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Latest revision as of 19:11, 20 November 2019

Date of Scene: 15 September 2019
Location: Club Mjolnir, Clinton (Hell's Kitchen), Manhattan
Synopsis: Power Girl goes Incognito at Club Mjolnir, meeting Ivory.
Cast of Characters: Power Girl, Ivory

Power Girl has posed:
A night out, even Power Girl needs a break now and then...or at least to attempt one. The last time she'd been in this place, she'd managed to find a beverage that even a Kryptonian could begin to feel...that was enough to have her coming out here. She wasn't dressed like a superhero, or even a CEO of a company, a pair of jeans and a black halter-top had the blonde looking like just another person out on the town.

Pushing her way through the reconstructed mead hall, the girl makes her way towards the bar with a smile on her lips. She might be out on her own, but that was fine; most of her social circle tends to have the same limitations on free time as her.

Ivory has posed:
When Ivory slips into the club, they are a little stumped that despite its name, there is no real area to dance. What kind of club, they wonder, doesn't have a dance floor?! But then it dawns on them, that it's more an eatery, and to some degree they were still dresed ok for that with jeans, a red hoodie and a Jeans jacket bearing a white persian cat embrodied to the back. And for whatever reason, they had opted to work a pair of cat ears into their hair, the white fuzz of them mathing the equally white hair hanging over the back.

A couple moments they stood looking ver the area, then marched over to the bar, looking for a free spot.

Power Girl has posed:
Clearly, dancing came secondary to imbiding alcohol and general enjoyment of celebration. Leaning herself against the bar, the sounds of crowds and people enjoying their evening has Karen exercising her ability to ignore some of the sounds around her and simply enjoy just her immediate surroundings, but that still doesn't stop her from hearing the door open.

Looking over her shoulder, the blonde woman's gaze flicks over Ivory and that noticable choice of the 'ear's that earn a smile before she turns back to her order.

Ivory has posed:
When Ivory reaches the bar and settles next to tthe short haired blonde, they first look up at the menu hanging at the wall, their eyes affixed to it for maybe a minute. Those white ears suddenly flick back to follow a sound coming from one of the tables, but then jump back forward, the corner of Ivory's mouth jumping up a tiny bit. "How's the Alestorm?" they ask actually the bartender, but it could also be whoever wa close...

Power Girl has posed:
A blink, the blonde looks sidelong and gives a little laugh. "I mean, I've heard good things. Although..." she pauses, lifting a hand to point at one of the menus. "I think it was the 'Ragnarok' that I was told can land most people on their ass or even in the hospital." Never mind the fact she'd had one in the past, so far the woman was at least sticking to one of the 'on tap' drinks.

"First time here, huh?"

Ivory has posed:
What turns first towards Karen isn't the head, it's the ear on her side, then Ivory's face follows a moment later as she is talked to, a little surprise around the eyes. "Oh? That sounds like a little much for my liking. I mean, I prefer not to see hospitals from the inside when I can avoid it." A few moments they seems to ponder something, then they shrug visibly, their ears giving a short flick. "Yea, first timer. What would you suggest? Something that doesn't end e on the floor that quickly."

Power Girl has posed:
There's a little laugh, a grin to herself before she tilts her head to the side. "I suppose that's fair enough," Karen nods and seems to consider, biting her bottom lip and then gesturing to the menu again. "The 'Authentic' mead there, that one with the extra honey in it? It's pretty good." After all, it was what's in her own mug. "Honestly, this is only my second time here myself. Still, it was good enough to warrant a return."

Ivory has posed:
"Than I'll have one of those. I mean, it doesn't throw you under the bus, so it seems safe." Ivory answers, waving to the bartender to place their order before turning back to Karen, extending a hand. "Ivory," they introduce themselves with a flick of that ear.

Power Girl has posed:
"Karen," she offers back, the Kryptonian comments with a smile. Gesturing to herself with her hand rather than a more classic handshake. Her other hand was occupied with her drink anyway. "So what brings you out Ivory?" she questions, "celebrating, relaxing or just exploring the city?"

Ivory has posed:
Ivory Valentine shrugs again a little as she isn't given a hand, the ear flicking once more to accompany their move. "Looking for a good time and seeeing this place in the phone book actually. Thought it would be some dance club or something with a viking theme, but actually finding it some kind of diner-bar isn't too bad." they explain, pulling a few bills out to pay for their drink as they are passed it. "Just another lazy night after a day designing stuff for what I might throw out at people in spring."

