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Latest revision as of 22:05, 30 November 2019

Paris By Day
Date of Scene: 30 November 2019
Location: Paris, France
Synopsis: Kitty and Peter seek out strawberry crapes and escargot (ew to the pairing!) at a French cafe.
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Spider-Man

Shadowcat has posed:
After they arrived in Paris, Kitty and Peter got checked into their hotel room. The decision was made to get a little nap in to refresh after the flight, before going out and exploring the city. Lockheed won't make the trip, by portal, until tomorrow.

Once she laid down, Kitty was out like a light. Commercial flights have that effect on her. Thankfully the Blackbird doesn't. She sleeps for two hours and then wakes to the sunlight come in through the hotel windows that have a look out over the city. "Peter?" she asks, still blinking sleep from her eyes and not knowing if he's there. "Ready to go for a walk?" she asks.

She's currently lying on the bed. Wearing a pair of jeans with a few frayed spots on the legs in front. A lighter blue denim shirt that she unbuttoned before lying down, revealing something lacy and black worn beneath. She sits up, buttoning up the shirt.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter was restless, so after trying to sleep and failing, he decided to dance around the room with his earbuds in and cellphone held in his hand. Both hands pumping down towards himself as he did an inverse running man, wearing socks and stepping incredibly softly so as not to wake the napping Kitty.

When she woke, he was mid-MC Hammer side stepping, hands waving in a circle between his bent knees. A few steps to the right and he's back to pumping his hands down, then shuffle dancing to the right. Upon seeing she's woke, and buttoning her shirt, Pete grins and sings whatever he's listening to in an off key voice, "That girl is poooissssooon... POISON..." Pointing at her, not so much to say she's the poisonous one mentioned in the track, as to curl his finger in a come hither gesture.

"Girl... I must.. waaaarn yooooou..."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's face breaks out in a beaming smile and she slips off the bed, barefoot, to join Peter. She moves over near to him, arms going up over head as she slips into step with him with the ease of the professional dancer that she was on her way to being before her mutation showed itself.

"Poooisssoooonnn.." she sings with him, taking one of his earbuds and putting into her ear so she can hear the beat as well. Her arms come down, going around Peter's shoulders and resting her forehead against his, while her lower body moves in ways that a director would have loved to capture for the song's video.

"Someone's awake and raring to go it looks like," she says with a laugh, brushing a quick kiss to Peter's lips then turning away from him to lean back into him in the dance until the song is over.

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete's arm around Kitty's waist hoists her up and spins her in a circle. Foot out stretched so he's literally pivoting on completely straight toes when he settles her back down with a grin and a returned kiss, "I couldn't sleep, so I went down stairs to see if there was a coffee shop, which there was, but I forgot it wasn't Italy, where there'd most likely be authentic coffee and instead I got starbucks."

He pulls the bud from his ear and wraps them around his phone which he desposits in his pocket. "Then I just trolled around the lobby trying to meet people, including a really angry looking German man named Hans, who turned out to be the sweetiest man I've met in years. Seriously, he showed me pictures of his grandkids, who are adorable..." Because of course Peter Parker made friends with other tourists.

"You ready to make Paris our bee, eye, tea, sea, ahch?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty brushes her fingers along Peter's cheek as she grins to hear about Hans. It doesn't surprise her at all that Peter would be making friends with someone. When a person doesn't like Peter it tends to send up red flags about them for her. And not just because of Kitty's own feelings about him. Just... how can you not like this guy!?

"He sounds great. Maybe he can join us for dinner or something while we're here? Lorna actually was asking me to go to Germany with her later. It's a family thing for her and she was wanting some moral support," Kitty tells Peter as he stows his phone.

Kitty moves over to get her own phone off the charger, and slip into some shoes. "Absolutely. Time to suck the marrow out," she tells him. She was reading Thorough on the flight over. Kitty checks herself in the mirror, brushing through her hair quickly to get rid of any minor amounts of bedhead. "Ready!" she exclaims, moving over to take Peter's hand to let him lead.

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete slides his hands into Kitty's and grins sidelong at her after checking to make sure he's got the key to the room, which he'd forgotten earlier and had to climb in through the window, then they're off! Down into the lobby.. there /may/ have been some Paris making out in the elevator, there /may/ have been an uncomfortable awkwardness when someone caught them, then had to ride down to the lobby.

