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Knightfall: Thanksgiving
Date of Scene: 05 October 2019
Location: Interior - Wayne Manor
Synopsis: The Bat Family gather for Thanksgiving Dinner, charitable visitors, and strange tidings.
Cast of Characters: Batman, Wonder Woman, Red Robin, Oracle, Nightwing, Red Hood, Misfit, Spoiler, Carrie Kelley, Robin (Wayne)

Batman has posed:
Most years, the traditional Thanksgiving dinner goes uncelebrated in the Wayne household. Generally, there's some great crisis to distract from it, or simply the members of the Family are so scattered that it isn't feasible. This year, it would seem, is an exception to that rule.

The table in Wayne Manor's cavernous dining room has been set up with the finest china and silverware - items that, in some cases, have been in the possession of the Wayne Family for well over a century. The dining room itself is three storeys tall, hung with ornate tapestries, run about on three sides with a mezzanine and dominated at one end by a large pipe organ. It once held dinner parties for dozens, but this evening's is a more subdued affair.

Alfred has been cooking all day, and already the scent of the menu wafts up from the downstairs kitchen. At each place on the table a small menu with text in silvery cursive advises of the menu - traditional Thanksgiving fare, along with several substantial and meticulously researched vegetarian options.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana has been here all day, for anyone apt enough they might think - or even know - that she has been staying here overnight.

Today, she's wearing a close-fitting white turtleneck sweater with her dark hair tied back behind her head in a ponytail and a silver chain hanging around the base of the sweater's collar. Loose-fit black trousers, and simple black heeled shoes complete the Princess' attire.

She's currently within said dining hall and has been helping to decorate an utterly enormous Christmas tree. Even if Diana's religious believes lie elsewhere, she still enjoys the entire atmosphere of this holiday and what it stands for at it's core are many things she stands for all year around.

The three in-question is at least twenty feet tall and is lit up with countless bright golden lights. Standing before the tree, Diana is hanging small silver star ornaments on individual branches, pulling them from a box she holds in her left hand and eyeing them as they dangle in her right while she afixes them to a pone-scented tree branch.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake has actually made a dish himself. He dropped it off with Alfred, it was one of the Drake family traditional dish, brussels sprouts with bacon and roasted chestnuts. He dropped it off with Alfred, and got the look when he tried to sneak a bite of something before being shooed out of the kitchen. He is dressed in dress pants and shirt tonight in red and black color scheme. He will smile as he sees Diana working on the tree. "Ah someone who can put the star on the tree this year without using a grapple.' He smiles a bit and says "Good to see you here." to Diana.

Oracle has posed:
Enter Babs, with Charlie in tow. She's carrying a potted dish that she bought and then put in a pot because hahaha who has time to cook? Seriously? Dressed in a white blouse, slacks, and heels.. Her red hair is pulled back into a neat ponytail, making her rounds with Alfred who dutifully and appreciatively and probably scrutinally takes the pot.

Then off to the table to greet the fam and fangirl her ass off on Diana. "Hey guys, Happy Turkey and opression of indeginous people day."

Nightwing has posed:
Not every Bat was technically available. There's always a great crisis, of course. A difference being that Dick has done what he can to hide the level of the crisis he is dealing with, in some show of prowess and his ability to handle multiple things of once.

So that means Dick is present, but he isn't entirely 'present'. But he does a good emulation of a person that's not torn in half.

Dick enters swiftly through the main foyer, unwinding a stripe silver and green scarf from his neck. He takes in the tree as he comes into the dining hall, with obvious curiosity at Diana doing it, as well as the tree.

"Getting an early start on the next holiday, before this one's over?" Dick teases, smile warm. He's battered physically, though most of it is covered, but he has clear scrapes on his jaw and a healing left spot on lower lip. He passes through, offering hugs of welcome to various family members, intent on going to check on Alfred, to be sure he hasn't collapsed downstairs.

Red Hood has posed:
Jason had come to the manor late yesterday and stayed the night, no fanfare, not even that much grumbling and in the morning he headed down to he kitchen and offered Alfred some help with dinner prep.

I know, shocking right? Alfred being the perfectionist that he is that meant mostly fetch-and-carry work and the odd bit of line chefing but he took it on without complaint. By the time the party starts Jason is coming upstairs while Dick is hugging his way through the family, having changed out of his sweats and hoodie cooking wear for slacks and a sweater for dinner.

"Don't even think about it," Jason warns Dick, making his way to the side bar for something to drink, nods given to the others, and a small smile for how much Diana seems to be enjoying setting up the tree.

Misfit has posed:
Charlie is in tow and carrying some a nintendo switch lite in one hand and a bag with a couple pies in the other. I mean she did try to tell Barbara that Alfred probably had all the bases covered but maybe they can't have too much pumpkin pie.

The teenager is wearing some distressed jeans, sneakers, and a fitted t-shirt that seems to depict Star Wars characters celebrating thanksgiving, but that looks like a roast monkeybird not a turkey on the table.

She hands off the bag of pies and looks appologetic to Alfred then follows to the dining room. "Gosh that all smells amazing...." she comments as they leave the kitchen area and then Charlie stops dead spotting Diana. "Holy cow"

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie had spent awhile looking in her closet. This was the first time she'd been invited to this kind of Wayne family gathering, and she was a bit consternated about how she should dress. On the one hand people could be pretty casual around the Batcave. But then most everyone's casual clothing was from the better places in town, and this was a holiday after all.

A text to Jason for his input had gotten back a picture of a mini-skirt and a top that even made Stephanie blush. Yeah, not wearing that.

So Stephanie eventually arrives, removing her jacket and giving it to Alfred in the doorway. "Daisies are a beautiful flower, Miss Stephanie," he tells her. Alfred's words draw a grateful smile from Stephanie. "Thank you Alfred," she tells him warmly before stepping into the dining room. She's wearing a black spaghetti strap dress, adorned with daisies to keep it from being too formal-seeming.


Stephanie smiles as she sees everyone gathered. Giving a little wave of her hand and that warm smile as a greeting, she moves over to join people, though still looking just a little self-conscious at joining the family's holiday gathering.

Batman has posed:
To those who had seen him in his hospital bed following the Battle of Metropolis, it might be startling to see how much Bruce has progressed. The wheelchair is gone, even the crutches that kept him upright once he regained the use of his leg have been discarded. To look at him, he could easily be mistaken as being in the fullness of health. It's only when he walks that the game is given away, a faint limp and a stiffness to his movements showing that there is still some healing to do.

It isn't until much of the family have gathered that he arrives himself, stepping in from the wide and expensively-decorated hallway that leads to a staircase and, in turn, his room. He's opted for trousers and a waistcoat in muted slate grey, the white undershirt's sleeves rolled up his elbows and an ornate silvery watch on his wrist. He's even shaved and had a haircut - throughout his recuperation, he'd let it all grow into something a little rough and unkempt.

He pauses by the tree, standing behind Diana with hands in pockets and looking up at the impressive monument to Christmastime. He's silent, however, not interrupting the process. Instead, he simply stands back and watches the gathering unfurl.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley lived here now. There were time that was still sinking in. When there's an actual event being held here especially as so far this had just been somewhere to sleep, keep her stuff, and grab a bite before patrols, or training sessions. Now? Now it was filled with people. Family, and friends.

She had no idea how to react to this.

Loitering in the hall she just... lingers. Listening to the goings on within as people start to arrive. Much like Stephanie she was feeling awkward about this social gathering at the holidays. Her own attire was more relaxed though: A pair of black leggings and a heater grey sweater-dress. Comfy, sort of dressy, but not out there. She hoped.

