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Latest revision as of 17:15, 18 November 2019

In the Lab
Date of Scene: 18 November 2019
Location: Hank's Lab - X-Men Base
Synopsis: Twinkies were had by all! A plan was formed for a troubled student, and a concert is planned!
Cast of Characters: Beast, Rage, Dazzler

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy is down in his Lab, getting things done. At the moment he has five screens up: Factorio, a transcript of an odd recording some students picked up, a transcript of some analysis done by another group of students on the message, a satellite map, and a social media window. In front of him is a twinkie and a mug of coffee.

Rage has posed:
The doors swish open to reveal Andrea as she heads inside the lab. "Good morning Doctor McCoy." She says as she lifts a hand upwards to him. "How are you doing today? I was hoping I can pick your brain about something if you have some time. I think you'll be excited by it."

Dazzler has posed:
Bothering Hank in his lab is usually not on Alison's list of things to do in life. One, because she knows nothing about lab work beyond the idea that there needs to be clean areas, and a lack of people knocking things over or getting into things. Two, because it just seems rude.

But today she wanders into the lab, a magazine in hand and a large pink coffee mug in her other.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy looks up to see two young women entering his lab. He sits up, sits back, and dips his twinkie into his coffee. "Good morning Alison, Andrea. Have a seat if you like." He does reach down to pull out a box of twinkies, and sets it on his desk, in front of the stools he gestures toward. "Pick my brain all you like."

Rage has posed:
Glancing over her shoulder as the doors swish again, Andrea looks surprised to see Allison. Her smile brightens upon her face, genuine and real. "Hey Allison." She tucks some hair back behind her ear, cheeks flushed for a moment as she swallows down some fangirlism. "Good morning." To McCoy, she clears her throat. "So, we have a new student named Brad. Something very interesting happened to him. He went blind, when his invisbility powers kicked in. So that's a weird relation. He can't turn himself back on, and due to that, he is blind and has to use his telekinesis to feel himself around."

Dazzler has posed:
"Good morning, Hank." Alison replies as she moves towards the stool, dropping the magazine onto the desk with a frown before she sits as well. The article she's reading appears to be about her. Unflatteringly so. But she dismisses that to give Andrea a puzzled look, "So he's invisible and blind, or just blind...and visible?" Important questions, evidently.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy puts his coffee down, nearly spitting it out, when Andrea explains her concern. "Oh my stars and garters, that's fascinating. That suggests a mechanism for his invisibility. It may be his eyes work, but his mutation is simply blocking or diffusing the light, which causes blindness and invisibility. If we can get him into my lab, then if that's true, I can possibly make him some goggles that will work around that." Then looking to Alison, he nods. "But that's also a very good question."

Rage has posed:
"He just joined the school yesterday, and I told him I'd try and introduce you. He is still a bit nervous and timid about the whole mutant thing, especially being blind. He's a great guy. But yes, he's fully blind and it was directly correlated to him becoming invisible. One followed the other. Also when he wears tight clothing, the clothes disappear, but baggy clothes like jackets remain visible." Andrea says as she takes a seat, folding one leg over the other.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy laughs, slowly sitting back and smiling. ARms folded. "Yeah, this is probably easy to solve. His goggles will likely stick out from his invisibility field, at least until we can refine them. But he'll be able to see, and that should be a relief for him."

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler offers Henry a brilliant smile when he says that her question was a very good one. Then she rests her elbow on the desk, reaching over towards the box of twinkies to tug one out. "So what does that mean....direct skin contact means he can turn things invisible? Or...bend the light." She carefully tugs the plastic open to slide the sugary treat out into her hand, "Could always see if he can learn to extend the field. Might take time."

Rage has posed:
"From what I can see, only he turns invisible. So maybe he emits a small radius." Andrea says as she shrugs her shoulders upwards. "But this isn't my wheelhouse. I was thinking it was maybe the way his eyes bring in light, but I'm not sure why that would turn him invisible. I feel like this could be 'mental'.." She trails off, then lifts her shoulders upwards. "He just doesn't know what the switch it. But maybe some type of special visor that is attuned to him would be neat. I know that this has dramatically decreased his morale and esteem and I feel terrible for him."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy nods. "We can long-term work with him, and train him to have more control over his powers, in order to keep from going blind when he's not using it. But imediately, a device that will let him see through it should be a huge benefit to his well being. So," he then turns to Dazzler. "So what's going with you this morning?"

Dazzler has posed:
"He's in the right place...he'll get all the help that can be given." Dazzler assures Andrea, offering her a reassuring smile before she glances towards Henry. The twinkie is torn in two, and then she shoves half of it into her mouth before she lifts her shoulders in a shrug, "Reading about how I'm washed up."

