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Latest revision as of 21:46, 18 November 2019

Catching up on Duties
Date of Scene: 17 November 2019
Location: Batcave - Wayne Manor
Synopsis: The Bats gather in the cave to catch up on events, criminal, demonic and familial.
Cast of Characters: Carrie Kelley, Batman, Red Hood, Spoiler, Nightwing

Carrie Kelley has posed:
While Carrie had her own 'cave' of sorts to retreat to when she needed these days, there was still the fact of the matter that given she was living in the manor, this one was so much closer. So much easier to slip down to so she can do a quick scan over the police bands, and catch up on reports from the others. It wasn't that she'd been ignoring her duties lately just... She had so many of them what with finals coming up as well. Since the meeting with Constantine to help heal Bruce, she'd been rather scarce in an attempt to get caught up on her studies while she could.

Now, she sits at the Batcomputer with one hand on the controls. The other is sipping a Red Bull as she scans over the screens hoping to get herself caught up before anyone else might come down to use the cave.

Batman has posed:
Bruce didn't have much reason to be down in the Batcave. His only time spent there was keeping up his physical fitness regimen, intent on making up for all the strength and agility lost during his convalescence. While that was admittedly several hours a day, the rest were spent either out of the house (often in the company of its newest resident, Diana) or upstairs in the makeshift command center that was once the master bedroom. He let the uniformed members of his outfit use the Cave's resources and stayed out of their way.

He's on his way from the training area, grey towel draped across his shoulders. He's on crutches now, no longer confined to a wheelchair or bed like he had been for so many weeks. Despite the walking aid, he seems to have regained much of his old grace and alights down the stairs easily. His brow furrows as he looks across the cavern towards Carrie at the Batcomputer.

"Your uplink should be working fine from the Bunker."

Red Hood has posed:
Jason also had his own cave, one freshly hooked up to the Bat-Network by Oracle herself, but he found himself making his way up to the Batcave tonight anyhow. His purpose? To get the stuff he'd brought when the chuch on top of his his cave became a major crime scene.

He's driving his car tonight, not the bike, the modified 1968 Mustang Fastback, rolls into the cave, and comes to a halt before Jason exits, smiling when he spots Carrie, but frowning as Bruce comes into view.

"Wow, good timing me," he says to himself loud enough for both of them to hear. "This a private chat or can anyone join?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley nearly chokes on her sip of Red Bull when Bruce speaks up. So much for avoiding someone who might be upset at her. Good job there, Kelley. Even so she sits up a bit straighter to look over toward him with a shrug. Before she can answer, Jason arrives, perhaps saving her from a tongue lashing. She hopes.

"Hey Jaybird," she greets before turning her attention again toward the recouperating Bruce... whom she quickly vacates the chair for with a nod. "It is, but I was taking a study break and wanted to check on things. I usually study here," she points out as if that were very common sense to her. Yep. "Finals are coming up in a week or two and I'm trying to be ahead of the curve."

Batman has posed:

The noise, more a grunt than any discernible word, is all Bruce offers in return to Carrie. It's not polite by any stretch of the imagination, but neither is it the verbal lambasting that might be (depending on one's view) due. He moves towards the small, glass-fronted refrigerator built into the podium the Batcomputer occupies and produces a water bottle from it.

He glances towards Jason but says nothing as he upends the contents into his open mouth. He lets it hang from one hand, using the other to balance himself on one of his crutches.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown doesn't have a cave. She does have a car, and a bike, and she used the latter to head over to the manor. Parking it upstairs, Stephanie went inside and grabbed some food, with a kiss on the cheek for Alfred when he helped get the meal together for her.

Stephanie then took the secret elevator down. The doors open to admit her. The smell of hot roast beef in a brown mushroom sauce, baked mac and cheese, and steamed green beans, wafts ahead of her as she carries her tray over to set down on a table and then go grab herself a drink.

"Hey everyone," Stephanie calls over to them. She's been out on patrol a lot, trying to keep an eye on Ivy Island while they work out a strategy for dealing with her that won't put the hostages at risk.

Red Hood has posed:
Jason flashes Carrie a smile but pauses as Bruce goes for a water, he had similar designs but lets the paterfamilias go first. As he waits, there's a nod and *gasp* another smile for Steph. "Heya Rick," he says with a callback to their latest movie thing.

