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Latest revision as of 05:59, 12 December 2019

Back in Genosha
Date of Scene: 11 December 2019
Location: Hammer Bay, Genosha
Synopsis: Lorna tries to soften Magneto's views on Roberto.
Cast of Characters: Polaris, Magneto

Polaris has posed:
Lorna hadn't been to Genosha in over a month before last week. Not since the disaster of her birthday/coronation. It had all started as a means to protect her, but then changed into a complete mental break down for the heir to the throne. The Genoshan Council hadn't been patient, and dogged her constantly for her to return, and when she did, she had stayed.. though she'd been kept busy enough that she barely had time to stop by the royal suite, much less speak with her father.

Briefly, she had returned to New York, to the Manhattan apartment she now shared with Roberto, but once more she was back on the tropical island. No small part in thanks to Blink's continued teleports.

The royal princess swept back into the royal quarters of the palace, too tired to deal with the time change once again and go back to New York for the night. She shot Roberto another text message apologizing, and clicked her phone off, slipping it into the pocket of her flowing skirts. The chain belt around her waist jingled slightly as she made her way toward her father's private study, where she could usually find him, and knocked on the door, waiting for his word to enter.

Tense as her last meeting with her father had been, she needed to talk to him now that her mental state wasn't a complete and utter mess.

Magneto has posed:
     Magneto looked up from behind the wooden desk, embellished with metal, as he always did. The man was never without some kind of metal for his use, as a weapon of course. Years on the defensive had taught him two do this, in order to live to the next day, of course. It was a horrid life, but considering where he is now, the outcome could have been worse for the Genoshan Monarch.

  " Come in." He beckoned, sitting at his chair, comfortable as it was. His silver hair was kept short, and his jawline accented his powerful nature. But Lorna, out of all his children knew he was an old soul, despite his lexicon.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna stepped inside, her gaze swinging around to note the usual emptiness of her father's private study. Though classically decorated, it lacked the usual decorations of someone of as much monetary wealth as a King. Magneto had his metal accents, all of which hummed in Lorna's senses as sharply as it did in his own. The whole of the palace was metal, doors and windows could form at will.. Small wonder that she, with the same power set, was heir to the throne.

Her green eyed gaze, so colored like her mother's, settled on her father's form at his desk and she made her way over. "Do you have time to talk? I uhm... I wanted to apologize.." She stopped and started speaking, coming to a halt in front of Magneto's massive wooden desk. Her lips pursed into a thin line, and her weight rocked back onto her heels. The young Princess of Genosha wore a fairly simple gown of purple that shimmered to blue. A sure sign that she'd been out and about in public, but not in any particularly formal setting.

"For my behavior before. I uhm.. I shouldn't have lashed out at you like I did. You.. you were trying your best with a bad situation." She hesitated again. "For future reference though.. if there's something serious.. I want to be here to help. I want to know.. even if it's bad."

Magneto has posed:
     Magneto, for all intents and purposes, lacked the ire he would have normally had as Lorna came in. He was never mad at Lorna. "I am pleased you saw it for what it was." He comments, leaning on the desk, his hands steepled in front of his mouth.

  The man was thinking for a bit. "You are indeed capable of handling situations like that in the future." He adds in, inhaling sharply and sighing softly. "I however, do not approve of this union between you and -that- man. For political and personal reasons." Yes, he was not going to let that one go. Not so soon after the proverbial dagger was removed from his chest.

  "You once asked me to not pursue someone I thought would make an excellent consort. I shall not subject you to the same thing. But bear in mind the things he has said, about this country, and about me. And if that is whom you wish to be associated with." He was indeed growing weary of any situation involving Roberto Da Costa, and Lorna's situation was only one of many in the last year.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna exhaled a breath, her shoulders slumping faintly as her father agreed that she was in fact, ready at this point in her life to handle such things. Heart breaking or traumatic as they may be. She'd struggled, and she'd returned to her duties, in her mind, she had proven herself. Still, the green haired Princess' figure tensed as her father fell silent for a moment and seemed to collect his thoughts... and promptly addressed the issue of her who she was dating.

A relationship that had progressed far further than Magneto's pursuit of Rogue.

A faint flush crossed her cheeks, and her arms crossed as she angled her gaze low and bit her tongue. Hard. She stood in silence, trying to come up with what to say in the face of her father's cool words and demeanor. The King of Genosha he might be, but he was also her father, and she was his youngest child.

