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A Wilted Rose
Date of Scene: 11 December 2019
Location: Giovanni's Meat Packing Plant, Bensonhurst, Brooklynn
Synopsis: Pippi during a session of Urban Exploration unintentionally stumbles upon a scheme to unload a experimental drug in Brooklynn.
Cast of Characters: Tombstone, Pippi

Tombstone has posed:
Giovanni's Meat Packing Plant has been closed for a decade after a incident involving tainted meat. The sprawling processing plant has sense become at favorite hangout for urban exploers and gang members. It has also been used as a temporary home by homless squatters, since no ever really bothered to ever enforce the trespassing laws in the old place.

Recently, a man named Jonathan Gimble, a lawyer down in Manhatten's midtown bought the old plant for a client named Mr. Lincoln. The sale didn't take affect until next week, so many urban exloeres were taking advantage of this before the sale was finalized. This is were you come in, you stumbled upon the place during a patrol, but did not have a chance to explore it. Now, you have gotten and opportunity to explore the old plant, and possibly do some athletics training in there to.

Pippi has posed:
    When Pippi had left the Lair, she had let folks know she was running a daytime patrol, she was reminded to keep out of sight during the day, which she had long confirmed and gotten blessings to head out, letting others know about the plant.

    Pippi was, in fact, surprised to see that the big sign that had advertised its sale was gone -- she wasn't a hundred percent sure what the sign meant, no one ever uses specific shapes for those things -- but she was pleased that the plant seemed relatively empty. She wore a thick hoodie against the chill as she climbed down from the roof to an access pannel, looking about to make sure no one saw her enter, and then slips down into the access tunnel, slowly coming down the ladder. She sniffs the air, trying to get a gauge of who might be in the building. Usually it just smells like old amonia and camp fire.

Tombstone has posed:
As you smell the air, the familiar smell of amonia and the rements of campe fires fill your nose. However, they are sooned joined by new, worrying smells. First, you smell cigar smoke, then it is joine by what smells like Rose perfume and cheap cologne. Suddenly, you hear the sounds of footsteps coming towards your location.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi halts at the new smells, taking a deep breath of the new scents, and then she slips back up the ladder, hiding in the shadows. Her hood is still pulled up, her dark form melting into the darkness inside the covered access to the roof. She breathes out, her ears pricking up, trying to pick up the sounds of speech -- especially if it's anyone she knows.

Tombstone has posed:
You hear the sounds of six sets of footprints walking by your position. As they get closer yoy begin to hear what sounds like conversation. The first two voices are having a conversation in what sounds like Mandarin, there rapid fire speaking occasionaly being interuupted by a cough or a swear. However, it is the second conversation that catches your interest. You first hear a deep, gravely voice say,

"So Bruce, your sure your Daddy is available? I hear Mr. Forthman is a very hard man to contact. If what you are saying is true, Mr.Forthman and the Roses and be very interprising partners in my operation."

Immedialtey, the name Roses rings a bell. They are a street gang here in Brookylnn, a very brutal one at that to. Their members are often seen in the color red, sometimes with their lgo, a sharp, wilted looking rose on their person. Then a second, younger voice lets out a chuckle and says in a familiar British accent,

Don't worry Lonnie. My Father has been looking for partners in NYC for weeks. In fact, he went out of his way to seek you out, mostly thanks to out mutual friend in Morrocco."

The recognize the voice as Bruce Forthman. He was there in the audience, wearing a sharp red suit and red tinted sunglasses, beting money on the fight you trashed. He somehow managed to slip away in the chaos

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi take a deep breath, and she slowly takes a few steps down the ladder, drawing her legs into the rungs and turning upside-down. The soft material of the hoodie dulls the impact of her body against the metal, but this lets her see the group a fair shake better. Her eyes narrow, tracking the six scents and footsteps, trying to judge the heavy hitters by their weight.

