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Latest revision as of 16:04, 22 November 2019

Date of Scene: 22 November 2019
Location: Men's Dormitory (West Halls), Second Floor, Xavier's School
Synopsis: Nathaniel is settling in and gets help from both Sams.
Cast of Characters: Hindsight, Samuel Morgan, Cannonball

Hindsight has posed:
    The very same day the staff and students from Xavier's came to address the concerns of the Carver family about their son, he was driven to the boarding school post-haste with a cool goodbye from his father and a generous early allowance. His step-mother hugged him, so did his two younger siblings, but they departed before the evening.

    For his part, Nathaniel seems to be making the best of his new and terribly unfamiliar circumstances. He's moving in. The dorm that has cleared as his own is at the center of the hallway, and the door has been propped open by a box. Inside, the situation's a bit more chaotic as the white-haired teenager tries to figure out where to place what.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    It's never easy to fit in, not even for people /used/ to living in a normal home. As the perfect outsider, Bean has always had the privilege of perspective, and has figured out when the transition is most difficult for others. Surprisingly, it's a lot like moving from HQ to a forward base, in that once the rush of moving and getting everything there has settled down, you are left with the stark reminders of what you think is most important transplanted into a new and unfamiliar setting. Reflection is almost a given, at such a point, and reflection often leads to the first stages of homesickness.

    It's no surprise then that Bean knocks on the open door when the boxes are all in but nothing has been properly arranged yet, the inquisitive face of Bear peering out from behind his legs. "Nathaniel? How are you, mind if I come in?"

Hindsight has posed:
    The room is sparse. The only thing that seems to have found its permanent place is a personal laptop at the desk. It doesn't look like he's been assigned a roommate, but Nathaniel considerately keeps most of his stuff on his side. He's never shared a living space with someone else. That could change in the near future, and he's prepared for it. Somewhat. Things still need moving around.

    "Hey," Nathaniel recognizes the voice and figure as one of the students that came to his house. "Sorry about the mess," He bends forward to push the box at the door out of the way, and of course, comes face-to-face with Bear. He smiles but doesn't reach out to touch the animal. The dog has a clear purpose, and he isn't wearing any gloves. "Sure, c'mon in. Just gimme a second." He finds his a suitcase and digs through its contents.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Thought I'd give you a hand getting settled. I mean, I helped you pack all this stuff into boxes, it's only fair I help you unpack it again after, right?" There's an easy smile on Bean's face, but a smile that doesn't seem to quite reach his eyes. Bear however seems genuinely happy to meet new people, and a very social creature at that. But the dog doesn't stay far from Bean's side, not matter its curiosity. There's probably a reason for its presence in a school that very clearly doesn't allow pets, but Bean seems to be perfectly capable of seeing and hearing.

    "Nice room you got. Not too far from the stairs, should give you a head start in the mornings for breakfast. I'm down the hall. As in, all the way down, last door."

Hindsight has posed:
    "Hey, thanks for that by the way," Bean may have been the most present for Nathaniel's awkward transition into the school, but the new kid was hardly chatty during the packing. Given how the conversation downstairs went, that may have not been too surprising. "Sorry, if I was sulky and shit. I did appreciate it," Today, he appears perfectly sociable.

    Finally, he finds what he was looking for: gloves! "Alright, you may enter," He says, with a teasing smile. He's in an oversized yellow sweater and white joggers, so, again, the black leather doesn't match the rest of his outfit. He tilts his head, "That's pretty anti-social. Do you have a roommate, at least?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes walking out of his bedroom door stretching a bit. He looks around the hall seeing who is about. He sees Nathaniel's door is open and will stop as he gets to it knocking on the door frame. "Finding everything?' he will ask

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    For a moment there's some actual amusement in that smile, one corner of his mouth quirking just a bit higher than the other. "No, I don't. Except Bear." On hearing his name, the Shepherd thumps his tail into the carpet happily and then follows his human inside, eagerly looking at all those new smells.

    "Look, I saw they way they were talking..." odd turn of phrase, that... "... so I don't mind you not wanting to talk yesterday. But that's behind you now, and we don't do that whole passive aggression thing here. If there's anything you need to talk about, or want to talk about, there's always someone who'll want to listen."

    At the knock, Bean turns slightly and indicates Sam. "Case in point, Mister Guthrie. He helped me lots when I was new, you can always talk to him if something's bothering you."

Hindsight has posed:
    "Best roomie you could ask for," Nathaniel acknowledges with another smile for Bear. Gloved fingers wave at Sam. "Samuel the Older. Yeah, just having some trouble decorating my humble abode. Sam and Bear are gonna help me, though!" There are a few posters, either depicting high fantasy or a K-pop boyband, on the floor at places he decided were unworthy of them.

