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Latest revision as of 08:05, 16 December 2019

The Doctors In
Date of Scene: 15 December 2019
Location: Clinton (Hell's Kitchen), Manhattan
Synopsis: Kid finally Doc Samson as a potential therapist. Goes about as well as you would think.
Cast of Characters: Kid, Doc Samson

Kid has posed:
    It was a late night in Hells Kitchen. But nothing exactly extrdinary. The Local Police Department, at the insistance of one Officer Orion, has requested they try to get none other than Leonard Samson, to come visit him at his home.

Orion was a parole officer, who has in a sense become a Guardian to a gorilla named Jua Madala...who is well known for having rage issues, let alone being telepathic. While the gorilla seems to be doing better, his guardian believes that the help of a therapist would help things tremendaousely...and is even willing to pay Doc Samson himself if he needs too.

For now Orion waits a bit nervousely by the door, waiting for the doctors arrival.

Doc Samson has posed:
Samson's footsteps resound loudly enough to herald his arrival, which is confirmed by his rap-rap on the front door.

"Good evening," he says when it opens. "I'm Dr. Samson. You--or maybe someone else on the force--called for me?"

Samson glances about. "I'll admit that the request was an intriguing one. I'm not entirely certain how I can help, but I think you--or whomever it was--made the right decision in reaching out to me."

He smiles warmly. "Anything I need to know before I meet them?"

Kid has posed:
    Orion opened the door, and seem quite relieved seeing him. The man house was pretty neat...and Orion was certainly a much older man. In his late 60's early 70's perhaps. "I did, thank you for comming Sunny. In truth not entirely certain myself. But that boy needs to talk to someone, and finally get this....anger of his under control." he sighs seeing almost defeated "He...no...I'll see what you can do. What you need to know is he despises doctors, police officers...and anything resembling them. He used to be much quicker to lash out...but he never been put in...this situation" he seemed worried "And finally...he does not do small places...so do not close the door to his room. If you feel privacy is needed...me and the wife can take leave."

There a pause "Oh! That right...he is telepathic selectively mute. Do not be surprise if he plays an assortment of tricks on you, though..." he says loudly "I MADE IT CLEAR I WOULD GROUND HIM IF HE DID"

This was promptly followed by a very loud thud of anger back. The old man grunts "Kids"

Doc Samson has posed:
Nodding calmly in response, Samson clears his throat. "I see. Well, if there's one emotion that I've come to understand well, it's anger--and I've done quite a bit of work with anger management, too."

"I don't think you need to leave," Samson continues, slipping out of his jacket. "In fact, it's entirely possible that he may want you nearby. We'll play it by ear."

When the thud resounds, Samson raises an eyebrow. "This sort of communication happen often?" He quickly raises a hand. "Forget I asked. I'll see what he has to tell me. Please, lead on."

Kid has posed:
     Orion nods, and leads the way. Passing through the kitchen and than living room where an old lady was weaving a very....ugly christmas sweater. There was even a tree up....and very oddly decorated, as if by someone who never decorated a tree.

Finally they get to a further corner, where there a splinttered door, leading in a brightly lit room. Inside the room was, sparse, not many belonging. Instead of a bed, there was a hammock, and an assortment of tools, gadgets and whatchamacallits.

Upon entering the room...one can just feel seething anger...and it seemed very much directed at Doc the moment he stepped in.

In the hammock was alarge, what appeared to be mutant teen, tinkering away at an erector set. He glances up looking to Orion.

Orion despite nothing being said says "Yes. You have too. I will be in the living room with Martha." he turns to Samson "Good luck" before leaving the two alone...but moving slowly, perhaps a bit worried.

Doc Samson has posed:
The doctor spends a long moment standing by the doorway, jacket slung over one arm. "Hi there," he finally says, his voice cheerful. "I'm Len. A lot of my friends call me Doc. You can call me either."

Samson takes a single step into the room. "What are you working on? Can I take a look at it?" he asks softly. "It looks like you're putting together something important."

Kid has posed:
Kid growls at Doc when he steps into his room, and was litterly about to hurl a socket wrench at Samson head...but before he does Orion yells out "And do not forget what I said! No throwing Tools! Or Illusions!"

Kid...slowly put the wrench down and...bites hard into his arm in sheer frustration. He looks to Samson...peeks behind him, before seeming to adjust a watch on his arm.