    And she wouldn't forget that jerk in the red's scent anywhere. Between shouts of 'feed the kid to the gator' and the sudden rescue of the feeder dog, his reek made her stomach turn.

    But... patience. Her head tilts a moment, her ears drawing up and flicking as she watches the group from above.

Tombstone has posed:
You get a closer look at the grou as you lean down the ladder. The first one to stand out is a mammoth of man wearing a black tuxedo. He has chalk-white skin and his white hair is cut into what appears to be a buzzcut. The pale man, who is about 6ft t1in is being flanked by two Asian men, the source of the Mandarin from earlier. The first one is wearing a gold and red leather jacket with a dragon on the back with the letters SOD, or Sons of the Dragon written on it, advertising his alligence to the Chinatown based gang. The second Son is wearing a golden t-shirt with red band on the right sleeve.

Noext, you see Bruce himself. The rose perfume you smelled earlier was coming from him, the very same brand he was wearing to the fight. In fact, he was wearing a suit very similar to the one he wore that night, except instead of red sunglasses, he was wearing blue today. He appeared to be clutching a laptop in his right arm and was walking with a confident, almost egotistical gait. Bruce was accompanied by members of the Roses. The first one was wearing a red t-shirt and blue jeans while the second one was wearing a red polo shirt and white cargo pants. Bruce tilts his head towards the man wearing the t-shirt and whispers,

"I expect that our animal shipment from Brazil will be coming soon. After this meeting, tell the lads at the shop to be ready."

Pippi has posed:
    Animal shipment?

    The canine's eyes narrow as she slowly draws down the ladder, one rung at a time, backwards and upside down. It's not easy, but it'll make it better if she has to rush back up and make an escape. Her ears flick back as she eyeballs that laptop... she's fairly convinced someone on her team could crack it, if she could get it.

    She recognized the China Town-based symbol, her head tilting slightly as she turns, gasping a handle on the access cover as she drops down a little more, all the easier to hear what the group is talking about.

    The ears do more than frame her face, after all.

Tombstone has posed:
The group comes to a stop at the front of what appears to be a former managers office. Tombstone turns to Bruce and says," So Bruce, you're sure your Father is expecting this meeting?" Bruce nods and says," Of course he is, I wouldn't dare interuppt my Father for a unsolcitied meeting. Now follow me, I will get him online." The group then walks into the room, keeping the door open a crack.

Pippi has posed:
    If there's one benefit of the ninja training, it's that Pippi has become aware of how much noise she makes. She draws herself up, hanging by the rung a moment before she drops down, shoulder-rolling and pausing. Her eyes are wide, her ears bak. She should alert someone. Leo. Donnie. Alopex. Even Raph -- but it doesn't seem like there's much time. She breathes out, and gets cose to the room, amber eyes peering inside, ears up and alert.

Tombstone has posed:
You see the group gathered together at the former manager's desk, which was in surprisngly good condition despite how old the building was at this point. Bruce was hunched over the laptop, typing something frantically. Suddenly, the screen goes dark for a second, then turns bright again. You see what appears to be the inside of a gazebo and what appears to be a nice, pristine looking beach behind it. Suddenly, an elderly looking gentleman with a white, bushy mustache wearing what appears to be a Hawaiian shirt comes into frame. Lonnie clears his throat and says in that deep, gravely voice," Your Nigel Forthman correct?"

The old man peers at Tombstone and says in a thick,British accent," Yes, i am Mr. Forthman You must be Mr. Lincoln. We have much to discuss about our mutual business, i heard from our mutual friend Hadir that you know your way around NYC's quite lucrative drug trade. I am proposing we go into business together, split the profits evenly."

As Tombstone seemed to consider this offer, one of the Roses, the one wearing a polo, whispers something to the other Rose and starts to make his way out of the room, unknowingly headed straight towards your location.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi blinks as the Polo Rose goes to make out of the room, and she winces a moment, before shifting to the side, and ducking behind some discarded boxes and an old couch, tucking her tail. This way she can still listen into the conversation between Lincoln and Forthman, and keep an eye on Polo Rose.

