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Latest revision as of 20:06, 2 December 2019

Reunited at last!
Date of Scene: 02 December 2019
Location: Second Floor, Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: Pietro and Wanda start their plotting
Cast of Characters: Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver

Scarlet Witch has posed:
A good many Avengers dwell in a fancy mansion. On her own, barring any trickery, there's no chance in Heaven or one hundred layers of Hell that Wanda could afford such pleasant digs on her own. This close to Central Park, real estate prices add too many zeroes for her bank account to allow. This close to Central Park, the frosty breath of nature beckons.

She is dressed for it, shunning any sort of uniform for a long bordeaux red coat and tall boots. The sort of thing less suited to running around in, but good for a long stroll through the crisp autumn air. A scarf lazily waves as she haphazardly loops it around her neck. Slow, quiet thoughts percolate along with the tea stuck in a metal travel mug, and she keeps looking back down the hall. Eyebrows crumple slightly, the indrawn breath never released as the sigh it wants to be. The truth it could be. A hand lifts, gently scribing a circle in the air. Nothing but a banishing gesture for whatever lingers. "All right." Her voice is soft. "Jarvis? Let anyone know I may be out for a few hours. They can reach me the usual ways. Patrolling for trouble."

Quicksilver has posed:
Well, MAYBE she could afford something like this place if she let Pietro have a robbery spree. He could do it to, before anybody noticed. But since they've joined the Avengers and left their evil ways behind with the Brotherhood, its not like the twins WANT to do wrong. Unless Pietro's temper generally gets the best of him.

Nevertheless, almost immediately after Wanda tells Jarvis to let anyone know she will be out for a few hours, there is a gust of air that would be extremely familiar to her, usually via the draft that Pietro creates from the intensity of his super speed. Nevertheless, he is right beside her, a smile on his face.

If she allows, he'll plant a gentle kiss right on her forehead. "Hello, Wanda. Going somewhere?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
They both might afford the estate long enough to be convicted of capital offenses. Thieving a few million in diamonds and state treasures from a Saxony museum or a hidden art collection of some oligarch, oil baron, or sheikh. Just imagine how it could go. Better to trust in the Avengers. Spend Tony Stark's money instead!

The gust of air ruffling her auburn curls sends her to stillness. Fingers curl around the metal travel mug possessively. Forget about the scarf that winds in serpentine undulations around her neck and shoulders, its gossamer edges licking her sternum. Wanda narrows her eyes a little, trying to spy the motions that are impossible for her to visualize but certainly there. There, as sure as the moon rises in the sky and tugs on the tide.

She smiles, a small but certain change warming her face. Pietro is of course free to kiss her brow, and she rests her cheek against his for a moment of greeting. "I've been cooped up for too long. Days," she replies. "It feels like days. Restless, so a walk in the park might change that. I hope so."

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro enjoys that moment of intimacy between them, cheeks warmed by the touch of his sister in her greeting for him. He leans away just far enough to look her in the eyes, a smile touching his features that only Wanda could ever bring out of him so easily. "Too long you say, well...that is what happens when nothing needs to be saved in a week, you get too relaxed." He winks at her, before he offers her his hand nonetheless.

"Then allow me to accompany you, Wanda. Tell me, whats on your mind? Aside from apparent boredom." he winks at her. Hell, if she asked him, he'd probably just carry her in his arms and sprint her around the city a few times.

Ah, what wouldn't Pietro do for Wanda?

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Familiarity echoed in her second self there brings another easing of Wanda's shoulders. Her eyes are bruised a little by lack of sleep or perhaps too much. It can go either way, her olive complexion giving up the signs if he knows how to look. Pietro gets a shake of her head for his efforts. "When I start believing everything is the way it should be, I know I am pulling the wool over my eyes and burying my head in the sand for good measure." Softer, then, she traces her thumb around the side of her index finger. "The restlessness could simply be too long in my room, fussing around with that guitar. Why did I ever purchase it? I don't even care for the sound."

A perplexed chord strummed over her voice is patently aggrieved, as this sin of a horrendous guitar must be exterminated. Later. She offers her arm to him, though it will no doubt be an anchor on a speedboat. "Of course you can come with me. Let's see what we can find out there, if you like. And my thoughts are a muddle, that I should be doing something I am not, but I can hardly think of what that something is. A fox chasing its own tail."

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro nods softly to her, taking note of her general tells that she's generally...aggrieved or discontent. This is a cruel horror in Pietro's eyes, for Wanda's world must always be sunny or he will simply kill what storm hovers over her head. Their arms intertwine, Pietro's fingers holding her own as well as they -take it slow-. Pietro wants to -know- why Wanda is in such gloom today.

"You just like it when I sing and you play. It is just like when we were children, do you remember?" He asks her, but he walks with her all the same. "I know the feeling, but at the same time...I think its safe to say I'm the most active between us."

He shrugs for a moment. "How can I help?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
It's a good question, one Wanda has to stop and contemplate for longer than she might like. Sipping her tea with a click of the stopper in the lid, she buys herself a few seconds to decide. Take it slow means walking down the hall, pacing with a light-footed ease instead of trudging like the mad-haired medusa or fury out to scorn the world. "I prefer a harp, I think. The sounds are better. Trying to make that great unwieldy thing work has been a pain, the strings keep snapping Maybe I need to find a proper lute." What year is it, 1419? It could just be to get a rise out of him.

