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Latest revision as of 06:00, 20 November 2019

Looking Down On Everyone
Date of Scene: 19 November 2019
Location: Empire State Building, Midtown
Synopsis: Jamie takes Vi sight seeing. She ends up employed by X-Factor Investigations. Whoops!
Cast of Characters: Multiple Man, Vi

Multiple Man has posed:
It's at about the 74th floor that Jamie Madrox pouts his bottom lip out in deep thought. Brows furrowed low, eyes narrowed at those near mirror polished elevator doors. Did he just technically kidnap someone? He swallows hard, near audibly. Clears his throat and turns to look at Vi beside him. A wide, forced smile beams brightly down at her. Well. Is it kidnapping if nobody finds out? Good Lord, Jamie. What have you gotten yourself into this time?

Still clad in his every day usual best, Madrox takes both hands from overcoat pockets and squeeky traces an X on the stainless steel doors with a single digit. "You know." He begins after floors of awkward silence. "I've never actually been up here." A wry, half assed smirk before he looks to the climbing floor display. Rocking on his heels once, forward then back, he clucks his tongue. "I've been downstairs. Just not up here. Gift shop. Needed an 'I heart New York' shirt to throw a half blind hitman off my trail."

Who even offers these insights so casually? Jamie Madrox: Lord of The Weird, that's who. Lifting a hand, he scritches thoughtfully under his five o'clock scruffed chin. More like 10:30 but he's not paying much attention to that. He's watching Vi in the reflection on that polished steel. "The way I figure it, Vi? I could take you straight to Mutant Town. Maybe Lou's on 143rd. Nice new jazz club opened too. But I've been there. Or at least one of me has. Why not share something new, right? Maybe it's not so overrated. If it is? We leave crude messages in the suggestions box downstairs. I've already got six just incase."

Vi has posed:
The drive into the city had likely reinforced the impression that Vi hasn't seen much of what most people would consider the normal world. Though she engaged in conversation with Jamie, there was a lot of looking around out the windows. There were also a number of questions about things that she saw along the way. Not on a scale to reach annoying, but some of the questions really hit home just how much out there was unfamiliar to Vi. The question about the stop lights for instance, and did green mean it was ok to go and red to stop, as if had just worked that out for herself for the first time in Jamie's presence.

Once they'd parked in the underground garage, Vi had looked a little wide at the rows after rows of cars there. "How many people are there in this place anyway?" she had wondered quietly.

It was also easy to see the young woman's desire to have these new experiences. Even as Jamie is wondering about kidnapping - is she even here legally? She did mention SHIELD - Vi is watching the numbers on the elevator climb. "This makes the school's elevator seem like nothing," she comments of how long it takes.

She looks over to Jamie, her head tilting a little bit in a show of curiosity. "Jazz club? I'm not sure what that is. But I wouldn't mind seeing it sometime too," she tells him. Vi's face pulls back in a warm and gentle smile. She has delicate features that lend themselves to very expressive displays when she lets them. "Thank you for bringing me here," she tells him quietly.

Multiple Man has posed:
So many questions. Not too many, he knows where that line is drawn by heart. Sure, he often dances right past it on purpose but he knowsnit's there. She didn't come close to it. As far as tour guides go, she could have had a worse one. The man is stuffed to the teeth with factoids and rumors, legends and insights. His library of random knowledge pays off sometimes. Jamie doesn't fault her for the wide eyed wonder, nobody is immune to the intimidating verticallity of Midtown. Nobody.

His old black, convertible Impala barely fit in a spot. It stood out among the sleak and compact cars. "Way too many." He offered without a beat skipped.

His mind races along the tracks as the elevator climbs and climbs. If Jean doesn't turn him into a kitten for an hour, he's hoping he doesn't have to contend with SHIELD surveilance. He's also low key hoping he might for the challenge. He chuckles almost soundlessly at the elevator remark. She isn't wrong.

