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Latest revision as of 22:22, 18 November 2019

All About Timing
Date of Scene: 15 November 2019
Location: Williamsburg, Brooklyn
Synopsis: Having dropped in on some Bad Sorts, GM finds a hero in the form of Ghost Rider.
Cast of Characters: Grease Monkey, Ghost Rider (Ketch)

Grease Monkey has posed:
    Sometimes sticking your nose in to things just doesn't pay off. Such as right now for a particular Grease Monkey; an investigation of some strange noises from a building led to a piece of equipment malfunctioning and drawing the attention of the less-than-savory types within, which in turn has lead to a rather...interesting chase.
    And by interesting we mean while the monkey can certainly still run and bounce off planters and small walls, they're prevented from escaping to the rooftops courtesy of that damaged equipment. And with no time to make repairs, they're limited on options to escape their pursuers - only some of which are still on foot. At least one has gotten on a motorcycle of their own and is weaving in and out of traffic in hot pursuit.

Ghost Rider (Ketch) has posed:
Danny Ketch is riding through Williamsburg, finally returning to New York after being absent for some time. When he hears the nearby commotion, he decides to go investigate. A long time ago he pledged to his sister that he would fight crime, but he has been a while. Still it wouldn?t be Williamsburg without someone getting into trouble. This should be a piece of cake, he thinks.

Grease Monkey has posed:
    For a moment, Grease Monkey glances back over their shoulder to check the proximity of pursuit. It's not the smartest move when they're also trying to cross the street, and it's quickly demonstrated why as they roll over the hood of a car only to end up right in Danny's driving path.
    Better react quickly, else there's more than likely going to be a collision.

Ghost Rider (Ketch) has posed:
Danny sharply swerves his bike as he sees something enter his line of path. However, he manages to keep the bike up right. He looks over to see a shape lying on the ground. It looks like a monkey, but not quite like Danny had seen before, in a jumpsuit! Very peculiar. Still, it is New York, and it could have escaped a nearby zoo. That is if it wasn?t an alien or demon of some sort.

Then he notices the monkey?s pursuers. They certainly don?t look like zookeepers. He decides to intervene and rides bike around next to the lying body, block their path at the same time.

Grease Monkey has posed:
    Well, that could have gone better.
    Though hit, it's a grazing one; even so, the wind is knocked out of Grease Monkey, who curls up slightly on the ground with a groan. As nearby cars honk for the traffic, the figures - all dressed in matching red vests, maybe they shopped at the same stores? - begin to approach, a couple sporting knives. "Outta the way," one growls. "The mutie's ours."
    The 'mutie' has managed to pull themself to a seating position, and noticed Danny acting as a barrier. They're certaibly not one to pass up an opportunity, but running's only done so much so far. Instead? They promptly try to climb up on to the bike. "Gimmie a lift outta here and I'll give your ride the best tune-up it's ever had." Maybe they sound just a little desperate, but...sincere, as well?

Ghost Rider (Ketch) has posed:
?Well, I?m quite handy with a bike, myself,? Danny mutters under his breath. ?The mutie?? Danny asks out loud to the robed figures. ?You mean this guy here?? He gestures with a thumb behind his back. ?Yeah, I?m afraid I can?t let you do that.? Danny notices as they continue to approach. ?Though if I was you, I would stay right there. But I?m not you, and you?re not me. So, you?re going to continue advance despite the warning. But I?ve got to tell you, this is a big mistake.?

Grease Monkey has posed:
    "How about I get you a tank of gas, then?" Seeing as they haven't been kicked off the bike, GM peers around Danny to the other figures. "But I mean you might wanna move real soon like now-!"@
    That 'now' being punctuated by one of the figures - this one, a woman - lunging forwards, slashing at the front tire with their knife. It's not a switchblade, mind; it's large, and seems oddly ornate.

Ghost Rider (Ketch) has posed:
Danny lets out a sigh. ?Well see now that is completely going against what I just warned.? Suddenly blue fire starts to burn through Danny?s face. He screams in pain as his flesh is burnt away to reveal the skull of the Ghost Rider beneath him. At the same time, his bike also starts to burn and change shape. Ghost Rider grabs the woman by the top lifting her up off her feet. He then throws her at her companions.

Grease Monkey has posed:
    That, clearly, was unexpected by any of the parties. While the monkey behind him goes rigid, unable to pull away from a mixture of surprise and terror - though the latter's only there for a moment, replaced by the realization that this fire isn't hurting them - the woman lets out a shriek, wildly panic-slashing until she's tossed back at her fellows. The rest are similarily stunned, quite a few taking a step back before one brave one calls out, "It's just for show!" With that, he lunges forward - seemingly a bit more skilled than the others, there's actually some technique in how he tries to ram the knife right in to the Ghost Rider's chest.

