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Latest revision as of 03:45, 21 December 2019

Simple Gifts
Date of Scene: 20 December 2019
Location: Breakstone, Westchester County
Synopsis: A gift left by the little brook for Poseidon turns into a lovely chat, and the prospect of a gift and even a possible visit to his palace one day!
Cast of Characters: Nightingale, Poseidon

Nightingale has posed:
     It might be the dead of winter, with most water frozen over and several inches of snow on the ground. But that has not prevented one from venturing out into the cold with a joyous task in mind. Shannon's black boots crunch in the snow as she tromps out to the spot by the brook where she'd begun to make a habit of leaving offerings for Poseidon, with an armful of greenery gathered just earlier that same morning, plus an enclosed candleholder fit to hold a small votive candle. She's dressed in a wine red tunic sweater, brown and gold leggings with stripes and snowflakes, and the aforementioned black boots. She's got a red and white striped hat on against the cold, a similarly striped scarf around her neck, and mittens of similar hue to her sweater. Of late, since the last time she had been here, there had been the change to her hair of a single ice blue braid on the left side of her face, which hangs loosely, and has three little silver beads on the top.

     Upon reaching the spot, she smiles, seeing that winter's chill had somehow not kept the water of the little brook from flowing. She sets down the armful of greens and candleholder, and begins brushing away the snow from the little flat rock which had served to hold offerings in the past, and also to clear away the area around the stone. What could she be up to...?

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon is, right now, sitting on his throne down in the palace under the waves that he occasionally calls home. This time he's not scrying on the mortal world, even if someone probably would want that.
That someone is in the form of a servant, kneeling in front of the throne as Poseidon stares him down "I mean, I've been living for tousands of years, ruled over the oceans, shaped this place with a thought, and you truly think that you can embezzle from my coffers just like that? Damn!" he slams his right fist on the armrest of the throne so strongly that the floor for a moment shakes "The thing that makes me so mad is that if you huge idiot had asked, I would've given you the damn gold.!" he stands, towering over the quite frightened man "and since you've used all my patience for today, but not all my kindness, instead of disintegrating you I will just turn you into something that might better use your brainpower!" there, with a flash of light, the servant disappears, and in its place a small crab scuttles sideways on the floor! "get out of my sight, now..." he states, sitting back on his throne with a sigh... His mind then opens, listening to whomever may be looking for him now that the immediate worries have been dealt with.

Nightingale has posed:
     Whether Poseidon was scrying on the mortal world or no, it didn't matter quite so much to Shannon at the moment. She was just happy to be out there, sitting down on the rock, and turning the armful of greenery into a fairly good-sized wreath. She's also brought cranberries which have been strung upon some thread; this has been set aside as she works on the wreath, humming softly. It takes her a little bit of time, but when it's done, she gets up and sets the wreath down on the flat rock where she was just sitting a moment ago. The candleholder is placed in the center, the candle lit, and the little door on the lantern-like holder closed for safety. She turns her attention to the cranberries and smiles, stringing strand after strand of the bright red berries up on the trees. Even if she had not thought up a suitable song for the god of the seas, at least he would have the song of Nature itself, in the form of birds who would no doubt feast well today!

Poseidon has posed:
As always whenever he checks the handful of mortals who still worships him, his mind flies to Shannon, and as his magic informs him of her location, a smile forms on his lips! He stands up slowly, straightening himself and moving a few steps forward. in doing so, his armor vanishes, replaced by an ocean blue robe that flows down to conceal his body leaving his ageless face and white hair uncovered though. Then he steps forward again, and as thhechanels magic into a teleportation spell, he's no longer in his throne room but, instead, stands a couple of metres behind shannon. "nice day isn't it?"

Nightingale has posed:
     Caught in mid-motion, with her arms raised to the task of stringing yet another strand of cranberries from the branches of an oak that had long since lost its leaves to autumn, Shannon glances behind her, her lips curling upwards into a smile that grows wider by the minute. She finishes hanging the strand of cranberries in her hands, a few more draped over her left arm, and turns towards Poseidon. Wings outspread, she offers him a bow, sorely tempted to run up and give him a hug--but hey, there was such a thing as showing simple respect, too! "It is! First good day in a week or two, and so close to the holiday season. Figured you could do with a small gift, too."

