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Latest revision as of 15:03, 10 December 2019

Mean Streets of Mutant Town
Date of Scene: 04 December 2019
Location: Bushwick (Mutant Town), Brooklyn
Synopsis: Sam and Alexis go for a walk, and interrupt a robbery in progress at the shelter where Alexis volunteers.
Cast of Characters: Prismatic, Cannonball

Prismatic has posed:
    Christmas is a'comin', the geese are getting fat! Put a little penny in the Old Man's Hat, and if you don't have a penny -- a haypenny will do! If you don't have a ha'penny than God Bless You!

    Alexis was getting a little bit of cabin fever in her claustrophobic apartment, and had invited Sam out on a walk to stretch the ol' legs - for training purposes, of course. All around mutant town there were signs that various holidays were still being celebrated, small trees and window stickiees, various candle stands, and of course the annual pressure washing of graffiti off some of the churches for their Christmas season, the stubborn signs of humanity's attempt to assert itself over itself remaining in the cheery holiday messages like 'Muties Burn in Hell!' or 'God Hates Mutants!'

    Alexis walked close to Sam, feeling safer with him now than without, even if people recognize him from Club Evolution.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's arm stays around Alexis as they walk. He enjoys having her close to her. He kisses her cheek as they walk. "So what would you like to do today hon, this your first Christmas in New York, should Ah take you around and show you all the sights

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis gives a soft 'ha' at the kiss on her cheek, but she leans into the much taller Sam, having to take a couple of strides to match one of his, and she gives a shrug. "I dunno, Sam. You're already stretched thin over everything else you do, is tour guide really something you have time for?" Alexis questions, and she pauses a moment.

    "... that's the side entrance of the Shelter..." she trails off, and checks her watch. "No one should be in there right now -- what's that black van doing there?" she questions, pursing her lips and glancing up to Sam.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises a bit and says "Some last minute deliveries?" He asks more in hope than expecting that is what it actually is. He will bring say something "Lets make sure." His voice softer now, and he moves to lead her towards that way so they can see what is going on. He moves more to holding her hand than holding her close, so they both can move a bit easier.

Prismatic has posed:
    "They would have called me into sort." Alexis confirms quietly, and she gives Sam's hand a squeeze as they make their approach.

    Coming around the side, the van's back has been left open. There's boxes of supplies, personal items like deoderant, non-perishables from the kitchen -- and computers. Towers. Monitors.

    "Sam, we need to stop them. That contains ID information." Alexis whispers, and she breathes out as she grips her hands into loose fists -- properly formed ones, thank you -- and she makes her way to the open door.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie holds up a finger to get her to hold a moment he will make his way around the van keeping an eye out to make sure he sees none. If he makes it to the front of the van he will pop the hood, and pull one of the battery cables off and then softly lower the hood again, before making his way back to her.

Prismatic has posed:
    "Clever." Alexis gives Sam a small grin, and then takes point. She slips into the side entrance, picking up a baseball bat from a closet as she goes -- it's a nice metal bat. Hard to tell if that red is scratched off paint or blood.

    There are the sounds of people moving inside.

    "Get the rest of the bedding and put it in that box there; we can move that to the store and sell 'em back to the muties at cost. Gonna be a cold winter, right?" someone jeers.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will follow her lead. He listens trying to get an idea of how many people are in the room. He does listen for movement elsewhere. The man seems to be pretty much at home in this type of situation. He does not look for a weapon, more used to hand to hand himself.

Prismatic has posed:
    And we all know how Alexis handles hand-to-hand.

    THere are four men. All definately taller than Sam's girlfriend, wearing baseball hats and bandanas to obscure their identities. One has bolt cutters in his hands and is busy liberating a donation box from the front wall. The remains of the chains that held the server room door closed was on the floor, and he kicks it outta the way.

    Two hs gathering up boxes of sanitary products and throwing them into a bag, checking to see if any have been opened. Three has his back to the two, and appears to be the ring leader.

    Four is taller than Sam, and quite wide. He's got a kitchen knife in the back of his pants, likely lifted from the kitchen itself. He's cleaning out the walk-in, loading everything up onto a cart.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will motion Alexis to a point where she will be able to get the drop on them, as he moves across, getting the men between them and will move to step out of the doorway, and says "Looks like someone is on the naughty list this year, but Ah have heard city jail has pretty good turkey and stuffing for the holidays." His stance that of an experienced fighter, and ready to engage his field if need be.