He begins to sign, and a synthetic male voice soon follows "Touch it and I rip your throat out" he threatens immediately...the the voloumn was almost a whisper, likely to avoid more trouble.

Kid gave the vibe that he was rather serious, and not prone to empty threats.

Doc Samson has posed:
"Sure," Samson says. "Of course. I don't want to mess anything up. I was just hoping to take a look at it. But," he adds, "if looking at it would mess it up, then I definitely won't do that."

He stands where he'd stepped, not moving any further into the room. "Do you build things often? I do that, too, although I'm not always good at it. It helps me think through solving problems, so even if the device I made doesn't quite do its specific job, sometimes it does a different job."

Glancing back over his shoulder toward the direction of Orion's voice, Samson smiles and looks at the gorilla. "Do you get along well with them?"

Kid has posed:
Kid grabs a screw driver...he seemed to slow down...while his anger was apparent he did seem to be listening. He signs "doesn't need a job, just needs to work." he responds with.

He glances up when the other question is asked "Orion...is fine for a stupid cop" he did seem conflicted at that. His shoulder even sag some when he does so, perhaps suggesting he actually really did like Orion...save for that bit. "He let me crash at his place. Long as I listen to his rules. Well most of the rules."

He was eyeing Samson now....really eyeing him...he not so subtlely prods at Samson head, trying to get a read on his emotions.

Doc Samson has posed:
"Fair enough. What kind of work does it need to do? That is, how do you know when it's working?" Samson asks, brushing hair out of his face.

His thoughts are calm, a mix of genuine curiosity about the erector set (and the kid's goals) and professional demeanor when approaching a potential patient.

"Does Orion have a lot of rules? Or are some of them just a lot harder to try and follow than others?" Samson pauses for a moment. "I know that when I was growing up, my dad had a lot of rules for me. I didn't do so well with them."

Mentally, there's a flash of somewhat muted anger and pain, but it subsides. "Of course, I wouldn't call him a 'fine' dad, by any means," Samson adds. "So I know our situations aren't very similar."

Kid has posed:
Kid shakes his head and signs "Not...too many. He just...worried I guess." he hehs "he shouldn't have too. Just...wasting his time. Ain't it all we do?"

Kid certainly looked a bit defeated when he says this, not seeming to have much belief in better things. He noted how...calm Samson was...the curiosity. He eyed him "It's always working. It just a matter of deciding when it works enough. This thing just a suit up car really. Might toss it in the sewer and drive it around. I gave it eyes, a voice, legs if you count wheels" describing the machine more like a person.

He finally drops the illusion and is just a very large gorilla, still signing though...kid seemed, in pain "My pa was the best pa. Orion is not my pa." was being the operative word. He begins screwing the bolts with more vigore, anger it seems. He seemed to be willing to open up to Samson some, but that ever present anger never left.

Doc Samson has posed:
Samson shrugs. "Some would say that, sure. But some might call 'worrying' a kind of /caring/ for, and about, others. For people we care about." He smiles. "And it seems like Orion cares about you. Even if he's not your pa--but I recognize that nobody can really compare to the best."

As details about the erector-set car are provided, Samson nods. "Does it have a name? What kind of voice did you give it? Sounds impressive. Really."

The illusion drops, and Samson sees the gorilla as he is. "I want to thank you for sharing your self with me." Samson taps his own chest to punctuate the statement. "I think it's fair to say that each of us has a true self and the self we want others to see--sometimes because we think that's the better self, and sometimes because we want to protect our true self."

The doc chuckles softly. "For a long time--a /long/ time--I wasn't my true self. But I am now. And I've got a few friends who struggle with it, too. But when we can share our selves with one another, it can really be a liberating experience. A change of mindset."

Kid has posed:
Kid shakes his head "nah. don't give a name to something that gonna die soon" he says, indicating he likely wasn't going to have it long. "Just a normal voice." he signs. "Hope to get a hover one going. They got drone models, but it better to make your own."

He ignored the careing bit, and his lips curl into a simian snarl. Though he still sticks to hand gestures "I ain't afraid of the true me, if that what your getting at. I know what I am...and I am fine with that." he screws the screw...untill it snaps. He tosses the machine aside and get off his hammock. "What are you really here for anyways?" he signs. There was an eb and flow to the room...moments of calm...followed by moments of tenseness...the room once the screw snapped, was growing much more tense, and kid moved with greater aggrivation.

