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War of Light: Exodus
Date of Scene: 08 December 2019
Location: Monitor Room, Watchtower
Synopsis: Backscene: Dated prior to Superman going rogue.

Hal Jordan recruits Kara into a battle for Walking on Sunshine, and the War of Light.

Cast of Characters: Green Lantern (Jordan), Supergirl
Tinyplot: War of Light

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
The Watchtower was quiet today. Nothing big was happening on Earth, no alien armadas was there to rain on the Justice League's parade, and the day was turning out to be a bust for dealing any form of Justice to the bad guys. Green Lantern, Hal Jordan was in town and he was trying to figure out what to do next in the "War of Light".

Moving down the halls, Hal Jordan notes that for some reason, the lights were dim. "Batman must have been here." Moving to the panel on the side of the hallway, Hal brings up the controls, and turns the lights up.

"Been in space so long, even that is hard on the eyes..." Hal grumbles to himself, while moving into the Mission Monitor Room. Before he could check to see who was on duty, Hal arrives.

Supergirl has posed:
He would hear the music before he reached the room. An old song. 'Walking on Sunshine' by Katrina & The Waves.

The monitor room is lit up with the full array of scanning. The planetary surface is being checked for any major incidents. News feeds are in tiny boxes in another screen, a couple of dozen running at once. There is even a camera angle for space, the approach that would have to be used from the outside of the solar system.

The chair in the room is occupied by a blonde figure who is familiar by now. She is singing along with the song, head bopping, twisting back and forth in the rolling chair which is giving the impression she's dancing--while sitting. "Now every time I go for the mailbox, gotta hold myself downnnn. Cause I just can't wait 'til you write me you're coming around..."
Suddenly she is out of the chair, the rolling seat cast backwards by her sudden vertical stance and rolling toward Hal at the door. She is oblivious as she sings and dances! "I'm walking on sunshine! Wow! I'm walking on sunshine! Wooowowowow! I'm walking on sunshine And don't it feel good!"

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
Now that brings him up short, right before he enters the room. "Walking on Sunshine" makes Hal Jordan blink. Dropping the mask to reveal his face with a flick of his willpower, Hal moves into the room carefully, thinking J'onn was on duty, and surprised to see Kara there.

Hal Jordan looks at the screen, raises and eyebrow, and smiles. Impressed. Waiting in the background for a few minutes, Hal Jordan turns the "record" mode on his ring, just in case he might need this later as blackmail. Kidding.

"Good to see you are walking on sunshine, Supergirl." Hal snorts, and laughs, enjoying the moment. "You know, I was all dark and depressed until I walked in here, and saw one of the best things I have ever seen in my life. Thank you." Hal wipes a tear out of his eye, he was laughing so hard.

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl spins and sings, bouncing around, cape swirling as she moved. On one of the turns, she realized she was no longer alone.

This is the moment where most people would stop, shut off the music and pretend they weren't doing anything at all like she was. This was Kara. She wasn't embarassed. In fact, she started to sing /to/ Hal as she danced and sang, even going forward to try and grab his hand and drag him to dance with her.

Only when the song ended did she rush over to the panel and shut off the music. Then she turned to face him, a big smile on her face that just lit up the room. "It's one of those songs! You can't just sit around when it plays. It's good to see you though! Been forever, it feels like."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
"Hahahaahaha!" Hal Jordan shakes his head, and tries to recover from that last few seconds of the song. "I get it. It is one of those songs. You have an amazing voice to go with it. Of course." The woman was damn near perfect, in everything. Not surprising, she has a great voice for singing as well.

"It has been forever. Not since...wow, like last year? I think it might have been your first time at the big chair." Hal nods towards the seat that was now three feet from him. Pushing it towards Supergirl, Hal adds, "It is great to see you again! How goes the shift?"

Hal moves closer to the panel, and looks up at everything going on on the great big, blue planet under them. "Seems quiet."

Supergirl has posed:
As the chair comes in, Supergirl catches it and flops in then pushes herself the rest of the way over to the console. "It has been really. A few minor things but no world level threats. Course, it's Friday. Everyone gets drunk and stupid on the weekends so we might have an invasion any moment." She's amused as she says it but then tilts her head a little. "Wait, weekends wasn't a concept we had. I guess an alien race might have Tuesday for us as their version of a Saturday night. Huh."

She dismisses that as she spins around in the chair to face him, knees tightly together, feet apart, tucking her feet onto the legs of the chair beneath her and rotating a little from side to side as she spoke. "Yeah, I think that was the last time. Superman said something about you were dealing with things in space. What's going on out there?"

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
"I see." Hal smiles as Supergirl explains to him Friday night. "Been there a few times myself. Friday nights, a few drinks, a few hot..." Hal Jordan stops, looking at the teenage superhero in front of him, and tries to pass it off by looking at the screen again. "Um. So far, no invasions. Good. Even if on a Tuesday on the alien calendar."

As the conversation moves towards Space, Hal's smile fades, and his big brown eyes look into Kara's. "Well. Funny you should mention that. We're having a tough time out there. We're..." Hal takes a deep breath, lets it out in a sigh, and a big frown. "...losing."