"It's a place they play jazz music. Usually low light, mellow and relaxing. Nice to wind down at after a long couple nights." DING. As the elevator doors open, the wind hits with the sting of the changing seasons. A wince at first, Jamie steps out of the steel box to, well... one of the single most impressive views he's ever seen. And this is a guy who seen Wolverine do drunken karaoke. "I knownit might not make much sense to you but I kinda feel like I owe you this." Shruggjng out of that beaten up and world weary overcoat, holding it open for Vi to escape into if she wants. "My first time in New York wasn't really a great one either. Should have been more like this, you know?"

Vi has posed:
Though Vi dressed for the weather, the truth is she doesn't have much to choose from. Each new drop in the temperature has had to be dealt with, mostly via gifts of second-hand clothing from one of the other students. So she has a sweater and a jacket over it, but the jacket is far too light for New York in mid-November, not to mention up at the top of the skyscrapers where the wind blows so.

So that wind, even if a bit mild today in particular, does cut through her jacket. Vi's mouth has opened at the view, though she can't quite see it as well as he, being a half-foot shorter and not near enough to the railing to peer over. But still!

The offer of the jacket gets a small, grateful smile from the pretty young woman. "Thank you, Jamie," she offers softly. She lets him slip the too-large coat on, it draping over her shoulders and cutting out the wind.

She looks at him inquisitively, focusing on the man despite the amazing view. "What happened on your first time here?" she inquires gently. Vi looks over at the view as he mentions this should have been what he got to do the first time. "Then let's share it together?" she asks him, smiling in a heart-warming way and nodding with her head for him to join her as she goes over to the railing. She leans over to look out at the spread of the city before them. "Wow," she whispers.

Multiple Man has posed:
Truth to be told, the overcoat is a little large on him as it is. All the better to conceal a shotgun or misplaced briefcase if need be. Extra pouches sewn inside, it's heavier than it looks. Leather across the back of the shoulders and down to add extra protection to a man without a convenient healing factor. She's practically swimming in it and Jamie can't restrain the far too entertained grin at her expense.

"Hey, it's what you do n these situations." He offers before flipping the collar up and giving it a little tug. Constantine would be proud. Jamie? He's immediately freezing but pushing it to the back of his mind. Not so much as a shiver from the mutant being buffeted by high winds while wearing a skin tight, emerald and gold shirt. Long sleeves are a blessing. The canvas pants do a better job at keeping him protected from the chill.

The smile falters. He wears it so well and so often, sometimes a mask, sometimes genuine When it fails, it's noticeable. "The classic coming of age finale. I started a one man riot and tried to rob a bank." He chuckles fairly mirthlessly before letting it go. His story pales in comparison to the girl enthralled by the lights of New York in all their glory. "Wow is right." He agrees almost as hushed. Everything looks so small from up here. The cases, the worries, the dangers all seem tiny when looking down at it from up here.

Vi has posed:
Vi rests her hands on the barrier that comes up to her chest, with bars above that for safety. She leans her head forward to look out, the twinkling of the city lights a display as she's never imagined before.

But Vi looks away from it, soft brown eyes focused on Jamie and her head tilting just a little to the side as she listens. "Really?" she asks when he tells her about the bank robbery. She doesn't seem very judgment about it though. Vi looks back out at the view of the city and says softly, "I spent my whole life in the guilds, or the black. That's what the orphaned kids who avoided the work crews were called, and when you're older, if you make it... the people who trade in ration cards and other things people need," she says. Black market?

Vi looks back to Jamie and sees how the wind is whipping at his shirt. The rest of the observation deck is a little scarcely populated, somewhat from the late hour, though plenty would come up here to see the city lights. But the weather is getting colder and there's a blizzard coming down from the north tonight, with many people already settling in at home.

Vi sees that part of the observation deck is indoors, with glass windows to look out at the city. "Let's go in there. You won't be so cold?" she asks. If Jamie lets her, Vi reaches over to take his hand lead him over inside.

Multiple Man has posed:
It's a lot to take in, the view they share but he doesn't linger on it. Turning his back on the sparkling jewel that is NYC. He's seen it. He's over it. It's just one of the flaws of being everywhere, seeing everything. The attention span waivers.