Rage has posed:
"You are /not/ washed up." Andrea speaks up quickly, her tone firm and filled with emotion. "You are an inspiration to not only me, but thousands of young mutant girls who feel like they do not have a voice in this world. It doesn't matter what the media says about you or me. What is important is the impact that you have on people like me, who have inspired me to do more, to help others, whether it's through my music, or in the halls of this school. You are my hero. You will never be washed up." There is an edge in her voice, one of subtle desperation. "You are the reason why I'm so successful."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy nods and gestures to Andrea. "Well there you go. Some nobody writer who never accomplished a tenth of what you've done, calling you washed up, should carry far less weight than that."

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler smiles at Andrea, shaking her head, "I've learned a very long time ago that it doesn't matter what some nameless person writes in a paper, or a magazine. Or on social media." She lifts her empty hand to her chest, settling it over her heart, "It matters what is in here." She then reaches that same hand over to give Andrea's shoulder a squeeze before she tosses a wink in Henry's direction.

Rage has posed:
When Dazzler reaches out to touch her shoulder, she can feel how tense the young Princess of Pop is. She looks like a grenade, ready to explode. Andrea takes in a slow, steady breath, then lets it out. "It's not fair, what they did to you. Fuck those haters." She hisses out with a low rumble in her throat. "You saved the world with the Avengers, you had the hottest songs, and they took a shit on you because some of your DNA is a bit twisty. It's just ... stupid. It's stupid and it's not right." She grits the back of her teeth slowly, then sighs. "I am ending my tour at Club Evolution in a few weeks, so that I can finish my last few months of my Senior year before I go to college. Will you come to it? Will you sing with me? It's been my dream since I was twelve to sing a duet with you. It'd mean a lot to not only me, but mutant town. We can take a stand, together, and show the media world that you are not washed up, that you're still important and that you are still the Queen of pop."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy smiles, dipping and finishing off his own Twinkie. "Sounds exciting, but no pressure. You need to do what you need to do."

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler's smile turns downwards a little, then widens some more before she nods, "I'd be more than happy to. Just let me know when the concert is." She reaches into her pocket to pull out her phone, "Luckily, I think my schedule is free."

Rage has posed:
It looks as if all the Rage in Andrea just disappears in a moment, replaced by soaring emotions. She reaches out and hugs Allison tightly about the waist. "Thank you! Thank you so much!" Clearly overjoyed, she lets her go, practically dancing in place for a moment. She takes her phone out and air drops her the cal invite with the date and time. "Maybe you can help me go over my setlist. I have a third album coming out and I want to do a handful of tracks from my first two, and then this one. And, I'd want you to play all of your hits if you want. So Shannon and a few other students are opening for me, and then maybe I can do my set, then as an encore, I can introduce you! Like a big surprise! And you'll come out looking amazing and hot and you can do a bunch of your famous songs. My entire team will work with you and make sure everything is perfect."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy nods and tosses one wrapped treat to each woman. "Twinkies for everyone!" He then opens a new one for himself and dips it, swirling his coffee around. "You need any special lighting?"

Dazzler has posed:
"I'd be more than happy to go over your setlist, but it already sounds to me like you've a very solid plan. I find opening with the familiar...then going to a few of the new before closing solidly on the biggest hit is good. Then first encore you give them another new song....second, a fan favorite." Alison picks up the magazine, mug, twinkie and phone, giving Henry an amused smile at the question about lights. "I'll pick a few songs, but not all the hits. I'm not the headliner...you should be what they remember."

Rage has posed:
There is a bit of conflict in Andrea's face as she rocks back and forth on her feet. Is that a lack of confidence in her eyes? Perhaps she doesn't see herself worthy of being a headliner over /the/ Dazzler. "I.. okay.. sure. It will be an amazing show." She says as she summons her resolution back. "We'll tear the roof down and set the stage on fire." She glances over to Hank and smiles. "Special lighting? Like what? My team usually plans the entire stage with my dancers and band. If you have something in mind, I'd have to tell my team now and quickly so they can adopt it. It's a closed event so I can't do fireworks or anything that's flammable." She grins.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy shrugs. "Holograms. Colored lights. While I'm making the new boy's goggles, I could whip up something for you."

Dazzler has posed:
"We will." Dazzler agrees with a laugh, then she nods, "On that note, I'm going to go find something more substantial to eat then twinkies and coffee."

Rage has posed:
"OH! That kinda lightning. I'm good. I like my concerts to be very natural. I don't auto tune or do much in the way of trickery on stage. I like to have the audience make a real connection with the music without a lot of distractions. I do have a screen behind me and some lights that change backgrounds depending on the song. But, /maybe/ if I do Madison Square Gardens again, a bigger venue. Now that would be cool to do holograms and get fancy." Andrea grins at the big blue Beast. "I'll bring Brad up to see you today if you're free." She gives another smile to Allison. "Good idea. I'm going to drag Jay out for lunch."