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Shopping For Paris
Date of Scene: 26 November 2019
Location: Mall - Salem Center
Synopsis: Rogue, Kitty, Blink and Peter visit the mall while Kitty's preparing for a trip overseas.
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Blink, Spider-Man, Rogue

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty sent a text to Rogue and Clarice. "Peter and I are going to use those tickets to Paris that Betsy got us. Have so much to do. Meet at the mall?" And of course Peter was apprised of her plans, in the hopes he could get away from the school long enough to join them. Even if it meant poor Tommy would be without his Mets cap wearing mentor for a little bit.

Kitty arrives at the mall, her phone out and making a list of things she needs to take. "Ok, need the passports checked to make sure they aren't expired. And need power converters for, shoot, everything. Ah, what won't they have there that I'll want to take?" she asks herself. "Some extra memory though can upload everything, never hurts to have a few extra," she says to herself, adding it to the list. "Hrm. Maybe something for headaches assuming we're going to indulge on wine." She's just standing in there in a big open area, tapping away like a millennial.

Blink has posed:
The message meant Clarice would have some chance to explore. It's the mall but then again it's not like she hasn't been on this one for a time. "I will be there in a blink." the answer texted back to Kitty. And she even chooses to walk there! ... Until she gets halfway near to it, huffs and then relents ... so much easier to just 'blink' there and so she is entering the mall not too long after the messages were exchanged.

Today she is wearing sunglasses to cover her eyes, hair purple and free to cover her ears with some jeans and a jacket, nothing too fancy and one of her usual 'going out' outfits. A wave is given to call both Kitty's (and Peter if he is present) attention when she spots them on the open area, "So, Paris uh? Do you guys know the language?"

Spider-Man has posed:
They still have malls in 2027.

That's the take away from all of this.

Peter came along with his METS cap because it goes everywhere with him. Tommy stayed at the school though, despite protests and requests to the contrary. sorry little buddy, this is just at hree hour tour... it probably wont be. Nor did Tommy get the reference.

it was a sad day for Peter Parker.

Strolling along beside the... technically we're not Millennials. BATMAN is a Millennial... CONSTANTINE is a Millennial... You think about that, those are the millennials now.

This is the generation of instant everything.

Instant hotdog... Peter wanders off to find a hotdog while Kitty does all the hard work getting their trip figured out because he's got the attention span of a puppy. Oh, relish.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had been in Salem Center already, visiting some friends, so the text came to her phone and she wasn't far away at all. A short drive to the mall and a simple stroll on inside carries the Belle to where Kitty said that she and her Boy-man would be.

Wearing her brown leather jacket zipped up, her hands stuffed inside the hand-warmer pockets, a pair of tight black jeans with brown leather knee-high boots, Rogue does indeed stride on in and over to where she spots Kitty Pretty Pryde, worrying and looking stressed out, Rogue just grins as she approaches.

Her green eyes watch Peter walking off toward the hotdog vendors like a moth toward a really nice sweater and she shakes her head slightly then speaks up as she sidles up beside Kitty. "Paris, huh?" She asks, her right hand coming out of her leather jacket pocket to pull the black knit beanie off of her head, then runs her hand through her brown and white hair.

"I finished off that booze Betsy game me a long time ago, and you're on your way to Paris on her dime? I feel like she likes ya more than me." Of course, Rogue has no idea how much that liquor had cost.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty looks up from her list-making and she spots Clarice heading over towards her. "There you are!" she says brightly. "I know you've probably been to Paris about a doz- oh you've probably been to Paris! What do we need to take? I mean, for those of us who can't just step back home for something they forgot?" she asks with a laugh at the end.

Kitty glances around. "No sight of Peter yet? He's probably stopped by Al's Hot Dog Palace down near the food court. I can't tell anything special about the place, but he swears by their relish," Kitty says with a shake of her head.

Kitty looks up as Rogue comes from the direction in which the food court lies. "Yes, but then the tickets have just sat there in the drawer while you were drinking away," Kitty teases. "I really hope Peter has an up to date passport. I know mine's good from the back and forth to Oxford, not to mention Genosha to see Dad," she says. Though riding in with Lorna does make getting through customs much easier, that isn't the only way she gets there.

