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Revision as of 20:04, 2 December 2019

A little lesson for the teacher.
Date of Scene: 02 December 2019
Location: Backyard - Xavier's School
Synopsis: And Andrea and Sam show what the others can learn to do.
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Rage, Prismatic, Icarus

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is walking with Alexis, towards the back of the house "Ok, if your going to be out dealing with muggers, and punks, one we are going to need to get you a real baton, and two, you need to know some hand to hand fighting. Saw you with the antenna, but how is your hand to hand?"

Rage has posed:
Heading outside is Andrea, dressed warmly in a pair of black joggers and a dark pink sweater with a white heart on it. She has a fuzzy knit cap on as well. She looks comfortable. "Hey, guys." She greets the pair as she comes around the corner to spy them. She has a soccer ball between her feet that she taps along slowly.

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis is walking owut with Sam, wearing a pair of black joggers and a light gray, long-sleeved shirt. "It was a window wand, and yes, I would appreciate an actual baton, or fencing foil. I even ran afoul of some French Guards one day and defeated them with the Scarlet Pimpernel." Alexis comments with a slight smile. "Shook off some rust, felt good to get that sort of action again -- but it was a publicity stunt for the broadway show."

    Alexis gives a small smile over to Andrea, giving a wave. "Oh? Do you have a pitch around here?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "We have a fencing teacher, but carrying one around can be a bit difficult, now if you plan on running around in spandex might work, but in normal clothes will get the cops called on you pretty fast." He smiles a bit and look over to Andrea, and waves "We have a place to play most sports around here, except water polo, to mean to the horses." He makes one of the world's oldest jokes. If your going to handle some folks like the other night, want to make sure your capable of taking care of yourself and preferably not getting shot again."

Rage has posed:
"You can play water polo in the pool without horses." Andrea says as she taps the soccer ball about. "I was just going for a jog and decided to do some footwork. Wanted to clear my head for a bit. You're teaching her how to fight?" She asks as she taps the ball up into her hands, catching it.

Prismatic has posed:
    "Water... polo isn't played with..." Alexis begins to state with clear suspicion to Sam, her eyes narrowing a moment as she looks up at him, giving a huff of breath. "Mark my words, Sam, you'll be eating snow at some point." she warns him playfully, "And all that happens when I get shot is I turn all those /lovely/ colors of bruising." she reminds him, and she looks back to Andrea.

    "I didn't play often, but there were a number of girls at the school I attended who enjoyed it. Fencing was more my sport."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to her, and says "We shall see we shall see. Bobby taught me how to play soccer, not the best at it, but Ah at least know the rules." He says and "Ok, gonna start off with something basic, that you would be surprised how many people mess up. Show me how you make a fist?" he will tell her. He makes sure they are in a place where the ground aint cemented.

Rage has posed:
"I loved playing soccer when I used to." Andrea says as she drops the ball again to the ground and taps it around with her foot. She looks curiously over to Alexis when Sam tells her to make a fist.

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis blinks a moment, and she looks at her hands, curls them into loose fists, and holds them up at Sam. the form's mostly okay, but she's commiting one of the worst fist-making-mistakes -- her fingers are curled around her thumb, instead of her thumb being underneath to support the blow.

    "Like this?" she questions, her eyebrows drawing up.

Icarus has posed:
The doors open to allow another figure to step out from the interior. Jay is dressed in a pair of jeans that aren't baggy for once. He has on a sweater, specially Ma-modified to have slits cut out for his wings then snaps to close those spots up above the wings after he's got the garment on his body.

He pauses when he sees everyone and walks that direction even as Alexis is making a fist. "I was afraid this was going to happen. He already annoyed you enough to start punching him?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to jay "Ha ha funny man." He will smile "Alexis meet my fiddle playing brother." He will motion towards Jay. He steps in close and takes Alexis's and and guides her hand to the right position "Thats what Ah was checking, you hit someone with your hand like it was, even your toughness probably not gonna help your going to dislocate your thumb.

Rage has posed:
"Thumbs always out!" Andrea says as she watches them, then glances upwards at Jay. "Hey, Firebird." Her new nickname for him. She likes it. It's sticking. She heads over to him and grins, then wraps her arms about him for a firm hug as she steps into him. "How're you doing?" She asks as she loops her arms about his neck and shoulders.

