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Searching for Answers
Date of Scene: 05 October 2019
Location: South Hinkley, Old Gotham
Synopsis: Buffy tracks a vampire to a rooftop where she meets Superboy, who's never met vamps before. Oh, and Captain Britain makes an appearance too.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Superboy, Captain Britain

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers had been searching for the ones responsible for her friend's untimely demise for a couple of weeks now, although her search had been largely unfruitful as of late. However, she had recently received a tip from Willy The Snitch (After many threats and some fist throwing) that had led her to a particularly dingy and dangerous part of town.

As she investigated the worn down building, which seemed to be heavily sealed off, her search had taken her to the rooftop where she discovered an opening...Maybe. Unfortunately her efforts had not gone unknown and soon enough, she finds herself surrounded by maybe eight big and hungry vampires who quickly and quietly surround her as she searched for an entrance into said building..

Superboy has posed:
Conner doesn't come to Gotham very often. But tonight he had some research material to give to Robin in the Outsider's base, so he came. And took the wrong turn at the central plaza, it seems. Hey, it is not so easy to navigate at night in Gotham when flying. The city is evil, you see.

Anyway, wrong turn, but that allows him to spot the blonde sneaking into a building. Maybe a thief? He flies down to take a look. "Oh, hey," he greets, climbing down the opening and seeing the thugs. Not identifying them as vampires yet. "Oh yeah... this is not the typical robbery, I guess?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow, her slayer instincts tingling at the unnerving feeling that she is not alone. And suddenly she is surrounded by vamps, albeit lurking the the shadows, carefully hidden from all but the most trained eyes.

Of course she is not prepared for the sudden arrival of Superboy..But he is supposed to be a good guy..Right? Hopefully he won?t get his heroes and villains mixed up tonight.

?Woah hang on..This isn't what it looks like. You should be more concerned about those vamps over there..? Yeah, the vamps that have now divided their attention between Buffy and Superboy, now that he has joined the fray. Four of the eight are already rushing at him, fangs bared, anger gleaming in their eyes.%

Captain Britain has posed:
Gotham was evil. That was for sure, and it was difficult to navigate by flight. So many buildings looked the same, and many fliers couldn't make out street sights from above, providing they even had an angle to see them in. Captain Britain was out for what would constitute a 'joy ride', just trying to relax after a bad day, and perhaps save the world.

Seeing a figure fly down, he decided to investigate. Could be a hero, could be other, and then he spots the party. Hovering in mid air as he descends, he folds his arms, "would you be so kind as to form an orderly queue? It'll make things far more efficient."

Superboy has posed:
Conner looks a bit skeptic at Buffy. But he is always willing to listen to pretty girl explanations. It usually gets him into trouble, but some lessons are better never learned. At least that is his explanation.

So he is a bit surprised when the men attack him too. "Woah, okay. You guys have no idea who am..." and then a vampire punches him. And sends him reeling, because supernatural beings do that to Kryptonians.

"Ow..." he whines. The next vampire punch, however, he stops with the palms of his hand and it has no visible effect, as his telekinetic forcefield is up. "I guess 'vamps' is not a gang, uh?" Among the punching and the unexpected pain, he misses Brian's arrival.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks at Conner, ?They're not exactly the friendly type, no. Vamps. Vampires. You have heard of 'em before, yeah? Bloodsucking, totally unfashionable sunfearing freaks??

Of course all this is taken in stride as three vamps rush at her, keeping her busy fighting them all at once, although she still manages to make with the wisecracks.

?Heey Brian..? she beams, always happy to see him, though his timing could be better. ?Care to dance?? she winks-and gestures as three more vampires lunge at him, snarling and hungry for blood!

Captain Britain has posed:
With the vampires attacking the apparent Superman fanboy, Captain Britain is concerned at first. That punch sent the young man reeling, but the follow up was far better dealt with. Plus, the Superman fanboy could fly. That was usually an indication that one could handle themselves in a fight. Landing, he asked "are you all right, Super... boy?" He didn't know what to call the man, but he was young, and wore a Superman logo on his t-shirt.

He thinks about correcting Buffy, but decides against it, hoping that the fanboy missed his real name being mentioned. Vampires, especially when suited up, were of no concern to Captain Britain. Whereas mystical forces were a weakness for Kryptonians, they were one of his strengths. The man literally punched through one's chest, turning it to dust, before he grabbed another's throat, crushing that. When out as Brian, he was tough. But Captain Britain was a like a force of nature. "Great to see you, Slayer."

Superboy has posed:
Conner shakes his head, sweeping his mouth with the sleeve of the jacket. Blood. It has been a while since the last time he got hurt, and it was kryptonite, not this. "I am fine," he manages.

The vampire grabs him, but this time he is ready and he tosses the man aside easily. "Hey, don't kill them!" He yells at Captain Britain. "They are..." criminals, he guesses. Anyway, if Batman finds out someone is killing in Gotham there will be hell to pay.

Instead he punches another vampire with a good deal of enhanced strength. But besides of making the creature slam against a distant wall, it has no effect at all.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers is always astounded by Captain Britain's incredible power. But he never ceases to amaze her when he tears thru those two vamps as if they are made of mere paper.

It'a enough to catch her off-guard and distract her long enough for one vamp to grab and hurl her into a nearby wall, hard.

She grumbles, shaking off the rubble, spinning around to stake him squarely in the chest. ?Vampires, undead, it'a okay if you kill em but keep one alive. I have questions!"

Captain Britain has posed:
When he is yelled at for his actions, Captain Britain explains, "there is no life here. They may sound like men, might even be able to mimic them, but they died some time ago. They are vampires. They are devoid of the spark of life. Call it a soul, conscience, whatever you wish, but they are demons occupying the corpses of people." He holds the third, not killing it yet, as it claws at his costume to no avail. The vampire even starts a new tactic, pretending to be human. Its vampiric face disappears, "my name is Timmy Thompson, I live at 9 Aurora Lane, in Burnley. Please help me." It was pleading to Superboy, not Captain Britain. At Buffy's request, Brian keeps his captive, "consider it done, my lady." And then to Superboy, "ask yourself this, do healthy, normal people turn to dust in seconds?"

Superboy has posed:
"What?" Conner is also trying to keep a vampire held against a wall, but finding most of his strength is not relevant. Finally he just uses his telekinesis to keep the creature pinned against the way inside a forcefield. "Look, I have friends that are robots. They are not technically alive, but they are people too. I know aliens that... honestly, I don't know if they turn to dust at dying. They might! Assuming an intelligent, talking individual is not a person because of very different biology, or even lack of biology, is unfair."

Captain Britain has posed:
Through his mask, Captain Britain blinks several times at Conner's impassioned defence for vampiric rights. "All right. Vampires are created by a mystical curse that imbues them with demonic essence at great cost. From the moment that they awaken from death, becoming undead, a walking dead, they lose the ability to have compassion. They lose the ability to have a conscience. They are only capable of actions that are in some way beneficial to them." As he continues to explain, the vampire who identified himself as Timmy Thompson continues to whine, pretending to be a helpless teenager. "They can be very compelling, but there is nothing but darkness behind those eyes. It's an act."