Taking a deep breath she risks a glance down to the phone in her hand staring at the blank screen. It only takes another moment, and then she forces herself to step through the doorway into the room flashing a bright smile. "Happy Thanksgiving everyone."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian was sitting in a chair, not too far from the tree, watching Diana decorate. "So, the pilgrims were starving, and the indigenous people taught them how to plant and harvest the different soil...and they thanked them by herding them and sequestering them in reservations? And people do not understand why people of color have so much rancor for imperialism?" He shrugs. "I am glad they revolted, and scalped as many as they could." Yes, dark, but Damian was like that.

  "So to celebrate the occasion, a turkey is sacrificed and people gorge themselves, propagating the adage of the haves and the have nots." Yep, even in his own twisted way, Damian could see what was right and wrong. The teen dressed in a black turtleneck shirt, and slacks, his hair was styled in that undercut he liked to wear, old school military style.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's brown eyes avert from the tiny silver star she's hanging to Tim when he speaks to her and of her. His words need only a moment to register within her mind and they make her red hued lips upturn into a wide smile. "Yes, that is true." She states quietly in response in her thickly accented voice. "I promise though that I will not gloat about it." She teases in return. Diana's eyes then sweep over to Babs and she gives the young woman a continued smile, and a little wave with her now freed-up hand. "Hello Barbara. It is wonderful to see you!" She says enthusiastically whilst offering also a nods and a smile to Charlie.

Dick's arrival pulls her stare away though and she laughs softly at his question. A glance is given to the tree, then back to him. "Yes, well... By the time this is fully decorate, a month may have passed by, and then it will be time to start taking the decorations down. So... it is best to start now, I would say." A hint of a grin is shown then. She spots Jason who also gets a little wave of her right hand toward him. "Ready to get big and fat on food?" She calls out to Jason in a happy tone of her smoky voice.

When Carrie arrives, Diana offers another little hand wave to her as well as a call-out. "Carrie. It is good to see you. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!" With her smile ever-present she then looks to Bruce beside her and leans over to bump shoulders gently with him to rouse him a bit, and to give him a hint of a grin before she moves to set the box of ornaments down onto a nearby table.

Diana starts to move past Damian as he gives everyone a very interesting history lesson. She shows him a light half-smile. "Damian. Our lives are about making every day better, by learning from the previous one. By learning from our mistakes is only how we can make tomorrow better than yesterday. It is the goal of which we should all strive toward."

Diana reaches out then to ruffle his hair, if he doesn't scurry away from her hand. "Eat, and work on making this day as good as it can be, for everyone you are able to."

Oracle has posed:
"Princess Diana..." She remembered her name, it's like she's freakin' twelve years old again. "Hey.. uh.. hey.. Right! Charlie. Princess, this is my daughter, Charlie." Hand on said teenagers back, "Well technically she's not, but she might be, it's weird.. I'm nervous.... OH look Dick."

Seeing Dick, Babs leans over to ruffle Charlie's hair, also still kind of fangirling Diana, but totally willing to leave the teenager to the sharks. She hasn't seen the eldest brother since he'd come back from Bludhaven. So she heads in his direction with a wide grin and her head tilted, "Dick..." Hands out, arms wide, hug mode initiated. "You look great.. Sorry I haven't been able to come by and see you, I've wanted to, just everything..." Flicker hand, "Have you met Charlie?" Motioning to the girl she'd just left.

Nightwing has posed:
"Too late. It has crossed my mind," Dick answers Jason, with the confidence of an elder brother that expects to exert a noogie on a younger one. Still, he'll not exactly /force/ the hug issue with Jason, but he will attempt to put a hand on his shoulder and squeeze there, unless Jason absolutely flees or fights it.

Dick's attire is formal, but not black-tie: he's in a suit, clean and dark blue, with a silvery-gray button up under it, including a black and blue striped tie. He made a strong effort with it, as well as styling his hair back such that it is not falling forward as it often is. Dick's making an effort, trying to be a shining example.

"While that's the history, I think the current effort is more around giving thanks for family, and the ability to have the time to gather," Dick says in his upbeat way to Damian. Sunshine from Dick, right on time.

He also notices Carrie's uncertainty, and moves to welcome her more directly. "Come see the tree Diana is working on," Dick invites her, with a smile. Near her is Stephanie, too, who also is greeted, a hug offered but not required. "You look wonderful."

Barbara coming to him is answered with a big hug, since she offered. He'll spin her if she's unwary: she started it, he'll accept. "As do you, I can understand being insanely busy. Hello, Charlie." He asides to Barbara near her ear, "Is she not a hugger? Feels like a fifty-fifty chance of it around here."

Misfit has posed:
Charlie and the sharks. Could be a movie title. Maybe an afternoon special. Animated series. Still yeah. The teenager blushes some when Babs ruffles her hair and leaves flustered to the distraction of Dick.. coward.

"Just wow..." Charlie manages to Diana for a moment then ohs and blinks a couple of times. "I mean hi.. hello... like.. um.. hi there..." she fidgets with the switch lite in one hand idly as she stares at Wonder Woman. Then she turns at the hello and her name and flashes Dick a smile "Hi there." chipper.

Red Hood has posed:
Jason accepts the whole shoulder squeeze thing from Dick with grace and even squeezes Dick's shoulder in return, "Still hate you," he says quietly and with good humour as he does though.

"Yeah, what Dick said #WokeWayne," Jason says to Damian as he goes to fill up his glass, only to look back over his shoulder and nod to Diana. "That's the plan, how's this comparing to feasts back home so far?"

With Carrie and Babs having Dick's attention, Jason grabs two drink and slides over to Stephanie to nudge her shoulder. "What gives? You didn't listen to my expert fashion advice?" he grins. "How you holding up? Got you a little liquid courage, it always helps at these sorts of things." Speaking of, he tries to catch Carrie's eye to mime 'do you want one' and point at his drink, thinking this might be a bit overwhelming for her as well.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks over to Damian, and adds to Dick's comment "That or watching the parades and football." He jokes a bit. He will hug those who offer hugs, and as people he will smile and nod to them. He will offer to help anyone with anything needing to be dropped off. He walks over to Steph, and Carrie, "You both look terrific tonight." Seems he may have learned some lessons from the oldest brother, about always flatter the ladies. He smirks shaking his head a bit at Jason.

Spoiler has posed:
The compliment from Dick does even more to set Stephanie's mind at ease about appropriate attire. She returns the hug warmly. "You look really good. All spiffy and cleaned up like this," Stephanie tells Dick. She smooths Dick's tie out and pretends to straighten it, and the grin she gives him tells him it wasn't needed but she just wanted to tease him a little bit.

Stephanie lets him go to turn and greet Barbara and Charlie. "Hey Babs. Charlie. Happy Thanksgiving," she tells them. She reaches out to give Charlie's shoulder a quick squeeze to help make her feel welcome.

Stephanie pauses to take in the tree. "It's just gorgeous," she says of it. "I love this time of year. Everything just seems a little cleaner. A little nicer. Though it's also a time the ice seems to conspire against me," she says, her eyes narrowing suspiciously at the last part.

Stephanie turns to see Jason and the shoulder nudge. Her face lights up a bit and she laughs. "I'm just wondering if you had to go googling for that outfit or if you already had the picture on hand," she says, gently bumping him back. She takes the drink Jason offers. "Thank you," she tells him, taking a small sip of it as she smiles at him.

Tim's greeting gets a soft smile from Steph. "Thanks Tim. It's been a good year, in large thanks to you. So, this is kind of the right holiday to express that, I figure." Carrie is flashes a quick grin and a wave until Stephanie can make it over to her. And she saves Bruce for last as well, letting his family greet him first.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley steps further in at Dick's urging flashing her old mentor a grin. "Thanks Dick." She holds up her phone in front of her chest in both hands as if she had just intended to lace her fingers together, but forgot that the phone was being held. Instead she holds it fingers sliding over the surface and sides as she nods in greeting to Diana. "Thank you, Princess. The tree is looking good," she remarks with a tip of her head. Green eyes flit up, up, up at the size of the thing. "... Seriously, it might just take that long to decorate," she has to agree.

