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Latest revision as of 23:29, 27 November 2019

Leaving On A Jet Plane
Date of Scene: 27 November 2019
Location: JFK International Airport
Synopsis: Kitty and Peter finally use Betsy's tickets to Paris.
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Spider-Man

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty did a lot of preparation for the trip. Making sure passports were up to date, getting plugs capable of converting power for their electronics, making sure they had places booked to stay, and tickets to various things in Paris.

But all that said, most of the trip is pretty open-ended, with the opportunity to just wander and decide what they want to do. Kitty just made sure they have options. Also? Blink said she would teleport Lockheed to and from Paris so he can be there with them.

But they aren't in Paris yet. Kitty is sitting in the terminal at JFK where she's set to meet Peter. She's checked their luggage and just has a carry on bag with her touch screen laptop and a few other necessities in it. At the moment she's sitting in a chair over by their gate, spooning cold deliciousness out of a cup from gourmet place. It's an orange sorbet with a dark chocolate source on it, and from Kitty's expression, it's fabulous!

She's dressed in a pair of jeans and a sweater, with a t-shirt underneath in case the plane is warm. Her leather jacket is folded through the handles of her small bag. She has on a Cubs hat, her ponytail hanging out the back.

Spider-Man has posed:
"If I miss this flight, I'm pretty sure I'll be in the dog house with Jester..." Spidey says as he ducks beneath a loopy kick from a thug he'd just webbed away from an older lady whose purse he was trying to steal, "So if you could just play along and make this easy on me..." Another punch, Spidey flipping back onto his palm, and over into a crouch.. Right knee bent, left knee out stretched, and his left hand out wide infront of him on the sidewalk .. his chest is almost touching the concrete.

The goon turns to run, "I guess that's a hard no..."

The rest of the fight is pretty quick, Pete webbing the goon up, handing the purse back, being hit across the arm by the purse because she was startled... the usual.

Twenty minutes later and he's standing in the terminal, bag over his shoulder laying in his back, ball cap adjusting up and down as he hops to see how long the line through security is. "Dammit..." Another glance at his watch, "Ugh.." Thumbing on his phone:

at security, sry sry <3 <3

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty looks up from her frozen indulgence to check her phone. She gives a soft chuckle and shake of her head as she texts back to him:

Banana sorbet with chocolate? Or orange? Or vanilla? They have sprinkles too, chocolate or multi-colored.

Kitty sets her phone back down and rises, grabbing her back to return to the heavily over-priced shop. "So good you want another?" the guy behind the counter says, picking up the flirting he'd started on Kitty's first stop there.

"I'm considering it," Kitty says while she waits for her phone to bring her a response. "So you must have to go through all kind of background checks just to work here?" she asks.

"Oh yeah, they actually went and talked to all of my references. Can you imagine that?" he says in disbelief. Kitty gives a little bobbing nod of her head. "Well, given I'm about to hop on a plane across the ocean, I guess I sort of support that level of vigilance to those allowed this close to the planes."

"Oh, right," he says. And gives Kitty a wink. "So, what'll you have?" Kitty looks down the concourse for Peter, and checks her phone again.

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete was laying his phone in the bucket when the message beeps, but when he reached for it the woman working Security shook her head and waved him through the metal detector. No beeps, shoes returned, bag slung on his shoulder, and Pete is rushing down the terminal which is hella far from security check point. "HEY! You forgot your shoes..." Head hanging back, fingers moving on the screen:

We got time right? like thirty or forty seconds? Banana multi-sprinkles chocolate sauce

Sliding on his shoes:

Almost there... so close.

About thirty seconds away! As the Peter flies, bouncing on the balls of his feet to half turn dodge people moving entirely too slowly while struggling to keep his back up on his shoulder.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty grins as her phone chimes. "Ok, Banana, with the chocolate sauce and the multi-colored sprinkles," she tells the clerk. He starts spooning it out for her. "Oh, could you go extra heavy on the chocolate sauce, please?" Kitty asks, giving him a big pretty smile.

