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Latest revision as of 14:52, 10 December 2019

It's not delivery...
Date of Scene: 10 December 2019
Location: Apartment 1A, Muggins Apartments, Jackson Heights
Synopsis: Peter and Kitty enjoy a MOUNTAIN OF CHICKEN WINGs while talking holidays, boyfriends for Jake, and Superman not being dead. So.. ya know.. a Monday.
Cast of Characters: Spider-Man, Shadowcat

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter is lazing about the apartment in a pair of jogging sweats, socks, and a t-shirt, fingers linked behind his head, beneath the shaggy curls of his brown mop. That head is turned to the side of the arm of the couch, watching She-Ra on Netflix with a bemused smirk and a constant glance over at the cellphone laying on the table indicating a rough delivery time for dinner.

He could have cooked, sure...

But like Kitty, that's usually a dangerous game of fifty fifty weither it's edible or causes a major house fire. Either way, he's off work and more intent on staying indoors... bloody 'cold' out there right now. Spandex, hard nipples, and early winter chill do not mix well.

Shadowcat has posed:
Peter's phone chimes, though it's not an update on dinner.

Kitty>> I just got a glimpse of myself in this store window. I feel like I'm Tan Neo. I just need sunglasses. And maybe contort myself and show all sexy amount of flexible dodging bullets. Just need sunglasses. I love this coat. It's like you're in my head now when you know my fashion likes and it doesn't involve Star Wars or old video games.

A picture comes along with the text: 1118full-barbara-palvin.jpg

Kitty>> I'll be home shortly. Want me to pick anything up, or are you burning the place down already?

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete slips a hand from beneath his head to grab the phone chirping Kitty's very own notification alert. It's something cute, LOVE MOTHER FUGGAH, which is a sound bit manipulation of the surprise meme from a decade before. The picture opens and he snorts, thumbs dancing over the screen.

Peter>> You look like you just left a noir flick... I'm going to get you a fedora and a cigar. You kute doe.


Peter>> It's not delivery it's fire department. I ordered chicken wings. A lot of chicken wings... babe, there's going to be so many chicken wings.

Shadowcat has posed:
Jester scampers across the floor, grabbing hold of his purple dragon squeaky toy that Kitty paid $45 for on Amazon. One of those products someone puts online for a ridiculous price hoping someone clicks without checking the price, or maybe hoping they find the one idiot in the world who simply MUST have a purple dragon squeaky dog toy.

Idiot, thy name is Kitty.

Jester gives it a ferocious shake, the toy squeaking. Lockheed lifts his head to look over, but doesn't take it personally from the sign of it.

Kitty>> You look very cuddleable. There shall be cuddling tonight amidst the wings. Maybe a Christmas romcom or something. Love Actually? The Holiday? Die Hard? Anyway, home soon. Love you. Looking forward to wings. #youdabestboyfriend

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter>> How did you know I was hankering to see Ryan Reynolds pretending to be a normal schlub?! How about... uh... Christmas Vacation? I mean, National Lampoon amirite?

Pete reaches down to wiggle fingers off the side of the couch to lure Jester in for head scretches, combing between the retrievers ears, "Hey buddy.. come'ere.." Hoisting him up to rest on his chest to fight that damn dragon on Peter's tummy while he texts.

Peter>> Wait until you see how many wings there are.. you think I'm the best now... ooooo maaaan...

Shadowcat has posed:
Jester trots over, the defeated dragon clutched in his mouth still, moving into Peter's hands so he can be lifted up in the now familiar move to rest on Peter's stomach. He gives the toy a few squeaks and then drops it on Peter's chest as he seeks out the petting hands instead.

Kitty>> Oh, the silent majesty of a winter's morn, the clean, cool chill of the holiday air, and an asshole in his bathrobe, emptying a chemical toilet into my sewer.

Kitty>> Just off the subway now. Passing Delmar's. Looks slow, he's playing chess. See you soon.

True to her word, it's only another couple of minutes before the sound of someone coming down the hallway with the squeaky floorboards can be heard. Kitty steps through the door, so no one must have been out in the hallway. "Hey honey, I'm home!"

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete laughs as the message and thumbs a quick reply as he half watches Jester cleaning himself on his little tummy perch, one paw holding that damned squeaky dragon down just incase he tries to escape!

Peter>> Millions of people living in New York City and she walks into my apartment... Looking like the kind of sultry vixen I could fall into and drown..

Peter>> Seeya soon babe.

The phone is side tossed to the table in favor of wiggling fingers into Jester's jowels, "Mommmyyyyy's hoooome!" Perking ears, head turning towards the door, "That or wiiiiiings... either way, you're about to abandon me!"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty laughs as she removes the jacket and hangs it up. It's so incredibly soft. "I do love this thing," she says of the jacket, putting it away and phasing her gloves off her hand and then sticking them in the pocket for next time.

