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A Table for Two, A Quiet Shadow, and a Quick Kick.
Date of Scene: 13 November 2019
Location: The Coffee Bean - Manhattan
Synopsis: A date between Chun-Li and Raven goes surprisingly well.
Cast of Characters: Chun-Li, Raven

Chun-Li has posed:
After having ironed out the details, Chun-Li got to the cafe a bit early to grab a booth near the back. She thanked the girl who was working for coming to check on her but denied the need for service just yet. That someone had not yet arrived. She now looks down with a bit of a nervous smile before looking up and trying to wipe away her nerves.

She put on a unique outfit for this trip, having chosen to wear a skirt in blue, a pair of sensible heels, and a simple white shirt that gives a hint of skin at her mid-drift. They were to meet in the evening for a coffee and whatever else. That and to, ya know, talk.

Raven has posed:
    Raven had yet to leave by the time her date for the evening was already sitting at the table. Though her expression didn't betray it, the fact that she was standing in her room debating whether or not she would- or should- even go is evidence that she's having some confidence issues of her own.

    However, that doesn't last forever, and it's when someone needs her attention at the tower that she finally decides that she is going to leave, and now's the time.

    She arrives from nothing in the darkness of the alley beside the cafe proper, emerging into the crowd somewhat seamlessly and making her way around the front. Were it not for her harmless-seeming figure, she would look somewhat suspicious, hands pressed into her pockets, and hood kept all the way up. It's only when she actually starts making her way to the table that the other woman had picked out for them that she pulls that down, freeing her face and hair from its comfortable darkness.

    "Ah. Evening. I am sorry I'm late." she notes, her dreary tone a little deeper than normal, but still betraying little to nothing about her mood.

Chun-Li has posed:
A look up when she notes Rachel approaching, Chun-Li gives her a smile despite any form of mood she is in. She simply nods in greeting and then states, "Good evening. It's fine." She nods her head as she gestures to the seats that are available at the booth, "I got us a booth in the back. I assumed there we could have some privacy and there'd be less people." She nods before giving a wave to the barista who seems to indicate she would be over shortly.

She then looks back over at Rachel and nods to her, "Glad you could make it, honestly. I was a little worried you might end up getting called away or something."

Raven has posed:
    Raven is silent for a time, eyes flitting to where the empty bench is, across from Chun-Li. By now, she's slipped both of her hands from her pockets, and places them idly on the table, folded atop one another. "It is... Good that we got some privacy. On occasion, these cafes tend to get too busy."

    "Yes, occasionally, I will be asked to handle something here or there. I am in a way always on-call. Tonight has been... Quiet. It allows for personal time."

Chun-Li has posed:
A nod and she looks down, the softest of pink on her cheeks as she looks up, "I sort of figured you'd prefer a booth like this." She nods her head, "I myself would rather it be just us." She then puts her own hands on the table, folding them slightly before saying, "In my line of work, I somewhat understand. I do get time off to a greater degree at times, but if things got bad, I'd be called in." She nods her head as she looks over at the barista who arrives. She orders a simple black coffee with some fresh cream. She then allows Rachel to order.

"Now that we are here, though." She takes a breath before looking down and then up, "I suppose I should start us off though, given I asked you here." She nods her head and she shifts in the seat. Part of it is for comfort, part of it is to tease. She turns in the bench seat to sit against the wall. Her right leg stretched along the bench and her left pulled up with a hand clutching it, "Is there anything you'd like to know about me?"

Raven has posed:
    Raven takes a moment, staring at the table. The way the other woman maneuvers takes her attention during the moment that the barista wishes for her order- and the goth actually takes her time figuring out what to order. "Just... Coffee, black." The... Stereotypical nature of the order is not lost on her, but she lets it go. Instead, she sweeps her gaze across at the other woman.

    Her poker face is impressive- she doesn't linger on the woman for very long before getting to her face, and by the time her eyes find Chun's, her brow is raised.

    "The only questions I have right now are... Who are you, fully? We've been... Introduced. We've met, but I will admit that so far I don't really... Know you. For that matter, why me? You can't possibly know me much better, if at all, than I know you- so this seems... Sudden."

