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Hellfire Costume
Date of Scene: 04 November 2019
Location: Little Costume Shop in Flatbush
Synopsis: Emma Frost visits a little costume store to order a custom piece from Alice... and scout her?
Cast of Characters: Red, Emma Frost

Red has posed:
Flatbush, close to Mutanttown, had its fair share of shops. One of them, quite close to the next neighborhand, was a small costume shop. The shop window showed some of the costumes, movie worth ones, and the name. A glowing sign in the door told it was open, but the storefront seemed a little deserted, just the counter and the wall with some more props to be seen.

Emma Frost has posed:
    The silver Mercedes stopped just outside of the little shop and the driver quickly gets out in order to rush to the back passenger door and opens it out towards the sidewalk, giving Emma Frost access to the outside. She slides both legs out and then takes his offered hand to pull up and stand on the sidewalk with a click of her tongue as she eyes the shop front and looks to the driver, "This is the place?" She asks before he nods in reply and moves back to shut the door and wait by the car.

    Wearing a strong and sharp suit, Emma is dressed in charcols and ivorys, looking very monochromatic other than her piercing blue eyes and perfect blonde hair. She enters the shop and moves directly towards the counter, looking very much like a woman with purpose.

Red has posed:
As the door opens, heavy strings alert the staff. The piece played is a little melancholic, catching the pattern of the movie it comes from. A Small Measure of Peace, the theme of Last Samurai.

While the shop seems deserted at first, a moment or two after the door had opened the head of Alice appears in the doorframe, red locks bound into a ponytail today, a pair of overalls in the classic denim over a white T-shirt on the body. A light Blue sticker reading 'hello I'm Alice' clings to the left side of the front. "Hello and welcome to the shop. New here?" she asks friendly, offering what could be described as a genuine smile, not a customer service one.

Emma Frost has posed:
    "No, I've been around here for quite a while." Emma says, taking the question in a different direction than Alice might have intended. Emma steps up to the counter and openly gives Alice the once up and down and squints her eyes. "You're the girl I've heard about..." Emma says aloud and then crosses her arms beneath her chest and leans her weight on one foot. With a shift in demeanor that is as subtle as her arrival, Emma asks, "Do you do custom orders or do you tend to prefer to work off templates and other people's work?"

Red has posed:
"Custom, eh? Of course we do customs. People seem to like whatever they see in the movies, so that's what the owners want to stock in the windows but we do make custom costumes." Alice responds, the we meaning the shop in general, but for a good part she was the workshop. "Got something specific in mind or do you want to look at the portfolio of previous custom work?" She doesn't wait for an answer but reaches for the binder with photos of those costumes from behind the counter, putting it on the counter with a smile. "Have a look if you want." Skipping through the designs, not everythign in there is a costume in the strict sense. Some seems to be more in the region of costume armor, other pieces are more sportsgear. Only on close inspection one might notice that the ammount of seams visible is at times was very low. Like the custom surfsuit with a sport's teams patterns ant not a single visibe seam.

Emma Frost has posed:
    "I want to see the ones you have personally made." Emma says, looking down at the catalogue and then back up to Alice, the overalls don't do the girl any favors Emma consideres but there is a nice foundation that the White Queen could work with, plus, if the skills are up to what the telepath has heard, she will certainly be leaving with more than just a phone number.

Red has posed:
Alice shrugs a little as she opens the binder to flip through them. "Most of the bodysuits went over my table. The roman armor here I made upon on a cast of the customer, and generally most of the stuff in here I have worked on, usually in the hard bits or base suits. And..." She turns around and reaches for a helmet hanging at the wall behind her, slowly pulling it out with the stand and glass cover. "This is technically a replica of the helmet of Marcus Antonius, but my handywork." It's clearly a ceremonial piece, the huge ammounts of decorations make that clear. But it immitates the look of metal and jewels well... despite being fuly made from polymers, some of them translucent, others not, and then covered in leaf silver and gold. "...this took some weeks to get right, but I think it is worth it."

Emma Frost has posed:
    "You do good when you have time, what's something that you made the quickest, Alice?" Emma asks as she examines the helmet and then adjusts her icy stare onto the redhead. The white queen is trying to figure out all of Alice's strengths and weaknesses as a seamstress and maybe even the CEO is starting to think that there might be some mutation involved in the creation of these pieces. One way to find out.

Red has posed:
"Depends on the scale. I have tinkered together costumes on a 10 minute call using the stockroom. From scrap... I have pulled overnight express on some stuff in the past." Alice explains, smiling some as she searches in the folder for something. "I didn't do the needlework on the cape belonging to this, but the armor and helmet I dished out after the sketch here. Had like a day to make this happen. The biggest time crunch in such a job is painting, so worked a lot with pre-colored material." The mere idea of working with needles was frightening to her, lingering in the back of her mind as she talked about the cape.

Emma Frost has posed:
    "Interesting." Emma says as she extends out a piece of paper from within her coat and sets it on the counter. "I'd like you to make me one of thse." She says, a image of a black corset with little frill, but the art is in the lace work and the eyes, though it's gold and black, Emma looks up to Alice and gives a nod, "I'd like this in white instead of black, everything else I want the same." The woman says and pulls out a metal credit card and holds it up. "I'll give you a five grand down payment and when I get back tomorrow, I'll offer you much, MUCH more." Emma gives a sort of deal.

Red has posed:
"Hmmm, what's the material? Doesn't look like leather... Rayon coverng the actual corset? No, not the right texture... " Alice asks, tilting the picture. "In white, overnight? Sure, can do if I get the materials in time. That's brass eyes, those I got in tons... But what material is the main body?" She smiles as she eyes the credit card. "Usually I would make an estimate, but I take that offer, if you name what you want it to be made from." That would determine the handywork needed. Some are easier to work with than others...

Emma Frost has posed:
    "Designer's choice. You chose, I'll decide after then." Emma says and slips the card away and turns to leave the store. "I'll return in time dear Alice. Do try and surprise me. It will be worth your while." The white queen then turns and saunters towards the front of the store and out the door to the silver car parked out front.