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Latest revision as of 18:12, 17 December 2019

Five months already
Date of Scene: 17 December 2019
Location: Apartment 1A, Muggins Apartments, Jackson Heights
Synopsis: Peter and Kitty go on a date for their 5 month aniversary! They talk about starting a band and then go drink and swinging. Nobody died. Fin.
Cast of Characters: Spider-Man, Shadowcat

Spider-Man has posed:
Five months already?!

Peter usually can't keep track of his shoes for that long, let alone hold onto a relationship.. but Kitty really is The One. Pete had pulled out all the stops for this little soree! Text: I'll pick you up after work.

The text had been sent shortly before she left, before she'd had a chance to change even! And who is it that shows up? Spider-Man. Dangling upside down with a little side to side swing from a Flag pole in Kitty's path as she left Stark Industries. "Oh hellooooo thereeeeee..."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty usually dresses nicely for work. Not that she's trying to impress anyone there in the way that she likes to impress Peter. But she's in the fittest shape of her life, and the slacks and blouse are definitely showing that beneath her leather jacket as she heads down the sidewalk away from Stark Tower.

The sight of a certain dangling friendly neighborhood person brings a beautiful smile to her lips. "Oh no," she says at the sight of him. "This could be very awkward as my boyfriend is supposed to be coming to meet me," she says to him, keeping her voice low enough his ears should be the only ones to pick it up.

She walks over to him, smiling. "So.... upside down kiss?" she asks, expression hopeful, before reaching for his mask if he agrees. Rolling it down his face just enough to expose his lips.

Spider-Man has posed:
"I called him, he said it's cool if I kidnap you for a night.. he's really a sharing kind of guy.. I bet you didn't know that about him." Spidey says with a dangling turn of extremely strong core muscles keeping hism aloft and upside down on the webline. He's dressed... like Spider-Man.. but he has a web-pack on his back.

"Well, it's gonna be a busy night, so we could go ahead and get the upside down kiss over with now, sure? There'll be others though... If you check the itinerary on your phone, you will note that there are twenty four upside down kisses planned for tonight.. but first!"

One hand reaches up to roll the mask down/up to reveal a freshly shaven, even after-shave scented!, face. "We have dinner reservations at casta del rooftop... It's an exclusive establishment."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty smiles and takes his cheeks in both hands and says, "I don't know if that will be enough for me, but it's a start." The kiss that ensues might be steamy enough to push the rating past PG-13 on its own.

Kitty's face is one big bright smile when their lips finally part, her eyes closed as she was savoring it, finally letting them flutter open to see him again. "Mmm. And you smell good," she tells him, sliding her fingers over the smooth skin of his jawline."

Kitty helps rolls his mask back into position and says, "Well, I don't want to keep them waiting for us to show and give our table away," she tells him. She's just tickled pink, and no doubt thinking about that date in the park that was her first experience like this with him. She offers her arms to him for Spider-Man to take her away, like it was a Calgon commercial from long ago.

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete dangles from the webline, but only long enough to grab Kitty around the waist, pulling her into another PG-13 rated kiss, only upright this time! This one's for the older audiances! "Okay, hold on!" His arm loops in tighter as he gives a strong tug of the line and launches the pair of them up into the air as effortlessly as breathing.


Another line, swinging them along on that single thread in a wide, loopy, arc towards an alleyway. It's not their first time swinging through New York though! Nothing is surprising anymore, but it's every bit as exciting now as it had been Five Months ago.

This time, however, he's purposeful in his position and leading them in a very specific direction. "We're almost there!"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's arms wrap around Spider-Man, just as tight as the first time though now it is solely from the desire to be pressed close to him. Even when he barely avoids them crashing into a wall, using a new webline to alter their course, she doesn't even flinch. Just nuzzles her face in against his cheek and nestles there in his strong arms.

"If I could only tell the girls at work they'd be so jealous. A few of them are already actually. I have a picture of you on my desk. The one with the great smile when we were at May's," Kitty tells him. She lets out a giggle of delight and relaxes in his arms, held close and enjoying the ride as Peter swings them about the city, people glancing out their windows at the sight of them hurtling past. So is a five month anniversary for a superhero.

Spider-Man has posed:
Spidey lands them on the roof in a little jog and swings Kitty around effortlessly in genetically altered muscled, arms, "Jealous eh? Of me?" Pssssssh, once he's released her, he reaches up to pull his mask off and tuck it into the bottom portion of his costume. That same hand ruffling his curly brown hair as he nods towards the picnic blanket laid out.