When Bruce has his water Jason goes and gets his, "So, anything exciting going on around here?" he asks. "Been crashing at the Clocktower for the last couple after I got thrown around a bit by a demon," he says with a smirk. He was also limping a little as best as he tried to hide it.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley stands awkwardly unsure of what to do or say for a few minutes. Even with Stephanie's arrival. A smile is offered to her friend as she works to try and relax again with an exhaled sigh. "Sorry about that night," she mutters for Bruce. Of course, she doesn't give details. There's no need to... right? He'd know. As for the others, she shifts to lean her weight against the side of the bat computer with arms crossing over her chest idly.

"Studying again. More. I've been doing patrols in my area, but I haven't had much attention for other things I admit... Sorry guys. If you need help with anything let me know. I've had..." Her head ducks a moment with hand raising up to rake her fingers back through her hair as she frowns. "Some issues of my own to work through."

Batman has posed:
When Carrie offers her apology, Bruce only gives her another look. There's nothing particularly scathing in it. In fact, it would be better described as a blank stare if he didn't look as though there was always something going on behind his eyes. He takes another sip of the bottle, moving away from the refrigerator and deftly hopping his way back down the stairs with the help of the crutches.

A careful glance is paid to the food Stephanie has brought with her. His brow creases at that, but again there are no words. Once he's moved away from the dais the Batcomputer occupies, he puts his bottle down. He busies himself adjusting the height of the crutches, apparently something isn't sitting particularly well with them. When Jason mentions the fight, however, he turns his attention back to listen.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown takes a seat at the table, blue eyes taking in the various interactions. The things said, and unsaid. A somewhat tense seeming night at the Batcave. "Mainly been keeping an eye on Ivy, plus dealing with some robberies," she says in reply to Jason. "Also getting ready for finals." Professors apparently don't give dispensations for vigilanteism. Particularly when you can't actually tell them that's why you didn't sleep the night before.

Stephanie digs into the food like someone who hasn't eaten all day. Which would be an apt conclusion. "How is it going with Momma demon? I've been trying to keep up on the happenings but haven't been able to help out there," she asks.

Stephanie gives Carrie a soft smile, one that seems meant to be reassuring to the other female crime fighter and collegian. Then she looks over to Bruce. "How is the rehab coming?" she asks him, hoping that's a safe subject tonight.

Red Hood has posed:
Jason eyes Bruce when he answers Carrie's apology with a blank stare, "Good to see a near death experience didn't change you at all Bruce, even if you take the odd night off for the opera," he remarks dryly, before giving Carrie a nod, "Honestly if you hadn't said something I probably would have," it wasn't anywhere near as good as Bruce letting her off the hook for it but it's what he had.

When Carrie and Steph mention finals, he smirks, saying "Nerds."

Though the sector stuff is noted with interest, in the same way Bruce perks up when Jason mentions demons. "If Shredder hadn't wasted all those independents the Narrows would be a mess right now," he admits of his sector. He'd taken out the biggest gang, then got distracted by the demons, if they weren't dead there'd be a Narrows wide gang war going on right now. "But, my other sectors are good, if you guys need any help, let me know."

"We've got Momma tracke down to one of those big corporate undertaking facilities, tons of bodies to jump into, Babs, is working on an EMP to mess with them a bit, apparently the demons don't like shocks to their system."

He shrugs. Magic right? Who knew?

"Could use some back up when it's time to throw down though, so, if any of you want to get your young priest and old priest on, you're welcome to come join."

That pitch done he does look to Carrie, "And what sort of issues are those?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley seems more than willing to fall into listening to the goings on about town when Stephanie and Jason chime in. A glance is cast toward the quiet Bruce though at that look. Okay. She won't bring it up if he won't. That worked for her.

Mention of the demons brings her attention back to the here and now as she nods knowingly. "The Conventry murders," she mumbles more to remind herself of the news she'd been readin and catching up on than anything else. Or maybe she was trying to fill in Bruce, too, in case he was similarily out of sorts.

When Jason brings the topic back around to her she just grimaces and shakes her head. "Nothing you haven't already made plenty awkward, Jay. My parents are trying to butt into things again."

