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Latest revision as of 20:20, 2 December 2019

Learning about Powers.
Date of Scene: 28 November 2019
Location: Xavier's Office / Classroom
Synopsis: Sam finds some more info on Nat's powers
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Hindsight

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has grabbed one of the offices and has sent word that he would like to speak with Nathaniel. The office he is in is rather generic, but it works. he is leaning against the desk, waiting patiently

Hindsight has posed:
    "Sorry if I'm late," is the first thing Nathaniel says upon entering. He shouldn't be. He's not comfortable enough at the school to make those mistakes. He's dressed casually, in a black shirt and jeans, and the standard gloves. He stands in the doorway, glancing around the office, before stepping inside. "What did you need me for, Mister Guthrie?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie motions to a seat and says "Your not late, Ah just sent for ya a bit ago. You can call me Sam if you want, if not comfortable with it you can keep with Mister Gunthrie." He offers a smile and says "I was hoping we might be able to talk about your powers a bit and maybe the fact you don't seem to like to talk about them.

Hindsight has posed:
"Mister Guthrie works. Figure it says the trouble of trying to keep two Sams in my head," Little Sam did tell him Bean was an acceptable alternative, and he doesn't seem to mind whenever Nathaniel calls him 'Sammy', but there's a level of respect that he feels compelled to give a teacher. When the reason for the office call becomes apparent in Guthrie's words, he sighs and settles into a chair. "Yeah, sure."

    "I can't turn it off. People have shi-stuff... and I see their stuff," He explains. That respect makes him incapable of cursing in front of a teacher too. "Doug is trying to work it out with me. Offered me a position at X-Corporation? I agreed." So they'll see how that goes.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and says "Doug and Berto, the head of X-corp are both friends of mine, both good men." He reassures the young man." He looks at him, and sympathy can be seen on his face, as he asks "You have had some accidental uses of your powers in the past and people did not react well?"

Hindsight has posed:
    "No, not exactly," Nathaniel chews on his lower lip and sits back, nervous. "They usually don't even know when I do it. Doug didn't," It brings about a memory, or rather Doug's memory, and Nathaniel looks away from Samuel. It's faint, but he's very lightly blushing. He finds the desk to be of suitable interest. Mahogany, is it? Wow, fascinating.

    "People just keep lots of secrets," he continues, eyes averted. "and no one really cares about you as much as they say."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises a bit at the blush, and says "Well if folks don't know about it that is a good thing. How about how you react when you do it, does that give you away?"

Hindsight has posed:
    No blush here! No siree. Nathaniel gestures vaguely to his face, "My eyes," he says. "They start to glow, and sometimes there's this static shock, but other than that, people don't know what I've seen. I just have to carry on like I don't know they're liars, or confront them and risk screwing things up."

He pauses, then asks, "How am I supposed to -not- react?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the man and says "Well, Ah will be honest with you, if you can learn to not show it, would help you, would not solve you having to deal with what you have learned but would help you not have issues in public. Hopefully with work we can get you to a point where you can turn he powers on or off as you want. Now, want to ask ya a few details about how ya powers work.

Hindsight has posed:
    "I could always just close my eyes," Nathaniel says, and there is the potential for him not to go glowy-eyed. He's just untrained. "I don't use it in a stealthy way, or so that people don't know I did it." He wrinkles his nose, like the very notion is repulsive.

    "I will be completely honest with you: I don't know a whole lot about them. But I will try to be as transparent as possible." He's been doing a good job of that, at least.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head a bit and says "Have you noticed, how far back you pick up things from people? Is it limited to like a day, a week, years? Have you ever touched or been touched by more than one person at a time, and if so how did that react with your powers

Hindsight has posed:
    "Decades," Nathaniel amends. He frowns, shifts in his seat, and draws his hands away from view. "I can't control how far I go, I only know that it's far." His brows knit together like he's trying to think back, but finally, he shakes his head at the last question. "No, that's never come up before. I bet I'd get a serious migraine."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Ok, now the next question I want you to think about and seriously consider before answering, if we got a couple people who were ok with you reading them, would you be willing to work with them as part of learning more about and hopefully controlling ya powers?

Hindsight has posed:
    Nathaniel's brows knit together again, this time in heavy worry, as he does consider Sam's offer. It's a miracle he doesn't outright say 'no'. Doug's read has him reluctantly open to the exploration of his powers, though. "It depends. If they were completely comfortable with it, I guess...I guess that would be okay."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "It would be made clear to them up front that they would be basicly opening their mind to you, also might want to see if someone's mental shields make a difference. It might be we can teach you mental shields that keep it out as well.

Hindsight has posed:
    "I would be fine with that, then," Nathaniel says, shoulders slumping in a deep breath as he tries to cut through the tension building up there. He's never tried it on someone with a mental shield, so that doesn't mean anything to him. He only nods and asks, "Anything else?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to him, and says "Have you tried different materials between you and others, to get an idea on what ya need to prevent the contact? Like would lase gloves work or do ya have to have the black leather ones

Hindsight has posed:
"As long as there isn't skin to skin contact, I should be fine," says Nathaniel. He knows that much. "It doesn't have to be leather gloves. I've tried latex too. Not lace, though."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Lace may have a bit to much holes, but we maybe able to get you something that does not limit your sense of touch as much as the leather ones if your interested in that."

Hindsight has posed:
    Nathaniel looks slightly relieved that lace gloves aren't the option they're going with. Too feminine for him, by far. He cants his head, "What did you have in mind, Mister Guthrie? If there's no skin touching, I think I'll be okay."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Actually I will have to do some research to be honest. I have not looked into it before, but we do have another here who has issues with skin to skin contact, and she may have some ideas."

Hindsight has posed:
"A student or...?" Nathaniel asks. No, he hasn't met Rogue yet, but he is curious to know about someone who's experienced the same things as him.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "She is a teachers assistant here, but has done some of her own studies here as well. I will see if I can set up a meeting with her if you would like,"

Hindsight has posed:
    "That might help, yes," Nathaniel sighs, and rubs his hands against his thighs. "I should say that I -am- thankful for what everyone is trying to do here," Even if he is skeptical, he's still grateful. "And it means a lot that you're trying to work with me on this. I just don't know if it will go the way you think. Is that all. Mister Guthrie?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Ah think so Nathaniel, and Ah can't promise we will get much change in your powers, but Ah can tell you we will do our best and try to help you find a way to make progress where you have more control, and hopeful you are more ok with your powers as well.