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis gives a nod, and moves into poisition, getting down low and readies for a swing.

    THe four stop what they're doing -- number four has a piece of government-issue Cheese Food Product hanging from his mouth, his bandana pulled up as his head tilts.

    Three turns around, and eyeballs Sam, looking the blonde man up and down.

    "It's four on one, Dixie. You think you can take us all?" he asks, cracking his knuckles.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods to the man and says "Pretty sure I could do it with one hand tied behind my back, but that would take away some of the fun. Will give ya one chance put the stuff down, and leave some money for the damage you caused and you don't have to bleed. Giving you a chance since it is the holidays, so you guys going to be smart, or we going to dance?"

Prismatic has posed:
    "You hear that guys?" Three states, turning around and motioning to Sam. "Looks like we got some kinna hero here. Ooooh. I'm shakin' in my boots there, Better leave all the stuff we're going to sell here guys and empty our our wittle pock-"


    Three goes down after someone takes a metal baseball bat to the back of his knees, and Alexis stands up, having crawled through the cabinet.

    "Good Lord, /YOU'RE/ not one of the mutant homeless teens, they're not NEARLY so long-winded!"

    And she brings the bat back up, her lips pursing. "... too bad Bat Girl is already taken."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will move towards the big man fists up in a bot of a boxing look. He judges the man's reach and will dodge in giving the man a quick jab. He will keep an eye out where the others are, but plans on taking the big guy down first, finding often you deal with the big guy the others will run. "Had your chance." He tells them

Prismatic has posed:
    Three goes down! One comes after Alexis, and she blocks the bolt cutters with her bat, the sound of metal striking metal (and leaving a big dent in it!) ringing through the kitchen, and Two goes to the aid of Four.

    Four lets the cheese drop from his lips and to the floor as he grunts, "Dun wanna fight, man." he states, stepping back from the jabs, but his hand goes to his back, and he takes out that chef knife, and makes a couple of swipes with it at the Guthrie lad as he dances and jabs!

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look at the knife, and says "Don't want to fight but got a knife?" He sighs for a moment, and will bait the guy to get him to make a swing with the knife. Once he does, Sam will step in, and grab the guys wrist to bring it against his knee, and knock the blade from the man's hand. "Well this should at leas keep you in past the new year.' He keeps up the banter, and does look for the missing goon.

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis is doing her best with the baseball bat -- she swings, she keeps One away long enough that she's able to zip one leg in with a kick to his knee, and there is a sickening snap. One goes down. Two is coming up behind Sam, and as the knife gets knocked from Four's hands, Two comes up behind Sam and grabs at it, brings it up and prepares to Happy Dagger Samuel in the back, as Four grunts in answer to Sam's banter, and goes to try and headbutt the blond hero!

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie sees the headbutt coming, and will grab the guy by the shirt, and move to fall back and launch 4 into his buddy with the knife before he can get close enough to make shisksam. It seems Sam knows how to do a monkey flip. He will move to get back to his feet while his two are hopefully untangling themselves and looks around assessing the battle and where people are and how it is going.

Prismatic has posed:
    Well, head headbutt was telegraphed like it was going out of style, the big guy looking mildly confused as he goes sailing into the other guy, knocking the knife outta Two's hands and it clatters to the ground, skidding accross and coming near One and his fight with Alexis.

    It appears to be a pretty pitched battle, the smaller girl is holding her own against the taller guy, both are fairly athletic, and Alexis is making good use of her footwork, dodging and tumbling out of the way when the bolt cutters come a little too close to her head.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will move to put a quick kick towards both men's jaws. He is trying to take them out quick. He says "Did you see which way the other one went?" He will ask Alexis, as he will also make sure to kick the knife away from the goons.

Prismatic has posed:
    The knife skids down the hallway.

    "He couldn't have gotten far, I'm decently sure --" whack! the bolt cutters hit the wall

    "That I broke --" CLANG! The bolt cutters hit a counter.

    "His kneecap!" she states, and she swings the bat.