Jason's little gesture and the drinks earns a longing look, but a quick shake of her head as she lets out a long, slow breath. "Yeah, people can be shitty, Damian. Very shitty." Lightly clearing her throat she gives a nod to Tim as well, "Thanks." The last is mumbled, and she glances down to her phone again.

"I, ah... I tried to talk them out of it, but my parents want to at least stop by and say hello. I told them it was just a small thing because Bruce is still recovering from his 'ordeal.'" A quick glance is cast toward Bruce with a mix of apology, and silently pleading that he play up the injury thing.

Oracle has posed:
Babs return whispers to Dick's ear, "Hit or miss. She's star struck, so you can probably take her by surprised and wrestle one out." Grinning, she pats her older brothers arm, rubbing her palm slightly and steps back. "We should catch up more oftan than holidays.. coffee or something. Have you got Disney+? You know it's only $7.99 for unlimited access right?" She's still being sponsored guys, this is not going away.

Glancing off and back at Stephanie, "Steph, hey babe. You look great.." Wink to Dick, she slips off to make social rounds, starting with the blonde, whom she hugs. "Hey Tim, Damian..." Mid hug, mid Diana hair floofing....

"If he doesn't react to that, I'm going to need a DNA test, seriously."

Wonder Woman has posed:
At Babs' introduction to Charlie, Diana moves to meet with her and to offer Charlie a hand. A look goes back to Babs, then back to Charlie and a playful grin plays across Diana's lips at the 'Wows' and such. "Wow to you and do not worry if it is complicated then. Most of what I deal with is, in fact, complicated, to say the least, you could say that I am used to it." The handshake is offered to Charlie though, and in good spirits she adds. "I am happy to meet you, Charlie and if Barbara is your mother, then you have a good parent to idolize." She then will motion to the table. "Come, sit, enjoy food and merriment!"

Diana walks toward a spot at the table herself then to stand behind the chair and to place her hands upon its shoulders. She looks to Jason when he asks of 'feasts back home' and it makes her smile return. Her eyes scan over the table, then she softly shakes her head. "This is not even a fraction of what we enjoy 'back home'." She states, glancing back, with a clear grin at her returned tease. "No one parties quite like Themyscira. I assure you."

Batman has posed:
The bump against his shoulder from Diana breaks Bruce from whatever reverie that possessed him. He glances sideways at her, the corner of his mouth ticking up into a smile. Damian's speech on the nature of the holiday and what comes after only prompts a slightly raised eyebrow from him, though he doesn't say anything. As she greets Babs and Charlie, he takes a step to the side and moves away from the group to let them speak.

Over by one of the tables, Alfred is putting the last-minute finishing touches on the place setting. Bruce steps up alongside him, helping out by laying the silverware out neatly and with even spacing. The old man smiles gratefully and moves back towards the kitchen, and Bruce is still sorting things out when he hears Carrie mention her parents. He glances up for a moment, though there's no readable expression on his face.

That done, he simply moves towards an ornately-carved chair at the head of the table and sits down. He stares across the meticulous setting complete with Cornucopia centerpiece, arms resting on the chair. Even in a room full of people, he's mastered the art of being by himself.

Misfit has posed:
Charlie switches which hand is holding her switch lite xs, this being the future and all, and then shakes Diana's hand there nodding. "Complicated." she reaffirms what Barbara said. Like paperwork and all that stuff but it is still a bit all much and everything but going well so far right. "Thanks.. it is amazing to meet you." she notes to Diana.

A smile to Stephanie at the shoulder squeeze and then she steps over towards Babs and gives her a head tilt. Leaning in she asks softly. "We can talk here right.. like.. I want to tell them about the turkey cat thing from last night... eventually?" it is odd, if it is code it is near undescipherable really.

Then Charlie is distracted by Alfred glancing that way. If someone threw a ball she might chase it.

Nightwing has posed:
"I'll watch for my opportunity, then. ...Ah, if I had time for Disney, I would. Wouldn't you rather a stroll in the crisp air of Gotham? I know the rooftops are particularly disposed of a wonderful view," Dick answers Babs, in a clear offer to patrol instead. Busy busy bats.

"Was I slightly askew?" Dick asks Stephanie as she goes for his tie, lifting his head a little with apparent trust to let her fix it. Once she's approved, he searches her eyes for judgment: good? bad? and then nods. "I appreciate it, perfection on my own is nearly impossible," he says, but his smile his comfortable and warm. For someone that's been working alone in Bludhaven, he's actually primarily a team player. He was brought up that way, by the eldest Bat in the room.

Having done the welcoming rounds of those that just appeared, Dick moves back over to Bruce, the smile dropping down to the serious tone he's used to adopting with Bruce lately. Perhaps in a way it is an unconscious way to prove he's aware of the weight of the current mantle he's holding up, and how serious he's taking it both in the wilds of Gotham, and in the family structure now. It's also caused a strangeness of not being sure how to act with Bruce that those most familiar with Dick may pick up on, if they're scrutinizing the interaction.

And as Bruce moves to be alone at the head of the table -- there's Dick, to step into the solace, to open a window.

Dick and Bruce of course had a famous falling out; Nightwing in Bludhaven was the result of that. And the more recent events that have recalled Nightwing to Gotham did peel off some of the scabs, but the healed areas are still weak, sensitive.

"I know you've been keeping watch over me, all of us," Dicks says, quietly, privately to Bruce. "All of them are working hard to make you proud." Also maybe Dick, too.

Red Hood has posed:
"Sounds awesome but we might surprise you yet, unless things have changed a lot since last time we still have the mid meal Bat Signal to look forward to. "But these Themyscira parties? What's a guy got to do to score an invite to one?" Jason asks Diana

"I'm taking the fifth," Jason says about how he got the picture he'd sent Steph as he hands over her drink. Carrie's refusal is given a nod and Jason turns his attention to Babs. "Hey, what am I chopped liver?" he asks her even though he'd failed to say hi to her himself yet. "Good to see you two," he says taking Charlie in that as well.

Tim gets a nod of greeting from Jason as he comes over and then an oh-so subtle 'ok' sign and "Smooth," for his compliments to the ladies.

As Bruce sits down Jason takes that as his cue to do the same, finding a spot near the far end of the table, passing Carrie he whispers, "That's a yes in Bruce," he explains to her, though he expects by now she's becoming fluent in his silences like the rest of them.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian only allows certain people to touch him, Diana just happens to be one of those people. He had a soft spot for her, which is why he does not jump out of the chair and attempt violence.

  "I am secretly the son of Deathstroke." He comments, moving to the dining room. "So, I guess her parents are going to see who Tim really is." Damian comments, giving the boom notion to Jason.

  Damian asides to Alfred, giving him a pat on the arm. "Pennyworth." He smiles as he takes a seat.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown moves over to give Tim Drake a tight hug of greeting. "Thank you," she whispers into his ear. Her year would have gone much differently without the job that allowed her to make tuition.

She smiles to Tim as she lets him go, and then moves over to Carrie. "Still haven't just ripped off the band-aid, eh Red?" she asks, giving Carrie a supportive smile though as she side-hugs her friend if allowed. Stephanie gives Carrie's back a gentle pat and says, "Let me know if you need Oscar-quality acting skills to make this charade fly," Steph tells her with a wink, and a grin that suggests she knows just how far her acting skills fall short of that mark.

Steph moves through the room, pausing as she reaches Diana. "It's really nice to see you again," she says. "I was disheartened to hear what happened at the Themysciran Arts Center. If I can help with finding those responsible, I'd like to help," Stephanie offers.