"Okay..." Murmuring as they part from the stares of their elevator companions, "So... lunch, right? I mean, I want some crapes, but it's a little late in the afternoon for crapes, even if this is a vacation and I can eat whatever I want..." Because Peter Parker is where food goes to die. A black hole of matabolism!

"Oh, maybe some escargo? I hear that's pretty good stuff.."

He knows it's snails.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty tried to stand all prim and proper in the elevator, after being caught not being all prim and proper. A bit of dusty rose in her cheeks, but each time her eyes peeked over to Peter she couldn't stop from grinning and wanting to laugh until finally the elevator was letting out.

Kitty follows with a bright expression and a light step. The racks of postcards and other kitschy things meant to be quick sales to tourists are skipped past as they make their way over to the doors with a look out onto the street.

"You want escargot, and crepes? Or, escargot crepes? Then I say we find somewhere with them," she tells him, reaching over to pat Peter's stomach, knowing what his metabolism is like. "I could handle a berry one myself," she says.

Outside the weather is just a little cool, but not unpleasant. The street is lined with all sorts of cafes and stores, this being an area that tourists tend to flock to. "I can't believe we're finally here," Kitty says, moving to lean against Peter and slide a hand up his back, fingers heading for a brief, warm caress of the back of his neck.

The Eiffel Tower can be seen to one side, towering above most of the city. "And I think I need to get Rogue a beret later. What did you want to pick up for Tommy?"

Spider-Man has posed:
"Crapecargo." Peter agrees with a bobbing headed nod, hair bouncing around his face as they traverse the sidewalk outside their hotel. "There's supposedly a cafe on every corner... or is that Italy again?" Obviously he hadn't done much reading on the flight. A genius he may be, but geography was not his strong suit.

"uhhh... you know I was thinking of getting him one of those smart looking neck ties? The ones that look super stereotypical in all the cartoons that have French People?" Laughing at himself, fingers on his free hand digging absently into the back of his head. "A beret you say? She'd look dapper in a Beret.." Agreement, staring up at the Eiffel Tower towering over the skyline. "Is it weird I really really want to web swing in that?"

Shadowcat has posed:
"I know, right!?" Kitty says of how Rogue would look in a beret. "And I mean, it's stereotyped gift but I think she'd love the hell out of it." Kitty grins and steps out into the street, taking Peter's hand to try to drag him along. "Yep, cafe on every corner I think. With coffee and cigarettes waiting for you. Or I don't know if they are still into cigarettes these days. Another stereotype to confirm or bust," she says.

Kitty glances up to the towering metal structure. "I'd be disappointed in you if you didn't want to," she says, laughing. Her hands loop around one of his arms, hugging herself against him and giving Peter ample brushes of softer sides of herself. Likely intentionally. She likes to tease him like that.

"I want to go for a swing with you later," she tells him. "Though, this place isn't nearly as tall as New York. Not most of it. We have might have to pick our location," she says, glancing about at the much shorter, but older cityscape.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Mmmm..." Pete is still staring up at the Eiffel Tower, but he is drawn out of his inner monologue about how very dope it's going to be to swing with Kitty through the iconic monument by her brushing hip against his. Turning enough to look at her with a wide grin, "She'll love it because you got it for her." Squeezing her fingers affectionately.

True to form, there's a little cafe not far away. Promising, if not cigarettes, at least cafe.. "I hope they have crapes... I'm lusting pretty hard for crapes." He confirms this yet again, pulling a seat out for Kits and then taking one pulled around beside her.

Less they be seperated by a table! Which would not be acceptable at all!

"Of course we're going swinging later..." Murmuring, leaning over towards her to steal a temple kiss. "I use to swing around my /neighborhood/... I can totally swing around Paris."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty gets a big smile at the comment on Rogue and says, "Probably. But hopefully she'll think it's a cool hat too," she says. Kitty beams to Peter as he pulls out her chair. Such little gestures are always appreciated by Kitty, and she takes advantage of the moment to brush her fingers over Peter's arm before he's moving to take a seat beside her.

Kitty takes a moment to just look over at Peter. His mild-mannered smile that is so charming. The brown, slightly tousled hair that seems to fit the rest of his personality but never wanting to just lay flat or straight, always having a little turn here and there. A little personality. Kitty reaches up to brush one of those locks as Peter brushes the kiss to her face.