Chun-Li has posed:
A small bit of laughter at that and she closes her eyes a moment, "Sudden?" She hmms and opens her eyes, "Well, I guess it isn't to me." She looks to Rachel, "I am a fighter. Acting in the moment and striking when the opportunity arises is normal for me." She shakes her head, "No time in a fight. Only action." She looks more directly at the girl, "And you just..." She takes a breath, "You reminded me of someone and, well." She takes a moment, "I mean, if I were to say it had nothing to do with you being cute, I'd be lying." A small grin follows and then she looks back at her knee.

"As for who am I fully? Thta's both simple and complicated. I am an agent of Interpol and a martial artist." She nods her head, idly rubbing a hand over her knee before looking again to Rachel, "I can easily go into more detail but it's a much longer story. The earliest part is mostly training though. Kinda boring from the outside."

Raven has posed:
    Raven blinks a few times. For a moment, she looks somewhat utterly perplexed. "I am afraid I'm going to have to take your word for it. I've never felt quite like that." There is a pause, as Raven takes a moment to look away and think. "I don't know how I feel about reminding you of someone." She doesn't address the compliment. Her eyes return to the other woman's face.

    "I suppose we all have our boring parts. I won't judge you for having yours." She falls silent, then- either unsure, or unable, to continue asking questions. Whether that's because she knows enough, or knows too much, isn't evident.

Chun-Li has posed:
Both coffees arrive as she waits to see if Rachel continues and smiles, thanking the woman before taking her coffee and mixing in a bit of sugar. She looks over at Rachel again and shrugs, "And I don't expect anyone to feel how I do. If everyone felt the way I felt, that'd be boring." She smiles and then mmms as she sips her coffee before letting out a pleasant sigh and looking over to Rachel again.

"Well, I've told myself a bit about myself. I suppose I should turn it back on you." She nods her head and gestures with the cup, "Who are you? I know only what I can infer based on what I've seen." She nods her head as she takes a sip, "Tell me a little about yourself."

Raven has posed:
    Raven plucked up her coffee, and was drinking it sooner than perhaps is normal. The heat, apparently, doesn't bother her all that much, despite it being fresh. There are a few nods, and she does contemplate the question, but it takes time for her to formulate a response.

    "My name is Raven. I can't tell you much about my history. I am not from here. I spend most of my time... Helping people. As best I can. Sometimes it's direct. Sometimes it's by helping the other people that help people. I don't get out, much. That's by choice."

Chun-Li has posed:
A smile and she nods as she listens, "Well, that's something we have in common. As an Agent of Interpol I help people and sometimes help other agencies help people." She nods her head and then she chuckles as she looks over at her coffee again and sips it, "I really like that, though. Raven." She looks over at Rachel's face, "It really fits you." She tehn considers a moment, "Not being from here has my curious." She nods her head, "I mean, I am not from America but I feel like you are saying you aren't from, well, just another country."

She nods her head and then she laughs a little, "I get not going out much, though. I often just stay in and train. There's something clearing about acting alone."

Raven has posed:
    A few more sips, and some precious seconds- perhaps even a minute or so- pass before Raven speaks again. "I don't particularly like to talk about it." she notes, not saying that the other woman was right, or wrong- but that lack of an answer somehow is an answer in and of itself. But if not from 'here' in that regard, then Where? That curiosity is going to have to live in Chun-Li for a time. Raven doesn't seem like she's going to really answer.

    "I enjoy solitude. It isn't about clarity, it's more about... Quiet. The ability to focus. To act or not act of your own accord. The peace. I enjoy it, no matter how fleeting it is."

Chun-Li has posed:
There's a hint of understanding there. There's no judgement, just a curiosity and an understanding within Chun-Li as she watches Rachel speak. She then switches legs, pulling her other leg up and stretching hte other out, "I see. I get the acting of your own accord part." SHe sips her coffee and then looks down at it, "I often don't have a partner. Not because they won't assign one but because I don't want one...or need one." She nods, "I can act. Do what needs to be done." She nods her head and looks more directly at Rachel. She purses her lips a moment and then hmms.