He gleams a smile back at her. "Of course," he says, passing it over. "You've got great taste in desserts, by the way," he says as she scans her phone to pay for it, taking the frozen dessert. "Ah, my boyfriend's taste actually," Kitty says, having made sure she got the extra sauce for him before revealing that fact. "Thank you very much!" she tells him with a wave.

Kitty heads back out to the concourse, going over to lean against a column as she sees Peter come jogging down the concourse in the distance. She stands there, holding out the frozen dessert before her like someone on the side of a marathon course offering water to the runners.

Spider-Man has posed:
That'a girl.

Pete doesn't know how savage his girlfriend is, but he can appreciate it from afar.

Why, if he were a girl, he'd definitely wear low cut shirts to anything with extra toppings as a possibility.


Pete isn't breathing hard when he finally comes to a stop near Kitty, waving at the clerk, "Oh, hey, awesome sherbert... Sup bud." Leaning in to kiss Kitty on the cheek, after a spoonful of srobet and then another spoonful after.

"How long til we - oh god brain freeze..."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty smiles as she's given the kiss, and slides her hands up into his hair on the back of his head to hold him steady for a kiss on the lips. "Glad you made it in time. Though I was already getting my post in /rParisHookups prepared asking for a tall, not too hairy Frenchman named Pierre for a week long one night stand," she teases, "Just in case you missed the flight.

Kitty smiles and looks at her phone. "We've got about 20 minutes until we board. First class tickets. Betsy's a real gem. So anything that you forgot before we step on? Though Clarice can probably send something laterwith Lockheed if so," she says.

Kitty moves over to lean against Peter. "I'm really looking forward to this trip," she tells him, resting her head on his shoulder. On her finger is Aunt May's ring.

Spider-Man has posed:
"mmm.." Kiss is good, or sorbet, one of the two is good.

Pete reaches out for Kitty's bag and slides it up on his other shoulder, looking like a soldier going to war with his shoulder continuously bumping over into Kitty as if by accident as they stroll... for once he's got time to spare! Meanwhile enjoying his delicious treat!

Sorbet or Kitty.

It's hard to tell.

"I think I got everything..." She'd packed his bags, so it's likely he hadn't, but where there's a Parker, there's a way to screw up anything. That Luck is real. "A week long one night stand, huh? With a Pierre? Really...?" What the hell facing... Eyes slitty narrowed, with a big stupid grin on his face.

"Just give me a chance to kindle something up with Rogue. She might not look it, but she's totally smokin' hot for me." She definitely is not, he does not even say it like he believes that, grinning sidelong at Kits, "I'm excited."

The trip, time alone with her without any kind of anything to distract them?


A room with a view...

A comfortable bed he doesn't intend to leave much!

"Ring still looks good on you, by the way.. or maybe you make /it/ look good." Dumping the empty sorbet container in a trashcan so he can reach his hand out for her to take.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty slides her hand into Peter's, lacing fingers with him as she grins to him. "No no, we've both been in enough comas for 2027," she tells him quickly. She gives Peter such a happy smile as she squeezes his hand. "I've got the only one I want right here," she tells him. "I probably don't tell you that enough."

She tells him that. All the time. But it's probably still not enough, to her.

"I think we look good together," she says of the ring. "And I really love it. It's just very... how to put it? It expresses the feelings that it represents, very well?" she says.

The plane is starting to board, with people needing extra time, and active military members. First class will be next. "Rogue had a bad encounter with Paris. Ah... wedding that didn't happen. Scott, jumping off the Eiffel Tower. It's... not really a tale one can ask her to retell unfortunately," she says with a sigh. "I felt kind of bad mentioning Paris at all, but, well, it was awhile ago at least."

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete squeezes Kitty's hand, grinning at her with the kind of adoration that hints at no small amount of love, "As if anyone could ever hope to be as good as you... Pssssh..." Deflating balloon, nodding head, air everywhere.

