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Latest revision as of 15:04, 10 December 2019

New Computer Lab
Date of Scene: 04 December 2019
Location: Computer Lab - Xavier's School
Synopsis: And Twinkies were had by all.
Cast of Characters: Beast, Nightingale, Dragonfly (Armenteros), Samuel Morgan, Hindsight

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy is dressed up nicely, in a better suit than he normally wears, black, for today's event. The new computer lab is in great shape. All the computers up and running, displaying XOS, the in-house Xavier Operating System created for school computer use, secure and free. There's also something on the wall that's new, covered by a drapery. "Welcome all, please have a seat."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon slips into the computer lab as quietly as one can, with her wings tucked in neatly behind her, and her laptop bag slung over one shoulder. For her part, she's dressed in some plain, loose black slacks, a nice black tunic shirt with three-quarter length sleeves and a modest scoop neckline, and plain black flats. She's got her hair long and loose, with her now-trademark ice blue braid on the left side of her face, three little silver beads and all. She finds an empty seat and settles down, putting her bag down in front of her between her feet, and smiling to those already present.

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
The computer labs are somewhere that Gwendolyn rarely goes, passing by the darkened room with sheets covering the window. Out of order, the signs said, with bright yellow under construction tape criss-crossing the door. Sure, she was curious, but as the sheets came down and the tape vanished, the lab was still an enigma. Dr. McCoy's invitation was a perfect excuse for her to see the room she never went into

Arriving after her classes were done, Gwendolyn poked her head into the room to see what was going on before giving anyone there a wave. Dr. McCoy's offer of a seat is taken and, carefully, her boots clunking on the polished wooden floor, she makes her way over to sit. "It's very nice in here." She pipes up cheerfully, adusting her visor to let in a little more light. "You'll have kids fighting for LAN time for sure."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Having helped Alek set up the new systems with the proprietary OS, and at the same time removing all the pre-installed nonsense, Bean has been looking forward to the official re-opening of the computer lab for some time. And today? Why today is that day.

    He arrives impeccably dressed, in a neat well-pressed shirt, sensible slacks and boots polished to a mirror shine. Just to increase the nerd factor slightly, both he and Bear take a seat at the computer to claim numeral position 01 in the second byte of the desk setup.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy sees that everyone's all getting settled, and steps in front of the drapery. Looking to the crowd present. "Good afternoon. We received an anonymous donation to the school, from a trusted source. I can't tell you who. I can just tell you the person means well. All of these computers in this lab are brand new, given to the school with no strings, and no conditions. I can't honor the person who has done this, but I can honor that person's principles.

He takes a breath and steps back. Puling away the drapery, a finely engraved plaque is revealed. Prominent on the plaque is a familiar S logo of Superman. Hank then reads out the words. "The Superman Computer Lab, dedicated to he who fought for all humanity." He then starts to clap.

Nightingale has posed:
There were many heroes who deserved the honor that was being given now, but of them, certainly Superman could be held up as a shining example. It was fitting, and right. Shannon just smiled to herself, clapping with approval at the choice of the name on the plaque. Perhaps somewhere, on some level, the spirit of the Man of Steel was smiling down on the world he had cherished, the world that he had called home and protected right up till his last breath. Perhaps somehow, he too would know that he would never be forgotten. And isn't that immortality of a sort, in the end?

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
Gwendolyn sits up a little in her seat - 11 in binary, but 3 in normal numbers - to get a better view as the plaque is unveiled. She'd heard of Superman - who hadn't in this day and age - but having a computer lab named after him in the school, from some anonymous donor? It's just fantastic. She claps politely, more interested in the sleek steel and plastic box humming quietly along side the monitor that's almost as large as one of the smaller TV's scattered around the place.

Hindsight has posed:
    Nathaniel uses the applause to slip into the computer lab. He's late, and finds a spot near the back of the room to sit at. Who are these dedicated to? Superman? That's cool. His gloved hands comes together to join in on the clapping but very lightly as to not attract attention to his lateness.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Now that is a surprise. A posthumous dedication, and one to a hero of such epic proportions that the very name is associated with all that is Good and Just. Bean doesn't just applaud, he stands as he does. Stands to honor the sacrifice of the great hero, and the continuation of the legacy as is the custom. Nobody is dead while their name is still being spoken.