"So what's new? You two going anywhere for Thanksgiving? Or, Blink, that's one of our big holidays here," she tells the Genoshan girl. "This Thursday."

Blink has posed:
"A few times." Clarice replies with a grin back to Kitty, taking out her sunglasses and slipping them on an outer pocket of her jacket. She brings her fingers up and starts counting down with each item she says. "Well.., they don't speak english.., at all, so if you don't know the language you better bring a dictionary with you. There are some good portable ones with just the essentials." a finger down, then she continues, "And coats! It can get cold there. It's as erratic as their temper." she lets out a long exhale, probably having had some interesting experiences out in France.

"And ..." then a pause when Rogue comes by, one hand raises up in a greeting. "Hello." she grins at the Belle and says in a teasing manner. "If you are feeling jealous I can get you to Paris. Just can't promise I will bring you back." it being said in quite the jesting tone.

"I will probably take advantage of the school's hospitality and spend it here. I -think- that Lorna is back from her vacations too so..." her expression sobering just a touch at mentioning Lorna.

Spider-Man has posed:
Or what a difference a few days make on a personality.

One day someone has one...

The next you're forgetting months worth of stuff to giggle at everything.

Peter don't care, he is getting a hotdog with all the trimming. "Yeah, just keep putting those onions on there, boss, you can't put too many... yeah, relish too... what, do I want mustard, my dude.." Head cant, mouth quirky, disappointed eyes.

"Keep it come'n."

When the monster of a hotdog is handed over, Peter's eyes are dancing with delight and his face alites with a big dog eating grin. he turns his head a little, tilts it to accept the first bite, but all the extra trims make bun very soggy... it breaks and it falls on the ground rather than going in his mouth.. "Oh man, that's a bummer.." Looking at the mess with a big frown that is no longer grinning.

And no more eye twinklings.

"maybe not so much mustard this time." Kneeling down to clean up his mess.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue now stands with the other two women, she stuffs the wool knit cap into the pocket of her leather jacket on her right front hip and then just smiles between them. To Blink, Rogue lets her smile shift into a mischievous grin. "Lorna was mad at me last time I spoke t'her." She quietly comments. "Cause'a the Halloween 'thing'." Whatever that means.

Then a look between Kitty and Blink both occurs. "I'm probably gonna spend time with my dad for Thanksgivin'. I've got no interest in goin' back t'Paris, all things considered... Bad memories there, still lingerin' t'day. Specially with that lizardman wanderin' around still." Whatever that means.

To Kitty then, Rogue upnods her slim pointed chin at her. "Your boyfriend is gettin' himself a hotdog, I think." She keeps a grin then as she glances back in the direction she'd seen Parker going, but then sweeps her gaze back to Kitty and Blink. "What are ya doin' with your pegs while you're gone? Gonna let the Bambi triplets across the hall take care of'em?" Does Lockheed count as a 'pet'. Probably to Rogue.?

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty wiggles her phone at the mention of a translator. "Have the translation covered. Long as it doesn't mistranslate and tell them something to make them hate me. Like that I'm planning to invade, or that the comedy of Jerry Lewis was vastly overrated," Kitty says. "Thanks for the advice. I'm kind of excited about the trip. I've been to a few other places in Europe, not counting missions, but never there."

"And good, glad you'll be around the school. It's nice having you there," Kitty tells the Genoshan woman. The comment from Rogue about the location of Peter makes her sigh and shake her head. "I tell you, he'd ruin his appetite except the guy has a hollow leg the way he puts food away," she says, though she has a soft grin as she says it.

Kitty moves a little bit away from Blink and Rogue, leaving a gap and then taking a selfie that's zoomed out a bit. She sends the picture off to Peter, annotated with an arrow where there's room for a fourth person in the picture, and the words, "Wish you were here!"

Kitty looks back to her friends and says, "Glad you're going to get to spend it with your dad, Anna-Marie," Kitty says. "Well, Peter's aunt will take Jester. Lockheed will have to hang at the school. Hate not taking him with, but he'd spend the whole time in quarantine pretending to be a cat if we flew him with us," she says.