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon smiles a bit when noticing what shannon has been doing to the place, and his eyes soon move to the girl herself as he responds to the bow with a polite nod of his head "not bad! If everything fails, you've a future in the decoration department. And, I appreciate the gift, of course..." he states, standing still where he is. "so how have you been, Shannon?"

Nightingale has posed:
     Knowing it was more likely she'd bring a smile to that ageless face than to incur his wrath, Shannon foregoes the formalities once those have been observed, and hugs Poseidon fiercely. "It's been a little mixed here, a little mixed there, a bit busy with preparations for the holidays. It's just good to see you. But enough about my simple life... how have you been?" She steps back, looking for--but failing to find--a decent spot to sit down in the snow. Wrinkling her nose, she chuckles softly. "That is one drawback to the season, despite its beauty. It's difficult to find a place to sit with a friend, without freezing one's backside off!"

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon chuckles and gladly returns the hug, wrapping his arms around her and trying not to crush the girl. Luckily he succeeds, so when he steps back she's still all in one piece! "the usual, for me. It's not like my life is very exciting now aday... But I'm glad you're fine..." when speaking about the inability to find proper seating, he chuckles again and turns, gesturing towards the floor. There, the snowy ground starts to rise, and from the snow a rock emerges, oddly shaped like a bench! And a bench that is free of snow, too... "well that's what knowing a god is for. Come, have a seat" he states, backstepping towards the bench and taking a seat on its right

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon laughs and sits down on the other side of the bench, drawing her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. "Really, and here I thought knowing a god was knowing a friend. Just wish I could do more for that friend than this." She gestures towards the wreath, the candleholder, and the rather festive strings of cranberries draped amongst the trees. "Especially when they'v given so much... time is a very precious gift, and I never see you hesitate, despite your needing to look after the seas, too."

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon smiles slightly "seas look after themselves... Or at least, I have people looking after them when I can't, now aday. I just supervise, and deal with the magical stuff down there, not much for me to do now aday to be honest... The less people believe in me the less power I have, but at the same time, the less I'm needed to use it, so..." he shrugs, shaking his head "you know, in a sense, that's how a god can die. Well one of the ways at least! But enough of that sad stuff" he says, smiling again "I guarantee you that you do quite a lot for me, do not worry about that. Plus, if what you said about friends is true, then nothing is required, friendship is already a good enough of a gift!"

Nightingale has posed:
     "But so as there's even one who believes, then I don't see a god passing on. So you're not bound for the next life just yet." The last few words from Poseidon only widen the smile on the young mutant's face, her eyes fairly shining. "Thank you. Then I really have been blessed, by you and so many other friends I've made these past few months."

     Still, she does turn back towards the beginnings of a little shrine, as temporary as it might be made of nothing more than a green wreath and some berries strung up for the birds. Resting her chin on her knees, she ponders for a moment. "This isn't as grand as I imagine your home is. That's something few if any will ever be able to see. What could I do to make this spot a little better for you?"

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon glances around, then back at Shannon "make what you'd think it'd make it more comfortable! This is a place that you created. You created it not only for me, but also for yourself. So do what you think it's right, it'll be something wonderful no matter what! And, well maaaybe..." he winks, grinning a bit afterwards "maybe one day I'll show you my palace..."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon raises her eyebrows, looking over incredulously at Poseidon. Was he serious? Sometimes it was a little hard to tell! Still, she can't resist smiling right back; whether or not that was just in jest, it did make for a lovely thought, something to explore in dreams. "Well... if it's meant to be it will. I'm just glad to see you every once in a while. A little time with a friend is the best gift you could give!"

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon chuckles a bit and nods "and waterproof wings... Did you try them out yet?" he asks, pointing his index finger at one of those wings as a get of water sprays from its fingertip to splash on the wing itself.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods and giggles as she watches the water splashes her wing. Sure enough, it rolls right off as if she were a duck rather than a young woman who happened to have a pair of large, feathery wings. "I've been glad for them a few times now," she says. "Sadly, one of them was at the memorial for Superman. I was at least able to shelter a friend from the rain on the way home."