"I've already told him that he's not exactly welcome in Genosha. Not given his views on you, or the country as a whole... We've sort of broached the subject given his company.. and how that might be seen with us dating.." It was complicated. Roberto had sworn up and down to want to have nothing to do with Genosha and 'dictators'... and was now dating the heir to the throne. To say that was messy for a public image was an understatement.

Lorna reached up to twist her hair back from her face at the nape of her neck, biting her lower lip as she struggled with what else to say. What could she say?

"But emotionally he's been there for me father.. and he cares for me a great deal. We're only dating.. I can't even say if we'll be together three months down the road or three years.." She released a rough exhale, and her voice grew soft.

"You know I will always put Genosha and Genosha's needs first and foremost."

Magneto has posed:
     Max rested himself against his chair now. The man would never admit it, but he was torn slightly at the situation. The field around Magneto fluxed, nothing high enough to cause the metal to move or rattle. But enough that Lorna could feel the fields changing.

  "You will need to take these things into consideration when I am gone, and /you/" He emphasizes slowly, deliberately, but without rancor. "are Queen."

  Max makes the point clear, again. She will be Queen. That process had started the moment he announced her as his successor. "Your relationships, in friendship and in love. Will be scrutinized. More so than /any/ monarch before in the history of this planet. Because you are my daughter. The people of the world will look at you, either with love, or with scrutiny. 'Will she be the next Magneto?' 'Her husband hates Genosha.' " Max brings the argument, stating the facts of the issues. "And who you decide to court, will have great implications on our country, our people."

  "I want that fact to be perfectly clear, Lorna. Because one idle comment heard by the wrong person, can have lasting consequences to not just you, or our family. But to every man, woman, and child who call this nation, this sanctuary: Home."

  It was then that the weight of the throne, the brunt of all the responsibility that Magneto carried upon himself, shifted, if only for a brief moment, to his heir. He let his last statement hang, purposely. A taste of the entire scope of being the monarch of a country, served up for her to see.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna swallowed hard, her head hanging lower with each of her hands words as her hands knotted into the fabric of her skirts. The silken fabric crinkled there and her shoulders rose only faintly. Though her jaw tightened, her teeth grinding as she struggled with the dryness that formed at the back of her throat. Her father's words had the intended effect of making his youngest daughter cringe in a particularly muted fashion.

"I know." Her voice small, and soft. "I know." She repeated, her gaze lifting to swing over her father's figure.

"Roberto is still a powerful mutant, and he is the owner of a multinational company that seeks to help mutants everywhere. That's not a bad thing. He could help Genosha a great deal, and support the mutants here far better than having Lex Luthor being the sole investor of mutant technologies. Better than an alliance with Doom, or Atlantis. He has no crown to compete with, and he's respected internationally. Not as much as an Avenger, or other hero.. but he knows how to behave in the halls of power and not completely tank his public image. We've spoken a great deal about a press release together, about how to go forward with our relationship." She bit her lower lip. "At least for now. I haven't dated a man that is even close to being that aware of his position or mine." She glanced down and lifted her hands to stare at them.

"Yes he is critical of Genosha and our system of government here, but for now.. that's not.. it's currently not a problem. If it becomes one, then I will handle it. But Roberto isn't the travesty that you make him out to be either. You should have more faith in him, you taught him along with Doug, and others at Xavier's. Don't you have faith in your own teachings?"

Magneto has posed:
     "I have full faith in my teachings. What I have little faith in is his ability to learn." Magneto comments, dryly and with a certain amount of wit.

  "Because obviously if he thinks me a despot, then he payed no attention to the man who taught him." Yes, Magneto remembers his tenure as Xavier's Headmaster.

  Magneto did not like the current topic. "Whereas Samuel and the others hold me in high regard, to this day. Even Douglas, came here to explain the situation with Da Costa and he, and what he was trying to do with their project. Little did Roberto do to try and mend things."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna sighed, her tension leaving her slowly as her father spoke, his dry tone and the lessening of the bite in her voice was at least a sure sign that he wasn't going to demand she dump Roberto immediately.. Nor did she entirely like contemplating her father's death and her eventual rise as Queen. It made her uncomfortable in the extreme, even as she acknowledged that someday it would come to pass.