Ghost Rider (Ketch) has posed:
The knife plunges into Ghost Rider?s chest right in the middle. However, the knife doesn?t have any affect. He punches the attacker in the stomach with enough force it knocks him back. Then Ghost Rider pulls the knife out of his chest and melts the blade by projecting the blue fire out of his hand. Once the blade is melted, he tosses the knife back to his attacker, "Here you forgot this". Then he lets out a stream of blue fire from mouth, aiming it just above their heads. It misses them, but they can feel the heat of the fire.

Grease Monkey has posed:
    A look of triumph rapidly changes to confusion and then shock - and then pain as he's thrown back. By now, the various folks are beginning to realize they've found something far too large for them to handle- and when the Rider bellows flame above them? They turn and run.    Then, from behind him? There's a quiet voice. "Please don't set me on fire, I'm allergic."

Ghost Rider (Ketch) has posed:
Ghost Rider takes a moment to watch the robed figures disappear. Once they are out of sight, he reverts to Danny Ketch. He staggers forward for a moment, before recomposing himself. "Don't worry," he replies. "I mean you no harm." He turns around and offers a hand, "So just who exactly are you? And what did they want with you?"

Grease Monkey has posed:
    The monkey-like kid doesn't move from their spot on the bike, though it looks like they're trying to make themselves as small as possible. With wide eyes staring at Ghost Rider, it seems that the immediate fear has passed, and that there's now mostly lingering shock-awe. After another moment, though, they shake their head as if to clear it, slowly reaching to take that hand - then pausing, looking uncomfortable.
    "Um, I was just doing some field testing of my stuff - I go by Grease Monkey, 'cause I like to build, right? - and I kinda ended up falling from the rafters in to the middle of whatever they were doing. They got kiiinda mad."

Ghost Rider (Ketch) has posed:
"I see," says Danny. "Well I think they?re gone. So, you should be safe. Though, I might have to go investigate what they were up to. I don?t think it was some sort of roleplay group. Those knives were much too sharp. Though what are the chances that they actually knew what they were doing?"

Grease Monkey has posed:
    To that, Grease Monkey shrugs helplessly. "I mean, whatever they were doing was really creepy. There were candles and weird smells and everything. They're either really in to the hobby, or actually trying to summon a demon." To that, they laugh - albeit a litrle nervously, considering what they've just witnessed.

Ghost Rider (Ketch) has posed:
Danny thinks for a moment and strokes his chin. "I see, still doesn't mean they know what they're doing." Danny finally shrugs shoulders, "Well, you probably interrupted whatever they were doing. If not, there's enough people around New York who will be able to handle it. I'll just leave it to someone else to sort out."

Grease Monkey has posed:
    That gets a nod, and then a bit of a devilish smirk. "Well, I guess you scared them half to death, anyway! What with the fire and the whole..." They gesture towards their head. "...superpower thing! And the bike! That went cool, too!"
    Uh oh. Danny now has a monkey examining the bike from as many angles as they can.

Ghost Rider (Ketch) has posed:
"Anyway, it was nice meeting you, Greece Monkey. You take care now," Danny says. He watches Grease Monkey closely as he inspects the motorcycle. He would rather not turn into the Ghost Rider just to fix his bike.

Grease Monkey has posed:
    When it becomes clear Danny is looking to extract himself, Grease Monkey pouts for just a moment before becoming resigned. "Yeah, I guess you got places to be, superthings to do, right?" they ask wistfully. "And...I better get to fixing my stuff," they add, glancing down at the ground.
Its moment of silence. And then, "Can I bug you for a ride home?"

Ghost Rider (Ketch) has posed:
"Well, I wouldn't call myself a hero. I'm not the type," says Danny almost remorsefully. "If you're looking for someone to idolise then I'm not that guy. I just help out where I can, and it can very much go wrong." He stares into space for a moment. "As for the ride, I guess that is not a problem."

Grease Monkey has posed:
    "Dunno. Some of the heroes I've met are kind of lame." They make a face, and then make an excited sound at Danny's agreement. "Sweet, thanks, mister!" With that, they quickly hop back on to the motorcycle, practically vibrating with excitement.

Ghost Rider (Ketch) has posed:
"So where are you off to?" Danny asks as he climbs onto the bike. He turns the on the ignition causing the motorcycle engine to roar to life. He kicks up the stand, and soon they are both riding away leaving behind the scene of the scuffle. They tear down the streets of Williamsburg, weaving between cars.