    His hand sheepishly comes around his neck, and his brows lift in his skepticism. "You people are -too- nice," He says to Bean, with the easy snark of a teenager who's been burned too many times in the past. "It was just a rough day, okay? They've...they've been trying to pass me off for a while now."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the new guy and says "We were all the new guy once, Bean a here a bit more recently than me." He will tell them. So, you looking for anything in particular let me know. If you want to read some Sci-Fi or Fantasy stuff you can talk to me or Doug, we both have decent collections besides whats in the library."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "And the library is full of good stuff." Bean agrees, looking around the room to see what needs arranging and what might require some heavy lifting. Despite being indoors, he's still wearing that grey Xavier hoodie, dressed in fact utterly identical as when he showed up at the Carver's door. All the way down to the well polished boots. "So, anything in particular I can give you a hand with? Or two?"

    But, he can also be a tad more serious. "Look man, I know what it's like. You come from somewhere that's not really great, all of the sudden these people arrive saying they can help you, you're waiting for the first shoe to drop and everyone is so damned nice, so supportive... Y'know, if it helps, I can be a bit less nice for a while, but that won't change things. This place is real. We really are here to help you."

Hindsight has posed:
    Nathaniel scoffs and drags a hand through his hair, "I dunno," Sci-Fi? Fantasy? "Everyone knows the nerds get it worst in high school. Especially if they're also the new guy." Nevermind the posters that are in plain view. "I wouldn't be caught dead with that stuff." He leans against the chair at his desk, and flashes a fleeting smirk at Sam, a promise that he'll definitely check it out.

    "Maybe just help me move clothes into my closet," He suggests, setting a bluetooth speaker near his laptop...then over by his bed. It's difficult for Nathaniel to buy into everything Sam's saying. Not when his touch pretty much always reinforces that people suck. All the time. But he nods, caution still written on his face, and jokes, "You can keep being nice to me. I'll take fake nice over fake mean any day of the week."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, a bit and says "I ment to ask you something about your powers but I did not get a chance. Your powers just work on people or can you read the past of an object as well?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Shame. I was hoping to get a DnD group going in the new year. Doug got me the books, and I figured I might as well put them to good use. Figured I'd let you have first refusal of a seat." Small steps, leading to a long journey. Bean gives Sam a wink and then starts unpacking the clothes... goggling at how they've been folded. Something inside of him rebels, and he has to do it... he has to absolutely re-fold everything to military standard before putting it away, with equal efficiency as he showed packing the boxes.

    "Don't expect you to trust us from day one. But wait until you meet Shannon. It gets really hard to stay suspicious when you've met her."

Hindsight has posed:
    "Um," Nathaniel wrinkles his nose, in mild distaste. Clearly, his powers are a touchy subject for him. He distracts himself from the anxiety over his always-on mutation, by shuffling the picture frames temporarily placed around his room. They show a younger Nathaniel, his parents and siblings, and a singular frame has an unknown Asian woman.

    "It's easier with people usually," He bubbles with nervous energy, as he says that. "Uh, not that I would EVER use them on somebody purposefully. I'm pretty good at making sure that doesn't happen. But yeah, when I can focus, it works on objects too" Not that that method is any less invasive, he's learned. "Why?"

    "Nah, can't risk my street cred. People talk," Nathaniel rolls his eyes, then glances curiously at the re-folded clothes. "Dude, you can just throw 'em in there. Not that I mind the pampering. Jillian's pretty anal about folding, too."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well, as I told ya dad we have had some people with similar powers, not exactly the same, but might be able to try some of the techniques we worked out with them, and see if they work for you. Worse case we try them and don't work. Most resent similar power, had a girl who could channel the last user of an object and gain skills from them. Not exactly the same but might be some things we learned from her might work for you.""

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Throw them in there? Throw?! Bean looks over to Nathaniel, with a look that is nearly reptilian. There is going to be no throwing here today, it's clear, and every stitch of clothing he puts away is meticulously folded and arranged with a precision that would do credit to the most exacting drill instructor. "Y'know, some times people are right for all the wrong reasons. When you put your clothes away, you put them in there any way you like. Nobody's gonna care. But don't expect me to do a poor job of it."

    Figuring that he might have come off a bit strong there, Bean wonders if he should, just to humor the boy, fold something badly or perhaps not even at all. But such a treasonous thought can't live in his head for long, and the notion is quickly dismissed. "One thing I've learned about the school? No matter how strange you think your abilities are, there's always someone else that has similar ones. Doctor McCoy can probably give you a whole theory as to why, but practically? Means there's always someone who can help you."

Hindsight has posed:
    Nathaniel frowns and goes quiet. That's another fear he had, coming here. Once the nightstand is deemed a perfect location for a Christmas photo, he turns and looks at older Samuel. "Do I have to use my powers? I know you and Ms. Pryde mentioned control and learning, but it's not a fun experience, for anyone involved." Including himself.

    The look from Bean gets a bark of laughter from Nathan, though. "Right. Go easy on me, this is my first time at a private school," His mental image of the attending students includes neat and methodical kids, with matching ties and pleated skirts. At this moment? Sam fits. The service dog and the combat boots deviate a bit, though.