"Friendly international duh dah duh?" Kitty asks with a grin, leaving the hero name omitted so it won't be overheard. She's about to say more when a waitress comes over. She's slender, with dishwater blonde hair and a mild expression as if just focused on doing her job at the moment. She asks them something in French. Probably wanting to take their order or ask if they want a drink. Or a cigarette.

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete laughs at Kits commentary on his heroic identity as it relates to their vacation destination, "You know me too well babe." Bumping his shoulder against hers as the waitress appears to take their order and request if they would like a cigarette. "No cigarettes, thanks, but I'll take an expresso and a strawberry crape.. do you have escargo? Can you put them on my strawberry crapes? Is that too weird?"

Or stereotypical?

He's smiling, brushing his hair back for it to just fall right back in his face. The hand falls down to link with Kitty's, slipping fingers through hers to give it a little squeeze.

Shadowcat has posed:
"Oh, you are American?" the young woman asks in English that is just lightly accented with that wonderful French accent. Her face lights up a bit. "I am hoping to go to America soon. I have not visited it yes, oui?" she says. "Washington DC. I want to see all of the monuments. And the Grand Canyon," she tells them.

Kitty smiles to her and the woman, saying, "I was just at the Grand Canyon... what, two months ago? A little more? It's just beautiful. Truly stunning," Kitty says. She offers the woman her hand. "I'm Kitty, and this is my boyfriend Peter," she says, leaning her head against Peter's shoulder.

The waitress smiles to the couple and says. "Monique. So nice to meet you. Keety and Peter," she says, pronouncing Kitty's name like that. "Mmm, you might wish to make them a separate meal. I don't know that most people would think escargot pairs well with strawberry crepes. But you could get both and decide for yourself?" Monique suggests.

Kitty laughs and says, "Peter has a big appetite. I'll have strawberry crepes too. No escargot though." Kitty glances over to Peter and comments, after he mention of the Grand Canyon. "Rogue and I went. Blackbird," she says.

Spider-Man has posed:
"No invitation for your boyfriend..." Pete pouts his lip out playfully, but winks at Kitty just in case she's not aware that he's teasing. Attention back up on Monique, "Well you definitely should visit! There's a lot of beautiful places to see, even if sometimes America gets kind of a bad rep, ya know? We're not all bigotted idiots.." Leaning in slightly against Kitty with a big grin.

"Every place has their bad seeds..." As for food, "Ehhhhh I like strange flavor profiles combined together. Like relish on ice cream.. I don't know, it's weird, but I've been that way since I was a kid. Oh man, you haven't lived until you've had pickles and peanut butter."

Shadowcat has posed:
Monique jots down their order. "I will bring it on the side and you can add it on top if you decide you like it that? Or else the chef will be glaring at me," she says with a friendly laugh. She has a likeable smile to her, and it draws that kind of smile from Kitty as well. "Thank you Monique. Oh, and can we get... orange juice, Peter?" she asks, checking with him. "And coffee American for us both?"

After Monique will have gone to put their order in, Kitty grins to Peter and leans over lightly against him. "It was a break in flight after some engine upgrades," she tells him. "We just took advantage of it to get in a little sight-seeing while we were in the area.

As fast as the Blackbird is, it doesn't take much for somewhere to be in the area. And Kitty and Rogue both like to really open the plane up, even if that means flying high to avoid the sonic boom being a nuisance.

Kitty looks around at the various people in the cafe. There's a few people by themselves, sipping their coffee, eating a bowl of sliced fruit or maybe a pastry. A Japanese family is at one table, the little girls all dressed rather primly. An older couple wear bright orange that, along with some lettering, identifies them as being from the Nederlands.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter agrees with Monique's suggestions with a grin, "That's probably better.. if I don't like them together, maybe they'll still be great seperate.. but I have no doubt they will. Thank you, Monique." Nodding as well to Kitty, "Orange Juice would be great. Vitamin C is important." Chemistry Teacher a go go !

Squeezing Kits hand with a playful wink, "I figured it was something like that.. But you could have gotten me a t-shirt or /something/... you know I've never been to the Grand Canyon." Most of his growing up years were spent in a spider-man suit! No timmmme for vacationizing.