Tombstone has posed:
The Polo Rose walks out of the room, stands still for a moment, and then proceedes to pull out a cell phone and starts texting away. As the Polo Rose starts walking away while texting, you hear Mr.Lincon say," Alright, an even 50 percent for both of us sound alright. But, in exchange, I want a part in the Roses' operations here in NYC."

The Elder Forthman remained silent for a bit beforing saying," Vey well, you and my son shall have 50-50 control over my Roses in NYC, and I shall maintain control of my branches in Star City and Metropolis. Now, back to the narcotics, i have a contact in Jamaica, his name is Jamal. He invented some new kind of Narcotic. Our test runs in Kingston were a sucess, and I want to use Brookylnn as a new testing ground for Damballa Dust. If you agree, the shipment shall arrive soon at Sunset Park. You, along with my son of course, will be in charge of distributing this substance across Brookylnn and wherever else you can sell it, understand?"

Tombstone just grunts in affirmation, the corners of his mouth curling up into a greedy smile.

Pippi has posed:
    Polo Rose has his back turned. The young mutant exhales, and reaches around, drawing up a bit of metal in her palm, she tosses it in her palm a moment, testing its weight, and then LOBS it, while everyone inside the room is talking and Polo's distracted.

    The metal bounces in the distance, falling down a couple of steps, sounding like uneven footsteps.

    Pippi then reaches into her pack, and pulls out a gray and black pellet, getting ready to move if Polo decides to go and investigate the noise she's made.

    If not -- it'll be a whole lot more messy than she wants it to be.

Tombstone has posed:
The room goes silent as the sound of what sounds like steps. Nigle yells out to Polo," Oy Ben. Check out that will ya!' Ben nods and pulls out a Pistol from his waistband and heads down to where the steps were. You hear the two Dragons chattering in Mandarin and pulling out their pistols as Lonnie shouts out," If anyone's out there, i will give you one warning to scram! If not, i will brake yo ass in two!

Pippi has posed:
    Ben polo goes to investigate the sound, and as the two chatting in Mandarin pull out their weapons (the sound of metal against the holsters or cloth a whisper Pippi's become familiar with -- she's determined now is the time. She siddles up to the door, gives a breath and keeps low before she throws the smoke pellet.

    The manager's office has an erruption of light and acrid, burning smoke, and the young ninja-in-training makes her move to snatch the laptop by pullin' the old 'pull the tablecloth off the table trick' -- only this time it's 'shove the desk from under the laptop and run with it!' -- looking to slam the table into the gang members to take them by surprise!

Tombstone has posed:
As the smoke pellet goes off, the sounds of coughing and swearing, and the angered bellow of Mr.Lincoln fills the air. " What the bloody hell is going on over there," the elder Forthman shouts as you rush in and shove the table into the two Dragons. The dragons let out crys of pain as the table slams into them. Bruce Forthman, while coughing and wheezing, manages to get a glimpse at you and says," Oy! Your dat little brat from the dog fight! You cost me a good amout of money you did!" Lincoln, who eyes were harmed by the smoke and the light, mangaes to get a glimpse at you and charges, trying to take a swing at you.

Pippi has posed:
    Best way to avoid a hit is to bot be there, and Pippi ducks below the blow (being a good deal shorter than everyone else in the room helps!), and she snatches at the laptop to try and take it with her, ducking low and making a bee-line for one of the exits!

    "Stop fighting animals for your dumb sport!" is all she calls back to the group. "Next time I'll take YOU an' no one will find ya again!" she threatens.

Tombstone has posed:
As Pippi ran out of the room, she would see the Polo Rose coming back up the stairs towards the sound of the chaos. The Polo Rose lets out a choked surpirised noise and pulls out his pistol and starts to chase after you while shooting his pistol. Meanwhile, Mr.Lincoln tears out of the room and starts to chae you as well, letting out curses as he does.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi skids a moment as she sees Polo return, her ears shifting up a moment, her tail dropping as she sees the gun.