Back to the railing, he rests both palms on ice cold steel. Curling fingers tight, he chuckles under a breath that's caught and stolen by a sharp, icy gust. "Really. If wasn't for Charles and the others, who knows where I would have ended up? Might be in Genosha, licking purple boots right now." His eyes find hers and he brings that easy, relaxed smile back to the surface. A brow arches high, curiousity ever piqued by her story. "Necessity always breeds ingenuity. Even in a hellhole. You're lucky, you know. To get through that. Or maybe it's not luck." He muses while the icy fingers of winter stab at him.

Her hand feels like fire compared to the ice cold grip he keeps around the guard railing. Pushing away from the edge of the world, Jamie upnods to the enclosed observation. The warmth. "As a man, I'm honor bound to say no. As a not idiot, thank god, yes." He laughs then, light and easy. Unhindered.

Vi has posed:
Jamie's laughter draws out a smile from the nineteen year old. Even with having escaped from Echo Location and finding herself at such a better place like the school, there haven't been that many smiles for the young woman. But there's something disarming, and enjoyable for her, in Jamie's sense of humor, and his laughter draws out a little of the same sound from Vi.

They move inside the area, which is indeed heated so tourists can come in and warm up, or just even view everything from here, one side of the building dedicated to glass windows with an unhindered view. Vi leads them over to the window, releasing Jamie's hand and resting them on the window as she leans her forehead against the glass, and looking out at the view. "You should have come here first," she agrees with what Jamie said earlier.

She turns around then, leaning back lightly against the window. Apparently heights is not a problem for her. She focuses her attention back on the man and asks, "I am lucky. No one ever gets out," she says quietly. She fingers his thick trench coat and asks, "Would you like your jacket back?"

Multiple Man has posed:
It's these little moments that Jamie truly does live for. Drawing a little warmth and light to a young woman who's lived through the darkest of black sites. His dumb jokes and easy smile earning him more than one enemy in his day but not tonight. A laugh from her keeps his own heavier moods at bay.

Once inside the warmth and comparative stillness of the observation room, Jamie shakes out his arms and shoulders. Freeing himself of the cold as the door closes behind them with a hushed hiss and click. She leads them to the window but he doesn't linger. He finds a chair and drags it over toward the window. Noise follows as the chair legs screech and protest the drag of waxed tile.

Dropping down into the worn cushions of the tourist weary seat, Madrox slouches back into it languidly. He's watching Vi. Not New York. Head tilting to the left, he gives a lopsided smirk and agrees with a slow nod. "Probably. But it'd have just been me. And me. And me.... and me. Like to think it was worth the wait. Better company, right?"

When she turns to face him, he drops both hands with a clap onto the faux leather arms of his seat. "Luck always has a part in life. Don't go thinking it's the only reason though, Vi. Nobody got out. Except for you. Maybe a reason beyond luck, you think?" Brows up, Jamie drops his head back and shakes his head. "Nah. Not until you're done with it. Just don't reach into the inside pockets. Git a gun in there. Itty bitty but still goes bang-bang."

Vi has posed:
Vi eyes the pocket of the coat as she hears that, but doesn't reach into it. She lifts her eyes back to him. Behind her, the cityscape shines with the twinkle of lights that brighten the night for about ten million people. It makes her a silhouette, though not a complete shadow, with the soft lightning of the observation deck casting enough defused light to let Jamie still make out her face.

"I hadn't really thought about that, if there was a reason," the young woman says quietly. The comment definitely seems to make her thing. Vi's hands move to clasp before herself, fingers gripping and ungripping each other. "Maybe. Maybe there was a reason. To get word out? To get help for the people still there?" she finally offers.

"I've been talking to SHIELD. They are going to try to free them. And I've asked to help however I can," Vi tells Jamie. "Maybe even one day I'd like to do that. I've never even considered having a... career before. Careers don't exist. Didn't exist," she says, looking down towards her hands. "Miss Grey's father asked if I wanted to be a teacher like him, and like Jean. And... I'd never thought about anything like that before. But I might like helping people," she says.

Her expression turns a little bashful, as if she realizes how much she just said. Not used to talking. Less used to talking about herself of all things.

