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Latest revision as of 20:18, 20 November 2019

Pancakes In The Morning
Date of Scene: 20 November 2019
Location: Kitchen - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Blink joins Peter Parker and Kitty in the school kitchen for pancakes.
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Spider-Man, Blink

Shadowcat has posed:
One of the problems of being such a bad cook, is that when Kitty is craving something in particular, it means she has to get someone else to make it. Whether at a restaurant, the school, or home. Most of her meals are bowls of cereal, but sometimes you just get a hankering for something else.

Today, it's pancakes. Kitty is in the kitchen with Lockheed on her shoulder. Over at the stove, one of the students is cooking. His real name is James but probably two-thirds of the school don't know that.

To everyone else, he's just Hambone.

"Miss Pryde, I really think cooking this for you should get me out of detention next time," Hambone tells her.

Kitty crosses her arms and says, "I think you already got out of detention. Really, did you think word wouldn't surface of your wanting to race Brad and Samuel's service dogs against each other? I mean apart from the website you were already setting up to take bets on it without having even asked them?"

Hambone gets a sheepish look. "Ok, ok," he says. He pours pancake batter onto a griddle to cook. There's also a pan which has turkey bacon cooking, and a second that has real bacon, assuming someone else will come in and want some who isn't Jewish.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter is with Tommy, a thirteen year old frog looking kid who basically thinks he's a mini-Parker for how he always seems to dress JUST like the Chemistry teacher. "Yeah, you did alright, I guess.. I mean we didn't die, so that's a plus." The pair of Parkers slip into the kitchen, both of them wearing backwards METS caps and button up shirts with slacks. Peters' is open enough to reveal the vintage New Hope t-shirt worn beneath, though.

"Next time could you warn me before you open the throttle all the way, maybe? I'm trying not to break my pelvis before I'm 30, if at all possible." Tommy, for his part, just grins. Trudging along behind his favorite teacher until he finds his other favorite Guidance Councilor on whom he almost certainly has a crush.

Pete pretends not to notice.

"Hey Kits... Hambone.. I see your website came down." Hoping up beside Kitty on the counter, Pete grabs an apple from a basket and rolls it up his arm to pop it out with an extending elbow towards Tommy, "Stop eyeballing the bacon, you're on a diet."

Blink has posed:
Blink may or may not have been here already this morning, raiding the kitchen for food but ..., it was quite good food... not the kind she normally has back at Genosha. She would had asked for more but being somewhat nervous, and perhaps a touch shy at being back at Xavier's school she didn't do so. Instead, as awkward as it may sound, she is returning a while later..., stealthily..

Step by step she is making her way in, through the corridors leading to the kitchen and using all her agility to go unperceived but then there are sounds inside and she sloooowly looks into the kitchen.

An elf's head shows up in the doorway, ears perked, the bright green eyes watching all around and then she focuses on the group within, a nervous smile on her lips and then a wave. "Good morning.."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's face brightens as Peter and Tommy come in. By now everyone at the school is aware they are a dating, though they usually keep the public displays of affection to a minimum around the students. In this case, it's just a little shoulder nudge from Kitty to Peter and a quick smile.

Hambone looks up. "Hey Mr. Parker," he says. "Oh, yeah, I was just telling Miss Pryde how it was wrong of me to put that up in the first place," he says, and getting a roll of Kitty's eyes for it. But she doesn't counter the claim. He is cooking pancakes to make up for it, after all.

Kitty looks up as the pretty Asian face with the green eyes and purple hair sticks around the corner. "Blink! Come in. Have you had breakfast yet? Or, I'm not sure if you're coming from here or Genosha. It would be... what, late dinner there? Anyway, there's plenty of food if you're hungry," she says.

Hambone pulls the first pancakes off and moves them onto a plate. Kitty hops off the counter to go get out syrup, butter, jelly, and anything else she can think of that someone might like on a pancake. "First plate is yours if you want it, Clarice," Kitty says. Hambone will have another batch up in a jiffy. He sets out two plates and moves bacon over to it, some still soft, others a little crispy.

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete rocks back into Kitty, nudging her with the curve of his now healed shoulder and matches her smile with a lopsided Han Solo grin, "Hey." Quiet, then up to Hambones pleas that it was the one armed hacker, "Well, you should definitely think about that next time you're trying to get service dogs to race... That's low, homie home dog, bro.. sif." Crinkling his nose a she tries to sound hip and then definitely doesn't sound hip.

Tommy rolls his eyes, You're a dork. Said under his breath to his favorite teacher, but he's over by Kitty now, grinning up at her with big bulbous green eyes because let me help you with that, Ms. Pryde. hands out to assist.

Pete glances up at Clarice's arrival, "Yo." Fist up, knuckles pointed out towards her, "Dig the hair. Kitty wont let me dye mine, but I think I'd look slick with platnum blonde."

Blink has posed:
Blink 's eyes go briefly wide, like a cat caught with it's paw inside the cookie jar but she quickly recovers her composure, stepping from behind the door so she is fully in sight and then her lips quirking up in a smile. "I have but.., well, I am still hungry." she confesses easily, wandering into the room and sniffing the air..

"They do smell great.. thanks." Clarice says in defeat, nearing the counter to claim the first pancake to herself, her precious. A smile of greetings is given towards Parker and Tommy, then to Hambone the cook. "I have been told of your reputation." tone neutral enough to make one wonder whether she approves or disapproves!