"It does.. when we really get engaged, I just want you to have something huge and gaudy, though.. like twice the size of babies head." Showing the relative size, one hand holding hers up, the other cupped to the side. Listening then to Rogue's unfortunate situation.

Hands slowly dropping to his sides... "Oh... I had no idea. That's pretty suck... dumb guy, I guess, I don't know." His relationship with Rogue is a strange one, hard to figure out exactly where they sit half the time. "She definitely deserves better than that crap, though."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty breaks out in warm laughter at the size of the ring. "I don't need a big or expensive ring. Just something that makes me think of you," Kitty tells Peter. She smiles to him and squeezes his hand back. "You know, I was supposed to go on a pub crawl in the UK on my birthday. Though some things happened and people have enough going on I felt bad pulling them away for so long. So I just hung out at the pool that day."

Kitty eyes the line of people getting on the plane before continuing. "So I was thinking, if I'd done the pub crawl, we probably wouldn't have talked like we did. And you wouldn't have come by thinking you'd said something wrong. When in actuality, I couldn't seem to stop thinking about you after that talk. And... ah, well. I think you remember how it played out," she says, shining a bright smile at Peter.

"Looks like we're next. I'm curious to see what these first class seats are like on these big Worthington A105 Airbuses," Kitty says of the big plane waiting at the end of the jetway. "I'll have to give Warren a critique on it," she says, laughing as they call for first class to board.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Well, it'll be hard not to think about me when you're doing crunches every time you try to rub your nose..." Pete brings those hands up, one still holding Kitty's, to demonstrate the size of the ring again.. This big. Mouthing it, rather than saying it, as she transitions... A warm smile folding out on his face.

"Yeah, you know.. I usually have pretty crappy luck, especially when girls are involved, but... I got really lucky that day." He murmurs, glancing up at the line, but not really thinking about it or seeming in much of a hurry at all. In truth, he has everything he needs right here, sans Lockheed and Jester.

"I almost stayed inside.." Chuckling at that, rubbing the back of his neck for a second, then switching his had around backwards on his shaggy brown hair. "I'd embarassed myself infront of Jean and.. I almost just sat inside that afternoon, sulking.. obviously I'm glad I didn't now."

Again leaning over to kiss her temple, then her cheek. "I love you." Nudging her shoulder with his, because the lines moving and they're up to board. "I've never been in first class... I'm hoping they have champaigne and oil baths... maybe one of those full body massages where they get in nice and deep on the butt cheeks? Gawd, my quads are killing me."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's eyes settle on Peter. His mild-mannered, often self-effacing way is so charming to her. And his simplest explanations of his day or of events he manages to make enjoyable stories with injections of Peter's wit and humor. "Well, I'm glad that you're comfortable enough with embarrassing yourself to have to persevered on," Kitty tells him in a teasing voice.

Though it turns softer and more private as she adds, "I'd not have missed you for the world, Peter Parker," she tells him. "I love you too." She leans over to brush a quick little kiss to his lips and then they are getting their boarding passes scanned. Kitty sent Peter's to his phone, and has a printed out copy in her pocket. Just in case. She knows he won't miss this flight, even if it meant sticking to the undercarriage the whole way. And she'd much rather have him in the seat beside her!

The woman working the entrance lets out a soft laugh and says, "It does have a massager, though I can't claim as to how deep it goes where," she tells Peter. Kitty laughs and tells the woman, "I'm never getting him off the plane now."

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete kisses Kitty's head and releases her hand for just long enough to grab his phone so the teller can scan his boarding pass, "A massager you say..." Rubbing his chin with the other hand, one brow perking dramatically and his face pulling long as if incredibly intrigued. "On a scale from Mount Doom to Moria, how deep would you /think/ the massage can get?"

Grinning ever so slightly as he retakes Kitty's hand and leads her down the ramp towards the airplane on which they shall be traversing for almost eighteen hours. "If the inflight movie is Buddy Cop, I'm going to be sooooo pissed..." He murmurs, wrapping his arm, and by extension, Kitty's arm across her chest while he walks behind her.