"Well, if I just have to be curious about your past, perhaps you can answer something else." She sips her coffee a moment and then there's a hint of teasting playfulness for just a moment, "Why were you out meditating in what you were but every other time I've seen you, it's in that sweater? I mean, it can't be the temperature." She shakes her head, "You put that coffee to your mouth and drank it like it were luke warm."

Raven has posed:
    Raven seems to get lost in her coffee for a moment. This seems... Something of a habit of hers. As if her train of thought has many twists and turns that it has to navigate before she can pick out the right thing to say. Who knows why, but the woman seems... More than pensive. "I understand the sentiment. I have felt that way, too. It is important sometimes that all the risk be placed in one area."

    Raven looks up from her coffee, then. Taking a sip of it, she raises a brow at the other woman with this new inquiry, for a moment looking somewhat incredulous. "The sweater can be stifling when I need to focus."

Chun-Li has posed:
A blink at the response to that and she catches the disbelieving look and can't help but give a quiet little laugh. There's a sense of amusement to her all of a sudden along side a sense of pleasure. She got a reaction and that seems to please Chun-Li quite a bit. There's also...something else there. Something beyond those two that is as prevelant but lurking. It's a strange emotion or feeling. A mix between a mother bear and a cat stalking prey. Like a thing ready to pounce and cuddle at the same time.

"I mean, I can see that. I'd not be able to wear a sweater if I were doing martial arts." She nods her head before she sips her coffee and takes a chance as she looks down along Raven's body a moment before back up to her face, "I meant what I said earlier. You are cute and well, I'd again be lying if I didn't say that I was a bit amazed." She then blushes just a hint and bites her lower lip, "Sorry...I'm not super good at this. A bit of an amateur in this area but honesty is the best policy sometimes."

Raven has posed:
    Raven looks into Chun-Li's eyes for a period of time. It's a silent stare-down, not necessarily intimidating, but there is the kind of look in her eyes that is akin to what one would get when reading a book. As well, she offers this calm nod of understanding when the other woman finishes speaking.

    "Amazed. I'm not sure I want to know." Looking down again at her coffee, Raven looks back up at her date before continuing. "If those were your only questions, I think I'm satisfied with the answers to mine. So far, I would say that things are going... Fine. I think we both need to... Calm down. I don't think this is supposed to be this tense."

Chun-Li has posed:
A slow blink comes over Chun-Li as she watches Raven staring at her. She stares back a little, watching her as she watches. She shifts slightly under the scrutiny before Rachel speaks and she lets out a breath. She sighs and shakes her head before laughing a little. She smiles and looks up, "You're way intense, Raven."

She takes up her coffee and takes a sip before nodding her head, "Maybe you're right. Tense isn't going to get us anywhere. I am having a good time either way." She nods her head and looks more directly at Raven, "Glad to see you think things are fine as well." She chuckles again before considering, "So, now that we are past those questions, why don't you tell me what you hope comes next?"

Raven has posed:
    There is little else Raven can offer, for the moment. Idly, her head turns, looking out of the nearby window in this sort of solemn silence. She doesn't... Seem sad in any way, but the other woman's statement has her pensive. "I think... I think I'm okay with the arrangement. I had my... Apprehensions. Your request was not what I expected, nor is the way you carry yourself, but... I don't mind it. It is somewhat refreshing." She seems to get lost in thought, again. "So in that sense, what comes next is that we see each other more often." Such a thing is bound to be a lofty recommendation from Raven. "I can't say how it will go. But I can say that this has gone at least well enough to... Warrant continuing."

Chun-Li has posed:
A smile and she can't help but almost chuckle. It's a small shoulder movement and a slight tightening of her hands around the mug as she shifts slightly and leans forward on the table to look to Raven, "Good." She states simply enough and takes a sip of her coffee before considering the coffee, looking down at it for a long moment before looking up to Raven, "I think it warrants continuing as well." She then tilts her head and considers a moment, "You are quite the interesting personality, Raven." She then tilts her head, "I look forward to learning more about you."