After any discussion with Diana, Stephanie moves on finally to their benefactor. "Bruce?" she asks when he's alone. "I just wanted to say thank you. For the invite. And for everything. I'm glad to see you up and about more."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks over to Carrie, and says "Ok, well when they get here am I Tim or Jason?" He will ask, giving Jason a look for a moment "Don't worry we won't embarrass you. we will be on our best behavior." He tells her. He looks over and says "If those parties are on Themyscira, well...." He makes a snipping motion with his fingers. He turns back to Carrie and says "Seriously though, it will be ok, you just need to make sure you remember to breath. Can't be worse than stepping off a twentieth floor ledge, thirtieth at worse he jokes." He looks over at Damian at the comment a brow raised, but it would explain some things.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana, as it so happens, is standing behind the chair that is on the corner of the table beside where Bruce now sits and when he sits she watches him with a soft smile before her eyes go back to the others. To Jason specifically. His question elicits a very clear grin upon her face at the 'what's a guy got to do' remark. "Be a woman is the first rule." She quips back at him in a good natured sort of way, teasing... its her style.

Diana then moves to take a seat at the table and she leans over to find Bruce's closest forearm with her hand to give it an affectionate squeeze. He may like to be 'alone' but she refuses to allow it. She knows her limits though and doesn't press him toward conversation unless he desires it, right now she senses he prefers observing, rather than engaging.

So Diana then turns to gather up her glass she'd brought in before to sip from the white wine inside. When Stephanie speaks to her, a mournful - but understanding - expression is given to her. "I am sorry too. There are a lot of bad people in this world, as we all know... We are still looking for the perpetrators as well. But thank you, Stephanie..."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley wasn't entirely sure by the silence of Bruce. Then again she was over thinking things quite a bit at this point to begin with. Jason's remark earns a smirk in response. It's Stephanie's hug that causes her to finally relax and break out of her overly tense posture. Her arm slips around Stephanie to return the hug with a weak chuckle. "Everyone is themselves," she assures with a little shake of her head. "I explained things. Including," she adds giving Tim a look, "That we're not together." Ahem.

Thankfuly she doesn't have to go too much into detail on that at the moment as everyone begins to take their seats. Finding one herself she sinks down into it turing her attention toward Diana to smile as she sits near Bruce. Well. That was different.

Batman has posed:
"Not as close of a watch as you'd imagine," Bruce answers, eyes shifting from the table to look sidelong at Dick, "Believe it or not, it works."

Whatever that is, praise in some strange configuration, it is all Bruce offers for the moment. As the others begin to sit, he turns to watch Diana and glances down at the squeeze on his arm. His other hand lifts to rest over the top of her hand, and he casts his eyes over the gathering.

"I don't suppose you want to give a speech?" Bruce asks the Princess, that faint smirk still on his face, "I figure it'd sound better coming from you."

Stephanie's approach is noted, too, and he turns his head to face her. He nods his head, slowly, and speaks: "Me too - and you know you're welcome here, Steph. Don't treat it like a rare honor. This is as much your home as ours."

As he says this, Bruce turns slightly in his chair to look at Diana and then again to look towards Dick. Finally, he asks his successor: "Is it too much? The cowl. The mission. Do you feel like you want to go back to Bludhaven?"

Red Hood has posed:
Jason returns the 'boom' to Damian with a chuckle. "And it seems you're you," he answers to Tim as Carrie explains things. "So, do they still think you're dating Tim? Or is it me now? Whichever it is I'll play along this is sort of on me."

Well by sort of he means totally, but you know.

Smiling back to Diana as th princess takes her place beside Bruce, he says, "Are you guys hung up on biology or is drag going to cut it? Ask Babs, I can rock a pair of pumps when I have to." Yep, he leaves that out there without context.

Though for all his joking his attention is on the talk with Dick and Bruce, he might not be able to hear all the way down at the end of the table but it's clear some serious talk is going on.

Oracle has posed:
"I like where you're heads at, Dick... but there's /always/ time for Disney+.. you can connect to up to three mobile devices.." Babs says with a teasing grin, sliding down into a seat a little down from Bruce, grinning sidelong at Charlie. Glancing up and reaching out for her drink, "Yeah, I'd love to hear a speech.."

Oracle has posed:
It's all about star struckdom. Babs blinks a few times and looks at Charlie, "Oh... yeah, of course. This is a safe space. Mostly.. there are some rooms I wouldn't go into without a safeword, but other than that.." Motioning with an uplifted hand and a wink at the teenager beside her.

Misfit has posed:
Charlie will settle into a seat by Barbara and look at her sidelong. "You know.. I think there is probably an offswitch somewhere here... then we can get you to the deprogramming chamber and get small mouse out of you...." it is said with teenage sarcasm, teasing clearly, but some fondness for sure.

"Oooh.. a speech?" she moves to set her switch down under her chair, on the table seems... like it wouldn't be very adult and pretty much evryone here is a lot more adult than Charlotte.

The talk about bats signals and cowls and everything though makes her relax. I mean the question she asked about cat turkeys whatever that was seems to be answered but nods to Babs.

"Cool.. I ran into catwoman last night.. haven't had a chance with all the chaos today to file anything on it."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will nod to Carrie, and says "Well we are all here for you if you need us to do anything just let us know, we are all family here. Even Jason and Damian." he adds jokingly. He will start to move towards his own seat, and says "And if Babs is involved probably can be to like three thousand devices." He will joke a bit, and at Misfits words, his brow will raise a bit and waits to hear what else she says.

Nightwing has posed:
Dick draws away quickly from the attempt at privately speaking to Bruce when multiple people join them: Diana and Steph. It shuts down the private moment very quickly. He immediately puts a smile back on and seats himself at the table instead, though a gaze moves over Diana's comforting touch to Bruce's arm, and Bruce's overlay of hand. Well. There's a startled expression there shot at Bruce for what that could imply, but Dick just continues onward.

Dick busies himself adjusting his position at the table and drawing his chair in, napkin pulled down to his thigh, one forearm against the table edge: no elbows, proper, and he makes an indication from Alfred about his own drink needs and to please attend to the table's drinks as a whole. The training is there, for others to use as a model for behavior at the table if they're feeling out of their depth.

Then Bruce brings up Business, and Dick's forced to rally diplomacy: as the table, and their faith and motivation could be impacted by what he says. Responsibility of all of that weighs suddenly.

"Everyone has made it very clear that they would prefer your return to the cowl, though I believe I'd held the tide," Dick answers, measured. "Mangaing /both/ Gotham and Bludhaven has been extreme, but it just requires rearranging priorities; I've done it. I didn't abandon Bludhaven." Meaning, zero life. But workaholics gotta work.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown smiles back to Bruce, and even if he says not to treat it as a rare honor, it is still very clear it means a lot to her. She moves to make room for others talking to him, going around the table and setting down her glass that Jason gave her for a moment.

As Jason talks about rocking a pair of pumps, the blond breaks out in a great big grin. She just flashes that look at him, doesn't add any commentary.

Part of that might be because she has another target in mind. Stephanie movies up behind Damian where he sits in his chair. She leans down from behind to wrap her arms about him. It's a hug, though one arm is more about his face than his shoulders. Though it doesn't mean she hugs him any less firmly. "Love ya, lil' guy. Happy Thanksgiving!" she says quickly, and then removing her arms hopefully before he can put her in a joint lock. Or bite. And she grabs her drink to skip away quickly, distance being the safest thing now.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Bruce's words and question draw a light and short laugh from Diana. "Oh no..." She states, slowly shaking her head from side to side as she then leans forward just a little whilst looking at him, eye to eye, stern Diana stare!

"We are not in 'Prince Manor'." She states whilst trying to keep a smile off of her lips, the muscles clenching in the corners of her her cheeks to prove it. "We are in 'Wayne Manor'. So you must give the speech!"