Prismatic has posed:
    "Noted -- Noted! Thumbs out!" Alexis confirms, calling over to their peanut gallery as it doubles in size. She does, however, give a wry smile to Jay. "How do you do, Mr. Guthrie?" she inquires politely to him, "And no, no, if I get annoyed I simply think of the fact that this man has *never* in his life had a proper cup of tea and then all I feel is sorrow."

Icarus has posed:
"Just Jay. Mr. Guthrie was my Pa." It's an automatic response from him as he wraps his arms around Andrea for a quick hug. "Heya, Andrea." Then focuses back on the conversation. His brow furrows a moment. "We're from Kentucky. We drink sweet tea like ....oh. Cup. You drink it hot, huh? I'll try not to hold it against you," he teases with a smile on his face. "Was coming out to stretch my wings." The red wings behind him half unfurl at the mention then flip back into place behind him. "What did I walk into the middle of then?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and will tell the two. The other night Alexis and I ran into a group of guys trying to scare possible more of a mutant girl. We took them out but one of them got a gun out and shot Alexis. Ah am wanting to show her how to hold her own in a fight if need be. Ah may ask Andrea to show ya a few things. She has been studying a few hand to hand methods, and is really good.

Rage has posed:
At the moment, Andrea is all about giving Jay a playful bit of rustling of his hair over the back of his neck. As she hears her name, she glances over, then peels herself away from the winged Guthrie. At least enough for her to turn around so that she can rest against him. "Sure. I can help out if need be."

Prismatic has posed:
"Violent Flirtations of the Protective Kind, I think." Alexis interrupts a moment with a wry smile to Jay.

    "And yes, I drink my tea hot, typically from a teapot, occasionally a little milk if I'm feeling poorly." The terribly proper-sounding Brit replies, and she gives a wry smile.

    "And yes, I got shot, and bruised quite a bit from the occasion. I'm sure everyone would be horrified to learn that I bruise fairly easy when it comes to small calibre bullets."

Icarus has posed:
"You're bulletproof? That's a nice ability," Jay hadn't been aware of what she could do really. Other than music. That he'd been told about.

As Andrea rustles his hair, he ducks his head to the side with a grin and tries to get his head out of reach. Then she focuses on the situation at hand and he rests his hands on her waist to either side as she takes that spot leaning in front of him. "So all calibers don't bruise?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "How many times have you been shot?" He will add out of curiosity. He will step back, and says "Ok, come at me with a punch, Ah want to see your form." He says his hands up in a semi defensive manner. Seems he believes in talking while training.

Rage has posed:
Sliding her hands down into Jay's as they wrap about her waist, Andrea looks quite happy. "Are you asking me or her? Three times for me." She gives a tighter squeeze of the hands. Her head tilts upwards to stare at Jay for a moment as it rests on his chest. She gives him a smile, then blows a kiss upwards at him.

Prismatic has posed:
    "Mostly bullet and knife proof, unfortunately is problematic for getting vaccinations." Alexis replies to Jay's inquiry.

    "I've been shot three times. Once on accident, because I got in the way in a gunfight, and twice due to stepping in when a lady needed a second set of hands to say 'no'." "I've been stabbed... six, seven times? Once took a pair of scissors to the thigh." she remarks quietly. "I have lead a very interesting life the last three years."

    And with that, and a correction on how she's holding her hands, Alexis applies her fencing training to her hands, in his case she steps in, keeps in as guard and throws a weak punch to try and hit Sam in the arm.
    ... she doesn't want to hurt him, after all.

Icarus has posed:
Jay gives a nod to the problems of being bulletproof as Andrea takes his hands. He glances down in time to see the blown kiss and he grins, shaking his head a bit at her being incorrigible. Then he looks to watch Sam and Alexis.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will easily dodge this one, not slapping her hand out of the way or such, for now, just moving "Ok, ah want you to throw a real punch speed, and strength. You practice half assed your only gonna be half assed in a real right." He is switched into the teacher mode a bit and "Your out there half assing things you or someone with you can get hurt."

Rage has posed:
There is a low snort from Andrea at Sam's instructions, then takes Jay's hands and wraps them about her tighter so that she can be enveloped in his embrace. She rests her cheek in against his chest as she watches the other couple. "Throw with your shoulder, Alexis. Roll into it with your hips. Will increase speed."