Blink has posed:
"Is this a story I should ask Lorna about?" Clarice asks Rogue. Because everyone knows how curious the purple-haired elf can be when people dangle good stories in front of her. Right after a new place to explore. But her smile stays now, even if sometimes her silences are a bit long, a tad awkward, just some old habits being hard to break.

Mention of fathers, family does make that smile falter but then again it lasts only for a few moments and her attention goes to Kitty, "They will hate you by default already.." then a playful grin to her expression. "But nah, they are fine, and the city is beautiful. You too will enjoy it, and remember to bring some photos for our viewing pleasure."

She strikes a little pose to the group selfie, couple of fingers out forming the 'peace' sign.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter goes through the whole process again.

"No, still want tons of relish... yeah, more than that." Waving his finger in a circular gesture to move the chains on adding more relish, phone jingling in his pocket. "Yeah, still want mustard, just don't sog the bread, ya know? Nah, more than that... there we go, perfect."

He pays for this second dog and grins with a ravenous expression in his eyes, mouth snapping playfully as he lifts it up with one hand towards his mouth and checks his phone with the other.

wish you were-

A one handed grip on a massive dog is impractical.

It too falls on the floor.

"That's just bad luck..."

Heavy, dramatic, sigh... Selfie of a down angle what is Peter frowning with the splattered hotdgo on the floor.

"Third times a charm?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue then just smirks at Blink's question fo rher. "Ya could." She states back, then adds on further. "But she's just gonna probably tell ya 'What? Huh?'. Ya see, Lorna's got a weird memory... not that there's anything wrong with it, but I suspect she's already forgotten, unless ya specifically bring it up. Maybe I'm wrong though!" Her gloved hands come up then for a second, all defensively-like. "Maybe she's got a room filled with picture'a me with the eyes cut out'n such."

She lowers her hands again down to her hips and places them there as she then sways those hips side to side idly whilst standing in the mall with the others, like maaaall rats. "Long story short. I got her drunk as a skunk at some bars a few nights before Halloween, then took a buncha awesome videos of her actin' all happy and drunk and framed'em in these video picture frames that I gave t'her sister for her sister's birthday. Lorna weren't too pleased bout it. but hell, they were showing Lorna smiling, laughin' and havin' actual, real fun, I mean shit... that is gold if'n you ask me!"

A glance over to Kitty then and Rogue motions at her, then at Blink. "Just have Clarice send the dragon through a portal t'ya'll once ya get there. Problem solved."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty checks her phone again as it chimes, and sees the selfie that Peter took. "For the love of Abraham. He's putting so much on it that it falls apart," Kitty says, as if this is a thing she's familiar with. "I'd probably better not text him back or he'll drop it checking it and then we'll never see him," she says, putting her phone away.

Kitty glances from Rogue to Blink at the suggestion about Lockheed. "Well, I really didn't want to impose though," Kitty says. "I mean, Blink's been great about taking us to the beaches in Genosha, and that island you two went to," Kitty says, speaking of Easter Island. "But, I figure it's kind of like, well, when you're good at computers. Everyone whose mouse battery is low wants you to take a look at their computer. Or, to teleport our extra-terrestrial dragon to Paris, as the case may be."

Blink has posed:
Clarice listens at the first part in a more serious manner, perhaps taking it seriously. "No, uh, I don't think she has any pictures but..." maybe she just not having had too much contact with Rogue's humor in the past, but she is learning! "Sure, I will make sure not to ask her.." because yes, she knows how Polaris can be when she gets angry. It isn't safe for people or things around her. And she's normally one of those people.

But then Rogue starts telling the story, her eyes going wider and she letting out a loud laugh at that. "Damn, what I would pay to having been there. That's a side of her I have never seen, but she seemed pretty happy with.." though she stops herself, she is not some gossip girl! And the talk of Lockheed makes her change subjects too. She looks between the two, blinks once, then says. "You just need to ask, it's the least I can do for the hospitality you have been offering me since I arrived at the school earlier. Of course I can beam him over. Let it be the last time you think you are imposing on me." then she grins good-naturedly, she feels good out here being normal for a change.