Diana then leans back and she notes Damian. "Or... Damian can, though he sort of already has and well, I am not sure we wish another from him." She grins to Damian, teasing him too of course.

Her stare sweeps then to Jason and she smiles at his 'drag' question. "You put all the clothing on first, and then we will judge and see. Plenty of makeup too please. We will have to take a lot of pictures too, so as to prove to my mother that you mean it very much as well." She raises her hands then to make a miming photo-snapping motion at Jason, even winking her eyes like she's looking through the camera lense.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley falls silent while watching the interaction between Bruce and Diana. While the others chat a bit, she leans back in her seat allowing herself a slow growing grin. Even with all her worries present this was amusing enough to distract her at this point in time. She merely utters a single, "Ah ha," as if a conclusion had been reached along with a nod given to no one in particular. "She has a point, Boss, this isn't her place. It's yours." Ever so helpful she glances around at all the family assembled, "Pretty sure everyone would love to hear a speech from you. Right?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian, suddenly embraced across his face, flails his legs and arms, crying out in a loud unintelligible muffle.

  "How DARE you!" As soon as Stephanie skips off, he starts to get up, only to stop, look at the table and toss up a dinner knife, catching it in his fingers, blade down.

  Only then did he stop and take a moment, remembering where he was. His green eyes scanned the table and the area, of which was probably silent given what just happened. He clears his throat, and just takes his seat again. Does he acknowledge what happened? No. Not at all.

Batman has posed:
"They'll get used to it," Bruce tells Dick, a pointed expression behind the words even if he doesn't choose to elaborate. He follows that quick glance and the startled look but offers no explanation. The situation is rather clear on the surface, after all.

"Prince Manor," Bruce says with a slight shake of his head, lifting a finger to point at Damian before adding, "No speech. You've had your speech."

The call to speak, however, is noted and Bruce sighs. He places both hands on the tablecloth, resting them there for a second before he pushes off of it and rises to his feet. He stands there in silence at the head of the table, one hand in his pocket and the other clutching a glass.

Nightwing has posed:
Damian's behavior gets a sharp, disapproving look of warning from Dick. They've been working together lately, so it's possible Damian can 'feel' it even if he's looking elsewhere. Maybe. He isn't Bruce, after all, able to bore a hole in the side of a face with a stare. Still working on that.

When Bruce moves to do his speech, standing up, Dick remains silent, but the quick supportive expression comes up right away. Had Bruce asked Dick to do a speech, he would have done it. As it is, he gives Bruce full attention, after a quick check to be sure the younger siblings are falling into line to listen as well. Duties of the eldest.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake tenses ever so slightly at Damian's reactions but lets it flow out of him, as the other young mans pulls himself together. He will turn towards Bruce, giving the family head most of his attention at least. Not like anyone at this table, can not keep at least a little of their attention on their surroundings, it is one of the tihngs that comes with the job. He keeps silent and listens.

Red Hood has posed:
"Sounds fair," Jason replies to Diana with convincing sincerity and a grin.

He watches as Dick finishes up with Bruce and then takes a sip of his drink and set the glass Damian responds violently to being hugged. He grins. "Like I said to Tim, smooth."

Then Bruce is standing about to talk, though when he's silent for those first few moments Jason chimes in helpfully, "I've got your 'I'm dissapointed in you' speech recorded on my phone if you just want me to play it back."

He knows Bruce is likely gathering his thoughts but sometimes Jason can't stop himself.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown tiptoes away after clearing Damian, though flashes a soft smile back to him which is warm, not mocking. She goes to the far end of the table though, not willing to put it past Damian having some kind of knife-shoes that he wears to family dinners.

Stephanie slides into a seat, setting her glass down and giving Bruce her attention as he rises from his seat. She gives Charlie a little welcoming smile and a wink, as if the interaction she's seen is normal enough.

Steph gives Jason beside her a tiny little elbow. She whispers to him, "Save that one for Christmas."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Shame is not a feeling Damian has experienced often, but in this case, he did feel it. Not because he almost threw a dinner knife at Stephanie; not because he did it in front of Bruce, or Carrie, or Dick. But because he did it in front of Diana.

  Yes, he just sat there, stewing in his own self loathing. He remains quiet for the speech.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana shows a grin to Bruce as he relents. Her gaze sweeps over the other and she sees the little reaction from Damian... with his knife. So she reaches out gently to grab up a soft white napkin on the table that was already half folded into a long pointed triangular shape. Smoothly and calmly her hands take the napkin and begin to fold it until she reaches over to Damian and sets down in front of him a cloth shaped Bat-a-rang.

She leans over to him then and smiles softly toward the young man. "If you must throw something, throw this. But not at the dinner table." She then gives a half grin before she leans back straight in her chair and lets her eyes roam over everyone else's face as she takes another sip of her drink.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Damian!" Carrie blurts out with a little shake of her head at his actions as well. "No making a mess at the table." Well it's sort of chiding? Sort of. She doesn't say 'no stabbing' at least as she turns her attention back to the head of household that was apparently about to speak. What he might say? Who knew. Though given the way he and Diana were sitting near one another she was harboring a suspicion.

Misfit has posed:
"Speech... then food right?"

Okay she is ravenous, it is a teen thing what with the training and patrols and metabolism of a small nuetron star. Some of that is her bouncing.

"I've been mentally preparing myself for what this kind of meal must be like all week..."

Oracle has posed:
Babs, likewise, looks famished, but speeches are important. So she listens beside Charlie, while absently picking at a cracker because... tiny nibbles aren't rude. It's important to keep your strength up during this holiday seasons.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian looks up from his self imposed loathing. The batarang makes him laugh somewhat. "I did not...mean to."

  He comments, then adding softly. "Sorry."

Batman has posed:
"It's not a speech," Bruce tells the table, glancing for a moment down into the contents of his glass, "Not really. There's not much to be said that I haven't already said to you all individually."

Blue eyes flick up from the glass in his head, he takes another deep breath, and carries on.

"It's been a difficult few months. We've had to resort to measures we wouldn't have normally," he looks to Carrie and then Jason, "But it was all for the same reason as it's always been - pursuing our mission. To that end, I know every decision that's been made is the right one - not just mine, but your own. You've each been called to make tough choices, and you've made them well. This is ... good."

He pushes on, "I'm ... glad to have you all here. It isn't easy to do things like this. As a family. I understand. But it's important. There's a strength here that we don't possess alone."

The last sentence prompts a slight glance sideways and down towards Diana, a thoughtful expression on his face. Finally, he turns back to the rest of the gathering.

"That's all I wanted to say."

He sits back down again without ceremony, staring out across the table.

Nightwing has posed:
Dick picks up quickly, standing, to not allow silence or awkwardness to build in the vacuum left behind Bruce's words.

"We've got a great deal to be thankful for, least of all still having you with us," Dick directs towards Bruce, and looks around the table, to Diana. "And to new faces brought in during the dark time. We hope you stick around," he adds to her, with a lift of glass and softened smile.

He turns his eyes around to the younger siblings. "I'm thankful for all of you, and what we've maintained, and can continue to build. Thank you, each of you." Dick smiles warmly, and sits back down.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake lifts his glass in agreement with what both men say. He adds in his own two bits "No need for thanks. We may fight and disagree with one another at times, but we are all family, and thought one of us may want to kick another's rear we have one another's back through thick and thin, no matter what."

Red Hood has posed:
Jason frowns thoughtfully as he sips his drink, considering Bruce's words, some of them hit home, but perhaps not the ones most would expect, regardless the impact registers in his face.

He doesn't stand but he does speak.