Shadowcat has posed:
The poor woman has no idea, and Kitty just tells her, "Geek thing," with a knowing smile. Then stage whispers to Peter, "I'm guessing Lonely Mountain." The woman shakes her head laughing and helping the next passenger, a rather sour-faced older businessmen who would be better ranked on the Sauron to Saruman scale.

It's easy to board when you're first class and there isn't a line of people to wait for. The seats are individual bucket seats, two side by side. With personal entertainment centers with keyboards and internet connections. The chairs do indeed have massagers, and Kitty is barely stowing her bag in the overhead, her laptop pulled out, by the time a stewardess is there smiling and asking if they'd like a drink.

"Would we ever," Kitty says brightly, looking to Peter to let him order them something.

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete glances back at all sourpuss behind them, then leans in to whisper to Kitty, "I'm thinking Worm Tongue.." Relative ranking on the Sauron to Saruman scale. Squeezing her tight with the arms around her waist until they've entered the plane. He's shoving his bag up in the overhead beside Kitty's and grinning at the stewartess, "Uhh... Well, for me, I'd like a rum and coke and she wants something fruity that's blue and red and .. hrrm.. what was it I made you on the 4th of July?" Head canting, leaning back... finger pointing, "A taquilla sunrise."

Nodding, grinning, and flopping back in the seats to move it up and down like a child. A child hopping to see how springy his bucket seat is. "Oh dude, it actually has a massager." brrrrrrrrrrrr.... "Oh that's nice." Higher intensity. Higher. Higher. BRRRRRRRRRRRR

"What kind of entertainment we got? Do they have Dinsey+?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty settles into her seat beside Peter, smiling at the drink order, and giving the stewardess a grateful look as she heads off to get their beverages. She watches Peter, his joy for the simple things like that chair never failing to bring a smile to her face.

"Disney+? Probably. Seems like it took a nose dive the last few years. All it has worth watching is the superhero stuff, anymore," Kitty says. Straight-faced.

She finds her own control for her chair and turns on the massager. "Ooook thaaaaat feeeeels kiiiind of goooood," she concedes, leaning her head back so the head and neck rest that have their own massage settings can get in on the act. "Maybe we can just stay in the seats the whole week?" Kitty suggests, reaching over to give Peter's hand a squeeze.

"So tell me," she asks between sighs. "How often do you think Tommy is going to text or email you?"

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete is lifting himself up on his palms and bouncing when the stewardess returns with their drink to give him a stern look... "Sorry." Hands up, grinning up at her, "I've never been in first class before." As smooth as an assassin, "I can tell."

"Ouch..." Hand to his chest, flopping back into the vibrating seat with his head turned towards Kitty grinning, "Did you just take the Disney's name in vain?" wobble wobble wobble, seat at highest setting.

"Uhhhh I have ideas for massage chairs, but only one of us can stay in theirs." Imagination mode initiated!

"A lot.. he already asked me twice if I'm bringing him anything back... which reminds me to remind you to remind me to get him something. He will be heart crushed if I do not do this thing."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty breaks out in laughter, and covers her face a bit with her hand as she does, though not enough to hide the bit of color that comes to her cheeks. "Pretty sure that would get us kicked off the airplane these days. Though, I do know someone who has a plane, just no massaging seats," she tells him with a big simle.

Kitty smiles and relaxes again in her seat. "Ok, we'll be sure to get something. I think it's cute how he looks up to you. And... it's way better than cute how you look out for him. Kind of shows me how you'd be with kids, actually, when you put that much effort into someone who isn't your own kid," Kitty says, reaching over to squeeze Peter's hand. "So when we get to Paris, what are you thinking we should do?" she says.

The rest of the passengers are boarding, and the plane is soon taxiing over to get ready to take off.