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete blows out a 'pffffffffffh' breath between flappy lips and...

"Okay, let's try this one last time..."

"My name is Peter Parker and for the last six minutes I've been trying to eat a hotdog..."

The vendor just stares at him with the could you hurry up already, kid look.

"Right... dude stop pretending like we haven't been through this twice already. Your hotdogs are sub par /at best/.. I'm here for the relish. So, hotdog me, relish me... onion me.. skip the mustard, I swear you're putting water in it, and.. yeah that's the stuff..." Motioning towards the cashier. "Let's do this, my Girlfriend's waiting."

The vendor looks disbelieving, "What? She is.. Why am I even having this discussion with you? Give me my hotdog.." The little exchange of disbelieving stares has Peter, understandably, because rude, upset.. and he maybe used a bit more force to take the hotdog than was specifically required... and for the sake of science, we'll say, inertia has led to said relish heavy glob being flung across the food court...


Rogue has posed:
Rogue's dark eyebrows raise up when Kitty points out the potential rudeness of assuming Blink would help with transporting Lockheed to Paris. So she looks to Clarice then and seems partially confused, like her style and manners just have trouble understanding how that could be an issue... but still, she gets it. "Ah, yeah, uh. Probably should ask first before I just volunteer ya for that." She states to Blink.

But, thats between all of them, not really her place in any way shape or form. "Lorna was happy? Well good. I'm glad t'hear that. Cause she's been one big green ball of stress like, for as long as I can remember. Especially after she found that perfume her dad gave me in my room." Whatever that means.

Rogue's phone buzzes inside of her left jacket pocket and she reaches in to get it and look down at it. She makes a little happy squeak of a noise (which is very uncharacteristic for her) based on whatever is on the phone's display that she just read...

But then she looks up and peers at both of them, Kitty and Blink. "Wait a minute. We almost got trapped on the moon and died cause'a those portals faultin' out on us. I think you owe us free portalin' for life, Missy." Rogue teases Blink now, even if the Moon thing was entirely out of Clarice's control.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty gives a little wince at the talk of Lorna being tense. "Yeah, she's had some other stuff she's going through too," Kitty says quietly. She wants to tell them, knowing they'd only want to look out for Lorna. But it's also not the kind of thing someone can really share about someone else.

Kitty clears her throat. She's about to say something when she feels a disturbance. As if ounces of relish suddenly cried out in terror, and then were silenced.

Shaking the feeling off, she gasps. "Ah, totally not Blink's fault. We had no idea how the solar flare would affect them. Not to mention, having no idea there was a solar flare coming," she says.

Kitty peers over at Rogue. "Ok, spill. What's with the phone? Erik get you new perfume?" she asks, eyes narrowing in mock suspicion. Kitty grins to Blink, and if allowed gives her a side hug. "I really appreciate it though. Having Lockheed there would be wonderful," she says.

Blink has posed:
Blink makes a 'so-so' gesture with her hand. "Well, happy-ish... let's not exaggerate and call it happy." the elven one replies to Rogue, then exhales out slowly. Thinking on her friend seems to make her smile falter again even if it doesn't last long. But then there is mention of perfumes and she squints her eyes at Rogue, murmuring. "You are one of those gold mines of stories that I will be very happy to pick at with time." half-tease, half-threaten, all curiosity!

Then a gasp, "It was the moon! It's hard enough getting to places already through pictures and really..., I wasn't even sure if the portals would work outside the planet." then a look to Kitty and she nods. "Yes, you tell her. I just .., if it's to help I am all good in using the portals but just not frivolous things, like .., blinking you to the nearest perfume shop.. They -can- be dangeous if not used responsibly." she doesn't do the 'with great power comes..' line, no, she'd leave that to the hotdog afficionado.

She allows the side hug, and even returns it even if it's clear it's not something she's too used to in the wya she reacts. "And it will save the school from having a dragon on the loose while you are gone too." a teasing grin on her expression.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just huffs out a little exhale of a laugh at Kitty and shakes her head. "Nothing, really. Truth is outside'a school work, I'm pretty damn bored lately. Startin' t'miss the Avenger life. Wantin' t'get back t'bein' there t'deal with big picture issues... Not that the Sentinels weren't big picture, but they were... well, still are I guess, just kind've a downer. I mean, ya know, savin' people'n such from like burnin' buildings or whatever. Ya got these kinds've abilities, its nice t'put'em t'good use. Plus I think I've gotten addicted t'the rush'a doin' things like that,ya know?' She's rambling.