Whether she realizes it or not, it's the same place Spidey and Kitty had first kissed. Just not on the stairwell like that time, but actually on the roof, and positioned so they have a birds eye view of New York City's skyline at sunset. With the warm glow lighting up the Hudson off in the distance, "I mean I'm pretty awesome, sure... but..."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty does indeed recognize the location. "You're so romantic. How did a Queens boy grow up to be romantic anyway? I thought they put you throw like... rudeness and vulgarity classes in this city. 'Eh you. How /you/ doin'!?'" she says, faking a New York City accent and tickling her fingers over his Spider-Man suit, and his ribs, as she does.

The teasing expression fades as Kitty shines a bright smile to Peter. "You are pretty awesome," she confirms to him, eyes sweeping over Peter's face. "You have a gentle way with my heart too. Because it's all yours. Yet you've never made me feel the slightest bit of... anything. Anything bad," she tells him. Kitty goes up on her toes to brush a tender kiss to his lips and then sighs happily. "So what did you pick for tonight?" she asks, looking at the blanket.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter snorts at Kitty and waves a hand in playful dismissiveness, "Eeeeeyyy..." Imitating the Fonz... Both hands finger gunned, "I don't even start gettin' bad Ms. P... not until we're married, ooooooo..." His hands come around to scoop her up and deposit her on his back in a piggy carry towards the blanket laid out across the gravel strown rooftop.

"I chose... wines and cheese.. mostly store bought stuff, not gonna lie, but the Wine is the bottle I brought back from France.. I know we were going to save it for when either of us learned to cook something worth drinking it with..." Glancing back, "But I think we both know that's never going to happen.. so here we are."

Shadowcat has posed:
Peter's girl happily clings to him as he carries her over and sets her down on the blanket. She draws her legs up beside her and slides over near to Peter once he's taken his seat as well. "I think we're probably safe to open it now," she agrees with a laugh. "Crunch berries and wine just don't go together like they used to," she teases.

Kitty looks over the spread, getting a piece of the cheese and nibbling it as her eyes come back to smile over to Peter. "This was a nice surprise," she tells him warmly. "You know, I've never had anyone who made me feel quite so... cared for," she says, pausing to find the right words. "I don't expect a man to always be there for me, to make me so much of a focus of his life. But you do. And I love it. And you still manage to teach at the school, and be a hero. I don't know how you pull it off," Kitty tells him. "I just hope I manage to make you even a fraction as happy as you make me."

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete deposits a Kitty on the blanket and then settles down himself, laid out with his upper body support on his eblow and his legs crossed out to the side. "Well..." He says, starting to say something and then closing his mouth to think about how to say it differently... His brow furrows in that way he does when he's really thinking hard about a thing.

Usually meaning he's about to get in his own way somehow.

"There's kind of something... listen, this has been great, Kitty.." He looks down at the blanket, running a finger along the seams. Frown slowly curling the corners of his mouth, "The best couple months of my life, really, which... is why I don't want to.. I think.. like-" He glances up at her.

"I.. think... okay."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty reaches over to slide a hand onto Peter's that isn't holding his torso up. She gives his hand a little squeeze and then slides over a little closer even. "Best couple of months in my life too," she tells him warmly. "Better than going into space, even." She smiles at him with those soft brown eyes of hers echoing the warmth that her lips show him.

"What is it, Peter?" she asks him quietly. "If you're going to tell me you think Phantom Menace is the best movie now... I think I need a bit more than five months," she tells him, her head tilting to the side critically before she turns it into a grin.

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete coughs into his fists, "I mean... the special effects were good, sure... ya know, now that I think about it, Phantom Menace was kind of an unappreciated piece of ar- ofcourse not, what the hell do I look like over here? You know, you insult a fella like that and..." Pete squints at Kitty, but can't help grinning, even if it faulters. "No, I'm worried that what Imma say is worse (IF ONLY SLIGHTLY) than that..." Again looking down, clearly trying to be dramatic.

"We've had a lot of fun together right?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty breaks out laughing. Peter gets her. In a way that no one else really has. People like Doug and some other friends do get the geeky side of her. But there's something next level about how Kitty connects with Peter Parker. And it shows in her smile and laugh and just in the way she looks at him whenever they are together.

"We've had a lot of fun together," she agrees. "And I'm really trying to come up with what could be worse than that," she tells him. She really doesn't try though. There's so many things that could come to mind that actually are worse, most of them not things she'd want to remember.