"Bruce, I'm glad you're back with us, and while I admit I was pissed at first that you were stopping to smell the roses in your recovery, so to speak, but maybe you're not wrong about that," a nod to Diana. "Or other things." He says before turning to his various sibs, "As to the rest of you, here's not to fucking up Gotham too much in the last couple of months." He lifts his glass and has another drink, adding when he's done. "Still hate you all though." He says by rote.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown sends a small smile over to Damian, her eyes carrying their own apology for having riled him up that much. She listens to Bruce quietly, her hands moving to rest in her lap as she does. His words make her look around the table, meeting the eyes of her friends. Can she call them family?

Stephanie looks to Dick as he continues on with his own sentiments. They make her smile softly and looks down at her glass for a moment, before looking back up to cast the smile over to the eldest Wayne son. Jason's hating them all draws a warm laugh from her.

Stephanie waits a few moments to see if anyone else is about to speak. If not, she hesitantly rises. "I wanted to say I'm thankful for all of you. For bringing me into this family," she says, looking down towards Bruce and Diana. "For trusting me with things that are precious to you," she says, looking to Barbara. "For looking out for us and doing what needs doing, even when it's hard," she says, Stephanie looking to Dick in particular.

Her eyes go around the rest of the table. "For being my friends." Carrie. "Helping me when I needed it." Tim. "Putting up with me at times." Damian and a smile. "And letting us into your lives." Charlie. "And making life a little brighter when I've needed it." Steph looks to Jason.

Stephanie's eyes show a bit more emotion in them, and she sits down rather than saying more, not trusting to her voice at that point.

Oracle has posed:
"If I may? Since everyone's waxing all emotional..." Babs stands up, looking to Bruce before she speaks... Then to everyone at the table, ultimately down at Charlie with a wink before she speaks, "You're all as close to me as any family could be... I've grown up with you.. I've had hardships with you... but always we stood strong against that advercity, like Bruce said.. This-" Motioning to the table, at all the people here, "-Is important. Coming together and being together.. Whatever happens, no matter how dark the night seems to be.. I know that I've got lights behind me."

She smiles and rubs her neck with her hand, "Anyways, I love you all. Happy Thanksgivings."

Right back into her seat. Hiding her face temporarily behind her glass of wine.

She does reach up to ruffle Charlie's hair. Because why not.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana simply remains seated with her eyes going from speaker to speaker. After Bruce had spoken she'd let her stare linger on him a bit whilst he settled back into his seat, affording him a soft smile before she'd moved on to look to the others. What comes next from the Princess as the others all speak their wonderfully sweet words, is a Diana who couldn't possibly be happier.

In fact, she breaks her modest etiquette training in a way that would bother her mother to no end, by leaning forward on the table with her elbows, just a little, so that she can prop her chin up at the soft part of her palms, while her fingertips rest against the sides of her either cheekbone. A big smile forms on her lips and she looks back to Bruce to show him how pleased all of this makes her.

She looks positively smitten with all the love and happiness being shared, in fact. But she does drop her hands a moment or so later before she'll speak up too.

"I am honored to be here with all of you." She says. "I have no plans of going anywhere any time soon either." She states with a bit of a grin before she sits up straight in her chair and places her hands down into her lap. "I am here to help all of you, as well, please never forget that if you need me, come find me and speak with me. I wish to be a help to everyone here."

Misfit has posed:
Okay Charlie wasn't really expecting to be touched on by Stephanie but she grins at the making life brighter comment. She looks around the table and is caught off guard for ruffles. "Gah.." and then blushing.

"Well I am super thankful for you all. For letting me into your world and giving me a place to live and family and all..." because yeah it still wasn't too long ago that she was living in a burnt out tenament in Metropolis of all places. So this. This is all much for the teen.

She is sincere though with her thanks. "It ... you're all awesome." a shrug and then she gets her glass of fake wine and sips it. "Thanks." well she won't be winning any speech awards but it is heartfelt.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian makes his peace, just listening to people. He isn't that sentimental, more so than others at the table. He looks around, realizing he was the only one who did not say anything. He maintains the silence, a frown on his face that almost never leaves. "I am thankful that Father is still here." He comments, keeping it short, and bittersweet. He had already sent out his usual messages. They'd be found once they returned to their homes.

Batman has posed:
Bruce remains silent in his seat, face betraying no real expression save for the look of staid watchfulness that has become his default by this point. He trails from person to person as they speak, nodding his head or simply leaning forward to listen. His reactions are moderated and minimalistic, though when Diana leans on her elbows the corner of his mouth quirks into a faint smirk. When Damian speaks, the smirk fades away and he has the briefest spark of emotion across his face - something like sudden and intense gratitude before he masks it once more.

"Well," he offers to everyone, once the thanks have been given, "Alfred has been cooking for what feels like a week to make this perfect, and I feel like we shouldn't withhold that sense of self-satisfaction from him any longer."

As Bruce says it, the first course is brought in. For all the time Alfred has spent working on it, he is still afforded a space at the table. He's part of the family, too, after all.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Was everyone sharing their own sentiments of thanks? It seemed so. Carrie listens as a slow smile creeps over her. One after another speak offering rather touching sentiments. A quick glance around leaves her grinning. And then there's food. Who can argue food?

"Thank you Alfred! This is amazing," she offers as she digs into her own portion taking care to eat with manners in spite of the fact that she'd been smelling this cooking all. Darn. Day. Long. That would get anyone's appetite building.

An annoying chirp comes from her phone causing her face to scrunch immediately. "Sorry, that's probably mom and dad. They don't know about our 'work' so... I'll try to make it quick," she assures everyone while folding her napkin to set aside, and push out of her seat to go get the door. Alfred is given a 'shoosh' gesture as she goes to do it. It was her parents after all. She could get the darn door.

Carrie strides off to open the door. As soon as it's opened though a cheery, bubbly woman's voice can be heard rising up, "We're heeee~eeere!" The feminine giggle is followed by coats being pressed into Carrie's arms, "Here you go Caroline. Oh don't wrinkle it dear."

A blonde woman with her hair swept up in a neat and tidy French bun wearing a tan Prada dress strolls into the dining area with a click-clack of heels. She's closely followed by her husband decked out in a 'vintage' Armani suit. It's obvious where Carrie's red hair comes from given his own is a bright ginger just slightly faded from age.

"Hello!" He booms with a bright grin. "Happy Thanksgiving! We're so glad to hear you're doing better, Brucie. Oh, and so sorry that Caroline has been such a handful for you and your boys. I heard about her falling out with Tim. So sad."

Carrie stands in the doorway behind them holding their coats with a baffled look on her face staring at their backs.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown eats the delicious meal, complimenting Alfred on it. And she laughs, and she talks. Stephanie won't give it any thought, but the tightness that normally comes to her engaging in a social setting is completely lacking around these people who have become something special to her.

She's just sitting back and relaxing after the nice meal. Not overeating TOO badly at least, when Carrie's parents arrive. Stephanie wipes her lips with a napkin and gets up to go over to stand by Carrie. In both the literal and figurative sense. She gives Carrie a tiny bump against her shoulder and looks over supportingly.

Red Hood has posed:
With all the sentiment flying around the table Jason goes to refill his drink and spare himself catching any more of it than he'd already displayed coming back as the food is served and tucking into the traditional fair, turkey, stuffing, that dish Tim brought, oh and gravy lots of gravy, indeed most of his meal could be best defined as a gravy delivery system.

He stops shoveling gravy into his mouth though when Carrie's parents arrive, a slow grin crosses his lips as he rises from his seat to greet them. "Mr. and Mrs. Kelley," he says. "Sorry about the other night I had a rather lot to drink and so I had a little fun at your expense, I hope you understand," he says extending his hand. Mrs. Kelley gets a proper handshake if she takes it, as for Mr. Kelley? Well he gets one of those complicated bro shakes again ending with the 'exploding' fist bump and a 'Boom', a smirk shot to Damian as he does so.

