Caitlin hesitates, crossing her leg at the knee. The chair creaks protest. "I mean, I'll promise not to say anything, but I can't speak for the others," Caitlin says. "I mean-- we've got plenty of people with covert identities who associate with us. All the crew has high-level compartmentalized Secret Clearances, and no one in a cape is gonna rat you out." She shrugs. "If you don't want to reveal your identity, you don't have to. I might ask for something briefer than 'Yellow Ranger' to nickname you, though," she grins.

Yellow Ranger has posed:
Yellow Ranger ponders. "Nickname?" she asks softly. "I guess 'Yellow' or maybe 'Tiger' would work for such." She sighs softly. "I suppose... I've come this far. And... I knew this would happen." She sighs softly as she glances over at you. "My trust won't be betrayed? Very well. I will hold you to that." She then puts both hands on her belt buckle. "Yellow Ranger... power down." A yellow flare of light engulfs her as an Asian teenager stands there wearing basically all yellow clothing, looking about eighteen as she tucks away the buckle in a back pocket. "Hello again. I'm Trini Kwan." She extends her hand.

Fairchild has posed:
"I like 'Tiger', I'll remember that one better than 'Yellow'," Caitlin promises Trini. But she returns the handshake again, with the same care not to apply any more pressure than is needed, and smiling enthusiastically. "Welcome to Mackenzie Station, Trini. It's swell to meet you," she assures the woman.

"So! Ambassador, huh?" she inquires, and puts her hands back in her hoodie pouch. "That's kind of awesome," she says enviously. "Are you like, hoping to stay here for a while, or commute, or what? I'll have to ask Car-- Captain Marvel about permanent accomodations, but I'm sure we could put you up in the guest bunks until it's formally approved."

Yellow Ranger has posed:
Trini Kwan nods. "I have access to a world-spanning teleporter. Popping up to the station in geosyncronous orbit over where I live is no hassle. Captain Marvel - I've always wanted to meet her. Guess this is my chance. I wonder if she speaks Kree - I know a few words of that language." She sighs as she sits down. "And you don't have to treat me like a delicate flower. I'm a bit stronger than I look. The benefits of the power I wield, I guess."

Fairchild has posed:
"Handy," Caitlin says, enviously. "I've gotta take a Javelin or a Quinjet everywhere. I wish I could just *blip* around on a whim. Station sometimes loses geosync and then it's like, two hours of flying to get up here. /And/ there's no delivery service," she huffs.

Cait comes down off her soapbox. "Sorry. Yeah, Carol knows Kree. Better than anyone," she says. Her pride in Carol is clearly firmly placed. "And, uh... sorry. I didn't mean to offend you," Caitlin apologizes. "I'm really careful about it with everyone. I don't want to break a bone if I sneeze while we're shaking hands."

Yellow Ranger has posed:
Trini Kwan smiles softly. "So - you are stronger than you seem too?" she asks. "Mmmmmm. Okay. I suppose that happens a lot. I'm decently strong as just Trini - but my powers are amplified when morphed." She nods slowly. "So - what is it you guys do up here? I admit I'm not fully sure."

Fairchild has posed:
"I don't like to make a big deal about it," Caitlin admits, embarassed. "If you like to work out, I do a good Crossfit routine twice a day. It's more fun with someone else, otherwise it's just me taking up too much gym space. But my powers, they're all mechanical. I gotta work out and eat right. I just... do a lot more of that than most people," she says, obliquely.

"As for our mission here-- interstellar interdiction, mostly. There's some competition with SWORD and a few other government agencies. But we've got some heavy hitters in the crew, good interstellar mobility, this Kree science vessel we're retrofitting-- we're gonna start pushing out into the stars more," Caitlin explains. "See more of the universe and get them used to seeing us."

Yellow Ranger has posed:
Trini Kwan nods slowly. "My team has a bit of an alien problem... Rita Repulsa. She's in some kind of castle that's parked on the moon. She's been really quiet lately though, though I'm sure she's alien of some sort. Our mentor told us she's alien after all."

Fairchild has posed:
"Rita Repulsa? Sounds ... cartoony," Caitlin says with a wrinkle of her nose. "But I once got in a brawling fistfight with a bunch of animatronic killer teddy bears, so." She flips her palms skywards and shrugs. "I know how that sorta thing goes. Alpha Flight might be able to help then. If we're near orbit we could try to interdict anything she sends groundwards."

"Again, this is me speculating," Caitlin adds hastily. "I can't sign off on anything. I'm a blue shirt, not management," she clarifies.

Yellow Ranger has posed:
Trini Kwan nods. "Better than being a redshirt," she muses, making a Vulcan salute with her hand to indicate the source of the joke. "So - what kind of recreation is there around here? You said a Kree ship? I'd love to see it - or do I need certain clearance for it?"

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin returns the Vulcan salute and giggles. "Oh good, someone else around here who appreciates good TV," she says, and casts her eyes skywards with grateful fervor. "Sif and Diana just... kinda smile and nod at most of my references."

She gets to her feet and beckons. "C'mon! Let's go look around. Do you mind if we start at the cantina first? I'm /super/ hungry," she explains, and leads Trini off to give her a tour of the station.