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Latest revision as of 21:48, 18 November 2019

Best room Ever
Date of Scene: 18 November 2019
Location: Jay and Brad's Room (West Halls), Xavier's School
Synopsis: Jay gets a roommate, and Andrea stops by to try to be a third!
Cast of Characters: Haunt, Icarus, Rage

Haunt has posed:
Certainly Jay had had warning: he was getting a roommate. It was all being taken care of, of course; it was very common for high school students to have roommates. In fact, more odd for them to have private rooms, really: that was something reserved for older cases and dangerous cases. In any event, this roommate isn't a dangerous case, and the companionship probably will do wonders for both of the boys. Who's the roommate? Why, Brad Sawyer. He'll be a new sophomore.

The side of the room to be occupied by Brad was cleaned by a staff member, and since the last time Jay was in the room, some things have been moved in: a group of various boxes has created a small wall down the side of the room under the raised bed. The lights are off, the room dark, but there are sounds of Brad moving about near his closet.

Icarus has posed:
Jay had been told he would be getting a roomie. It wasn't a huge surprise. Having the room to himself couldn't last forever in a place like this. He wandered in and flipped on a light, glancing over at the wall of boxes.

"If that is your idea of decorating, I have to say it sucks," Jay said with a laugh as he tried to peer over or around the cardboard construct in the hopes of spying Brad in the area of the noises.

Haunt has posed:
Brad isn't visible, which is probably not a surprise: it's warm in the room, so he's not wearing layers. Which means he's invisible. "Hi!" Brad says, though, upbeat, and some sounds suggest a shuffle around the boxes, with a laugh. "Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm putting things away in here. It's taking a little time," Brad says, apologetic. "I'll move them under the bed if they're in your way?" Brad's voice is happy, smiley. "Anything I should know about? Sleepwalking murder sprees?"

Icarus has posed:
"Nah, I don't sleepwalk. Don't snore either so that's good news for you. I do like to play my guitar are weird times when I can't sleep so we'll figure that one out." Jay is used to seeing the layers. Which means, he can usually figure out where Brad is. This is a new ballgame. He turns toward the sound, not sure if he has it right or not since Brad might be moving around.

"Nah, the boxes are fine. I know you have to get settled in. Glad you opted to stay. Anything I should know about you?"

Haunt has posed:
"I can wear headphones if it gets to me. I'll probably sleep through it unless you're rocking out, though," Brad answers. A box opens up, revealing where Brad is: but then the socks start to lift and float in series into the closet. It's going to be faster to just unpack that way at this point: in a whirl of floating socks and things.

"Turn the lights on or off as much as you want. Rather you weren't naked all the time since it's weird, but if you are, just don't tell me," Brad teases.

"I haven't had a roommate before. I don't think I snore or anything. Stuff doesn't move around while I'm asleep, so it should be fine there, too. Um." Brad's located just near the open boxes, by his voice.

Icarus has posed:
That seems to be a nice way to unpack. Jay was going to offer to help but honestly? Brad has it well in hand. Or mind, as the case may be. So instead, Jay moves to his side of the room and sits on the side of the bed, bending to take off his shoes. "I try not to rock out too much. These walls aren't that thick to get away with it. Too bad though." He does chuckle a bit. "I don't sleep naked. Or wander around that way. If it does turn out you snore, expect to be woken up by things thrown at you."

Haunt has posed:
"Throw stuff? Mmmmmmm. Pick another threat, my friend," Brad replies in amusement. A little army of eight pairs of socks come out of the box and start to twirl a little in the air between them. It would be somewhat menacing, except, well, they are just white socks. He physically moves to pull pants out and put those away, while the sock brigade stands 'guard'.

Icarus has posed:
"Yeah yeah, big talk. I've been there already, remember?" Jay scoffs from his spot, eyeing the row of socks while trying not to laugh. At least Brad can't see how amused he is, right? Though it probably stands out in his voice. "So throwing stuff you obviously would win at. I'll have to come up with something though. Sing old Patsy Kline music to you at 4 am?"

Haunt has posed:
A loud gasp issues from Brad. The socks cower backwards and hide in the box! "You monster," Brad observes in a low voice.
"What else. Uh. If you want a girl to stay, just like, warn me before? I won't snitch on you or anything," Brad offers. "And again, I can headphones. Um. I don't think I'll have a girl anytime soon, but any rules there in a world where it could happen and a miracle makes me visible for a bit?" Brad asks.

Icarus has posed:
"Not all girls rate based on looks. In fact, the good ones don't. It's your personality. So don't go writing yourself off yet cause you happen to have one of those and it seems pretty good," Jay says as he gets those shoes off and removes his socks. There is a hamper on his side of the room and he bundles to two socks together then makes for a basket throw to the hamper. Usually he doesn't miss at least!