    And the bat connects! Ka-TONG! Smacks One in the chin and sends him flyin to the side.

    Meanwhile, a cursery look outside would show that Three's managed to get himself into the van, somehow, and is trying to start it.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will smile a bit and motions towards the Van, as the guy goes flying. He will check on the three here and if all are out of it, he will move to lead Alexis towards the van at a bit of a leasurly pace.

Prismatic has posed:
    The three are pretty well out of it. There's a distant sound of sirens.

    Alexis taps her bat, and makes her way up to the van as well, looking at Sam and letting him take point.

    "C'mon, c'mon, we tested you before we left this should be workiiiiiing!" he states, and looks towards the approaching mutants, and grasps out a large stick.

    "D'don't come any closer!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the man, and says "Did you not learn that the lady here is pretty good with the bat to start with?" He will shake his head a bit and says "Looks like the cops should be here pretty soon, but we may need to make sure this little one does not bolt before they get here.

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis gives a small shrug. "Maybe he hit his head on the way down." she suggests, looking over to Sam with concern.

    The sirens are drawing ever nearer through the narrow streets in Bushwick, and the girl shrugs at Sam. "Think we should let the police handle it from here?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and will put his arm around her, and says "Probably." He looks over to the goon "You run before the cops get here, and I will come get you." He says and with that, Sam and Alexis are off into the air and to a place where they can keep a look on things." He looks over to Alexis "You ok?"

Prismatic has posed:
    "Ah, well, the fellow did hit me on the arm once, but decently sure it was -- what's the phrase they use? 'Tanked'?" she questions, wrinkling her nose a moment, and she gives a litlte bit of a wince.

    "Hit hard, that one did."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and say "Want to head back to your place and let me have a look at it. Probably just a bruise but it is always a good practice to look over any injuries and see how bad they are.

Prismatic has posed:
    "Best practice is good practice... and I would but... that owuld involve the shower, and decently sure the bloke down the hall says it's just not any good." she wrinkles again. "I could sponge bath it.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms, and says "How about we hit a hotel room tonight, something where we can get you all warmed up, and Ah can take care of you tonight." He smiles at her, and pulls her close gently

Prismatic has posed:
    "I don't have the money for a hotel room, and Samuel Guthrie, you are not paying for it!" Alexis states in a quiet hiss, allowing herself to be pulled close, "... but we should make ourselves scarce." she sugests, holding onto him a moment. "... I'll close my eyes."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie kisses her, and will kick in the jets while they kiss holding her close. "Ok, Ah got the place." He will head towards the X-Corp building. "They have some spare rooms we can use there."

Prismatic has posed:
    X-Corp? The one that Roberto runs? THAT X-Corp?

    The girl blinks as they lift off, Sam heading up into the sky as she gives a small 'eeeee' sound, holding tighter to Sam's jacket, pressing close against him and pressing her fce to his chest.

    "Why do I feel like this is a bad ideeeeaaaaaaa..."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and says "Hon, when Ah got you and we are blasting your safe. He looks to her, and says "Ah can show ya how safe we are if you trust me."

Prismatic has posed:
    "Sam, considering the tumultus state of our private life it's safe to say I trust you, but heights I do not trust!" Alexis comments quietly, her shoulders rising up a little, her face buried firmly into his chest.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "well, Ah was going to fly us through a building." He tells her, but Ah will get us on semi land." He will land on the xcorp building "Doug made sure there were a few apartments where employs could crash if need be after a long day "We can at least use one of them so I can get a good look at that arm, and maybe have you soak in a nice warm bath.

Prismatic has posed:

    That grip tightens a bit harder against Sam's shirt. "Fly us through a building?! Sam that's insane!" she states into his chest, and as they land on the X-Corp building, the young woman gives a soft 'mmfph' sound, and steps away from Sam, crossing his arms. "Still... seems so weird."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and says "Hon, Ah can fly through a building and would not hurt us, when Ah am blasting pretty much can't be hurt and punch through things like a wrecking ball." He smiles at her.

Prismatic has posed:
    ".... completely maddening, why did I ever agree to this madness?" she huffs, and then gives a small laugh.

    "Oh, right, the charming personality, gentle nature, kind heartedness, and the way you looked in the Spiderman suit." she jokes.