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Latest revision as of 17:25, 27 December 2019

Night Fighting Meet
Date of Scene: 24 December 2019
Location: New York
Synopsis: Cammy will train Andre to help her with some thugs.
Cast of Characters: Cammy White, Andre Jackson

Cammy White has posed:
It's a warm winter night and Cammy is cornered near her friend's gym, having been staking out the location for some time waiting to get more information on The Punks who trashed it. She didn't expect three of them to come up on her tonight, as they seem to know all about her presence here helping at the gym and trying to root out the criminals in the area. Maybe they were waiting for her.

She stands there in the alleyway as the three men start toward her, the heavy jacket she was wearing discarded on the ground, only her taped fists and a grim expression for her to rely on.
"The Boss has been watchin you, Miss Blonde," one of them says, as they advance on her with sharp looking knives.
"Who is he?" Cammy asks.

"Maybe I'll cut some of that hair off and take it to him. Cause we own this neighborhood."

Andre Jackson has posed:
    Having left the dojo after speaking with Richard, Andre is about to head back to his aunts. His parents are in a hotel, but Dre was staying with his aunt. He yawns as he walks down the street, he notices a gym nearby, he's been by this gym a few times, but he does some talking nearby. He wasn't far and as he moves closer to the alley and as he does he hears whats happening.

    Walking down the alley and keeping out of sight, he had to see what was going on, he hated gangs and if these mofos are messing with someone he would go take them out. As he crouches and watches, he sees a blond woman being surrounded, 'What the fuck?' standing up and walking around the dumpster, "Yo, what da fuck, you ganging up on her?" he asks as he balls up his fists as well.

Cammy White has posed:
One of The Punks glances back at Andre on the street, "Get outta here, asshole," he states. As he glances away from Cammy, she drives a kick into his chin and staggers him backwards, then onto his butt dizzily. "Get 'er!" he announces. "You think you're a hero huh? You ain't nobody, jerkoff. Maybe you should turn around," he tells Andre and starts toward him.

The other two Punks rush Cammy and one grabs for her and the other slices at her with his blade. She has to take a step back to avoid the knife and uses the second punk as leverage to knee the knife guy in the belly before he can take a second swipe at her. She elbows the other guy but they are both still conscious.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    Stretching a little bit, Andre looks over to where Cammy is, he doesn't know who she is but he isn't one to stand by letting someone get jumped. "OH really?" he ask sas he looks to the man as he nears him. Andre gestures for the man to come at him, he gives the guy a grin. "Well at least you come to face me yourself." he chuckles as he glances past him to see Cammy taking on the two guys, a brow goes up.

    The lead guy takes that a chance to strike. Andre notices and hops back a step but gets grazed. Still Andre steps in and throws a knee into the mans groin dropping him. "Oh sorry man, you good?" he asks.

Cammy White has posed:
As Andre plays dirty pool, Cammy continues her fight with the two men at the same time. After she elbows free of his grasp, Cammy delivers a spinning judo kick reminiscient of many expert fighters. The other man frowns as his buddy topples over and reconsiders going at Cammy, but she smirks and motions him on. He takes a swipe of his knife but Cammy is too quick for that and turns his body to use his arm to throw him a good distance into the alley on his face. She then turns to see if Andre is okay, frowning as someone else might be in danger.

The Lead Man gets up more slowly and smirks at Andre, "I'm gonna remember you, man," he tells Andre. He runs off. As he takes off, Cammy asks, "Are you okay? These two are...kinda out."

Andre Jackson has posed:
    Shaking his head, "Yeah whateva." he says as he gets a good look at the man. "Plenty have said the same thing, come at me you will need an ambulance." he states. Andre looks over to where Cammy is and as she speaks he smiles to her. "Yeah I'm good, what about you, you good?" he ask as he walks over towards her. He holds out his hand to her, "My name is Andre, most people call me Dre." he says and offers a bow of his head to her.

Cammy White has posed:
Cammy looks down at herself and doesn't see any cuts to her body or her leotard, so she says, "Yeah, okay," she tells him. "Cammy," she replies and shakes his hand. She finally smiles and says, "Thanks. Hey, let's go, I don't think we should stay here. C'mon," she tells him as she scoops up her winter coat. She points up the street and walks from the alleyway.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    He nods, "Nice to meet you Cammy." Andre is quick to move as well and he looks at her wondering why she is wearing a leotard. He shakes his head, "I know of a place not far, a little diner we can hang out for a bit if you want to eat and talk?" he suggests. Andre looks around for a moment taking in everything around.