He doesn't even explain that the worst part of his threat is he can sound just like her. If he wanted too. He hasn't even revealed that to ...well, anyone at the school. His brother knows but that's it. Unless his brother babbled. Wouldn't be the first time. "Andrea does visit a lot. She comes over here or I go to her room. Usually talking about music, so you could get in on that."

Haunt has posed:
"I'm really good with the lights out," Brad smirks. For multiple obvious reasons. "We'll see. I heard there's a dance for winter. I'll test your theory." Brad collapses the box the items were in, moving to the next, while the escaped socks go to their proper place. At least for now, Brad looks relatively clean and organized: no weird smells either.

"Andrea? That's fine. I hung out today with her and Shannon some. Shannon and I planned to fly a little. Since Andrea was there, brought her too. I took Andrea with us. Sort of literally. Just a little bit over the lake. And nooooo, I didn't drop her," Brad answers.

Icarus has posed:
"Good to know or she might eat you," Jay says with a bit of a laugh. It sounds only half kidding though. After all, she does turn into a giant wolf.

"I don't seem to get much time with Shannon. Sam considers her to be like a baby sister. Maybe eventually. Did you enjoy the flying? I mean, I know you said you prefer someone with you to keep track."

Haunt has posed:
"Maybe it'd be better next time. Shannon got out of range and flew really high somewhere," Brad explains, the packing slowing as he reveals that. He plays with the edge of the box, the flap moving. "Which sort of negates the point of the whole thing for me if I'm lost in the air with no frame of reference, but I think Andrea had a good time," Brad answers.

Rage has posed:
There is a knocking on the door from outside as Andrea waits. She is dressed in some sleep shorts and a cropped night t-shirt that show off the extent of her toned stomach, and the deep scarring that criss crosses along it. She is sans wolf slippers today, just bare feet. In her hands is a small white bag.

Icarus has posed:
"She should've been a bit more aware of your situation and stayed closer. We can try it again sometime if you like." Jay hopped off his bed, padding to the door in bare feet to see who it was.

He opened the door. "Hey, Andrea. Come on in. Nevermind the cardboard wall. Brad is still moving in."

Haunt has posed:
"Sure. I'd like to. I can't expect everyone to realize, so. It's all right." Then the door is knocked upon. There's a little breeze in the hallway, though it isn't enough to actually identify Andrea for him. It is when Jay lets her in, though.

Brad gasps out, "Wait, I'm not wearing anything...." He pauses though, with a chuckle. "I'm kidding. Sorry. Hi, Andrea," Brad says from somewhere near the boxes, roughly. If he waved, it isn't apparent, but he does close the box he was in: no need for Andrea to see that stuff. He switches to a different box, moving it onto the desk that is recessed under the loft bed.

Rage has posed:
"That's okay, I'm not wearing anything either." Andrea calls over to Brad as she closes the door behind her with a light tap of her foot. She puts the bag down on a table. "I brought you guys some warm pepperoni rolls from this bakery in town I enjoy. I needed some fresh air so I drove around for a bit. Congrats on getting a roommate." She says to the both of them. "Guess this means I won't be staying the night anymore?"

Icarus has posed:
"Great, I'm the only one not naked. Now I just need to take off my clothes too, huh?" Jay asks, teasing. Since he knows Andrea is dressed. And he figures Brad can tell by his tone it's a joke.

"He already said he wouldn't snitch if you did. I didn't mention you fell asleep here twice. Once was the night we found you, Brad. Sitting here talking and fell sleep for like two hours. Then off she went to classes and I laid out."

Haunt has posed:
Brad dog-ears the mental page to ask a bit more about it later on. Andrea staying, and lots of explanation about it? Well then.

"The new requirement is to bring another naked girl with you," Brad answers, though his tone is kidding. "Pizza rolls? Awesomeeeee." Brad comes over around the boxes, though only Andrea may pick up on his movement, since he's quiet, and Jay may not be used to the invisible thing yet.

Rage has posed:
"Sure, I'll bring Gwen over." Andrea says rather seriously at that as she opens the bag of food for them, the scent of pepperoni and pastry coming out. She settles down on Jay's bed after taking a roll out, easing herself down on the mattress. "Thanks for taking me flying, Brad. It was terrifying yet amazing at the same time. You're really lucky you two can do that."

Icarus has posed:
Once she settles in, Jay reaches into the bag and retrieves a pastry as well. "Thanks, Andrea. Smells amazing. And I don't know that there needs to be any more naked. You told me no naked!" he points out to Brad. Honestly, unless Brad is speaking or moving something, like a pizza roll, he has no idea where the guy is. This will take some getting used to

Haunt has posed:
"Gwen? Why Gwen? Did she mention something?" Brad asks, curiously. The bag of rolls distorts and crumples as Brad interacts with it, a pastry withdrawn, and then retreats back over to his new desk, where he's sitting down to eat it. It makes it clear where he is, that roll: desk chair.