"mmm.. man it's gorgeous here..." Looking around with a small smile, half leaning against the beauty beside him.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty glances around to make sure no one is overhearing bits as she laughs and says, "We landed in a clearing and walked. Just the two of us, no souvenir stands. Dropping down in the gorge and then flying back out again when we were done. No opportunity to get a t-shirt. But, it sounds like we've got a new vacation destination chosen." She smiles and squeezes Peter's hand back.

Kitty smiles and keeps her eyes on Peter as he speaks about how gorgeous it is here. "It really is," she says with a warm sigh, and her eyes focused on him in a way to make clear she's not talking about the city. Yet.

She smiles to Peter and then looks around again. "It is a beautiful place," she says. "So much history in Europe. That was one thing I liked about living in the UK during college. We look back at what happened a hundred years ago, in New York. Or two hundred. But here? Things to back 500 years. A thousand years. It's just... so remarkable. It blows my mind sometimes."

Spider-Man has posed:
"It's mind boggling, yeah." Peter agrees of the history of cities here in Europe compared to those in America, "The things that have happened here... the stories that might be told, if these walls could talk?" He whistles low and smiles over at Kitty.

"I'm glad I'm here with you, Kits... though I'm a little concerned Paris is going to get jealous of how beautiful you are!" Such a cheeeeesy line, but he seems comfortable with it.

"I shall try to calm my hurt feelings in lue of the fact I think you two needed some girl time..." Rubbing a hand on Kitty's arm, "I think she thinks I've stolen you away from her, which couldn't be further from my intentions.."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty gives peter a teasing smile as she intentionally miss-corrects him. "Mind-bottling," she says. Hopefully it's intentional from the girl with a degree in Literature. And she gets the warmest of smiles for Peter at the compliment. Cheesy is perfect to her. "You are so adorkable," Kitty tells him, leaning her head over against his.

"We did actually. I think I sort of arranged it to give her a chance to talk about things with her father," Kitty confirms. "Bunch of friends are going through things, lately," she adds, her voice softening. "Lorna has some things she's learned that are really difficult to deal with." Kitty pauses a moment. "Emma took me into her memories to help Lorna remember some things. Lorna asked me to do it because... Emma." Lorna knew Kitty of all people would show appropriate wariness about Emma Frost.

Kitty clears her throat. "Anyway, we're going to go track down some of her family roots, where her people came from. I might even see about extending the trip to Poland possibly to do the same. Though, I'm not quite sure how it would with her. If she doesn't find answers she's looking for, seeing me visiting old family homes might just hurt more. So I'm thinking I'll wait until we're there and see how it goes, before I decide to bring it up or not."

Spider-Man has posed:
"Well, you two have fun while you're galavanting about the world looking for family roots." Pete jokes, sliding his fingers slowly up and down the inside of Kitty's arm while he listens to her plans for searching out Rogue's father and Lorna's kin.

"Eventually, once we're back of course, I need to get up with Gwen and start going over what she was able to find about the other thing... The 'white whale'-" Harpoon. "-I know she was spending most of her time looking into it and things haven't really played out for me to get back intouch recently." Much to his chagrin, she was his best friend after all.

"Plus May sent a text earlier saying if we didn't get her something, she was going to disown us... actually she said disown me, but I'm lumping you in.. even if she said she would adopt you..."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's expression is suitably serious at the reminder of the harm done to Peter. And her hand in his squeezes tighter, in a protective or even possessive manner. "Yes, though we might be able to relax a bit here, we need to keep pursuing that. I can't imagine that will be the end of it," she tells him.

Kitty realizes she's squeezing and lets up on her grip to a normal amount, not that it was hard enough to be uncomfortable at all. "Just, you know. If you feel your Peter Tingle, keep in mind it could be another setup," she tells him, eyes peeking over to him and the little hint of a smile at the corner of her lips as she calls it that.

"May's so sweet. I've been trying to decide what to get her. I mean, Rogue will love something like a beret I think. She'd probably love one if we got it at the mall. But I feel like we need to get May something special. Something old, or... exquisite or... I haven't really come up with a great idea for it yet," Kitty says. She looks over into Peter's eyes. "Any ideas on what would be a good thing for her?"