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Latest revision as of 20:04, 2 December 2019

Monkeying around with Gargoyles
Date of Scene: 02 December 2019
Location: St. Margaret's Church, Bushwick
Synopsis: Venom helps the Yellow Ranger to foil Rita Repulsa's fiendish plans
Cast of Characters: Venom, Yellow Ranger

Venom has posed:
Rita Repulsa was up to her old tricks again. This time, she had decided to animate some stone gargoyles, seemingly unaware that some Gargoyles were in fact flesh and blood creatures, at least at night. She had sent one of her minions to St. Margaret's Church, with a magical Sceptre of Animation. Her chosen representative looked like a monkey crossed with a wolf. This was not it's first stop, as it had already amassed a small cadre of animated gargoyles from other buildings in the area that of course registered on Zor-Don's sensor relay back at the Command Centre. Monkey Claw, as he was called, was currently on the roof, surrounded by six animated gargoyles, as it was casting yet another incantation to grant life to what had once been mere stone.

Yellow Ranger has posed:
A faint whistling sound can be heard as a yellow dagger flies out of nowhere and hits the scepter to hopefully disrupt the spellcast. It'd be great if it destroyed the thing, but the main goal is to stop the spellcast and hopefully she accomplished that. With a fingersnap the dagger's back in her hand. "Okay, that's enough monkey business. Stop this with gargoyles - some of them are actually alive, you know," she commands as she gestures at the creature. She must've teleported nearby and got up to try to avoid being detected.

Venom has posed:
The sceptre went flying, landing somewhere else on the rooftop, a ledge near another gargoyle. Monkey Claw looked up, hissing and howling at the one who threw the dagger. "All right boys," he said in a sing song like voice, "she's no joy, so make her into your toy, and don't be coy."

The six already animated gargoyles flew off towards her, wings allowing them to fly, or at least glide on unusual currents of wind. Though the how they got there was less important than the claws they had, which were razor sharp.

Meanwhile, Venom was out webslinging. He didn't know anything was going on. The real question was, would he help out the Yellow Ranger, or Monkey Claw?

Yellow Ranger has posed:
Yellow Ranger taps her daggers together and they morph to katar-style push daggers as she grips them in her fists as she uses them to block the claws of the first two as she jumps and gives a devastating kick to one, literally decapitating it and disabling it - right as she gets raked across the back by another and she emits a muffled shriek as it hurts. She rolls out of the way to get the five remaining in front of her, knowing that there's no backup going to happen. It's just her.

Venom has posed:
The five prove to be surprisingly effective, as one is sacrificed, in order to put the others in better position to strike. Unlike in video games, they don't take her one by one. They get her to commit to one, giving the others the chance to attack while she's preoccupied. It was almost as if they fought with a hive mind. By now, Monkey Claw has regained the Sceptre, and as she was busy, began performing the ritual to bring it to life.

As the five gargoyles closed in on the Yellow Ranger, two of them were struck in the back by webbing and yanked backwards, or would have been, had the force not been enough to actually yank the heads of those two gargoyles. Moving in with a somersault, the toothy evil looking creature said, "we couldn't help but see you were in need." Wait, was Venom on her side, or was this just part of the trick?

Yellow Ranger has posed:
Yellow Ranger is taking damage - she can't get a good position to take out another gargoyle and is taking quite a beating... and then inky webs happen and disable two more. She blinks as she stares. Venom? HELPING? Rita isn't the type to contract to outsiders for aid so she's going to take the chance. "You go after these things - Monkey Claw there is one of Rita Repulsa's monsters and it's the one responsible for this mess." She sidesteps the five gargoyles and does a flying tackle, katar-blades first, to try to stop further statue shenanigans.

Venom has posed:
While catching a gargoyle fist in his own clawed hand, Venom begins to ask, monsterous teeth exposed, while his free hand closes its clawed hands and points with its clawed thumb, "is that one Monkey Claw?" The animated Gargoyle approaches, along with another that was brought to life while they battled. There were more on the church. They really needed to stop it at the source, rather than dealing with the underlings... of Rita's underling.

Yellow Ranger has posed:
Yellow Ranger states, "The one with the scepter..." She is trying to get through the gargoyles but her first leap was short. "The gargoyles are just animated stones that it's controlling..." She then does a prodigious leap and tries a double-fisted aerial kick to try to knock Monkey Claw down.

Venom has posed:
When she finally reaches the other rooftop, Monkey Down dodges the double attack, but dodging proves almost as bad as being hit, with the way it rolls against the concrete, scratching itself up, and the sceptre falls out of its hands and off that rooftop.

On the other side, Venom is making good work out of the gargoyles. But he some serious advantages on them in terms of strength, speed, and most importantly, awareness. Venom was in his element, smashing heads, literally in this case. He's just about finished with them when the sceptre drops, and a line of webbing goes out to snatch the sceptre before it were to hit the ground. He yanks it up, sending it high into the air like an elastic band coming back the other way.

Yellow Ranger has posed:
Yellow Ranger grins as she presses her assault, kicking and punch-stabbing at Monkey Claw, trying to back it against a corner. She glances at the scepter. "Destroy it!" she calls out. "It might break the spell!" She keeps on the attack - her goal is to drive the monster to fall off the roof.

Venom has posed:
The Sceptre comes down and back to Venom, who looks at it, "really, this seems old?" but she did say to destroy it to break the spell. With a shrug of those massive shoulders, Venom breaks it over his knee, separting it into two pieces. Two spheres of light, one orange, another green, move off, hovering in the air, before disappearing up into the sky.

And with the sceptre now broken, the remaining Gargoyles return to stone in whatever position they were in. What's more, Monkey Claw turns the same colour as those two spheres of light, almost as if he were bathing in it. But unlike the spheres, the colour seems to almost be eating away at him until there was nothing there.

And somewhere, high up, perhaps on the moon itself, Rita Repulsa was cursing the Power Rangers, saying that she would get them, and their little symbiote too.

Yellow Ranger has posed:
Yellow Ranger nods as she jumps back over to the building you were on. "Thank you. You are the one called Venom, yes?" she asks. "Your reputation... seems to be very VERY ill-deserved. I am the Yellow Ranger of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers," she states, bowing slightly. "I'm not sure I could've handled that without help."

Venom has posed:
Venom nodded, giving her a curious glance, "yes, we are Venom. Yes, our reputation is ill-deserved... mostly." And he offered a toothy grin. Was that a joke, or an admission that there was some truth to it. "But for now, you are safe Yellow Ranger of the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers." He fired off a line of webbing from the top of his wrist, a little black dot on the otherwise square patch of white, "and there are yet more innocents that need the protection of Venom!" And with that, he leapt off the building, firing off another line, and webbed on his merry way.

Yellow Ranger has posed:
Yellow Ranger just watches, hmmmmmming softly. She will take notes to keep track of Venom. She nods as she taps her belt buckle and disappears in a yellow flare of light.