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Latest revision as of 20:26, 2 December 2019

A Merry Meeting with the Punisher
Date of Scene: 26 November 2019
Location: Central Harlem, Manhattan
Synopsis: Happy Thanksgiving Bad Guys - Gifts for you all.
Cast of Characters: Zeitgeist (Julius), Punisher, Morrigan MacIntyre

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
A bell is heard ringing as Lucius is on a street corner with a large kettle, he's got a sign that reads, "Donations to the New Hope Shelter for the Homeless and Unemployed". To be perhaps be a bit more in the spirit, and perhaps to get a few laughs, he's wearing a santa beard and mustache but noothing beyond that in the way of Christmas outfit.

    He may be collecting for his shelter but he knows that the Foot is in the area these days and he'll keep an eye on them or in his case a listening to their scheming thoughts.

Punisher has posed:
The first sign of anything going amiss is the loud scream of pain from Lucius' right, in the alleyway. It's pretty easy to hear, given the close proximity.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan had been meaning to drop some paperwork off to Lucius after that whole sickness with some of the homeless shelter residents. And somehow, somewhere, as she is approaching she hears that scream of pain as she's approaching the corner and the man with the beard and moustache. Well...that's no good. She gives a bit of a sigh and then heads towards where things are going on, but she's not going to get over there quite yet with the way cars are going.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Lucius Primus is startled by the loud scream nearby, "You alright?" he yells down the alleyway. He's quick to give up his position on the corner to head into the alleyway, his mental eyes also attempting to see if any thoughts can be gleamed from the denizens of the dark alleyway.

Punisher has posed:
Well, one persons thoughts are probably a bit jumbled, seeing as the chinese man was just shot in the heart out of nowhere.. Two other chinese men have their pistols out and are frantically waving them around, looking for the shooter.

Lucius can feel the wall of panic as they start to fire blindly down the alleyway at him, their free hands trying to grab the injured man and pull him behind a dumpster... not yet realizing that hole is probably fatal.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I think that's a negative." Morrigan states as she takes off her sunglasses after crossing over to the corner Lucius was at. She doesn't realize it's him either with his beard and things. There's a look down the alley way, those bright eyes of hers squinting for a moment. "Ummm...do we want to see what's going on?" she asks him as she starts to move her hands a little.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Lucius Primus inhales deeply as he absorbs the mental energies that litter the alleyway, he senses that these fellows are not innocent bystanders to this violence. He looks over to Morrigan a bit, "I'm not sure. I'm having doubts it's a random shooting. We could call the police though right?"

Punisher has posed:
Just as the two thugs get behind the dumpster, there's a loud, localized, explosion... and the two remaining thugs are effectively turned into paste against the wall and the back of the dumpster.

No getting information out of those ones... but the four coming out of the side door with pistols raised might have some answers.

Assuming Lucius can get through to them. He can easily tell they consider him the shooter.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan looks down the alleyway and there's a moment taken to sniff at the blood. "Well, I'm pretty sure all the cops might get are corpses, but, we could." she tells him. Then she lets her hand come up again, when it does, there are violet lines of energy that follow it, creating a shield of sorts. There's a look up when the explosion happens and she blinks against the sudden spots that fill her vision. She mananges to make out the four that have pistols raised, "Ah shit." the redhead states.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Lucius Primus raises his arms as the men with pistols get the crazy thought that he was the fellow who did this. He does think fast though as he dodges behind another dumpster nearby, "Yeah, shit it is. Get behind something quick..." he notices the shield, "Well, unless you can make your own shield.."

Punisher has posed:
This time, a 'pop' can be heard, and suddenly the air around the thugs obscured and turns thick. A gas grenade of some kind. Within moments, all four newcomers are out, counting sheep.

It takes about ten seconds for the cloud to dissipate enough for Morrigan and Lucius to walk in.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"It's my only magical trick. Sorry to dissapoint ahead of time." Morrigan chuckles to that. Then she's looking down the alley way, "You don't look bulletproof, so, how about we go together?" she asks. Then she's hearing the pop and the gas filling the alley makes her stop, nope. Not at all. Once it's cleared out the redhead moves down that way, all the while taking a huge knife from a sheathe as she does.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Lucius Primus would probably unsheath his own large 'knive' but he's left his weaponry at home, the one time he actually probably could have made use of the swords.

    He does however notice a pipe that is sitting in one of the dumpsters.. He withdraws the item and quickly heads down the alleyway to join Morrigan, "Someone is definitely busy.."

Punisher has posed:
Both Morrigan and Lucius are alone in that alleyway for a solid minute...

Then, around the corner from the exit of the alleyway comes a man in a black trenchcoat and white skull vest. One look at him, and one can immediately get the impression of 'heavily armed commando'.