And Peter's presence would tend to ward them off anyway. Kitty gives Peter another squeeze of her hand, going silent so he can continue.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Okay this joke isn't playing out the way I was intending... you were suppose to assume I was going to break up with you and then I was going to say hahahaha never we're gonna be together forever and tell you to take a sip of wine..." Pete squeezes Kitty's hand and nods down at the wine glass, "Where it would be really dramatic for me to have a ring at the bottom fo the glass, but I don't because as good as that is, I only thought of it like thirty seconds ago... so... uh... you know, just really good wine and some cheese and a poorly concieved lead in that goes nowhere."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty looks down at the wine glass suspiciously and then back to Peter. "I've been through that once," she tells him, "And I think I know the look by now. Which you, Peter Parker, don't have," Kitty tells him with a warm laugh. "You always make my life interesting though," she says, setting her wine aside and slipping her arms around him to hug herself to him.

"I've loved people before, and been loved. But there really is nothing I've ever experienced like what we have. Even my Mom and Dad. Well, they are divorced, but even back when I was younger. I don't think they connected on the level we do," Kitty tells Peter. She smiles to him and picks up a piece of cheese to bring to his lips. "So there's a little bit of time left to Christmas. If you have been a good boy this year, is there anything you were hoping Santa would bring you?" she asks.

Spider-Man has posed:
"yeeeah yeeeaaah, me too. I don't even remember how I asked Betsy." Pete says with a little frown, "I bet you it was lame, though.. I basically know it was because I can't remember it." Reaching out to run a finger across Kitty's cheek, flicking hair out of her face and rubbing his palm down to her shoulder. "I was probably like... hey you know we have like six different multi-verse lovers, but we should get married..." Adopting a really deep, not Peter, but kind of Peter if Peter were super Edge Lord and low key creeper driving a free hugs van.

"Whatever.. one day it'll be the dopest. Big moment.. maybe after we fight a two hundred foot tall mechanical lizard... MECHA GODZILLA ENGAGEMENT!" He leans in and kisses Kitty's nose. "I can't tell you, not while people are watching, but... ask me again later."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty gives Peter a little swat, shaking her head and laughing. Neither of them have gone into too much detail on their past relationships. They know enough, and both were in situations they were ready for each other to meet when they did. "I can't imagine you doing anything that isn't super romantic," she tells him. "Though you probably did have six different multi-verse lovers," she says.

Their lives are weird.

Kitty smiles and says, "I've really had enough of fighting giant robots for one lifetime. I'd rather devote the rest of my lifetime to something else." she leans her forehead against Peter, reaching a hand around to brush her fingers over the back of his head. "I love you, Peter Parker," she tells him warmly. "And I want the whole world to know it. Even Bekka, the cute singer who thought my giving her a twenty was flirting. Ok, I winked too, but it wasn't THAT kind of wink. She went on a date with Debbie from Applied Technology though. They'll make a cute couple," she says of the singer from the Music Center in Salem Center.

"Oh, speaking of. I've been thinking about something too. Something... I've wanted to do for a long time. But never made the time for," she tells Peter, gazing over into his eyes.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Im not going to a Star Trek convention unless I can be Spook, I told you this already..." Pete says in a quiet voice that likely indicates he does not think that's what Kitty is getting at /at all/. His fingers slide down to lace with hers, "Whatever it is, if it's you and me, I'm probably going to say yes please... except Becca.. I don't do sharing well and I know how that ends, cute singer gets all the attention and I'm left looking on like the director..." He shakes his head slowly, tumbling curls everywhere. "Nope, no thank you."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde reaches up to brush her fingers through those wonderful curls of his. Peter's hair has such body, and she loves it. Loves to touch it and slip her fingers through it. Kitty doesn't need much excuse for it, but his cute little pouting about the singer hitting on Kitty gives her one anyway and she jumps at the chance.

"Well, actually, it is sort of... something in that direction," Kitty says, pausing and looking at Peter. Gauging his reaction as he slowly realizes that yes... Kitty is going to ask...

"Would it be ok if I got a musical instrument?" she asks. "I've been thinking about it for awhile. I've never really spent much time on music before. Tinkered around with a piano once or twice but never really set out to learn and get good. There was always something to do. I figured I could get a keyboard at the apartment, and also use the piano at school sometimes," she says. Kitty smiles at Peter. "And /you/ can be my singer who gets all the attention, then."

Spider-Man has posed:
"Oh you." Peter slaps at Kitty's arm playfully, "You want a kazoo? That's all?" A grin starts curling the corners of his mouth, leaning in towards her to kiss the tip of her nose, "Of course you can get a musical instrument.. what do I look like, a monster? Besides, it'll piss off the triplets.. and you know how I love making their life a living hell since I realized they lived across the hall." He doesn't, he nothings them!

