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Latest revision as of 11:28, 27 November 2019

A Quick Visit
Date of Scene: 26 November 2019
Location: Gymnasium Module (Mackenzie King Station)
Synopsis: While looking for the Mess Hall, the Flash finds a different kind of fish
Cast of Characters: Flash, Namorita

Flash has posed:
In an effort to booster intergroup relations, the Flash had been invited to tour Mackenzie King Station, being allowed access to some areas that were normally off limits, but not everywhere. At first, he had a guide, some random lower level Alpha Flight technican. His name was Bob. Nice guy. From some place called Medicine Hat, Alberta.

But after Bob was reasonably certain that the Flash knew his way around, and wasn't going to cause any trouble, Bob left him to go back to his duties, and let the Flash explore on his own.

Along the way, he made his way to the Services Module, looking for the Mess Hall, but took a wrong turn and ended up in the gymnasium. Impressed by the grandeur as he wandered in, he gave an impressed whistle, "woah, look at the size of this place."

Namorita has posed:
The gym isn't unoccupied, either. There's a blonde using the leg machine, and not in a casual sort of way. Dressed in green workout shorts and sports bra, Nita works leg presses while listening to music through a pair of earbuds. Long hair is drawn back to expose pointed ears, and she breathes smoothly with each press.

The machine is well-build, thankfully, because it looks like every weight in the room has been stacked onto it. Not that you'd notice from just the light sheen on the young woman's skin. The opening door catches her attention and she lets the stack down with a careful <clank>. Ear buds are removed and she offers a friendly smile. "You're new here. Can I help you with something?"

Flash has posed:
The Flash wore his full costume, which meant that everything but small holes around his eyes, and his lower face, were covered by the costume. He had a secret identity to guard. But he was still able to emote with enough of his face. He nodded his head up and down as he looked over what Namorita was up to, impressed by the weights she was using. "Ah, yeah, name's Flash, or the Flash, I'm out of the Gem Cities, Justice League, doing the tour thing, totally feeling jealous of your resources, probably going to steal everything that isn't nailed down on the way out. Or ransack the gift shop. You know, the usual." His tone was jovial, and came with a warm smile. As he walked closer by, he rested on some weight machine that he had likely never seen, and had no clue what was for.

Namorita has posed:
The blonde rises smoothly, and other than the cross-trainers she's ALSO pretty much in-costume. Ankle-wings flutter a little above low-rise socks, and she offers a sweat-damp hand in greeting. "Hi there. I'm Nita, for short. Namorita Prentiss of the Royal line of Atlantis if you prefer more lengthy titles." Reaching for a towel, she pats the sweat behind her neck. "Prince Namor's my cousin. And don't steal all the color-changing pens."

Flash has posed:
The Flash closes the small gap to take her offered sweat-dampened hand, shaking it in his gloved hand. He wore a ring on it, with a little Flash logo. It's where he stored his clothes while in costume, and vice versa. It was also the same kind that the Flash Museum sold, except those ones didn't have compressed clothing, which is pretty much the only way Barry Allen could get away with wearing one and not have someone bat an eye. A lot of people wore them in the Gem Cities.

When he hears the royalty part, he immediately bows, "wow, uh, should I call you Princess Namorita?" He fakes looking around, miming it really for comedic effect, "Am I going to get in trouble with the Royal Guard? Namor's going to beat me up, isn't he. And... okay, I'll put some of them back." He smiled at her.

Namorita has posed:
Namorita chuckles at the bow, shaking her head although she arches her wrist just -so- all the same. "Please don't." she replies. "Nita will do just fine. And believe it or not, I don't need Namor to beat you up any more than I need guards." She pauses, then, smile becoming wry. "Yes, I hit like a girl." And that blue-eyed stare almost dares him to find out what THAT means.

"So you're up here visiting and somehow got away from your tour guide?" She looks over the red costume, then. "Bit of a conspicuous costume, don't you think?" Yeah, says the woman whose costume is essentially a green swimsuit.

Flash has posed:
The Flash had a lot of useless knowledge floating around in his head. When she said that Nita will do just fine, his mind immediately thought to Liam Neeson saying credits will do fine in a Star Wars film. His brain was wired a bit differently. "Oh," glancing at the weights she had been lifting with her legs, "of that I have no doubt. Still, could be fun to train a bit." She would kick his butt if not for the superspeed, with gusto.

Putting up his hands so she could see the palms of his gloves, "hey, I know some girls who can punch adamantium without breaking a nail. Doesn't break the adamantium either, but the fact their nails can withstand those forces says a lot."

"Yeah, pretty much. His name's Bob. Nice guy. From some place called Medicine Hat, Alberta. Which is the second best place name I heard today. The best one is some place called Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump. I have to visit this place. It's now on my bucket list." Then at the remark about how he's wearing bright red and bright yellow, "oh, right, well, uh, nobody ever told me you shouldn't mix primary colours."

Namorita has posed:
The blonde gives him a curious look, perhaps as his mind takes that short trip. Or maybe because he's just so distracted-looking. "Well I -can- break a nail and not just against adamantium. But I -am- a lot tougher than I look, which helps." She gives his bright suit another once-over, smile broadening. "There's nothing wrong with the colors, Flash. Or do you prefer THE Flash? Never can tell with you costumed-types."

Is she teasing him? Pretty likely, from her expression.

"I'll just bet it, um, rides up a bit. Or something." Another look, and her fair cheeks shift a shade closer to his suit.

Flash has posed:
She was a lot tougher than she looks, and he said, "Exhibit A," as his hand gestured to the weights. A little bit of rosy hue comes to his cheeks, which are just about visible at the edges of his mask's opening, as she gives him a couple of once overs. "Flash, the Flash, Sultan of Speed, Fastest Man Alive, Scarlet Speedster, Wizard of Whiz, or just any old, hey, you, the guy in the red pajamas. I'll answer to just about anything." And then the talk about it riding up most definitely has him blushing, gulping, "um, uh, sometimes. What do you wear when not lifting weights?"

Namorita has posed:
Nita's blush may be natural but she laughs at his reaction to 'costume difficulty' all the same. Lashes half-lower as she regards him, in spite of the color rising to her cheeks. "You mean for my costume? Quite little, actually. I don't need it for protection, and being a creature of the sea I don't like the drag of the fabric. A bikini, more or less." She pauses for effect, then adds. "About half the fabric I'm currently wearing." Which isn't much. "Or do you mean, what do I wear when I'm just kicking around the house? Because that's even less."

Okay, she's definitely messing with him now.

Flash has posed:
The Flash wasn't sure that she was messing with him, but he was pretty confident that she was. Either that, or things happening up in Canada, or in this case, high above Canada, were very different from the Justice League. Then again, Zatanna walked around in fishnets, Diana in a glorified one piece swimsuit, and so on. "I'd uh? we'll um? maybe we could team up some time." He said, being a bit nervous, but curious to see what she was up to. But as luck would have it, Bob came in at that point to tell him that he had received a message from the Justice League. His communicator didn't work here with the force fields and security. "Oh, uh, yeah, sure." And just as he was heading out the door, he overheard Nita say 'that's even less'. Yep, he was as red as his uniform, so much so that Bob asked, "you okay, Red?"