    Plus their school now has a room officially called the 'Superman Computer Lab', how cool is that? Eat your heart out MIT.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon just smiles to herself. It was a fitting dedication, and perhaps a reminder to all of what they could aspire to. Whether heroes to a lost child, or heroes to a whole community or world, it was a nod to all that they could someday be. Just as quietly as she slipped into the room, she picks up her bag and ducks out again; her own studies for the day had not yet been completed, and needed tending to.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy steps back foward, though not blocking the plaque as evryone reacts. "I'm really glad of this. I asked the donor what name to put on the plaque. The donor didn't hesitate. Superman was the immediate answer. I understand the motivation, and support it. I'll be proud to have our students studying here, and I hope you'll be proud to be here. Thank you. Twinkies, coffee, and juice are just outside."

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
Gwendolyn scoots back out of her chair and slips over to look at the plaque, even going so far as to tilt her goggles up to look at it without them, wincing at a reflection, and putting them right back down again before scooting out of the way. "Dr. McCoy, this is a lot of horsepower for a school like this. I mean...this could do lots of stuff and it's just...for us? To learn with?"

Hindsight has posed:
    Oh, Sam's standing and clapping? Perfect. Nathaniel seats himself in a computer behind him. It means his view on dedication isn't the greatest, but he can look at it when the room clears out. And it does, as hungry teenagers leave for snacks and drinks. He peeks at it from just by Gwendolyn's shoulder, smiling at her politely, and maybe listening in on Dr. McCoy's answer.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy chuckles as the crowd breaks up and gets food. Nodding to the students listening for an answer, as he slowly makes his way back for a Twinkie himself. "These aren't top of the line systems, but they are a substnatial upgrade from what we used to have, and yes, they're free and clear, with no conditions, just for student use exclusively."

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
Gwendolyn nods and takes a step back, slipping past one of the computers and typing a few things on with one hand, watching as windows pop up and the like, smiling. "I'm going to have to see if I can borrow one of these for my room or something." Her very own internet connection in her room? The things she'll see! She's also joking, as is indicated by the grin as she straightens. "Really cool, Dr. McCoy. Tell whoever donated it 'thanks from the students,' or, at least, from this student.

Hindsight has posed:
    "That's quite generous," Nathaniel says, lifting a brow and watching one of the machines from the corner of his eyes, particularly the one Gwen touches. "Hm. I think Gwendolyn speaks for all of us," He looks back to Beast and crosses his arms behind his back. "Did you know Superman at all?" That might be even cooler than the lab, his wide smile suggests.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy grabs a twinkie, and pops it into his mouth. Well half of it. The other half will come later. "I dind't really know him, no." He glances at the plaque. "We never really interacted that directly. Metropolis is so close, but it's also a world away. We spend so much time holed up here, and when I'm not here I'm often in Bushwick. And don't worry, I thanked the donor. Can't borrow them for rooms though, sorry, but you can access them from there."

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
Gwendolyn puts on an exaggerated pouty face and simulates tears by twisting her hands near her eyes, giggling after a second, and then straightening. "Okay, okay...I'll be good." Mostly. Snagging a twinkie from by the door, Gwendolyn waves to the remaining people. "Look forward to playing in here, Dr. McCoy. See you later." And out she goes.

Hindsight has posed:
    Nathaniel nods and tries not to look disappointed. "I've never been myself," He shrugs, meaning to Metropolis. Considering he's a new student, he won't necessarily notice any difference between the new computers and the past ones, but he smiles gratefully. "I guess as long as we still think of him and remember all the good that he brought us, he never really dies, right?"

    He steals another look at the plaque. "It's a great dedication, Dr. McCoy," His thanks and appreciation given, he gestures to the cream-filled cake in the blue mutant's furry fingers. "Where'd you get the Twinkie?"