Prismatic has posed:
    "I don't want to /hurt/ you, Sam." Alexis states dryly, but she readies herself to actually hit her poor boyfriend. She breathes out, corrects her stance, and throws a sock in the gut at Sam, since that's closer to her to hit than his chest!

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will move to block her hand knocking it to the side. He seems to actually have some hand to hand training. "Better, but your still need to work on your speed. Think of it sorta like a fencing thrust. You do it, quick, and in and out right?"

Rage has posed:
As she watches, Andrea remains quiet. Her eyes track the movements critically as if she was researching to give feedback later. "She doesn't have muscle memory yet. It takes time to develop the speed that comes with it. She has to learn the basics first."

Prismatic has posed:
    "Give me a fencing foil and I will show you a quick in and out." Alexis replies playfully, but she swings her hips, adapting her movements. She's a graceful dancer as she steps in, her toes drawing to pointe before she brings her hand up, expecting the block -- but draws her knee up to tap as his thigh.

    "Could be worse."

Icarus has posed:
Continuing to watch quietly, Jay doesn't really have anything to add. He's not really been trained like the other two. Newer as a student. Certainly he had some brawling skills from back home but that was different from formal training.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's leg moves and he takes the thigh on the outside of his thigh "Good good, your following through." He will bring a foot in to take hers feet out from under her. Now, can you you defend and attack at the same time." He is still smiling at her, but does seem to be moe serious with this now.

Rage has posed:
Giving her shoulders a bit of a shrug, Andrea turns around in Jay's arms to face him again. She circles her arms around his back, resting her chin in against his shoulder. She lets out a soft breath of content as she peeks up at him again.

Prismatic has posed:
    Is it horrible to call the winged one a lovebird?

    Alexis, at the moment, is not feeling the love. Her feet get taken out from under her, and she gives a cry of surprise, falling to her butt, and then gives a pound to the ground, springs back up and rubs her rear end a moment. She throws a slopping left hook at Sam's arm, keeping her right arm close.

    "THis is a bit more active fighting than what I'd thought I'd be in for! Andrea, if he knocks me out, you're in charge of my daring rescue!"

Icarus has posed:
"If he knocks you out, I'll do the whooping," Jay promises although he is certainly more the lover and not the fighter in this group. As Andrea turns, Jay knows what she is hinting at. His wings spread out then curve forward around them, closing behind her in the wing-hug position she likes.

His eyes go to her with a brief smile then back to the match.

Rage has posed:
"If you want me to step in, just let me know. Otherwise I'm gonna be wooing this cute guy with my puppy eyes." Andrea says as she gives a bat of her lashes up at Jay once the wings wrap about her. He's right in the fact that she loves it when he does this. To be held by an angel. She sways a bit with him, half lidding her eyes.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will step in so, he takes the punch on the arm, but steps in close with her, and leans in kissing her cheek softly, and quickly. "Not bad for your first time hon, we can work on it, but Ah want to show ya something ok?" He will ask her.

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis accepts the kiss on the cheek, and she gives a slight roll of her eyes and a groan "What are you talking about? This is a mess. How will I ever be a mutant super hero patrolling the streets of New York now?" she questions playfully. "What do you want to show me?"

Icarus has posed:
As Andrea starts to sway, Jay just falls into step. Music is something they have bonded over. Her having a song in her head is not a surprise. He just easily follows her lead to whatever it might be. At the mention of showing Alexis something, he does glance back up and nods his head that way for Andrea, to see if she wants to see as well.

Rage has posed:
As she sways back and forth with Jay, Andrea is happy as a clam. In her mind, they may as well be at the prom. When Sam calls out to her for a bit of sparring, she leans up on tip toes to give Jay a quick peck, then turns and heads over to them. She peels out of her sweater so not to ruin it, revealing a sports bra beneath, and the deep lines of scars on display across her stomach and back.

From there, she and Sam put on a bit of a demonstration as neither of the give each other much quarter. Where he is a boxer, she shows off more of a MMA technique, using grappling to evade and twist and turn him at angles. As they each block and trade their share of blows, Sam finally calls an end to it after a few minutes of quick combat. He socked her in the jaw at one point, and she nearly dislocated his shoulder from the sound of the loud pop she created when she armbarred him.

"I think I need a shower now."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will rub his shoulder a bit and says "She has been at it for a pretty god length of time, Ah aint expecting you to be that off the bat hon, but if your wanting to learn, we can work on it, you can get as good as your willing to put in the work for ya, I have faith in you.