"Yeah, I did start the whole naked thing, didn't I?" Brad chuckles around the pizza roll, eating it fairly quickly.

Rage has posed:
There is a small smile upon Andrea's lips as she takes a bite of her roll, listening to Brad. "Gwen is hot by the way. Even with the antennae and the eyes thing. She's hot, and she's very open about who she is as a person. Totally non-judgy. Also? She likes to dance."

As she leans back against Jay's bed, she gives an amused smile. "Jay hasn't seen me naked yet anyways. You okay if I spend the night since you seem to be okay with the idea?" She asks them as she presses her bare toes against Jay's leg.

Icarus has posed:
Jay almost chokes. He begins coughing, having to cover his mouth and turn away a moment as he gets pizza roll down the wrong windpipe. "You...Excuse me." He swallows and manages to get the coughing under control.

"You can't spend the night. It's against the rules. I do not want the Professor or Ms. Grey to find out you slept over when it wasn't just an accident." Since both times before it was.

Haunt has posed:
Brad stops talking, mostly due to making the roll disappear, but responds a bit later, "So, she didn't mention anything then, hehe. Okay."

Brad returns to his boxes, moving things around. "Um, I'm going to be checked in on; maybe tonight, and definitely in the morning. My parents are still local, too. So you might get caught if you do that.... yeah. I mean, I won't snitch, but I'm not gonna turn you invisible either."

Rage has posed:
"Girl code, Brad. It'd be against the law to speak the words of the girl's locker rooms when we're showering together." Andrea says as she pokes at Jay's leg a few more times with her toes. "I suppose you are right. Just feeling lonely tonight. I'll just cram the bed full of teddy bears."

Icarus has posed:
"Why you feeling that way?" Jay has to ask as he reaches down a hand to touch her foot. He doesn't do more than that with their positions at opposite ends of the bed.

He does glance over at Brad. "Good to know we might have parents showing up randomly though. I'll try to keep my side of the room neat. Even make my bed." Not that he didn't already do that, even when having the room to himself.

Haunt has posed:
"They won't say anything weird to you, they'll just be super polite," Brad answers offhandedly, in a dismissive way: he doesn't want to talk about his family more. Fortunately, Andrea to the rescue with feeling lonely.

Brad just focuses on his boxes, though it amounts to pushing the rest of them under the loft bed against the desk, and then climbing up onto it. His weight shows a little against the pillows up there, but that's the only real sign.

Rage has posed:
"Single child issues." Andrea says simply as her foot is touched. She lifts it higher so that it settles into his hand, giving her toes a wiggle. "Wolf without a pack maybe. I don't know. I just like sleeping with you too. Makes me feel safe."

Icarus has posed:
"Got to lean toward the secondary otion. I've heard most single children are good with being alone. Probably the pack thing. You've only slept here one night, more than two hours. Basically, when we fell asleep with the music thing. And I don't want you in trouble either. Maybe they should get you a roommate?"

Haunt has posed:
"Safe, huh. So he doesn't lean over you while you sleep with a machete?" Brad asks helpfully from the loft bed across the way. His blanket moves a little, but he's just rolling over. "Sounds like she's backing up your claims, Jay."

Rage has posed:
"No, he wraps me up in his wings. They keep me safe from the rest of the world." Andrea says as she lets out a soft 'pff' under her breath. "You have fifty siblings, Jay. Being an only child isn't that fun, especially when you grow up in the spotlight. Finding trust without someone trying to leech off you is hard. A sister or a brother would have been a nice support system." She wiggles her toes in his hand.

"It's okay though, I'll just teddy bear it up." She gives a long stretch of her body, then pushes up to her feet. "I should get back and get ready to turn in." She says, hesitating before she reaches out to brush her hand against Jay's. "Brad, should I put a good word in for Gwen?"

Icarus has posed:
"I do not stand over her with a machete. You on the other hand..." Jay warns Brad.

He gives Andrea's hand a quick squeeze before letting her go.

Haunt has posed:
"I /see/," Brad answers as Andrea explains the wing-snuggle, but he doesn't comment more than that about the sleeping position with the angel-mutant. "My little sister is almost six. Wouldn't trade her. I miss her, she's a fun kid," Brad says. He moves on his bed a little, but it's just to draw his arm under his head to support it, invisibly. He isn't staring at the ceiling, but he is reaching outwards and upwards with his senses. Various other people in various other rooms, in a jumble of sensations.

"Well, don't give anyone /bad/ words from me," Brad chuckles, "I can do that in person. G'night, Andrea."

Rage has posed:
Squeezing his hand back, Andrea steps into him, sliding her arms about him so that she can rub her cheek in against his chest. After giving him a firm hug, she lets him go and heads for the door. "See you two for breakfast."