Hey you can't beat a classic.

Batman has posed:
Bruce watches the Kelleys enter in silence. He leans slowly to one side, raising a hand to cover his mouth as he whispers something into Diana's ears. A look of sufferance is given to Dick before he rises to his feet, straightening out the front of his waistcoat and taking a few steps towards the couple. The limp is a bit less pronounced - perhaps whatever he had taken for the pain and discomfort has dulled it somewhat.

"Very sad," Bruce repeats to Mr. Kelley, shaking his hand and glancing past the man to Carrie with a pointed 'Do something about this' look, "Life goes on. Thank you for coming."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana had certainly asked Alfred how she could help him in the kitchen but he'd consistently turned her down and ushered her out of the kitchen, taking great pride in his work and... well... honestly Diana isn't that great of a cook, so she was somewhat relieved not to be the one to make food and potentially create some dish that was notably unenjoyable!

"Thank you, Alfred." She says to him after enjoying a modestly sized amount of food on her own plate before she then had stood to take her things to the kitchen.

When she returned, she was moving to sit beside Bruce once more, when he whispers to her and she looks over to saw Carrie's parents had suddenly appeared and with a look around the room, Diana moves to greet them both along with Bruce, taking oppositing greeting positions with him. "Hello there." Diana offers, extending her hand to shake. "I am Diana Prince, a friend of your daughter's, very happy to meet her parents, no less!" Diana then of course has to add. "I did not know you were coming, it is a great treat!" She glances to Carrie holding the coats.

Misfit has posed:
Charlie ... dives into the food... her eyes are very wide though. "I... am not sure.. I have seen so much food... ever..." is at least one comment at one point. This is .. by far the most extravegent Thanksgiving the teen chaosmuppet has ever had and the odds on her being able to patrol without falling over by the time dinner is done .. is not too likely.

She is trying at least two servings of everything.. she may have regrets later.

Carrie's parents get a bit of a surprised look and then Charlie looks sidelong to Babs and then back to the encounter unfolding. Well. This is interesting and unexpected it seems. She just watches the looks being exchanged and Carrie's expression. "huh." is muttered to Babs.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks over and nods his head to the parents "Sir, Ma'am, yes, but we are still friends and trying to make sure we stay that way. She will always be someone I care about but it is life." He does not clarify as he his no clue what she told them. "I do appologize for not getting to meet you before today." he will move to offer the man his hand. sorta prepared for a punch after Jason's move the other week.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Mrs. Kelley takes Jason's hand to shake with a high pitched, tittering laugh like one might expect she'd been drinking. Had she? Hard to tell. Either way she flaps her free hand toward him doing that little flirtatious smack-against-the-chest a younger woman might get away with. "Oh, it's quite alright, sweetie! Boys will be boys after all."

Mr. Kelley for his part tries to shake Jason's hand and clumsily follows the fist bump shake thing that... kaboom? Laughing good naturedly he nods in agreement. "Nothing wrong with a good old practical joke. No harm done, son," followed by a perhaps too chummy clap on the shoulder. Bruce, likewise, garners his attention with a firm handshake and his voice deepens a bit when speaking to him almost without thinking. "Of course! We can't stay, unfortunately, we're volunteering at one of the shelters downtown a bit later. Just wanted to pop in and say hello."

Mrs. Kelley practically beams at Diana when she steps over to introduce herself. "Oh, my! Such a pleasure to meet you, Miss Prince! It's always so good to meet our daughter's friends. Why, it's good to know she has some, she used to hole up in her room for hours on end. I used to fear she would never learn to socialize properly."

Mr. Kelley turns toward Tim with a solemn nod. "Oh, that is good to hear. Yes, sometimes things just don't work out. Typical for Caroline, really," he adds with a chuckle. "She's always so easily distracted by other things."

Carrie, nudged by Steph, glances to her friend thankfully. Her gaze skims past to the others at the table and she mouths 'I'm sorry!' to them. At least until the comments about her start earning a loud clearing of her throat. "Probably a lot of holiday traffic you might want to leave while you can."

Without even looking back toward her Mrs. Kelley flaps her hand again in the air in that dismissive sort of gesture. "It's a holiday though! We should at least get a picture before we leave. Come here, dear," she croons turning around to fish in the pocket of the coat Carrie still held to withdraw a cellphone. "One picture, and then we'll be on our way."

Thrusting the phone back at Carrie her mother steps back fluffing at her hair. "Make sure to make me look good in it, dear."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown crosses her arms so it's not obvious how her hands tighten as she hears Carrie spoken of like that. She bites her tongue in the figurative sense and just stays at Carrie's side, including holding onto the coats if Carrie needs her hands freed up. Whatever agitation Stephanie is feeling though, she tries to push from her expression to be able to have nothing but support showing in her face whenever Carrie should look to her.

Red Hood has posed:
Takes the flirtatious tap of his chest and clap on his shoulder with a fixed smile, "Glad you understand, Carrie's pretty great and I didn't want to cause her any trouble."

Though as things go on and the couple keep talking Jason's smile becomes a thin hard line across his lips, too many put downs aimed at Carrie, too much like the bougie version of his own parents to be truly comfortable. Still when they reach out to drag him into the picture he goes in the interest of getting them out the door, sooner rather than late. "Anyhow, Mr. Kelley," he says as they get set up for the picture. "To make up for before, please you and your wife should go to lunch at the Gotham Club on me, just give them my name they'll know who I am." They won't but then that's the point. Petty revenge but it's what he could manage.

"And shouldn't Carrie be in this picture."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods and will step up to take the camera, and says "I will take the picture." He says "You get in the picture too Carrie." He knows they may seem like crumb bums now, but at least they are alive and there. "I don't mind being on this side of things, and I think I can figure out how to use the phone.

Batman has posed:
Bruce does his level best to sidestep out of the photo, but he's just a fraction too slow. He's dragged into it, and not wanting to let the whole show go on even longer he simply stands with his best, artificial smile on his face. Once the photo is done, however, it fades and he steps out of range just in case it turns into yet more photographs - one is enough, and he won't countenance more.

"Thank you for coming," he tells Carrie's parents in his most diplomatic tone, "But we wouldn't want to keep you from the shelter - please, if you'd like we must have a whole raft of leftovers in the kitchen. We'll help you load up your car and you can take them with you."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana doesn't object to taking the photo, on the contrary she seems entirely willing and eager to do so. She'll even stand beside Bruce to try to absorb some of his obvious social misery of this plight of being pulled into such a gesture, sparing him a grin before she poses for the camera. "Yes, we are happy to have Caroline around, quite in fact. She is a splendid person, so very talented. You both must be VERY proud of her." A soft smile is given to Carrie then.

Bruce's suggestion of helping give them some food for the shelter is heard and Diana agrees with a series of quick short nods. "Yes, absolutely." She adds, turning then toward the pathway to the kitchen, to go find the chef who put it all together. "I was just about to go and help start to put it all away anyway, but this is far superior."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Mrs. Kelley blinks with a startled look. "Right, of course. Teenagers never like having their photo taken with their parents though... I just thought I'd spare poor Caroline." It's gushed in a sugary sweet tone though she's quite glad to let Tim take over the photograph duties. Smiling her absolute best she hugs onto her husband's arm and tries to loop her arm through Bruce's as well... Only for him to escape that horror at least.

The photo over and done with, Mr. Kelley shares a quick furtive glance with his wife when the food is suggested to be packed up for the shelter. "Oh that's so very generous of you, but I'm sure there's proper donation channels that one has to go through. I think they're full up currently, right, dear?"