Doc Samson has posed:
The doctor nods in response to Kid's explanation of the car's limitations. "Definitely. Not just because it's more enjoyable to make it yourself, but you can also make sure it works the way you want it to. You don't have to rely on whatever someone else decided it would do."

When the kid snarls, Samson clears his throat. "Of course. I was talking about those friends of mine. And about me, to an extent, too. But I'm sorry that I wasn't clearer."

Samson doesn't flinch when the gorilla leaves the hammock.

"Well, I was asked to come talk with you. Get to know you," he says. "Like you said, Orion worries. But just because he worries doesn't mean there's no value to the visit. For example," Samson continues, "do you often talk to other people who are as strong or large as you are? Or do you have to deal a lot with humans who are much smaller than you and who are much weaker?"

Kid has posed:
Kid opens a few draws, bringing out other tools and peice of machinery...broken parts from other things. He glares towards Sam before signing "Smaller and Weaker. But that does not make a difference. it not my strength that makes them pay....that just the cherry ontop" that was a rather...specific choice of wording. He slams the draw close and opens another rifling through it, shaking the drawer as he does so, seeming almost desperate as he looks through it.

He slams the drawe shut when he doesn't fine what he wants. "Regardless, your wasting your time. You don't want to know me, your just goon out of a suit. Why you really here? Let me guess, pick my mind, try to find what makes me tick, what makes me flip? Comming up with little mind games to test your twisted..." his hair was standing on end as he approches Sam rather threatened "sense of curisity, is that it?" he was definintly starting to lash out now.

Doc Samson has posed:
"What do you mean by that?" Samson asks, shifting his weight just slightly from one leg to the other. "Who needs to pay, and for what?"

As the gorilla grows upset, Samson exhales deeply. "Do you find someone asking questions to be playing a mind game? Yes, I'll admit I was interested to meet you. You sounded a lot like someone I consider a good friend. He had trouble talking about things for a long time. He still does. I thought that you might be able to benefit in a way he hasn't."

Samson continues. "If all you want to do is shut everyone out who might want to know you, then you've got the right to do so. But I'd also suggest that there's some productive value to talking. To socializing. I think Orion might agree on that ... but it /is/ ultimately your call."

Kid has posed:
Kid was almost dancing back and forth, pacing, as if he was a trapped animal. He goes back and forth again and again, his hairs standing on eye, his eyes becomming dilated.

"Every...guard....every...scientist." he kicks aside some tools, seeming to act in some ways human in others animal. "Every doctor....there all....the same." and suddenly he just chucks entire tool boxes at Samson as a telepathic and beastly voice yells "GET OUT" seeming to really really not want to be there right now.

Doc Samson has posed:
Swatting the tool boxes as they're chucked his way, Samson nonetheless backs up and through the doorway.

"I take it that you're ... not ready to consider talking with me yet," Samson responds, random hand tools bouncing off his forearm. "It's ok. I understand. This meeting feels 'off' to you--it's okay. Really. Thank you for letting me share your space for a bit here. Have a good night. Maybe we can talk again at some other time."

The doctor casually walks back through the house toward the front door. "Orion," he notes, "thank you again for calling me. I think there's some real promise here. Believe it or not--there was progress made, even in the few minutes I got to talk with him. I'm willing to try again if you, and he, are."

Kid has posed:
Kid seemed to only get more enraged by Sam's words, and looked about ready to tackle him despite what he seems. His eyes seemed filled with...absolute hatred. Whatever it was that set him off, it seems that Orion stepping into the hall...was the only thing that stopped the onslaught of tools.

Someone was grounded.

Orion none the less looks to Samson "Thank you for comming. I am sorry he assulted you" he glances back towards the now littered hallway "It used to be worse" he notes.

"I am not sure if he is. He wasn't even willing for this. But the fact he even spent that much time with you, tells me it must be doing something right. I am willing to try again. And I will drag gim by his ear if I have too" he was serious about the rilla needing a hand.

Doc Samson has posed:
"Let's not force it on him," Samson replies. "It can be a lot to take in. I know that when I was a teenager, I sure didn't have much of a handle on my emotions or understanding how I responded to difficult questions."

He pats Orion's shoulder. "When you're ready, though, I'm happy to come back and talk some more. He really does remind me of a certain ... friend of mine. It feels like very familiar territory."

Stepping to the door, Samson dons his jacket. "Have a good night," he says to Orion. "Have a good night! Thanks for the conversation!" he calls out.

Then, the doctor heads off into the night.