Batman has posed:
"You can thank them for their card and flowers," Bruce tells Carrie at the mention of her parents, even if his tone is more one of irritation than gratitude, "Though gladioli and lilies are for funerals - you might want to remind them that I'm not dead."

Jason' minor outburst at him isn't responded to outright. He knows well enough that the venting helps, and he's not about to deny him that. He's been on the receiving end of Jason's temper for years now, and he'd rather have him venting it here than out on the streets in a more terminal way.

The reports of their work across Gotham are listened to intently. He reads the information that comes through the Batcomputer, of course, but it always lacks the certain nuance of hearing it from someone who experienced it firsthand. But, having heard enough, he finishes off the last of his bottle and sets it aside. Once more he takes to his crutches, heading back towards the elevator.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie watches Bruce depart. She glances about at everyone and then finally back to her food. Her hunger doesn't let up for whatever dynamics are at play here tonight, so she keeps eating quickly, needing to get to studying for her Economics class.

Stephanie grounds her fork on her plate as Bruce is departing, and looks over to Jason again. "Glad that you've got a lead on her. I'll be happy to help when it's time. Carrie too I'm guessing?" Stephanie asks, looking to her friend.

"We'll have to hear the story of how you found her. You know, I heard a story once. Matter of fact I've heard a lot of stories in my time. They began with the sound of a tinny piano playing in a parlor downstairs." Stephanie picks up her glass and salutes towards Jason, adding, "Here's looking at you, kid." Lest he think his callback went unnoticed.

Red Hood has posed:
Concern mars Jason face when Bruce doesn't rise to his bait, not even a Bat-stare or a 'Hnh'. Maybe things /had/ changed. Maybe for both of them, where Jason would have used that no-sell of his outburst as excuse to take the next one a few steps higher, he just sighs and takes a drink, watching Bruce wander off.

Once Jason's reasonably sure the old man is out of earshot, he remarks, "Guess he's not all the way back to himself yet," he says in a tone someone might accurately peg as concern which causes him to add as cover: "I am never getting out of here... great."

Then he turns to Carrie, "Yep, that's them, which reminds me we should get 'The Bleeder' out of jail, it wasn't him, it was the demons, I'll see if my new dirty cop friends can swing it," he murmurs as much as a mental note as anything. "And yeah, you guys would be welcome. Gonna need all hands on deck for this. Including Lucifer," he makes a face at the last, it was getting to be a cycle, finding himself trusting the man completely while in his presence, only to come home and realize things were off.

Jason snorts, "Oh you know, it's still the same old story, a fight for love and glory, a case of do or die," he smirks definitely catching Steph's callback. "But seriously, the demons were having some cops bought off, that Lucifer guy convinced them to talk and I tracked down the demon doing the paying, he pointed me at 'Mom' or Pikachu or whatever her real name is."

As for Carrie's parents, Jason actually flinches at that, "Sort of opened Pandora's box there didn't I?" he says. "What are they doing and is there a way I can unfuck this up for you?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"They sent flowers. Of course they sent flowers," Carrie mutters with her hand lifting to rub at the bridge of her nose. "I'll pass on your thanks," is added grudgingly before Bruce steps off to go sleep, or train more. Take your pick. A deep breath is drawn as her attention shifts back to the far more interesting talk of fighting demons. Jason and Stephanie are given a grin. "Of course I'll help. Just tell me when, and where."

She pushes off from her spot leaning against the bat computer to step in toward Jason. Reaching up she grasps hold of his jacket lapels giving them a little tug and adjustment as she explains her current issue. "The Kelley's of Gotham have requested, should we be doing anything and it wouldn't be an inconvenience, they would love to join us for Thanksgiving so they could get to know the rest of the family. Since we're 'practically family' and all." It comes out in a mock high society voice with all the sarcasm one can fit into a hoity toity tone.