Hal moves to grab a cup of coffee at the table and then waits while it percolates. "I've been fighting this "War of Light" for months, and not getting anywhere. The Reds hit the Yellows. The Greens and the Blues try and talk sense into the Indigo. The Violets hit the one Orange. The Guardians won't tell me anything about this...Blackness. Dammit, I'm an Honor Guard Lantern! You need to tell me these things!"

Hal stops, right before smashing a mug that said "World's Best Bat" on it. "Sorry. I'm a little wound up."

Supergirl has posed:
Kara listens silently as he talks, watching him with concern. She tracks his movements and focuses on his face when he is explaining. When the mug takes the brunt of his frustration, the first thought that comes to mind comes right out of her mouth.

"You will have to buy him a new mug. Or make one. I think someone made that. Hand painted. Maybe fired it themselves in a kiln. No pressure."

She nibbles at her bottom lip a moment, thinking to words her cousin had said. Telling her no details but saying that Hal might be needing some help. And here he was. Saying how the Lanterns were losing. "You need help. Some people that aren't Lanterns, that aren't using the same types of powers." Not her words. Kal-El's.

"Tell me about what is going on. This Blackness you are talking about? How is it making the Lanterns turn on one another? Or were they always a little hostile to each other and it's just escalating?"

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
Hal Jordan looks down at the mug, and says, "Yeah. That was...my anger. Frustration. Actually. He'll appreciate it. I'll get him a new one for Christmas." Hal frowns, trying to be humourous, as all the laughter and joy from Supergirl's singing starts to leave the room.

"Sorry..." Hal says, truly sorry. Looking up after picking a new mug and leaving the cracked one on the shelf, Hal pours himself coffee. "Want any?" Taking a sip, he grimaces, and says, "Man, Thought Barry had brought us some good stuff."

"Yeah, you are right Supergirl. I do need help. Lanterns against Lanterns is pretty even, unless you are at the elite level." Hal didn't say like me. "BY the way, I am sure you know, but here I go, I'm Hal. Hal Jordan."

Hal takes another sip of the coffee, better this time and nods. "Something in the rings is corrupting the operating system. It is like it is turning on the wielder. A darkness. Plus, there have been reports of the dead coming back to life, but I personally haven't seen any of that. As for fighting each other, it is escalating. I've had to bury 7 Green Lanterns this month."

Supergirl has posed:
"Oh." Such a small sound but it speaks volumes. The idea of burying seven people he knows, possibly friends at that, is horrifying. Supergirl looks down at her lap, wrapping her hands together as she considers the ramifications of what he's talking about.

"I'm sorry." Such little words that don't carry the full weight of the pain she feels for his situation. She wishes there was more. Words just don't do enough and she doubts he would want a hug either.

She takes a deep breath then focuses on what he said. "Kara Zor-El. Although I go by Kara Danvers on Earth. Is...could I help perhaps? I don't know anything about the rings you all wear, never had one obviously. But I do have some powers as long as I'm around a yellow sun."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
"Yeah, thank you. I'm sorry. I don't need to hoist that on you. War is war. It is never easy." Hal takes another sip. A smile. "I will say the coffee is good here. Guy hasn't quite got Tamaranean coffee to work out for us yet." Hal puts the mug down, and looks over at Kara.

"Kara it is then. Nice to meet your true you." Hal smiles. "You might be able to help actually. Saint Walker, the head of the Blues, and I were discussing a trip to deal with our Orange friend. And then maybe dealing with the Zamorans. Someone has to know something about this decay and darkness creeping into the network."

A pause. "Not sure that Superman would appreciate me stealing you though. You are needed here, more than out there."

Supergirl has posed:
"Blue are the hope ones." Kara asks. "I was reading a little about Lanterns recently." Which brings her to the confession. "I know you all are powerful but didn't know a lot about you. So I read some of the stuff you had submitted about them for the League."

She turns to tap a few keys to pull up those entries on a screen then turns back around to face Hal again. "Actually, now that Superman is back and Alpha Flight fully staffed, I could technically go without there being much of a problem. Kal actually was talking to me about things cause he was thinking maybe I should go." She looks a little sheepish as she admits the next part. "I was kind of resistant. After all, what if they come for him again? But you know him. Need to put other's before ourselves and you need the help out there. So."

She stands up and snaps a salute, one that clearly shows she has never been in the military but watched a lot of movies. "Supergirl, reporting for duty."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
Hal follows along, as Kara talks, nodding here and there. "Yes. Getting to know us. That's good.". Hal picks up his mug again, and adjusts his leaning against the desk, so as to not get too sore. Watching as Kara brings up the data on screen, Hal suddenly walks forward, joining Kara at the computer.

"Kal was talking to you about things. That's...great." Hal nods, thinking that the JL was taking his talk of threats seriously. "You know, thank god he's in charge. He takes everything so seriously, and appreciates the threat. Glad he's Chairman, and I'm not anymore."

A pause, as Kara continues. "Yeah. Well, if they come for him, I'm sure they will be quickly sent back home. He's bigger than life. If anything ever happened to him, I'd be here in an instant to back him up. I owe him."

Hal Jordan blinks as Supergirl salutes. With a laugh, Hal does his best "at attention" pose, and returns the salute, in perfect military precision. Even if he was a flyboy, he was still an officer in the Air Force. "Welcome aboard!"