Power Girl has posed:
"Phone book?" Karen repeats, giving a little grin. Did people actually still use those? Trust the woman running Starr Tech to be a little bit of a tech snob. "Well, I guess vikings weren't as famous for the dancing as the whole eating and drinking thing, huh?" she muses and then shrugs her shoulders. There's a sip of her drink and she turns her gaze over the patrons of the club behind her glass before looking back at Ivory. "So, what do you think so far?"

Ivory has posed:
"Well, looks rather cozy till now." Ivory answers, taking a careful smell on the drink before taking a sip, the corners of their mouth rising as she puts it down. "Not bad for a drink either. Might return some day, possibly some buisiness stuff. Those ships look about right to dish out the next year's line, or celebrate a joint venture."

Power Girl has posed:
"Till now?" she repeats with a raised eyebrow giving a little laugh. There's another sip of her drink and Karen tilts her head. "I'm not sure that most Asgardians can really say they're huge fans of Earth fashion...I'm assuming that's what you mean by new line, right?" It was a guess, since she could just as easily be talking technology! "But I suppose it'd be a decent inspiration for the rest of us."

Ivory has posed:
"Well, I don't do general or haute coture fashion anyway. A little nieche, but one that seems to be interesting for enough people to be interesting to invest in," Ivory confirms the guess of Karen, shrugging as they gesture to their jacket and shoes. "Stuff like this I mean. Casualwear without a gender message."

Power Girl has posed:
"Huh," Karen nods, another sip of her drink taken before she sets the empty mug down and gives a little nod. "I'd like to see that some time," she muses, one hand coming up to rest against her own cheek while the other crossed under her bust to prop her elbow up. "I mean, I've always just worn what I like...well actually," there's a pause and a little laugh at the thought, "I suppose I took a while to decide what it was that was 'me' rather than just what I figured was probably right."

Ivory has posed:
A moment or two Ivory ponders about something, one of those cat ears swiveling around before they pull a buisiness card with instagram and flicker accounts from the pocket to offer Karen. The logo is... a white persian cat, which is also the company name. "Well, you can do that any time, got no big distributor yet, but working on something. And aren't we all looking for what we might like all the time?"

Power Girl has posed:
It's a card taken, tucked into the back pocket of her jeans. It didn't really take much to guess that Karen's own fashion choices might not tend towards neutral in this sort of setting, she was rather confident and comfortable in herself after all, but that didn't mean she couldn't find interest in something new! "I'll take a look when I think of it later," she nods and smiles. "For now, I'll start my search for things I like right here, on this menu."

Ivory has posed:
Ivory Valentine chuckles as they take a peak over to it, doing a random stab at something from the cold meal section. "Oh, that one looks interesting. Buried Lax is an all time favorite, though they don't seem to have Lutefisk as it seems. I always wanted to try that." They chuckle again, reaching up to cover their mouth with a hand, the scarf on the neck shifting a little as they push it.

Power Girl has posed:
"Isn't that like a fish-jelly...thing?" Karen muses, screwing up her face a little before giving a laugh and shrugging her bared shoulders. "Hell, no harm in trying something new right? Unless it's cyanide tasting anyway." The blonde shrugs, gesturing for the bartender to try and gather their attention. "Pick something at random if you're not sure," she adds lightly, "I'm sure we can find something decent."

Ivory has posed:
"It's some kind of shark turned edible by letting it rot in the can." Ivory teases, those ears jumping as they wave for a bartender. "You got some dice or something? We gotta chose what we wanna have and have too many options," they claim. "And leaving it to fate makes it an alluring game, right?

Power Girl has posed:
"Huh." And people thought Kryptonians were weird! Well, clearly everything was weird to someone out there, but at least can-rotted shark was little more harm than just grossing Karen out on principle. "Dice I am lacking in...maybe you just close your eyes, put your finger on one and see what happens? I didn't exactly plan on gambling when I came in here. Save on how much alcohol I was willing to intake before needing to be carried out."

Ivory has posed:
"Well, sure, why not?" With a dramatic wave they move the hand up and down over the page before stabbing at pretty much what they had poked at before - the bread plate with graved lax and some sides. "Does that sound like a reroll?"

Power Girl has posed:
Karen is left to peer at the menu where the offending finger had fallen, tilting her head to the side in consideration. "I mean...maybe but...a gamble is a gamble right? Maybe we should just 'let it ride' and see what we're in for. If it's horrible, I'll foot the bill for it...I just might get you to pay for the drinks we'll need to wash the taste away." That last is added with a wink before she shrugs her shoulders. Ivory could decide for themself.

Ivory has posed:
Ivory laughtes at the comment that it might be horrible. "Told you that I like graved lax. It's jsut lax that is fermented in a herb crust, making it almost like smoked but no smoke aroma. More tender and just a little fishy in taste. But a deal's a deal, right? If it's gross, I stem the drinks to pour it down."