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete grins at Kitty, head still turned in her direction, when she mentions how he is with Tommy. There's clearly a lot of affection for the little green mini-Parker. "He's had it rough." He says quietly, "Parents dropped him off when he was ... like ten.. I haven't seen his records and he wont talk about it much, but I see it in his eyes.. loss, feeling abandoned." Tommy use to be a really quiet kid, not hanging out with others, staying to himself.

Until Pete took a shine to him.

"Sometimes all it takes is someone caring a little to turn everything around. I can't even imagine what I'd be like if Uncle Ben and Aunt May hadn't taken me in.. up ended their whole life to care for me when they absolutely didn't have to." He reaches out for Kits hand and gives it an affectionate, loving squeeze. "Now, our kids? Hah! Total abandonment issues." Teasing, of course he's teasing.

"Besides, they'll always have a big green brother to look out for them." Tommy says so... constantly.

Then he looks at the blank screen and taps at it to bring up something to watch in the background, "Well, since we'll be a half day in the future, I'm thinking we tell everyone back here still living on Wednesday what the lottery numbers are... then ask around whether the French celebrate Thanksgiving for a few hours so we look like proper tourists... then maybe sleep in, cuddling watching whatever kind of sunset we're blessed with?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty turns in her seat, elbow resting on the arm and leaning over towards Peter as she listens to him talk about Tommy's situation. "Yeah, you know, I was really lucky I ended up with the parents I did. It took them awhile to find out about that part of me. But they accepted me when they did. It just... gets me how anyone could do otherwise, with their own kid," Kitty says, frowning.

"But then, we have enough family history when it comes to that kind of persecution, that I'd have been surprised if they'd reacted otherwise. Not that Jews can't be guilty of prejudice or hatred too. But my grandfather, and the concentration camp. That kind of thing... well, if you don't let it get to you like Erik, I suppose," Kitty says, frowning.

She shakes her head though, realizing the topic is not the brightest one. "Glad you have taken to him as you have," Kitty says, reaching over and squeezing his hand. Their drinks are delivered, and the plane takes off, beginning the jump across the Atlantic.

Kitty smiles and says, "I did make sure to pick a hotel room we'd get a nice view out of in the morning. They even had pictures for you to see what each room was like," she tells him. "So, you're not going to spend all day trying to get a croissant from a street vendor, like you did with that hot dog, are you?" she asks teasingly.

Spider-Man has posed:
"I hadn't really known Ben and May very well when mom and dad..." Pete says quietly, turning to face Kitty, telling her something he's probably not talked much about. His hand reaches out to slide fingers with hers, squeezing gently. "May was ... I mean she's May, but she was younger and nervous because her and Mom hadn't spoken in a while. She never really talked to me about it, though."

He smiles gently, "But Ben.. man, he was so cool. He introduced me to video games, he was a video game guy. Haha, said he used to play World of Warcraft after working construction al day and as soon as I got to their house, it was ... so Peter, what's your favorite class in Death Slayers nine.." It's impossible to imagine a smile getting wider.

Or blue eyes getting glossy at the same time.

"You'd have loved him... and he'd have loved you. He'd have been nudging me under the table when you came to dinner, pointing in this very unsubtle way he thought was sooooo sneaky with his fork.. while May just rolled her eyes."

With his drink there, Pete takes a sip and glances out the window as the city grows smaller and smaller.. "Hmm? You know I /never/ got that hotdog, right?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's smile as she listens to Peter talk about Aunt May and Uncle Ben is a beautiful thing. It only grows the more that he tells her. "You know Peter, I feel like I kind of know him," she says, giving his hand a squeeze. "There's some Aunt May in you. But there's a lot to you that I think someone doesn't end up with unless they get it from someone else. And everything new I hear about him, tells me it was Uncle Ben."