Morrigan would immediately recognize The Punisher in his work gear. Lucius might recognize The Punisher from the news. In his hands is an M4A1 carbine at standby, and with a focus only trained military have, starts to check the corners as he goes down the alleyway.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to Lucius and then she checks the person that's coming around the corner. The white skull makes her give a bit of a sigh and a headshake as she looks up to the sky, "Because it's another day that ends in 'y'." she mutters to herself. Then she looks to Lucius, "Don't freak out." she gives a bob of her head in the Punisher's direction as she places the knife back in its sheathe at her hip. She then looks to the man that's wearing the skull vest.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Lucius Primus looks to Morrigan and then to Punisher, the man's reputation among the population comes flooding to him. He nods a bit as he gets out from behind the dumpster, "He's the punisher isn't he? I've heard of him." says the mock santa.

Punisher has posed:
The Punisher obviously doesn't view Lucius or Morrigan as threats, given he doesn't aim his carbine at either of them. In fact, once the corners are dealt with, his stance goes fairly idle for a moment as he pulls out a couple devices from his gear web, places them against the walls to each side in intervals, and walks over. "Right. Fancy meetin' you two here." Punisher grates out, his eyes giving a critical eye to Lucius. "They're waiting on backup from nearby. If you don't want to be in the crossfire, you two might wanna get the fuck outta dodge."

Then, he casually pulls out a Glock 17 from a holster, and without looking away from the two, aims it for the skull of one of the knocked out chinese men, "police are gonna be here in about nine minutes. Probably don't wanna be in on this mess."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan is A-OK with not being a threat. She gives the man a nod of greeting and a half smile, who smiles at a guy who just murdered folks? Morrigan does obviously. "Do you need any help or are you good?" she asks him. Another weird thing. "I think Santa here is fine." she adds in a quiet tone. Then there's a nod to him, "Thanks for the headsup." she adds.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Lucius Primus blinks a bit, he's not getting a read on the Punisher's thoughts, usually he can tell what people are planning before they do it, but in case of Punisher, his body language is enough and the matter-of-fact layout of what's about to happen is enough. He nods slowly, "Well, nice meeting you too. You do this city a good service.. sir. I'll head to the corner, keep a look out for you." He heads casually back to the corner he was at prior, returning to work as it were.

Punisher has posed:
*POP* *POP* *POP* The Glock fires three times, once for three skulls. The last one is kept alive, and Punisher pulls out a syringe, injecting the contents into the mans neck, before he puts it back in a utility pouch. That same hand goes for a grapnel gun, and fires up into the air. Hooking onto the edge of the roof, Punisher is pulled up and he goes over, disappearing from sight.

Lucius, when he tries to get a read on Punisher, finds that Frank Castle is one of the few capable of not only stonewalling him... but he's /actively ejected/ from his mind. He's extremely mentally disciplined, for a normal human.

Of course, Punisher is anything but normal.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look after Lucius and there's a bit of a nod to that, "Always nice to see you." she states. But Punisher doesn't say anything and the woman takes that as a sign to get out of dodge. She hurries after Lucius, feet beating the pavement as she does. "You sure you want to stay on the corner when shit's about to hit the fan, Santa?" she asks the man as she looks to him.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Lucius Primus says, "I.. was going to do the fellow a favor but... since he's ziplining away from here. I guess it's best to scatter too." he picks up his donation kettle. "Let's go." as he begins to quickly head towards the direction of his shelter to take.. shelter."

Punisher has posed:
It doesn't take long for those reinforcements to arrive. Not even thirty seconds later, a blue van pull up to the alleyway in a hurry. Mandarin is spoken in loud voices, before four chinese men start to go down the alleyway.

About halfway down, gigantic flash bombs placed on the walls, hidden behind debris and dumpsters, are set off, before a silenced carbine picks off each thug, one at a time.

Seconds later, and the alleyway is a mess of blood and gore

A few moments later, and Punisher descends again with that grapnel gun, before he grabs the man he injected with one arm and tosses him over his shoulder, carbine at the ready to his side.

A quick glance later, and Punisher is walking out of the alleyway, prisoner in tow.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look back towards the alley when the flash bombs go off and she wanders a little faster after Lucius, "Well...probably the better place to be right now." the redhead tells him. She doesn't catch the sight of the Punisher coming out of the alleyway. She's got other things on her mind right now. Like living!

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Lucius Primus glances over his shoulder as Morrigan is essentially following him or at the least running in the same direction. The explosions and such in the alleyway are becoming more distant, the run doesn't even seem to cause him to breathe heavy, this santa is in pretty good shape.

    He may not be able to see what's happening but his vision includes all the bystanders in this part of New York, it's not surprising that there is at least one call to 911 and also a few just simply turning the music on their stereos louder. One fellow nearby just figures it's special effects in the FPS he's playing.

Punisher has posed:
It doesn't take long for the Punisher to get to the Battle Van just down the block with his quarry. tossing him in and tying him well, Punisher hops up into the back, and slams his fist into the close button.

Seconds later, and the van is driving off, blending into New York traffic with Punisher's newest interrogation subject.