She walks over then, to the back of the couch, scooping up an eager Jester who is jumping on Peter's stomach, on his hind legs with his front legs on the back of the couch to try to get at her.

Kitty slides over the couch back then, moving into Peter-snuggling position and repositioning Jester now he's not at danger of having a human lay atop him. "And I do love this thing," she says to Peter, grinning and leaning over to kiss his lips softly. "And this thing," she adds, adding a kiss to the top of Jester's head and getting an eager face licking for the trouble.

Lockheed flaps over and lands at their feet. "And this thing too," Kitty adds with a smile as Lockheed moves to curl up with the pair of humans. "Thank you for getting dinner. You've earned sex. Wings sex," she tells him, resting her head on Peter's shoulder. "You know, the kind with the extra sauce."

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete scoots slightly as Kitty slides, presenting a nice corner of couch and body to snuggle against. His arm was laid out wide so she's craddled in his curled arm, pillowed head against his hard shoulder, and returning that kiss with a silly nerd person grin, "And I love this thing..." Kissy noses, kissy forehead.

"I guess this thing is alright too..." Jester gets another head scratching, "For a traitor."

Finally Lockheed, "Are we at the love phase yet, pal?" It's an open ended question because sex, wings, and extra sauce were all used in a series of sentences... "You mean bloated, sticky finger sex... mmm.. I got like six different flavors.. it's going to be silly with options, Kits... absolutely lunacy with dipping sauces.. you.. you're just not even prepared."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty laughs and nuzzles her cheek to Peter's shoulder some more, while Lockheed's response is to plop over on his back, all four legs in the air. Kitty reaches down and gives him a belly rub. "I think so. He hasn't scorched you or anything so I think you made his short list," she tells Peter with another warm laugh.

Lockheed will totally tear into those wings, too. Super blazing sauce? Won't even make him blink.

Kitty gently pets Lockheed while Peter has Jester. "This is so nice to come home to," she says with a happy sigh. "Have had some unsettling things go on I haven't had a chance to tell you about," she says with a not-so-happy sigh. "Starting with... I confirmed the body in Superman's tomb isn't his. It seems like one of the letter agencies has him. ARGUS or CADMUS. And, he might be alive. The Justice League is looking into it. I've... got this alternate affiliation with them, which is still kind of new. They don't know who I am," she says. Except for J'onn. But the two non-mutant superhero teachers at Xavier's haven't had their identities outed to each other. At least, not by Kitty.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Well that's... uh..." Pete's eyes widen, brow furrowing, then settles, ".. Someone has Superman. That's.. a thing.. especially if he's not dead, but was dead... when did our world get so damn crazy, exactly? I'm getting a little tired of living in interesting times!" He jokes, abandoning Jester-Kitty-Lockheed pile when the bell rings at the door. A smooch for the first two and a belly rub for the last, Pete pads over and pulls the door open to retrieve... An impressive number of takeaway boxes in one upturned hand. "Thank you my man.. huh? No, it's not a party, just for her..." Thumbing back at Kitty on the couch.

Careful to keep the door open just enough that only she's visible and not the purple dragon laying on her legs, "She's got a bottomless stomach, man, hollow legs,.. like a bird..." Wink, jealousy because hahahaha I'm dating Kitty and you're not.. and Pete flicks the door closed with the tips of his fingers. "WINGS! SO... MANY.. WINGS!"

Food will always trump Superman in Peter's world.

Life is always strange.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty throws up a hand to wave towards the delivery boy. "Thanks Jake!" she calls towards him. Jake?

Kitty sits up, getting into a better wing-eating posture, sitting cross-legged on the couch. "Mmm, so hungry," she says. "Not that I'm going to eat THAT many. You know how hard I worked to get this body?" she asks, glancing down at herself. Since she returned to the States and began working out, hard, she's kept up that pace of workouts even with going to work at Stark.

"Speaking of working body's hard. Get your cute little toushy back over here with those wings," she tells him, smiling over to Peter.

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete takes a few steps towards the couch and side flips over it so effortlessly that it might as well be a trampoline and no obstacle at all. One foot plants on the coffee table and he spins around it to drop down into the vacated portion of couch just as Kitty is sitting up, all while carrying a stack of different flavored wings as if that matters exactly zero percent to his situational and spartial awareness.

"Yes ma'am.." Handing over several, setting them down on the coffee table so there's a six open boxes spread across the surface with a dozen different dipping sauces. "mmmm... So, I was thinking we could catch up on Season eight of The Mandalorian, since you said I couldn't watch it without you and you would never watch it without me because that would be a terrible thing to do to the man you love... And get absolutely engorged with delicious chicken-wings brought to us by Jake, who's name I am endlessly curious how you know..." Turning to kiss her cheek.