Cammy White has posed:
Cammy tugs on his sleeve, "Okay whatever, come on let's go," she says concernedly, "I've been looking for these guys for a while. This isn't all of them," she tells him.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    He nods his head, "Walk casual Cammy." he says as she will notice that he isn't in a rush and that he moves easy as he walks up the street. When she tugs at his sleeve, he turns down a street, he looks around having seen where the one guy came. There is a flashing light saying, "Open". he grins. "Here we are." he say as he opens the door for Cammy, once she goes in, he lets her find a place for them to sit. "Hey Doris, can we chill?" he asks the older black woman tending the main area of the diner, "Shure can hun, I will get ya a menu." she says to him. He grins at the older woman and she notices an older black man get up from the table and go to lock the door and turn off the sign. "Boy, sit and relax wit ya friend." he says. "We are good here Cammy." he says as eh looks to her.

Cammy White has posed:
Cammy sits down a the booth near the window but not too near the window, so she can keep eye on the street, "Thanks," she says again as Andre joins her after speaking to the others. "I think those guys were part of the group who trashed my friend's gym. I couldn't get any names out of them. Have you ever seen those guys before?" she asks him. "I might have to call...well I don't know, maybe I can call Chun-Li. I didn't know those guys were following me."

Andre Jackson has posed:
    He quirks a brow as he sits down, he stretches a little bit, and as Cammy begins speaking, Andre is quiet. He keeps quiet as he listens to her, "Well, you may not have to worry about them coming to the gym, they will be looking for us. Guys like that always do, especially if they loss a fight." eh says to her. When he hears the mention of Chun-Li, he smiles. "I haven't heard from Chun-Li since our first meeting." he says to her. "If you need help, I'm down to go knock some heads." he grins. "I fight gangs back in Gotham, assholes are pretty common." he says to her.

Cammy White has posed:
Cammy nods to what Andre says and then answers, "Okay Andre, but I wouldn't want you to get hurt. I think this bloody gang is a front for something and I've got to get more information. About the guy in charge, what they're running---that sort of thing. Maybe you can help me with that," she tells him, "Scout the neighborhood? I'm sure this is not the thing I should be asking you," she comments.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    Dre nods his head, "Well I have a martial arts teacher, but honestly there's more I want to do so if you can help me with learning how to scout and fight as well, I will take whatever you can give me." eh says to her. "Also this could help me later on." he says as he looks at her.

Cammy White has posed:
Cammy nods to what he says, "Okay," she says and rubs her chin, "Okay I'll show you what to do, but you know more about this neighborhood than me, I'm not from around here," she takes a napkin and scribbles a couple of notes, "Here, come by my friend's gym later and we can talk more about it. Alright?" she smiles.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    He takes the note, "Alright, I will help as best I can." he says as he looks to her. "I will be around later. Whatever you need me to do, just ask and teach me." he says as he looks to Cammy. "For now though we are safe, order some food and get something to drink, than we can head out. Don't worry about money I will take care of the bill sensei." he says to her.

Cammy White has posed:
Cammy chuckles, "Don't call me sensei, I haven't even taught you anything yet," she tells him, "So you live around here huh? What do you do?" she wonders. She puts in an order for some fish.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    "My aunt stays here." he laughs. "I live in Gotham one of the most crime ridden cities around. I'm here for now spending the holidays with family. I still go back to Gotham to check in on the kids and staff at the Rec Center I work at." he says to her. "What about you. You wear a leotard and all, you look good, but you military or just a skilled fighter?" he asks.

Cammy White has posed:
Cammy motions to herself, "I sorta work for the military, yeah. But don't tell anybody that," she says and then smiles, "I was just coming out of the gym. Don't mind me," she tells him, then starts to eat her fish after it comes to the table, "You live in Gotham but come visit your aunt? Oh I see."

Andre Jackson has posed:
    He smiles at her as his burger and fries come to the table with a large soda. He looks over at Cammy and nods his head. "Cool, I will not say anything." he says to her. He sighs as he bites into his burger, he smiles tasting the burger. He looks across at Cammy, "Yeah, I have my aunt and her girlfriend here, though this week all the family is here." he chuckles as he eats. "So you're helping your friend with her gym, and these guys are messing around. Well we will make sure they stop bothering her and others." he smiles.

Cammy White has posed:
Cammy hmms, "I'm trying to keep this...on the hush hush, it's not that official. It's a friend of mine and there's something going on here we need to figure out. I'll try not to drag you too far into it," she tells him and smiles, "Thanks for the food."