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon nods slowly, understandingly "well, if the decoration thing fails too, at least you have a future as an umbrella now. Which, may not be the nicest of jobs but... It puts something on your head to save you from the rain, doesn't it?" he says with a small smile

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon laughs, and shakes her head. "I'd like to think I've a bit more of a future than that! Thankfully, I haven't been called on much to heal out there, and even less in foul weather. But when I do, water won't stop me from reaching someone who needs it, and I can shelter them a bit while I help them."

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon nods with another smile "see? Multitasking. As the doctor, and as the ambulance! You can even tripletask and make them smile as you extract bullets from their bodies and patch them up... Isn't it great?" he asks, chuckleng

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon wrinkles her nose a little bit at that, glancing down at her hands. "I haven't quite got my strength up enough to carry a patient to safety yet, but that'll just take time and some work on my part. But the healing..." She shakes her head, and smiles a small smile. "It may be possible for me to learn a different way to use my gift, but for now at least, all I know how to do is to absorb another's injury as my own. Which has helped others a few times, but knowing the cost to me, they try not to seek me out for help these days. Which... is understandable, but I miss being able to be of service."

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon hmms "well part of me is happy they know the cost to you... At least they know to use that only when absolutely indispensable." he states, sighing briefly "speaking of which, I'm afraid i will also have to leave you soon... But, well, I understand you mortals around this time of year celebrate a festivity that is based on gifts... So, even if to my point of view, that's an absurd thing, I offer you the possibility to get a gift from me! Choose carefully though" he grins

Nightingale has posed:
     Almost immediately, Shannon's jaw drops, her eyes gone as wide as dinner plates. "Oh... wow! Thank you! I don't know what to choose, though!" Her mind is a-whirl with the possibilities--and not all of them for herself, either. "It's a precious gift you're giving, and I'd want to choose carefully..."

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon nods slowly "indeed, ence why I said choose wisely... And furthermore, I am offering the gift to you... So, choosing something for yourself is totally allowed, Shannon... I don't know your thoughts but knowing you you're thinking of the most selfless thing you can ask... Don't."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles warmly, and leans over on the bench to hug Poseidon. "Thank you so much! I don't know what to choose, though. Is it alright if I think about it for a while?" Oh, there was just no way he'd escape without at least a small shrine being built now, once the weather allowed for it!

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon hugs her back and nods smilingly "well yes! But you have till the end of the year to think about it... Make it count, Shannon, and ask for something that is actually possible..." he states "so no parallel dimensions in which to store your clothes, even if a magically enchanted wardrobe would be ok..."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon bursts out laughing and shakes her head. "I haven't that many clothes to store anyways!" Knowing her, though, it would likely be something that could be turned to a less selfish end, as well as perhaps something a tiny bit for herself. "You are truly wonderful. I hope the new year will bring many a visit like this. They are gifts in of themselves to look forward to!"

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon chuckles and grins "maybe next year I'll hire your entire class to build temples in my anae all over the world!" he jokes, standing then up, his blue robes flowing around him as he does so. "for now though I must leave you. Please think about the gift, if you want it, and then let me know what you desire. hm?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles brightly and nods, a few ideas forming in her mind. But for now, she simply stands, making sure the oddly natural-looking stone bench is kept free of snow. Whoever came hiking out here was certainly going to get a bit of a surprise! "I should probably be getting b..." Wait. He'd said class? How had he known? She'd never spoken of it to him! Chuckling, she ruffles her wings in an approximation of a shrug, and grins. "I'd better be getting back myself. There's likely to be a feast in a few more days, maybe I could bring some back with me to share? Is there anything you'd like?"

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon chuckles some, smiling afterwards. After all knowing things isn't that hard for someone with scrying spells! "no, no thanks. I will have my own banquets anyways, and, well, you know I can conjure food. Thanks though!" he says, backstepping towards the water and sinking his feet in it "will you be safe, shannon?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon rolls her eyes and chuckles softly. "As safe as I can be. It's not always easy for mutants out there, and being a healer in training, well... by its nature can put me in some dangerous situations. But I can at least promise to do my best." With the small votive candle burned out, she picks up the little holder and wings her way into the air, sending flurries of snow swirling about in her wake. "I'll bring a snack next time anyways, just a light one. Until then, you be safe as well!"