"Then we can do a few hundred pushups to work off the calories."


"Or something else, for cardio, whatever, my nights open."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty grins as Peter joins her in typical Peter fashion. "Much better," she says, though her hand strays over across parts of him she mentioned, suggesting that, rather than the wings, was the main reason she wanted his return.

Ok, she's hungry too. Kitty stops groping and picks up one of the cartons with wings in it. "Who, Jake? Well, you don't think we get extra wings sauce all the time because he's generous do you? A girl has to practice her feminine wiles," she tells Peter, looking over at him and giving a sultry little kiss.

"Actually," Kitty says, taking out a wing and tossing it to Lockheed, who snarfs it down bones and all, "I know his name because we've talked. When I first moved in he was 'disappointed to find out that cute tousle-haired guy had a girlfriend, and did he have a brother'?" Kitty explains. "He's real sweet and I told him you didn't, but I'd keep an eye out for him."

Kitty dips a wing in some honey bbq and digs in. "Mandalorian it is. Pushups... we could probably invent a new style that would work, yes," she says, glancing over and giving Peter a suggestive eyebrow wiggle back.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Oh, so you're saying you flirted with him to get us extra sauce?" Pete says as if this might lead to a jealous tyrade... "God, I'm surprised how okay with that I am..." Side grinning as he leans forward to grab a carton to lay in his lap with two extra ranch dipping cups. When she explains the real reason, he blinks a few times and glances back. "Huh... you know, I thought he kind of cut eyes at me a little the last few times he brought my pizzas. I almost invite him over for beers.."

Truly, he still might.

"Think we know anyone we can hook him up with? Shame he didn't make a move... could have gotten all up in this... apartment and made a good friend." Teasing, sucking meat off the bone after dipping it into the ranch dressing. "Oh my gawd..." Flopping back, flailing out like a dying fish, all arms and legs spreading.. "That's so good I can't... I can't even, Kits..."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty breaks out in laughter and picks up a small drumstick, dipping it in sauce for Peter and then bringing it over to let him lean up to get it like Shamoo being given a fish by his handler.

Why that particular simile? No one will ever know.

Kitty licks at her own fingers. "These are good. And I don't know of anyone his age, no. And, not around here. Still meeting the neighborhood," she says, not knowing people here as well as Peter. But she's learning quickly.

Kitty queues up The Mandalorian, draping one leg over Peter's as she continues to eat. "So, I've been meaning to ask. Do you and May usually do any Christmas things? If you have some family-only stuff that's fine. But, I'm happy to celebrate with you," says the Jewish girl.

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete OOOMs noisely when the drumstick is offered, he doesn't know to ask to know why he's being compared to Shamoo! But he'd definitely want to know why he's being compared to Shamoo if he knew he was being compared to Shamoo!

"Mmm.. we'll keep an eye out." For a date for Jake. "Seems like a cool guy."

Onto other topics, Pete bobs his head, "We do a little gift exchange Christmas morning and have dinner that night, but it's more of an informal Holliday celebration than specifically Christmas.. Mays a Wiccan... or.. eh, something, I don't know, she calls herself a pagan."

Which doesn't mean she has no christmas tree up, hell PETE has a christmas tree up.

It's just fun okay? They smell good.

"Obviously I want you to be there.. I mean, you're family. Just like I want to be there with you.. it isn't about the religion of the things.." Sucking ranch dressing off his upturned thumb, "It's about being with the people you love... and I love you, so I want to be there."

"And I'd look dope in a Yamaka."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty glances over at Peter, her eyes going from his face down to his body. "Just a yarmulke," she says in a somewhat sultry voice. She leans back in the couch then as the Mandalorian comes on. "Think he's going to remove his helmet this season?" she asks as she goes for another wing.

Kitty gets up to go over to the fridge and get them two sodas. She returns, setting one down for Peter on the coffee table and opening her own. "Well, that sounds good. I've got a couple of gifts for May we can take over," she says. "And we can help pick up something for dinner." Because any of them cooking? Yeah, right.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Hey... that sounds lewd.." Pete takes his time on the next wing, pulling strips of meat off with his teeth until the bone is clean and tossed down into the carton with the other growing pile on the lid. "But you know me.. I'm all about making an impression."

Sucking his thumb clean, he moves the box to the table and turns slightly to curl a knee up between himself and Kitty. A knee he moves to straighten along her hip so she can lean back into him once the show starts. "He better not... If they ever have him remove his helmet, I'm going to stop watching. Mando'ade follow a code, babe... The Resol'nare vorbids it! Never remove your helmet in the presence of another!" Shaking her shoulder, speaking through clinched teeth, playfully suggesting she may have wished up him breaking the Mandalorian code.