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Latest revision as of 15:19, 22 November 2019

What a night!
Date of Scene: 20 November 2019
Location: Braddock Castle, Caernarvon
Synopsis: Relaxing after mammoth and dinosaur herding
Cast of Characters: Captain Britain, Buffy Summers

Captain Britain has posed:
Sometime later, Brian would roll the Jaguar back into the underground garage, making use of the car elevator as always. Once it was parked, his fingers reached for his eyes, rubbing them, and then the hand went to his neck, "Welcome to Excalibur. Population Weird." He repeated one of Kurt's favourite sayings.

He turned to smile at Buffy, "are you sure you're okay?" And continued talking as they got out of the car. He'd collect the bags, both his and hers, offering to be the strong man, so to speak, "I think after all that, we each deserve a present, don't you think?" And he jingled the bags softly at that.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers had fallen largely silent through the course of the trip back to Brian's castle. Between the blood starved, zombie vamp, Fred popping up and bringing up her Ex, and giant dinos and mammoths, it was a pretty harrowing day. Nothing she'd like to do more than relax in a nice hot tub and just forget all her worries of the day.

When they reach the castle, she blinks slowly, rubbing her eyes. "..Eh? Um..." she smiles tiredly, "I'm alright, just a long day.." Buffy seems relieved when he grabs the bags; Not that she cant carry them herself, but in her current state, she's both tired and out of it.

Instead, Buffy follows quietly behind him, rubbing at the dried blood at her neck. "Thanks, Brian. For taking charge, driving me here, all of it.." she sighs, looking anything but okay, having missed the last question it seems as she stares at him blankly. "Huh.."

Captain Britain has posed:
Brian was lucky. He didn't get any dust from a vampire, or blood, or anything. He got snow on him, and maybe the odd mammoth hair, but that was pretty darned mild compared to what Buffy had been through. He walked with her upstairs, towards the master bedroom, since he figured that she might like a shower. He plopped the bags onto the bed, and pointed, well, more of a Disney point, as he used the entirety of his hand, gesturing, "shower's all yours if you want one." He wasn't saying she needed it, but figured she might want it. After all, she had been keeping a set of her stuff, lotions, shampoos, and the such, just in case.

Meanwhile, he headed towards the walk in closet, so he could take off the super suit he wore under his clothes. A few minutes later, he'd emerge in something suitably fresh, a red t-shirt, grey sweat pants, white socks, and with a fresh application of deodorant. Then, he'll head for his bags, taking some of them and putting them on a very high shelf in the walk in closet. Effectively hiding them. Buffy would have to climb, or jump, to have any chance of getting them down. It was tough for him to reach. He did leave one of his bags out though.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers is gone a pretty long time, enjoying a nice long, hot bath. With bubbles. Lots of bubbles. She's gone so long that Brian might actually have cause to worry. The truth is that she fell asleep for a moment, daydreaming, or was it nightmares? Who knows? At least when she finally emerges, she seems a bit more relaxed - if spaced out. Wrapped in a fluffy pink bathrobe, she'd like nothing more than to hit the sack right now. Except that she's not even at home. That bed looks pretty inviting though.

Captain Britain has posed:
Brian was used to Buffy taking her sweet time in the shower or bath, but even this was pushing it. Just to show how much of a nerd he could be, he'd actually resorted to pulling out a book, there were always one or two lying about, and had laid down on that bed, ankles crossed. The cover suggested that it was some kind of science fiction novel, something called BattleTech by Michael A. Stackpole. Looking up, he slipped a bookmark into the novel, and smiled, "either you're underdressed, or I'm over dressed. Either way, I'm sure we can figure something out. Did you enjoy your bath?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles faintly and nods. "Yeah, just what I needed.." she yawns a bit tiredly, glancing around, "Got any spare shirts I could borrow? I guess I should have packed something." She still seems worried about something, but exhaustion's the more immediate thing right now. "Wow, what a day. Feathery dinosaurs and mammoths, portals and..And..A message from..The master.." Buffy bites her lip, looking down at her hands. "Guess I wasn't expecting that last one, huh." She laughs nervously as she says that, still not sure what to make of it.

Captain Britain has posed:
"You really ought to start leaving stuff here, considering how often you're here. You know you can, right? Mi casa es su casa. Please, take whatever you want. Though, my shirts might dwarf you a bit." He was damn tall, and she was decidedly not. Then he stroked his chin, "well, there is something, just," he gets up, heading for the gifts he had gotten her, hiding high up in the walk-in closet and brought one down, which was wrapped in a white satin box, with a red bow on it. It read 'To: Buffy, From: Brian, Merry Christmas XOXO'. Offering it to her, "call it an early gift. You certainly deserve something after that ordeal."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks, "Yeah, I guess you're right. It'd sure save me a lot of trouble." she chuckles a bit as she heads towards the bed, pausing as he offers her an early gift. "Ooh, really? I just looove gifts!" she beams, only too eager for an early Christmas present. Hey, she deserves it after all her hard work.."Ooh, I guess I ought to give you one of my own, huh. Lemme see, where'd I put my bags?" oh there they are, in the closet. She darts towards them, glancing warily at Brian. Hopefully he didn't peek. She searches through them, producing a smaller box, wrapped in sparkly red and white little santas, offering it to him. "Here! It's nothing too fancy but hopefully you'l like it." And with that done, she gratefully grabs the gift, shaking it. "Wow, thanks! can I open it now?"

Captain Britain has posed:
Brian did not peek. He was a gentleman. "Then we should do that. Or, if you'd like, we could go shopping tomorrow?" He knew she loved designer clothes, always being so stylish. Even he wondered how she managed it on a budget, but she seemed to figure out how to manage it.

Getting a little nervous, he said, "just remember, it was planned to be among other gifts." He was wondering if she'd like it. So nervous. It could be hard to shop for a girl, knowing what they might like. So, like pretty much every guy, he got something he thought she'd look great in.

Accepting the gift, he looked it over, "sure, if I can open this one?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, "I'd love to go shopping. As long as it's tomorrow. I'm waaaay too exhausted to do any shopping tonight." she smirks as she works on unwrapping the gift, although trying to be careful about damaging the wrapping paper. Yeah, she's one of those careful types. Hey, it's probably expensive wrapping paper, like everything in this castle.

"What, you mean you have others? Geez, I feel bad now, I didn't get you a lot of gifts. That one was a little thing, but I tried to get one that was special." Actually it cost her quite a bit of money, so hopefully he'll like it. "Of course! Go on.."

Captain Britain has posed:
"The stores are closed anyway," they were closing before they had to deal with the Mammoths and Tyrannosaurus Rex, or whatever it was. "Tomorrow, the day after, whenever you want, we'll do it." He wasn't careful when opening her present. He was all about efficiency. No matter how good you are, it's not like you can repurpose wrapping paper.

In fact, the paper he had wrapped her gift box in was on the expensive side, but that was largely due to the fact it was biodegradable. He was doing his part for the environment. A lot of other people didn't, as they were often cost prohibitive.

As he opened the box, his eyes lit up, "oh, Buffy, you shouldn't have." He was beaming as he took out the cologne gift set, eyeing it, reading some of the stuff on the package, and then opening it up to give it a squeeze, applying some to his armpits, chest, crotch, and butt. He was now smelling good, very good. "I love it." And he moved over to her, giving her a kiss, "thank you so much."