Kitty looks down at the promise ring she wears. "I really hope he would. Like me, that is. Family means so much. I want your family to like me and want us to be together, as much as I want us to," she says. "And you really won my mother over. I think my Dad will probably be extra hard on you, or try to be, just because of how taken she was. You know, just to make sure you've not snowed Mom over and that you're good enough for his girl." Kitty's little eye roll at the end suggests clearly she is sure Peter is good enough there.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Maybe." Pete says with a grin, bringing Kitty's hand up to kiss her knuckles, "I hope so. He was the best man I've ever known... and I'm pretty tight with Steve Rogers." Name drop all nonchallant like a big shot over here. Even doing his best (it's pretty good actually) new Yorker accent.

"Oh... well, I'll do my best." Said with a sideways glance and a wink, "It's hard to stay mad at me if you're not wearing a rhino costume or have a vague, cliche animal themed name." The divide between them is lifted so that he can wrap his arm around Kitty and pull her a little closer.

Shadowcat has posed:
The name drop causes Kitty to grin. "Steve is pretty great, so that's saying something," she agrees with Peter, but not in a tone that says she thinks he's wrong at all. "You know, I'm kind of glad to get you out of New York. Speaking of animal themes. Spears. Stuff like that," she tells him.

"You know I trust you like I trust no other. But I've been a little more worried of late, just knowing you got targeted," she says. "Well, we don't need to be the other two while we're here in Paris. We can just be Peter and Kitty. Sip coffee in cafes. Drink wine. Eat awesome cooking. Drink wine. Watch the sun rise out of her hotel window. While drinking wine," Kitty says, giving him a playful grin. She undoes her seatbelt so she can slide over, and leans against him, snuggled in his arm. "Now, just remember. No jokes with customs. Please? I don't want to wait for you to go through a cavity search," she tells him teasingly.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Awwww, but I'm looking forward to the cavity search..." Pete says with his bottom lip popped out slightly, all to avoid speaking on animal themes, spears, and the unfortunate combinations thereof. "Ooookaaaay..." Said with that same pouty lip, nestling Kitty beneath his arm, against his side, with his eyes moving towards the window.

"So when, in all of that, do we have wine?" He wonders, turning back with a big ol grin, "Also, yeah.. I didn't even bring the suit with me. I am definitely not wearing it under my clothes either." He assures her, which does not sound very reassuring at all, since he was actually wearing it before he came here and...

"... I brought it." He murmurs. Mouth doing a are you mad twist.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty laughs and covers her face again for a moment. "Well, I mean if you really want to go that route, there's always the hotel after," Kitty tells him, still laughing before switching to French. "Comment dites-vous 'rubber gloves'?"

Kitty glances over to Peter, an eyebrow going up. "Of course you brought it. You wouldn't be the man I love if you didn't count on the fact you might need to have it," she tells him. "Mine is coming with Lockheed though," she tells him. "Figured I can make it across the Atlantic before-"

The plane sudden bounces, like it dropped about 50 feet before catching itself. Kitty grabs Peter with one hand, and the seat rest with the other. The captain comes over the speakers to say, "Sorry folks, just a bit of turbulence, we should be good the rest of the way into Paris." Kitty lets out a breath. "I much prefer being behind the wheel," she tells him. The plane starts to descend towards Charles de Gaulle Airport.

Spider-Man has posed:
"There was a second there where I thought you'd wished up a super villain." Pete says in a whisper to Kitty, grinning against the side of her face. He pecks at her temple, then leans against the window, sipping his drink with her arms yet around her shoulders.

"I hope I don't need it, but I'd hate to need it and have to ... like.. put a paper bag on my head or something? I don't know, ya know how weird I can be when I'm improvising." Laughing to himself, eyes rolling... at himself.

"It'll be nice having Lockheed there with us... wish we could have brought Jester too."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde sits up straighter. "Oh, I could totally do a costume around that theme," she says of the paper bag. She grins to Peter and says. "Or maybe we just draw yours on a sheet, make the bag look like your mask. Voila!"