    WELL. That's not good. She gives a squeak as she ducks beneath the gunfire, dodging behind some boxes, an old drum of... well. It might have been 'leftovers' once upon a time, but it's kicked up, the fifty gallon drum goes sailing through the air in impossible arcs from a five-foot-nothin' kid giving it a kick, and explodes in her wake, the smell of long rotten meat and gelitin filing the area with its foulsome funk!

Tombstone has posed:
Polo Rose and the rapidly appraoching Mr. Lincoln were caught in the expolding barrel of meat and geletin. Polo Rose immeidatley started retching, dropping his piece in the process. If Mr.Lincoln was sick, he was not showing it, as he continued to charge toward you, now yelling out anggrily," You little motherfucka! That was my favorite suit you ruined!" As he got closer, you would notice that he has very sharp looking teeth.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi give a soft 'tch'! "Language man! I'm just a kid!" she calls back to Lincoln -- though the pallid palor, the sharp teeth... oh that doesn't look like a normal bad guy.

    "... that's new." she states, taking another couple steps backwards before she takes off again, sliding the laptop into her backpack so that her hands can be free, and she begins to look for an exit strategy.

    Meanwhile, there's plenty of flotsam and jetsam for Lincoln to start slinging at the dimunitive canine mutant as she skids below an assembly line, baseball-sliding into the machinery as she goes.

    If she can only circle back to the access exit -- and she looks for anything that might be a door to go outside.


Tombstone has posed:
Lincoln lets out a angered yell and startsto chase after Pippi again. But, instead of hurling random junk, Tombstone starts lifting objects like trashcans, heavy looking barrels that were long empty, and even a whole metal bin, and hurling them at Pippi as if they were nothing to him.

Pippi has posed:

    Metal is raining down all around her as Tombstone tries to get at Pippi, her eyes were half closed, her arms over her head as she makes sure nothing hits her noggin', and when she slides out from the other side of the machine separating line, the canine looks at the monstrously angry Lincoln Tombstone as he makes his way, letting nothing in his path stop him.

    Her head tilts. And that's some dog mask she's wearing, because her motuh opens up as she takes a deep breath, and drops into a ready stance before she leaps up onto the machinery, climbing it rapidly, jumping from plae to place as she tries to make it to some handy hanging chains!

    "Are you some kinda vampire or somethin'? 'Cause I met one once and he was *way* better lookin', human-speaking!"

Tombstone has posed:
Tombstone angrily glares up at Pippi and says," No, I ain't no vampire! The name's Tombstone, I am just some mean motherfucka who is pissed off at you kid!" He then picks up what appeared to be yet another trash can and hurls it at Pippi, trying to knock her off of her perch

Pippi has posed:
    "Language!" Pippi cals back down with a bit of a laugh, and then the trash can gets hurled. She's a bit trapped on the chains, and she gives a bark of surprise when it strikes her, her fingers releasing, but she drops down a couple of feet, one leg twisting in the chain painfully as she gives a huff of breath.

    Like that, though, Tombstone would be able to see that she's not some kid. Her ears are flicking back and forth now, her mouth opening, showing her inhuman teeth and long tongue.

    Obviously, she's some kind of small, furry alien. Or she's a dog.

    "Man, I've heard of /trash talk/ but that's a little literal for me!" she states, and then swings herself back up and continues to climb, looking to get up to the ceiling. Those beams are supportive, right?

    ... hey, and if he hits the ceiling hard enough...

Tombstone has posed:
Tombstone lets out a growl as he watches Pippi climb higher and higher. In his anger, he lifts the heaviest object yet, what appeared to be a gigantic industrial sized spool of plastic wrap. as he throws it, he said," Take this ya freak!"