She then looks up to Pete, eyeing his hair critically, "I have become quite good in dying my own due to reasons so if at any time you want a change let me know. I don't have the purple color though."

Shadowcat has posed:
The roguish grin is rewarded with a quick smile from Kitty, but then Tommy is sliding in there to unburden the armload of condiments that Kitty has. "Thank you, Tommy, you're always so helpful," she tells the student with a grateful smile. While Kitty is aware of Tommy's looking up to Peter Parker, she's seemed oblivious to him mirroring Peter's opinions about guidance counselors.

Kitty gets a plate for Blink to add some bacon to if she likes as the Genoshan claims the first plate of pancakes. "I'd think you were some arch-villain out of a movie if you had platinum hair," she says. "Or worse, not out of a movie," she adds with a little shiver. Pietro wasn't always a good guy, after all.

Kitty gets glasses and asks if people want orange juice or grape juice. She makes Tommy get the next plate, and only claims one for herself after he's eating. A piece of regular bacon is tossed up to Lockheed, while three slices of soft turkey bacon go on Kitty's extra plate. "So how long are you here for," Kitty asks of Blink. "And what do you think of our little mini-blizzard?" she asks. They got about 40cm of snow the day before.

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete snorts at Kitty, "I'm a rogue, not a villain..." It's in his very best, probably fairly accurate to him, whiny voice. "Dangit Kitty..." Huffy show of child like discontent that comes aboard a grinning face, now turning towards Blink when she offers to dye his hair. A quick glancing double take at Kitty, thumb and pinky up to his ear wiggling in the international sign of I'll call you, pointing towards the guidance counsilor none too subtly. It wasn't meant to be, though.

The chemistry teacher hops off the counter and only stumbles a little. Looks fake though... and then makes his way over towards the counter to grab himself a pancake, "Strong work on the cakes Hammie." ruffling his hair, then grabbing a few strips of turkey bacon because if Kitty don't eat it, Peter don't eat it in front of her.

While he's not really up to snuff on the Genosha bitniz, he does glance back at Blink when the question is posed, a few strips hanging out the corner of his mouth in the process.

Blink has posed:
At last Blink can have some of the famed pancakes made at the mansion and as such she settles down on the table, a grin on her expression and she apparently pleased. She gives a nod of thanks to Tommy and then begins putting some maple syrup on her pancake.., drowning it perhaps. She wolves down the pancake partially, taking a bit to chew through it and giving Peter a 'thumbs up' at the 'I will call you' gesture. Some amusement shows on her expression though at the interaction between Kitty and Peter, maybe (most likely) not aware that they were together.

But then her focus is on Kitty and the questions posed, she jerking her mouth to the side thoughtfully. "Until I can get a hold of Lorna. Or I am called back to Genosha. It's not like I'd take -that- long travelling one way or the other so ..." she grins a bit at that but then chuckles at the mention of blizzard, "It was entertaining, witnessed quite the scuffle out in the yard. Snowballs all around." omitting of course that she actually participated in said scuffle.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty lets out a warm laugh at the mention of the snowball fight. "Yes, those really crop up a lot after the first snowfall. I mean they happen the rest of the winter too, but everyone's out there enjoying it whenever they aren't in class now, it seems like." She pours herself some grape juice and takes a seat at the table, adding maple syrup to her pancakes as well.

Kitty smiles as she sees Tommy starting in on his pancakes. Then her eyes go to Peter, an extra bit of warmth showing should anyone catch it. "James, you outdid yourself," she says to Hambone. "I don't know about getting you out of your next detention, but you made a bunch of people happy."

Hambone grins and takes the last of the pancakes for himself. "Thanks Miss Pryde," he says. "So Mr. Parker, you going to play Call of Duty with us this afternoon?" he asks. Kitty looks back at the student and says, "You'd rather play video games than go out in the snow?" Hambone shrugs. "It's COLD out, Miss Pryde."

Kitty grins and looks back to Blink. "If you need any help getting to the right spot in Brazil just let me know. We can probably pull up some pictures and maps to help out. Assuming Genoshan intelligence isn't already on her location." And they are. Magneto found her. That whole magnetic people attracting thing.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter makes his way to the table and drops down in a seat across from Blink. There is a carefully guarded secret about the Parker men... none of them have very good table manners. He practically hovers over his plate, both elbows on the table to either side of it, and his head bowed like he's about to say grace.. which he might, but it will definitely be with a fork and a fork full of syrupy pancakes. Sryup that runs down the corner of his mouth so that everyone who is aware that Kitty and Peter are dating, have to wonder what in the hell she sees in him.

What with him licking out his sticky tongue to try and get syrup off his stick jaw and only getting more sticky.

Hambones question draws blue eyes and a clipped nod, "gah.." Mouth full. Big gulp of milk, big swallow of milk, big replacement fork load of pancakes. "Too cold out there." Muffled around the bite, fork angled towards the frosted window. "That's how you get the flu." It's literally not.

Blink has posed:
"So if you get into detention we get these pancakes? I happen to know a few good ways to get in trouble. Let me know when you want to get into detention again." Apparently food is a good way to make her ease up, but then again it's not the first time that Blink is here at the school even if she has been absent for a little while now. She winks playfully at Hambone and then chews some more pancake. But then her attention is on Kitty. "If she actually wants me there. I know something happened even I am not sure what just yet.