"Would you like me to bring him to Genosha to try to change his mind? Right now I've asked him to stay away so as to not antagonize anyone or anything. I would like the chance to change his mind about Genosha and how things are run here." She murmured, "He changed his mind about me after all.." She murmured and bit her lower lip again.

"Doug and the Professor have both suggested to Roberto in the past that he work quietly with Genosha and he agreed that doing so would be good for mutants. Just... give him time father." She left out the thought that maybe Magneto refrain from destroying the property of anyone that is critical of him too.. but figured that was pushing a little too much.

Magneto has posed:
     Magneto turned in his chair slightly, once the comments about Charles came along. "Quietly. Pah. Genosha stood on its own before. It will continue to stand, even without a silent partner." He resented the notion of keeping it quiet. "As if working with Genosha is a stain on ones character." He took out a hanky and spat in it for emphasis.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna sighed, coming around the massive desk toward her father and pausing before him. She pursed her lips, and glanced toward the massive window that opened up the view to Genosha below just behind him. Slowly, her gaze came back to her father. "Dad, you know a lot of people don't want to be seen having public ties to you. Not even Miss Frost is willing to have public ties to Genosha. Most people I've spoken to want to work through back channels and the alike so they don't face the same discrimination that we do. They're scared. Not everyone can take on the world on their own." She smiled softly, and reached out to try to give her father a half hug from where he sat in his office chair.

"That's why you're King." She added, drawing back. "You made sacrifices so that Genosha would have a future for all of mutant kind. Change will come, it's just going to take a while. Did you ever think when I was born that you'd have a mutant home-land? Did you ever think it was possible in your life time?"

Magneto has posed:
     Max raised an eyebrow as Lorna mentions Emma not wishing for a public relationship with Genosha. "Are you sure about that, my dear?" As if he was keeping glib on purpose, which was indeed the case as it went with this particular situation. "Lorna, one must make a stand. I have taken it on the jaw for far too long. Genosha needs people who have the chutzpah to stand with her. Not hiding in the shadows whilst tossing pittances from the eves."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna sighed, "Well the last time she was over for an official visit that's what she talked about, remember? It was back when Kitty came to visit her dad." It had been months and months ago by now. The Princess shrugged, having forgotten or completely written off Emma's more recent visit to Genosha via Clarice's portals. Still, she shot her father a look, and arched a brow upward.

"I know, but you can't force people to do what you want them to do. I would rather work on having quiet alliances than not have them at all. We're part of this world, we can't remain separate forever." She murmured, biting her lower lip.

"And I'm not counting Doom and Latveria in this. So far he's the only one that has openly accepted any terms of a possible alliance.." She reached up to drag her hands through her hair, and made a face.

"Please, just let me try to convince Roberto? Let me bring him here.. Don't throw him in jail just for showing up."

Magneto has posed:
     "Jail? Oh Lorna. I wouldn't throw him in Jail." Magneto responds quickly. He did really curb his own tendencies when it came to being King. "You think me so impulsive? So brash? I sit as King. If it were up to only me, I wouldn't have parked the fortress in international waters. It would have been right over Trask Industries before I rained hellfire on that pitiful excuse of a man." Yes, Magneto could be ruthless when he wanted to be. But he was fettered by the crown. The millions of people who looked up to him to lead this island nation. "And you could be guaranteed that the Friends of Humanity would only exist as pictures in history books."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shot her father a look, "Dad, I love you, but you seriously contemplated murdering him when I first mentioned we were dating." She drawled, her voice dry with only a little humor pulling at the edges of her words. Magento hadn't been in the best of mind sets at the time, and neither had she. Still, she smiled faintly at her father and leaned in to peck him on the cheek.

"Since you're being regal as your position merits then, I'll bring Roberto over sometime this weekend and show him around. Perhaps that will change his perspective a little bit. Hmm? It's almost Hanukkah, consider it an early gift to me that you'll tolerate his presence on your island for a few hours."

Magneto has posed:
     "I'll withdraw the gallows then." He comments, half serious. "If he hurts you. I will have his head as a trophy." Is the last thing he says on the subject of Roberto Da Costa. No humor, it wasn't a threat, it was a promise.

  "Very well, if you insist he visit, I will allow it."