Multiple Man has posed:
Jamie's smile goes almost too wide when she looks to the pocket of the overcoat, he just can't help it. It's like telling someone to -not- push a big red button and then. pointing it out. That said, he's unarmed and it doesn't seem to bother the man one teeny bit. He's more i lnterested in the corona of light around Vi, the cold on one side of the glass competeing with the heat on the other. The city lights taking advantage of both.

"Not in a religious sense. That Jamie is in New Hampshire. Father John." He rolls his eyes in exhasperation before leaning forward with a grunt of effort. Deep chair, comfortable and he rarely sits still long enough to enjoy it. Right hand fingers snap and he points to her when she hits the target as he sees it. "And that right there is why you're here. Why you're at that school. Most other people would still be running. Hiding. Yet here you are. Wanting to go back and help."

Planting palms down on the arms of the chair, Jamie pushes himself up and closes tbe distance between him and the window. Him and Vi. Again he adjusts that high collar, nodding in some sort of approval. "Well. How do you feel about some side work? If you can get a green light from Jean, I could use some help at the office." A reassuring smile, he takes in a deep, chest filling breath and lets it out in a rush. Shoulders drop relaxedly as do his hands, falling down to hook thumbs at his belt. "Good excuse to see more of the city... how do you feel about making coffee and stitching knife wounds?"

Vi has posed:
There's a light of curiosity in Vi's expression when Jamie speaks out Father John. Though that topic gets stowed away in the back of her head for now. Something that can percolate up to the top along with other questions about Jamie that have been gradually accumulating.

The girl, young woman really, looks up as Jamie moves over closer to her, her short stature mandating it if she is to continue to look at him. The petite teen doesn't seem to mind as Jamie moves near and into her personal space, adjusting the collar. For whatever reason, there's something trusting in Vi's expression. Even if Jameie might be the most colorful person she's met so far here.

Or maybe that's the reason?

Her lips grow into a soft smile at the adjustment of the trench coat. The smile grows even a little more as he speaks of needing help at his work. "I'd really like to see more of the city," she agrees. Her eyes stay lifted to Jamie, his own face lit by the city lights that twinkle in a myriad of colors that reflect as they seem to put a glint in his eyes.

"You might have to teach me," Vi tells him, biting her lip as if worried maybe the answer might make him think her unsuited. "I've never made coffee before," she admits, her tone making it doubtful others might find it humorous that she hasn't done that, but apparently has stitched up knife wounds.

Multiple Man has posed:
Father John. Oh, there's a story in that. Quite the tale and Jamie isn't offering it up just yet as it is. One of the only wayward Dupes that hasn't been a pain in his ass. The fact that he's married with kids? Terrified him in a way he wasn't prepared for. Distance seemed the best choice for both of them.

Should he feel bad about slithering into her trust as he has? He inwardly hopes not. Impressionable as they come and here he is. Impressing. "Jean is going to lobotomize me." He mutters under a breath. Narely audible but the lack of space between them let the words reach her ears regardless. The smile on her face. He looks away to the city behind her, he pushes tongue to the back of his teeth and nods slow. Accepting. He opened the door. It'd be cruel to just yank it back closed, right? He nods again. The internal debate was brief. Very. "Admittedly, there are better ways to see the city. Way worse ones too." His attention back on Vi, Jamie claps both hands to her shoulders.

That smile of his positively explodes. Bright, reassuring. Entirely too energetic. "Don't worry. I have a machine that does all the work and a video on how to use it that I never watched. You'll do great." Did he pick up on her unexpected and unspoken medical training? Why yes, yes he did. "You can even have a room upstairs. If Jean doesn't revert me to my toddler years first. Vi? You'll probably regret this but until then? Not so much. Welcome to the team. Which is just you and I currently. Still a team though. Technically."

Vi has posed:
The young woman's expression grows a little warmer as she is given such bright smile by Jamie. She continues to lean back against the thick glass window, engineered to withstand girls leaning against it, uncaring of the potential fall to their death that would result if it wasn't able to handle their weight. Not that she weighs much.

The girl's soft brown eyes gaze back up at Jamie, one of them partially hidden by the fall of dark brown hair on that side of her face. "I like it at the school. But, I think I'd really like to see what the rest of the world is like too. Even if it isn't always a good thing," she says, frowning a little bit at her own thought there as some of the things she's heard of spring to mind.