    "I've never met another mutant, period," He doesn't say the word with any resentment. His family may have been eager to be rid of him, but it wasn't out of an overt phobia for mutants. "Can she turn hers off and on?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Her not fully but we have had others who have been able to." He tries to reassure the young man. "As for having to use them, if you don't it will make it harder to learn to control it. With practice you should be able to choose when it happens. I won't lie to you some have powers where they can't but if you don't try then you know you won't be able to. I figure since you said you can read items, we can possibly start there. When and if you work with someone with reading them, will probably look for someone you can work with and have them work with you from that point on, so your not getting new information you don't want each time."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "There's no textbook for this kind of thing." Bean comments, having emptied the suitcases and closing the doors to the closet, after double checking to make sure Bear is on the outside rather than the inside. Clearly this has happened at least once. "It's like lifting. Some can lift a bit more than others, some think they'll never be able to, but with enough practice everyone can do ten reps." Which seems to imply there might be a gym on campus.

    No tie in evidence with Bean, nor uniform anything, although his clothes look like they're being looked after with that same level of care. "So, planning on joining any of the clubs? Glee club is always looking for new members, I'm sure Mister Wagner wouldn't mind seeing someone else in the Drama club, and Mister Rasputin never turns down anyone for Art." Which seems to remind him of something. "Mister Guthrie, never got to ask this, but do we have a driving instructor?"

Hindsight has posed:
    "I don't know," Nathaniel's a decently well-rounded teenager, who could probably find a place in the aforementioned clubs, but none of them immediately stand out to him. Something to investigate, perhaps. "Are you in any of them?"

    "You'd be surprised how much psychic information a single object contains," Nathaniel says, after a moment of considering what the older man says. His tone isn't as light as it is with Bean. This is a capital i 'Issue' for him. "I checked out a book from the library at my last school once, and let me tell you. I know 'The Scarlet Letter' is required reading, but I saw way too many bedrooms that weren't mine that night."

    The source of the problem is the intrusion, and that he isn't quite sure his mutation could help anyone.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, a bit and says "Will see what we can do, might be able to 3d print something, control how much it is touched and by who. Will look into trying to find you something with as little imprint as possible. " He looks over to Bean and says "Well we take turns, as don't often have a lot wanting to learn at ones, but I could teach ya if your interested in learning, let me know what free times you have and we can work on it.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    There's a fist pump when the 3d printer is mentioned. Clearly Bean expects to be the one to operate it. What a nerd...

    "Thank you, Mister Guthrie, but Mister Logan has already offered once we get the new transmission on. But I'd be happy to learn how to drive a car from you." Not car he'd be learning to drive then. How old is he?

    "Personally? I'm doing Drama, and a bit of Art. Don't really have the voice for singing, not with Sam's brother and Andrea in the club. I know they say it's for everyone, but I'll let the professionals take that one. And don't worry too much about your abilities man. They're part of you but they're not all of you. You'll figure it out, in time."

Hindsight has posed:
    "You know, I've noticed that you haven't mentioned your ability, or how you ended up here," Nathaniel glances at Bean, with a teasing smile. He is careful not to pry, and continues talking with the older Samuel, leaving space towards the end for Bean to share whatever details he wants. He also makes a note on whose in which clubs. "Andrea? As in, Andrea Jackson?" He snorts, rolling his eyes. No way, right?

    "I could see that working..." It's not something he's ever thought about. Once his mutation manifested and he saw what they could do to people, priority number one became ensuring that they were never used. The reluctance and the gloves, for that matter, reflect that need to bury his gift (or curse, as he sees it). Samuel's idea seems able to bypass the anxiety over vast collections of memories. "As long as it's fresh, I should be okay."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Yea, Andrea Jackson, and Alison Blaire is the music teacher, we have some pretty good folks around here. " He smiles and says "I will teach you in the wagon bean, and I promise not t go as fast as I fly." He jokes a bit. His phone rings, he looks down at it "Well Bean I think you can fill him in on the rest, Alexis is calling and well you know." He smiles and heads towards the door answering the phone "Hey babe, what's up."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "That was well spotted. You're right, I didn't." Bean mentions with a smile. For some reason Bear inches just a bit closer, and he pats the Shepherd in response, letting the entire subject of his abilities and past drop. Like a millstone. He gives a nod to Sam. "Thank you. And don't leave the lady waiting." He says the last bit without even a hint of irony.

    Then he turns to Nathaniel and rubs his hands together. "Right, so... what else needs doing?"

Hindsight has posed:
    "That's sick. I knew they were both mutants, but damn, small world," Nathaniel waves goodbye to Samuel, as he leaves the room, looking back at the younger one with raised brows. It's a little harder to ignore the weight of the dropped topic with Guthrie departing, especially given how upfront he's been about his own. Nathanial brushes away any awkwardness with a joke, "Mysterious. I like it."

    As for things that need doing? "I'm having trouble figuring out where these posters should be. Also, do the pictures look okay? I feel like the positioning's weird, and there's a few I kinda sorta wanna throw away? I have some books I need to put away, and socks and underwear. I'll handle the underwear..."