"I love you Kitty Pryde. You want to be a rock star, you go be the best rockstar you can be!" Flopping back all flayed out on the blanket with his palm up to push hair out of his face so he can stare at the stars starting to dot the sky.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde lies down at Peter's side, resting her head over on his shoulder and looking at the stars with him. "I don't want to be a rock star. Just seeing what Dazzler has gone through with that, I... ok well, maybe ONCE it would be kind of cool to play a concern," she says, laughing. "But no, seriously, I'd just like to be able to play. For us. Maybe be able to teach... someone else... some day," she says, smiling over to Peter coyly before looking back up at the stars.

"I kind of considered seeing if you'd like to play the drums. You know. So the triplets would love you even more. But... then I'd have to listen to you playing the drums," she says, giving Peter's belly a little poke. It's like poking granite with a little covering of warm flesh over it. She pokes it again. Yeah. Still not tired of that.

Spider-Man has posed:
"I wouldn't mind being a drummer. Ya know, get all the stares, wiggle sticks around my fingers during interviews and develop a wicked deep cocaine habit." Peter nods with a playfully smug expression as he's poked, but for the arm wrapping beneath Kitty's shoulders to roll her even closer up against his side.

"You sure you don't want to get rock band though? I mean... less expensive... get to look cooler." He's teasing, turning too, and kissing Kits' forehead. "You can do whatever you want babe."

Shadowcat has posed:
The warmth of Peter's body is a welcome thing, and she snuggles in against him, held tight in the fold of Peter's arm. She realized awhile back it was her favorite place on Earth. Though Google Maps didn't seem to want to let her change it in her preferences. Apparently he moves around too much.

"We can get Rock Star too. But I want the real thing," Kitty tells him. "Who knows, maybe someday I'll teach dance somewhere. And being able to play for the students myself would be nice to do. That and there's a certain brown-haired man I'd like to sing a few songs to. Especially this time of year. Gather around a piano with you and Lockheed and Jester. We can sing. They can... um... howl, and burn down the apartment, in tune with us," she suggests. Kitty brushes her fingers lightly over Peter's chest as they talk, sliding them atop his shirt. "Does May play anything?" she asks.

Spider-Man has posed:
"She use to play in an all girl Four None Blondes cover band." Peter says with a smirk to the side, rubbing his chin in against the top of Kitty's head when she mentions teaching dance and playing for the students. His hand slides up and down Kits arm, "You can play for me /anytime/... even when you're not good at it yet, I'll smile and say how absolutely wonderful you are even when it's all 'ploooong' 'pluunks' doooooooooooong."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty grins and asks, "Did she? What instrument did she play?" She turns her head, nuzzling it down to Peter's shoulder gently. "I'd love to play for you. But I'd want to be good. I hate half-assing things. Though yes, you'd probably end up having to hear all of what it took to get good. Probably hate the songs by the time I was competent at them.

She turns on her side a bit more, facing Peter. "Not that I imagine you'd ever make me feel bad about it," she says with a smile. "You really are an amazing guy, Mr. Peter Parker. And I'm not talking about anything to do with thwip thwip punch swing kick quip," she tells him. "Though that's pretty darn bad-ass too." She sighs happily, closing her eyes as she snuggles in against him. "Thank you for this. For all of this," she says happily of the picnic on their special rooftop spot."

Spider-Man has posed:
"For the next forever, babe." Peter promises with a kiss to the top of Kits head, "You're worth it. You'll always be worth it... and you'll always be mine." Grinning up at the sky as it goes from orange to light purple, "NOW.. there's another part of the night that we've not even touched on, but for /that/ we're going to need to head back home and turn off the DVR..." Rolling his head to the side to look at nothing, "Sorry kids, it gets less PG-13 from here."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty breaks out laughing warmly, charmed by Peter's quirky way that is like no one else she's ever known. "I think I'd like that part of the night," she tells him. Kitty leans over to brush a kiss to Peter's lips, smiling as her fingers move to caress along his cheek. She glances over at the level of Peter's wineglass. "Are you sure that you're ok to go? I mean, drinking and web-slinging... we might need to call Gwen to be a designated thwipper," she tells him with a wink.

Kitty rises to her feet, reluctant to leave the warmth of Peter's body. She puts the remains of the picnic away and gathers up the blanket, folding it through the handles of the basket before moving close to Peter, her arm going around him for the trip home.