Mrs. Kelley nods quickly, "Yes, yes that's true. Um, I suppose we can take some perhaps, but no need to trouble yourselves! We'll just be on our way." Saying so she steps forward to snag the coats from Stephanie without so much as a thank you. "We really must hurry off or we'll be late. Ta!"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will wait till Carrie is walking them out to their car, and will frown shaking his head and says "I don't know what to say." He just shakes his head a bit.,

Red Hood has posed:
Jason scents blood and grins, "No it's okay, I mean even if you can't take it all yourselves, tell us the name of the shelter and we can have it sent down, benefit of being a Wayne and all of that."

Though as much as he wants to show up Carrie's parents he can't help but think of what Carrie must be going through, "Or not, really, whatever helps."

He's all fake smiles and angry eyes.

Batman has posed:
"I insist," Bruce says coldly, watching both Mr. and Mrs. Kelley keenly for a moment, "Take it all with you. There's no such thing as too much charity, I'm sure you'd both agree."

As though the emphasize the point, Bruce turns and smiles covertly to Diana. He moves on his way to the kitchen, intent on helping to fill up the car with as many food and other donated goods as possible.

Spoiler has posed:
As Stephanie hands the coats over, she doesn't let Carrie's parents just turn away, but steps forward between them to lay a hand on a shoulder of each of them. "I'm Stephanie," she offers. "Caroline is a good friend and such a good person. It's good to see how much that runs in her family. It's... inspiring is it what it is," Stephanie says.

"It's so inspiring, I think I'm going to join you tonight. I'll follow your car over to the shelter and work it with you. I don't make enough time for helping people in that sort of way. So, thank you for the example you're setting," she tells them. "I've got a good fast car, shouldn't have any trouble keeping up with you the whole way there," the blue-eyed blond says, giving them both a bright smile.

Misfit has posed:
Charlie takes another bite of her dinner there and just watches not entirely sure what is going on, but it seems quite uncomfortable really.

When people move to help load the car though she will push back and hop to her feet "I can help load to!" chipper, totally missing the entire Knives Out feel this has all adopted and instead is just wanting to help.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Mr. and Mrs. Kelley sputter further when Stephanie informs she's going to join them. They were already balking at taking any of the leftovers as it was. Too late, however, as their car was likely about to be loaded down regardless of their wishes.

"Ah, we volunteer at so many it's easy to lose track sometimes... Which one is it this time, honey? St. Michaels?" Mrs. Kelley hazards uncertainly with a sidelong look a her husband.

"St. Vincents I believe. Very similar though." These at least *were* actual shelter names in Gotham. Just not ones they'd been to in quite a long time. It's hearing this that causes Carrie to pipe up finally. "Say hi to Father McDonald for me then. I'm sure he remembers me."

With everyone chipping in her parents are quickly ushered out leaving her free to just flop down into her seat, and let her head bang down against the table with a groan. "I am SO sorry everyone."

Red Hood has posed:
When they're gone Jason flops down into his seat.

"Hey, they're family, you don't need to apologize, but man are they both pieces of work," he says shaking his head before popping back up again to grab the next course while Alfred was busy.

"But, at least we have pumpkin pie," he offers setting down the treat and a bowl of fresh whipped cream. "So, there's that."

Misfit has posed:
Charlie actually seems a little confused. "Why are you sorry?" she really missed the entire undertone of that whole thing it seems.

"Pumpkin pie is amazing... and whip cream..." heading back to her seat now.

"Oh hey.. so I ran into Catwoman last night donating to a shelter.. not the one your parents are donating to.. but she was dropping off a ton of coats and warm clothes and turkeys and stuff .. I helped her unload it all." she mms "I think she may have paid for it with money she stole buto... it was being donating to a shelter so I didn't make a scene..." pause.

"She seemed very sad about something though... said she had lost everything and all.. and no one believed in her.. I think she is a sad person underneath her cat burglary."

Spoiler has posed:
Alfred arrives with Stephanie's jacket, slipping it over her shoulders. "I'll put aside some food for you if you wish to pick it up later, Miss Stephanie," he tells her. Stephanie smiles back to Alfred and touches his arm. "Thank you Alfred. I appreciate that a lot."

She turns to give everyone a little wave. Her expression, when the Kelley's can't see it, is apologetic for leaving. "We'll get a snapshot with Father McDonald and your parents and send it," Stephanie says to Carrie where her parents can hear. She gives everyone a wave and then turns, walking over to Carrie's parents and putting her arms around them as they head to the cars outside. "So good of you to volunteer like this. Can I get you to sign up to help out with one of the canned good drives the students at Gotham U are doing?" she asks as the trio walk out together.

Batman has posed:
Bruce doesn't stop to ask Charlie further questions straight away, though as he packs some of the leftovers into a Tupperware container (billionaires have Tupperware, too) he turns his head slightly to listen to what she says. He doesn't react for the moment, instead putting the lid on the container once it is full and sealing it down by pinching the edges.

"Which shelter?" he asks Charlie, frowning slightly. There's obviously something going on in his head, and he glances down at the packaged foodstuffs and then back up to the youngest member of the brood.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks over, and says "To be honest, I wonder if she misses the chase. A little reverse cat and mouse game if you will. She does not seem to be the same type of bad as some of our bads. " He hmms a bit in thought of this." He looks to Carrie, and says "No need for apologies, you need out help any time let us know."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Love you Steph!" Carrie calls out with a wave by shooting her hand up over her head. Her face was still down against the table. When her hand drops again she sighs. "Pie me, Jason," she agrees as she sits up again flashing a weary smile to those boxing up the leftovers. "People aren't always one dimensional. Just because someone might do something bad, doesn't mean everything they do is bad. Besides," she adds with a shrug. "Not gonna lie, there were times I considered stealing to get out of the hole I was in, too."

Misfit has posed:
"She was pretty focused on how the rich people don't help the people of Gotham enough ... I'm pretty sure she was doing a Robin Hood the way she was talking about it all."

Charlie looks to Bruce "South Hinkley ... the shelter on" naming the street and nearest intersection. "Also I don't know it is cat and mouse or a chase... she sounded like she had lost family or a person or something...for a second when I told her I was proud of her for the whole donating to charity thing I thought she was going to cry but she got all gruff and took off after unloading the SUV.." a shrug there. "I ran the plates, car was a cash rental nothing to trace ... she seemed nice if sad." watching for the pie intently now.

Red Hood has posed:
"Later Steph," Jason calls after the blonde shaking his head once the door is closed. "Well good on her for taking one for the team."

Then he starts doling out the pie, starting with a big slice for Carrie, she's earned it.

"Who knows, sometimes people are complicated," he says, "But yeah, Cats never seemed as bad as you know Two-Face or Croc..." he says. "And hey, been there with the stealing to survive thing, it's not an easy road to come back from."

Batman has posed:
"Sounds like something to look into," Bruce tells Jason pointedly, watching the departures for a moment and then glancing back to Charlie, "If you hear anything more about it - let me know. That goes for all of you."

He frowns again, the mood of the event brought down a little by the news. But he shakes his head, stacking the plastic boxes atop one another in his arms and moving to carry them out the door.

... and here he was thinking things had gotten less complicated.

Red Hood has posed:
A buzz from Jason's phone has his attention focused there as a text comes in:

Steph >> How's Carrie?

Jason >> Drowning her sorrows in pie. Can't blame her, her parents suck. Did they go to a shelter or try to lose you?

Steph >> One rather sudden turn. Once going slow and then racing to a light turning red. Hah! Put traffic ordinances on the list of things that have never stopped me. Like, good sense, or the size of that long fall. Still on their tail. Glad you're there to take care of our girl.

That's when Bruce gives him that pointed look and he nods, havng followed the conversation. "Sure, I'll go check that out before I head to Starling. I'll pass on any info before I go." Though being the first time he's mentioned Green Arrow's haunt. "Just a couple of days to clear my head, hang out with Roy..."

Jason >> Someone has to, anyhow, good hunting.