Pippi has posed:
    "Aw c'mon! If I get hurt my sensei's gonna be just like that roll--" Pippi calls out, hopping to a different beam as the giant roll strikes. CRACK! It splits the roof, a portion of the metal and tar and gravel falling in, ugly rust water dripping down to the refuse-soaked packing floor and mechanically separated meat creator.

    "Through the roof!"

    And with that, the spy ninja dog leaps, scrambling up the breaking, twisting metal and making her escape!

    She didn't want to anticipate if Ben Polo, Swag Yolo or either of the other SOns of Dragons and Roses would be making their way to investigate!

Tombstone has posed:
Tombstone's yell of anger echoes through the factory as Pippi's makes her escape into the sunlight of the outdoor part of the plant. As you make your escape, you hear a beeping noise coming from the laptop itself, as if a email had just arrived.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi just keeps running, crossing over defunct connector poles and swinging from a light pole before she hits the greenery, scrambling up an unused delivery track and cresting over the hill, climbing a tree, and she waits in the branches, her ears pricked, listening for the sounds of being followed.

    And then, out of curiosity -- she pulls the laptop out of her bag, and opens it. She's not expecting anything -- she knows Donnie's computers all lock when he closes them.

Tombstone has posed:
As you open the laptop, you instantly hear a loud, boisterious voice yell out in a thick, British accent," Who the bloody hell are you and why do you have my son's laptop!"

It was Nigel Forthman, the old man Tombstone was talking to. He was still in his tropical surroundings. But, instead of the content, relaxed look he had before he now had a murderous glare that would kill you on the spot if looks can kill.

Pippi has posed:
    Nigel Frothing-at-the-mouth man, more like it. Pippi blinks a moment, amber eyes looking at the screen, and she tilts her head, her ears flicking foward. From the vantage point, it may look like someone is just letting their pet pitbull look at the screen. Someone who likes to put their pitbull in hoodies.

Tombstone has posed:
Nigel lets out a grunt of annoyance as Pippi does her dog act. He then yells out," Stop acting like a bloody dog and answer my question you lunatic!" His face at this point is turning as red as a lobster, mostly from anger as he starts to grit his teeth.

Pippi has posed:
    The laptop is turned, and a teen girl's voice rings out "All right, fine, I thought everyone liked dogs! Mind telling me who *you* are? You'r etoo tall to be 'Grumpy'!" she states, the laptop now looking out over the giant hole int he roof in the plant, in the distance.

Tombstone has posed:
Nigel growls and anger as he says," My name is Nigel Forthman,and you have the biggest bloody mistake and your life! Once i found out who you are and where you live I won't rest until my Roses tear you and everone you care about bloody apart!"

Pippi has posed:
    "Oh. Well that's easy." Pippi states, and doesn't illuminate. "An' I'm prettys sure this isn't the biggest mistake. After all, my life's been so short! I've got so many mistakes to make!" she chipperly replies to the very, very angry man. "But I'd let your friends know that if they insist on their plans, they're gonna see my friends again. An' next time, we won't just ruin a suit and make people lose bets. Next time?"

    And her voice gets serious. "I'll make sure he can't hurt anyone again."

    And with that, Pippi reaches to unplug the battery in the laptop. Wouldn't do if they can track it now, would it? "Bye now!"

Tombstone has posed:
"Don't you bloody-" Nigel's voice is cut off by tthe removal of the battery, plunging the screen into darkness. No doubt Nigel was having a fit in what tropical paradise he was hunkered down in right now. All you can hope is that this laptop has information about this Damballa Dust shipment and when it came in or on any other Roses racket.

Pippi has posed:
    The laptop clicks shut -- even if it doesn't have all the information on it, Donatello could stell find some use for it. She breathes out in a soft huff, looking over the factory with a soft huff of breath, and then turns, making her way to squrrel the depowered backpack away until Donnie can take a look at it -- after all, after she's been 'bugged' once, she doesn't care to let anyone try to track her back to her family's home.