Though those thoughts don't last, pushed aside as she looks back up to the man. "I think I'd really like that, Jamie," she tells him and gives a smile and a quick nod to him. "So, what is it that you do, while I'm making coffee and stitching knife wounds. Are they usually going to be yours?" she asks, her eyes drifting down from his face and along the very fit torso hugged by his shirt. No doubt imagining a few scars beneath, and for a moment her hand stirs like she might reach out, but then she lets it drop back to her side.

Multiple Man has posed:
It's times like these that he's reminded that inlt's impolite to stare. Granted, he's very good at it. He calls it a trade skill. When in actuallity, it's the fact that this young woman in his overcoat is framed by one of the most beautiful views on the planet. She's no slouch either. He chuckles at the thought and pushes it aside as best he can.

He doesn't even realize he's doing it until it's too late. His hand stalls, having rose to brush those dark brown locks away from the side of her face. He clears his throat and finishes the task. Hands clasped safely then behind his back. "There's more bad than good on some days but when the good comes around, makes it all worth while. So I keep telling myself... and you."

When she looks back up to him, he smirks wryly. So tiny, this little mutant. He's a bit shocked the high winds didn't take hold of his overcoat and sail her off to Brooklyn. "I'm a private detective. I mainly work the mutant and meta cases. Ugly stuff. Things people don't want looked into. Oh. And I put myself in the middle of a supernatural war for supremacy, so there's that too." As her eyes wander, Jamie just grins from ear to ear. So he pulled his shoulders back a little. Nobody is here to judge. Other than the security guys watching a screen somewhere. They always judge. "So yeah. Probably the fair share will be mine. You hungry?"

Vi has posed:
Vi's gentle brown eyes gaze up at Jamie as his fingers move to brush back the hair that tries to shield the smooth shape of her cheek and the corner of her eyes from his gaze. The girl is accepting of the familiar touch, just looking up at him as his trench coat hangs about her petite figure. The comment about the good making things worthwhile gets a small, understanding nod from Vi. If anyone could appreciate how much one has to focus on the good moments, even if rare, it would be her.

"I've had others tell me how mutants are treated," she says quietly. "I think I'd like that. To help you help other mutants too," she tells him. Her eyes drop from his face, back down to his torso for a moment. "Though, maybe if I help you won't end up with too many more knife wounds?" she says hopefully. The earlier impulse returns and she reaches out for just a moment, her fingers brushing his abdomen along one side before she drops her hands away.

Vi pushes gently off her leaning post on the window. "I am kind of hungry. I hadn't had dinner yet when I came outside," she admits. For a moment that thought strikes her. All of the food in the school kitchen, that she could get at. At any time. Enough that she doesn't feel like she needs to go get some when she was actually starting to get hungry. It's an almost alien thing. Yet this is her life now.

She gazes up at Jamie and nods, sliding her hand over into his, gripping his fingers lightly if he allows her.

Multiple Man has posed:
"Yeah. This 'M' on my face doesn't stand for Multiple Man. It gets dicey out there. No matter the timeline." Wait, what?! Jamie just continues on as if time travel was a common occurance around the mansion. It isn't uncommon. Still. That little nod of understanding gets a faint twitch at the corner of his lips. A kurt nod back. Agreed.

"Then that's what we'll do. Help where we can. When we can. If we get paid in the process? All the better." And if he gets stabbed less? All the better. "Hey, lady. You just started. Don't tell me how to do my job." He grins like a fool, holding back a laugh that shows up unmistakeably in his eyes. "Not yet anyway."

When she pushes off her leaning post, Jamie doesn't step back. Suddenly -very- close, he lays his hand atop hers. He's clearly no longer freezing cold. "I mnow a deli a couple blocks down. Can't be beat. Let's go introduce you to Mel and Tank. You get a discount if you can guess who is who. A little hint? Mel isn't a cat."

Her hand finding his, he gives a reassuring squeeze back before nodding at the elevators and the woman impatiently waiting for them to leave so she can clean. "C'mon. Let's beat this weather if we can."