For Stephanie's benefit she explains, "See Jason here decided to imply... Or rather out-right say... He and I were spending a lot of time in the bedroom together. Of course they mistook him for Tim who I was supposedly dating to flush out the killer after his girlfriends... who has gone quiet for months now."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown grins back to Jason as he keeps the Casablanca thing going. Though her expression gets a little more serious briefly as the talk goes back to the demons. "Still not sure about trusting that guy," Stephanie says to the mention of Lucifer. "Though I get it, he's helped us. Still. We should probably think through how it could go wrong, how he could be playing us. And take any steps to be ready if he is," she suggests.

Stephanie takes another bite of her roast beef from where she's sitting over at a table out of the way of the Batcomputer. She suddenly sits bolt upright. "Wait a second, did I just suggest we come up with a plan?" she asks. "Someone record the moment for Barbara?" she asks with a laugh.

Stephanie wants to laugh more about Carrie's parents, but picks up on the fact maybe it's past the point that laughter is welcome. "That's... ah... yeah, a sticky situation," Stephanie agrees. "I can't even imagine how someone will be able to make up for that. I mean, it's going to take a lot, over a long time..." Stephanie says, then flashing Carrie a wink as she tries to help make Carrie's marker with Jason loom larger.

Nightwing has posed:
Dick Grayson had an interesting little interlude before he came down the elevator, with the Bat that was coming up from below. The exchange caused Dick a brief private time in the elevator to set both palms against the interior wall of the elevator, letting his head hang forward, stretching the muscles of his back, and releasing a long, deep breath. The solitude of the elevator gave him that moment, though he's still in that position against one of the side walls as the door opens, unaware of the big group at the bottom.

Hearing voices, Dick immediately straightens up, and puts on a relaxed smile, exiting the elevator, with a tip of eyebrow towards the various younger birds and bats around the food and computers. Dick is dressed comfortably for the moment, and looks remarkably like himself, in snug black jeans and a opened dark blue button-up over a black tee. His expression isn't entirely himself: more like a dim blub of wattage, but still present.

Red Hood has posed:
"Good," Jason says when both Carrie and Steph volunteer to join the fight, before adding "And noted for history, Blondie," he says before he considers the details. "We'll have one magician on hand, and Damian with one of his crystals, that should cover us, but the thing of it is I don't think we can rely on our own judgement when it comes down to it, the guy has a way with people it's weird."

He considers, "Ever see the movie 'The Other Guys', it's like when the cops storm in and try to get answers out of this one financial guy, but by the time they walk out they're charmed and he's given them tickets to a game or a show and they don't realize they've been had until about half-way through? Yeah, it's like that." Who knew if either of them saw that movie but it was as close as Jason could get to explaining it.

Carrie getting up in his face and tugging on his jacket gets a grin despite the guilt he feels about the situation, "I mean, Tim really should thank me, being me is a step up for him," he quips before he says. "And wait, they want to come to Thanksgiving?" he asks eyes growing a little wide at the thought.

He points at Steph though, warning, "Stop helping!" as she tries to pile on the weight like he was Giles Corey, though there's amusement in his tone. He'd do the same thing in her place.

Dick's arrival is noted, as is the dimming of his customary (annoyingly) upbeat glow. Though Jason doesn't remark on it, he just gives him an upnod of greeting.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley nods solemnly a single time. "Thank you, Steph." Lightly patting Jason's chest she turns to the mini-fridge to pull out a bottle of water for herself. She'd prefer Red Bull but that was stocked elsewhere. Hydrating was probably a good idea as it was. "Yes, they want to insinuate themselves into as much as possible. Of course they do. They do that. Hi, Dick," she greets while cracking open the bottle to take a good long sip.

"Anyway. This is proving to be way too distracting for me lately. I have finals, I have patrols, and there's this whole demon and Lucifer thing... Seriously, Lucifer?" An eyebrow lifts giving Jason a side eye at that. "I kind of want to see this guy for myself."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie is in street clothes, jeans and a t-shirt with a jacket slung over the back of her chair. Her bike was upstairs parked outside of the mansion, not having brought tonight the car that Bruce had given her for her birthday. She's pretty manic about it. If she was to any particularly rough parts of town before coming to the manor, she wouldn't have drove it.

Stephanie takes another bite of her dinner, and glances up as Dick arrives. "Hey Dick," she says. She notes his expression first, before remembering to apply what she's been learning and try to pick up on other clues that might present themselves as to how he's doing. "How're you holding up?" she asks, but in a fairly light-hearted tone if he wishes to brush the question off a bit.