Rogue's stare sweeps back to Blink and she grins lightly at her. "Yeah, I know... there's a lotta radiation in space. There's that ring've it between Earth and the Moon. The Valn Halen Radiation Belt?" Thats not what its called.

Either way, Rogue slowly nods her head two times. "I got all kindsa stories though, so you're right. I'm a gold mine of'em... but sadly none include any new perfume from 90 year old men>" She smirks over at Kitty then. "Maybe someday though."

Is she hiding something? It might feel like she's hiding something. Its Rogue though, she's likely hiding a lot of somethings.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's lips twerk a little bit. She was back at Oxford pursuing an astrophysics degree after all. "Yep, and you have to worry about that Hagar Eclipse Horizon too," she tells Rogue, trying her best not to let the grin that is showing in her eyes make it to her lips.

Kitty grins to Blink and says, "Hey, I think it's just amazing that you reached the Moon. And, even with how things almost went sideways. Ok, did go sideways, I'm still really glad that we got to go," she says. "Speaking of, I need to take you to a museum sometime, Blink. Something there to show you," she says.

Kitty peers back to Rogue. She crosses her arms. "Ok, Carlisle. Spill it. Something's up with you," she says to her old roommate. "What is it? A boy? A car? A boy with a car?" Kitty asks. She motions towards the pocket where Rogue secrets her phone away. "Tellllll meeeeeee," she says like a kid pleading for a toy.

Blink has posed:
"Isn't that a band..?" Clarice looks at Rogue with some doubt, "A really old one..?" not that she comes forth with the real name! No sir. She certainly wasn't able to pursue an academic career when she was younger so she nods in agreement when Kitty mentions this 'Hagar Eclipse Horizon', appearing to believe it. "Lots of dangers in space." perhaps needing to work on just the little fringes of naivety she has left.

"Experience of a lifetime, that's for sure. Maybe someday we can return.." but then there's the mention of a museum and something she should see, Clarice then blinking. "Anytime. But with all that teasing you know you are peaking my curiosity all the time. You all do it on purpose, don't you?"

Then she peeeers at Rogue, craning her neck in, "It's two on one, I think we can take her and make her spill it."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue parks herself on the edge of a table, her right butt cheek planted down on it as she extends her left foot and places her hands in her lap. She grins at both of them and nods once. "The Van Halen radiation belt is an old band. Of radiation. That circles around the moon'n'Earth'n'shit up there." Her right hand motions up toward the ceiling, the sky, the clouds, the AIR and then space high above.

From the side of the table that the Belle is perched on, a random kid in his late teens appears and he walks over to Rogue to offer her a cup with a plastic bubble ontop. "Here, Marie." He says with a smile to her and she looks entirely surprised and delighted by this.

"Oh, thank you, Mike!" She tells him, offering him a big smile as she claims the cup and raises it up to give the straw a nice suck.

'Mike' smiles bashfully and nods his head to her before he looks between the three women. "You can go now." Rogue tells him then and he nods his head a couple times then starts to scurry off, like Napoleon Dynamite, running between the tables and vanishing around behind some vending machines.

"So when are ya gettin' back?" Rogue asks Kitty then, before sipping her new drink again like none of that just happened.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty can't go longer without correcting. "Yes, that is a band, Blink. It's the Van Allen Belt that has the radiation," she says. She adds in a stage whisper, "Sammy Hagar was a member of the band. But... ah, long story. Anyway!"

Kitth watches as the kid comes over with the beverage for Rogue. Her eyebrow goes up. "Ok, do you have some kind of former-Avengers fan club thing going on? Told them you'd be signing autographs but, boy, do I need some coffee first!" she says, grinning as she peers at Rogue with suspicion.

Kitty looks to Blink and adds, "And why isn't she using this newfound power to get /us/ drinks too?"