She smiles and leans her head against Peter's shoulder. "It won't be long now. Just get landed, through the passport check, grab our luggage. Try not to get Taken when we leave the airport. Which would be a mistake for anyone. Because both of us have a particular set of skills," she says, trying to talk deeper like Liam Neeson.

Kitty smiles over to Peter. "I'm thinking maybe we get room service first, ah... break in the room? And then afterwards we can go out and paint the town red?"

Spider-Man has posed:
"Oh lawd..." Pete says jokingly, but he's clearly considering the costuming options at their five star resorts and the sheets they provide, "You're like my Q, now..."

Grinning sidelong at her, "Yeah, only another few hours..." Glancing at his wrist watch, because he still wears one, and settling back to lounge against and with Kitty.

"I like this breaking in the room idea. Crack the fifty dollar a candy bar fridge... do other stuff that we can't say because this episode definitely winds up on Disney+." Blinky eyeing, "The usus."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty ooos softly. "That would be fun. Being Q? I mean, I get to toy around with a lot of stuff, but really I don't get installing rockets or machine guns into cars, or ejector seats or the like. It's not really our..." Kitty snaps her fingers, looking for a word, "... idiom. But that would be fun. I can see how Tony ended up as he did. If I'd had a whole corporation and all that money to fund my imagination?" Kitty muses.

She clears her throat. "Well, I'm not saying world domination, necessarily. But you can bet your ass that Firefly would have never been taken off the air in that world," Kitty tells him.

The jet touches down after the flight of a few hours, taxiing to the gate. "So, mini bar?" she asks with a grin and a wiggle of her eyebrows.

'Spider-Man has posed:
Peter holds up a hand, closing his eyes, "Don't mention Firefly..." He laments sadly, dramatically laying his head back against the seat, "The wound is still too fresh..." Turning away just as dramatically to bite at his curled index fingers knuckle. "The poor crew of the Serenity never saw it coming.."

A roll towards her, half grinning, "I love that you're like... a much hotter me. Who is a girl. And who lets me touch her butt." He says this then kisses her temple.

mini-bar" He says this like some people would say super naughty stuff that is not mini-bar.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty is all smiles, knowing Peter shares her lament for the ill-fated, but totally awesome, TV show. "Butt, and boobs," she corrects him with a little waggle of her fingers. "Gonna be a whole lot of boob touching on this trip, let me tell you," she says. Poor Disney+ is going to have to sell this episode to some fan fiction site.

"You know, we could totally hit a grocery store and save ourselves... ah... what is that like, a few hundred euros?" she asks him. "But hey, I suppose getting gouged on prices is half the fun." She leans against Peter. "And we're good for it. Saw what my bonus is. You're going to be Happy Peter about it," she says.

The plane begins to disembark, Kitty getting up and grabbing their bags from the overhead, passing Peter's over to him.

Spider-Man has posed:
"yaaay.." It's said super quietly, a little squealing, at the mention of boobs.

Poor poor Disney+

Pete smirks and leans an elbow in against the window frame, propping his chin against his thumb, "I guess we could, but I have my Avengers money saved up for this trip. Legit, we can do whatever we want.. but the Holiday gift giving season might be a little light.." It shall not. Peter does not skip holiday gift giving like he does Birthdays.

Legit, never giving a gift on a birthday IC.

Except Steve Rogers.

But he's three hundred thousand years old and invented math ...

He did not do those things.

Pete pops up after they've landed and slides his bag onto his shoulder, reaching out for Kitty's as well. "So... should we.. like.. get food?" Despite having had inflight dinner and all at some point in Timey Wimey.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty lets Peter take possession of the bag. It gives her an opportunity to discretely goose him as they are moving down the aisle of the plane. Their cute stewardess spots it and gives Kitty a grin, which Kitty reflects right back at the young woman.

"Something to eat sounds good. But let's not do airport food. I don't want to get back and tell people my first taste of Paris cuisine was S'baro," she tells Peter. The line of passengers move off the plane an up the jetway, letting them out into the concourse.

The passport counters await. And then picking up their bags from baggage claim.