Nightwing has posed:
"Hi, Carrie. Stephanie." The up-nod from Jason is given a rather calm nod in return, but there's no smile or fire there. Just this sort of calm quality, which is just about the most that Dick is pulling together at the moment from his depleted reserves. The energy he does have? That's aimed at making sure work is done.

Since Stephanie is the one that engages him past a hello, she gets the questions. "In one piece, such as it is. A pity I'm not in several pieces: might be easier to be in several places at once," Dick says, with a chuckle. "Sorry to interrupt; I'll be quick. Do we have any extreme emergencies that need my attention tonight?" Dick asks, approaching the computer console, leaning over it to visually skim the screens that are presented in front, and then takes over the primary seat. Sitting is welcomed. "If not, I have Bludhaven to attend to, tonight."

The talk about Lucifer and demons gets a small angled frown, his eyes moving to Jason, recalling their last talk about it. "Has 'Lucifer' shown more of his role in all of this?"

Red Hood has posed:
"Ugh, well, I was serious about my offer of letting them use the brownstone for a bit, if that doesn't make them bug you," and the rest of the family, "More." he says.

Jason shakes his head, "No, most of my non-demon emergencies got taken care of by the Foot," he says meaning the slaughter at the church. A lot of gangs in the Narrows had people there ones critical to their operations.

Then he gets to Lucifer, "Believe me, I've been there with that name, but all in all the guy seems to stick to it, so either there's something to it, or he's had a major psychotic break and believes it, pick your poison."

He turns to Dick then, "He's been consistent on his role, he brought Bruce back and this demon got in by mistake, and he's keen to punish her and send her back to Hell."

Rolling his shoulders he says, "If you guys wants we could go down to his club tonight and we can meet him, you can see what I've been talking about."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley crinkles her nose a bit at the very suggestion of them using the brownstone. "There's no need," she assures with a shake of her head. If anything else were to be said on that subject she opts not to given there were more interesting things to discuss. "I'd like to go visit that club, too," she points out before letting out a sigh. "But for now I need to go finish my calculus homework. Break's over." Off she goes, up the stairs to do what she needs to.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie's mouth presses into a line at the mention of Lucifer. Her experience with demons and magic and... and the Devil is at a minimum. "Seriously, can't we just go back to people naming themselves after flightless birds and hiring guys with clubs and guns?" she says. Not that she wants more Penguins in the world.

Stephanie finishes up her meal, setting the fork on the plate and wiping her lips with a napkin, which joins the fork. "Bludhaven you say? Well, I've got nothing to do," she lies, not looking towards her Economics book she brought with her. "I can come with you. Maybe pick up a pointer or two. Someone said you're an ok gymnast. Well, fair," Stephanie says, occupying herself with taking a drink of her water right after the last part to try to hide any grin that wants to leak out at her understating Dick's tumbling prowess.

Nightwing has posed:
"As bad as this sounds to say, I hope he's had a major psychotic break," Dick sighs at Jason, but nods his head once. He's got the information he was after, and doesn't push Jason with any more questions. "Compared to the alternatives." He does look skeptical as Jason invites the girls to go to a club (instead of patrols...) but he doesn't voice it. At least it is related, and could unearth more information. But it appears the girls aren't taking him up on it: and maybe it's just as well they aren't going to a club run by a maybe-Devil.

"Yes, I'll be Nightwing tonight. Fair gymnastics and smiles. Good old times," Dick says, drawing up a smile. Perhaps he does have infinite smile reserves, after all.

Red Hood has posed:
"Would be nice to think wouldn't it?" Jason agrees with Dick, which is more likely sign of the apocolypse than a guy named Lucifer running around. "And yeah, I miss our usual psychos," he admits off Stephs remarks about Penquin.

When the girls all opt for patrols and resposibilities, he just sighs, "Fiiiine," he says. "Have fun with you studying and medocre tumblers," he says. "I'll just collect my gear and head back to my Cave," which was why he'd come in the first place, now that his cave was free of scrutiny again.

"Let me know if you /do/ want to go though," he calls back as he moves towards the little sleeping section of the cave looking for his gear.