"You are the more active one, but that doesn't mean you have to be active alone. I want a purpose too," she replies with a bit more of a smile. "It might simply be the winter. The seasons change and everyone will be hiding away from the snow and ice. Stuck inside, which sounds patently terrible. You are not the only one who suffers from being cornered within walls."

Quicksilver has posed:
"I could always buy you a harp. Now that Stark is practically funding everything after we joined proper, It should not be impossible." Pietro informs Wanda with a smile, but a LUTE?! "What year do you believe it to be?" he chuckles. "A lute, haven't heard of anybody playing it for a long time, not since we were children and with traveling gypsies." he tells her with a wink, meant to be playful.

"Then everytime I go out, I'll just take you with me. You know I would rather be with you than anybody else, Wanda."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Some level of amusement ought to be there as Wanda reaches the end of the hall, turning for the stairs headed lower. "How can he even find something to do with all that money? Imagine having so much in his pockets he could buy an island outright and no one might blink." Musing on the fact is probably worse than suggesting she plink away on a lute. "We could demand a minstrel's corner for meetings. You with a tambourine, me with a lute, and playing old songs. Travelers indeed, what would they say?" Her shake of her head dislodges a part of that scarf, untucked from the high collar of the coat in its sumptuous scarlet shade.

"Tell me, Pietro, what you want to do. It cannot always be you supporting me. Perhaps that is the clue. You found some delightful pursuit that needs to be followed on," she suggests, squeezing his arm with her own.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro hums for a moment. "That could be rather fun, though I think only Captain America would find our music to be enjoyable in these modern times, where we are now." He laughs just a little bit, but alas, her question is a good one. What does -he- want to do? Truth be told, he's not entirely sure. Ever since he was born, he's been attached to the hip with Wanda. Prom? If he had the co to one, he'd probably go with Wanda. First theft? With Wanda. First superhero fight? With Wanda. Walk in the park? With Wanda.

They just arn't very independant of each other, are they? Alas, Pietro looks at Wanda with a chuckle. "Maybe, maybe not. There have been a few robberies this week that could be foiled, for sure.."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"Captain America would never be so rude as to suggest our music wasn't enjoyable. Stark likes to play his rock tunes. I do not know how to play a rock song on a lute. Maybe a harp. It is nearly Christmas, I could try to copy the Trans-Siberian Orchestra." At least she knows who they are. A connoisseur of pop culture, Wanda is most definitely not. They keep descending the stairs and she paces herself a little faster, headed for the front door and the cold street beyond. Traffic can be heard over walls and through landscaping; it's New York. There is no escaping people, no escaping anywhere.

"Robberies this week? Where do you expect they are? That sounds at least better than sitting and looking out my window in sorrow of it all." Her tone turns brutal upon herself, wickedly so. Not one to suffer her own foolishness then. "Is there anything to do soon? Foiling anyone come to steal Christmas like that evil green elf?"

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro smirks. "I don't think anybody knows how to play a rock song to Stark's liking on a lute. But I will certainly be quite amused, assuming you could pull it off." He nudges her ever so slightly, but when she paces herself faster, he finds himself being dragged for once! But he easily matches her pace soon enough, it was just almost startling for him.

"Hmmm. I'm not sure, but they tend to hit the big banks. I'll let you know when the mansion gets an Alert, I've tasked Jarvis with telling me whenever a bank robbery happens. Though its usually so boring beause I can take them down in two seconds flat." He shrugs.

"But...I don't know. Maybe we could talk to Cap and see what we can discover for ourselves. But for now, I'm all yours. How about I take you to dinner after we walk in the park and observe all the boring people?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"It is better than an electric guitar. I have no hope to master it." Wanda shrugs, happy to leave the suggestion behind. Drinking tea as they walk doesn't slow her down. Too often she has to eat on the run, catch as catch can. Sometimes it is never enough, a case she needs to handle.

When Pietro mentions Jarvis and robberies, she raises her brows. "One day you will meet someone who is more than you can handle. Then what? The banks are all being threatened by computers too. It might be good to learn if you haven't already." A mild suggestion, not as though she expects him to run out and become Doctor Pietro Maximoff, expert on hacking and slacking off on IT related matters.

"Dinner and the park? Pietro, you shouldn't." Yes, that tone says, he really should. "I would like that. We can discuss anything you like. Interesting people. The holidays. Is there anything that we should do? Hiding in a red sports car and passing out blessings?"

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro seems to look quite amused, though she tells him that one day, if he's learned how to use computers, it might be good to have that kind of knowledge to fall back on. "You might be right, but my top quality is being fast -AND- charming." he winks at her playfully. After all, the Avengers had like, -three- computer guys. Jarvis, Tony, and Vision. They don't need a computer guy who's ALSO really crazy-stupid-fast.

"Then I suppose I must." He nudges Wanda, he knows that tone all too well. Anything to spend time with each other, yes? Now then, what to do for the holidays? "Well, lets just hope we don't find ourselves under mistletoe again. We got a few awkward stares for that one." Of course, he's just joking with her. "A red sports car would be rather nice, or we could just do caroling around the neighborhood. Maybe even do one of those tree lighting competitions."