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(Betty expriences the crowd at Katz's the hard way)
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Latest revision as of 03:12, 31 December 2019

Grabbing an Early Dinner
Date of Scene: 31 December 2019
Location: Katz's Deli, Lower East Side
Synopsis: Betty expriences the crowd at Katz's the hard way
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Red She-Hulk

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
It is the Monday after some select holidays that involve a lot of cooking and as a result. A lot of people REALLY don't have the energy to cook at home. And this leads to the situation at Katz's. Not only is every bit of wall space covered in a mishmash of photos, signs, and advertisements for select beverages, while there are still empty seats, every table is currently occupied in some way or manner.

Nick is one of the lucky ones and is at a table that now has become soley his. His eating companion, Wade Shaw, has already finished up and has made his way out to head back to the studio. Being Nick is supposed to be on VACATION and is absolutely horrible at acting like it, Shaw forced Nick to get a dessert, putting it on his own ticket before cashing out. So now the knitcapped musician is grumpily eating a cookie and sipping a soda. Alone.

Red She-Hulk has posed:
Betty Ross enters the establishment and quietly finds a seat, which happens to be near Nick. She looks at the menu and decides to settle on broccoli/cheese/noddles. Nothing too complicated!

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Nick contemplates how long he has to stay behind before Wade starts lecturing him for coming back to the studio, pale blue eyes scan the room lazily, looking to the crowd of people gathered at the various food stations.

Hmm. Seems there's a run on the line for sandwiches, the line starting to build into the seating area, making the seats an even tighter squeeze than before.

He frowns slightly, setting the cookie down to his napkin. Well, this is an accident waiting to happen...

Red She-Hulk has posed:
Betty Ross glances around the room while she waits for her food. Her eyes pass over Nick but she doesn't know the man. She keeps looking. There's really nothing interesting going on right now so she turns to her phone for entertainment.. another text from daddy.. great.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As one person brings a plate loaded down with sandwich towards their table, they end up having to alter their path to avoid the line, shimmying between a narrow gap between chairs, plate held high in an awkward balancing act. And they are doing a really great job of manging this. Until one of the occupied chairs slide back, hooking their foot.

Offbalance, the restaurant patron twists, stumbling forward in an attempt to regain balance. The plate is not doing as good a job as it ends up flying out of their hand, teetering towards the back of Betty.

Already expecting something to happen, the scene feels like slow motion to Nick, and likely to anyone else who saw the start of this. He stands, leaning over his table to smack the incoming plate to the floor away from the table neighbor's head.

Red She-Hulk has posed:
Betty Ross screams as it.. goes all over her. Standing up she has her hands halfway in the air, fingers curled, taking deep breaths, "What.. the.. hell?" She sounds.. really angry right now. New shirt ruined... new.. shirt.. ruined. It's taking everything within her not to freak out right now. And that's a good thing.. the not freaking out part.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
After making contact with the plate, his perception of time seems normal once more which leads to a rather awkward position as he's still leaning over the table, hand outstretched behind Betty, leaving his head between the two points, near Betty's screaming face. Nick grimaces, "I'm sorry. I tried to knock it away..."

Red She-Hulk has posed:
Betty Ross shakes a bit, "HOW could you have knocked it away??!! You're not Superman!!" She glares at the waiter.. "Okay.. I want my meal for free now? Right? Yes."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick moves back, frowning. "It's a flying hoagie, not a bullet." Nick points out, "Different speeds there," There's a bit of a tic as he bites back another word, "There was a chance." He turns to the table, picking up his ticket and grabbing a handful of the unused napkins on his table to set in front of Betty. He pauses, looking at her glaring at the customer who just dropped his own sandwich and talking about a free meal. Is she-?

He shakes his head, taking a deep breath as he slides his ticket into his pocket "So," He pauses, switching into a practiced smile, "What is it you want to eat?"

Red She-Hulk has posed:
Betty Ross glares again, "I already ordered and I think I will be taking my meal to GO tonight. This place isn't very safe it seems." She resists the urge to drop her father's name.. not good Betty.. you are your own woman, "I won't be coming back.. no matter how good the food tastes.. hmph.." She glances at the waiter, "Well? Where's my food?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Um...there aren't waiters here." Nick points to the lines of people waiting at each of the food stations, "It's a cafeteria style deli. I don't know who you gave your order to but I'm not sure they actually WORK for Katz's."

Red She-Hulk has posed:
Betty Ross glares again, "I was talking to whoever took my order!" She points at the counter, the very same person she took her order from, "Yeah.." She looks at her again, "My order? To go? Soon? That would be great.."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Betty's glare is replied to in kind as the musician's eyes narrow. He turns, picking up more napkins from his table to turn and set them down on hers, gently. "Well. Enjoy. Your food." The words, a bit clipped before he walks off, shoving a hand in his pocket before walking towards the customer still on the ground while others just watch, "Hey man, you okay?"

His other hand is offered down to the guy to help him up.

"My sandwich." The customer whimpers.

Red She-Hulk has posed:
Betty Ross glances at the man on the ground, "It's not his fault that this place isn't designed well.." She looks at the counter again and stands with her arms folded until her food arrives, "Finally.. you're going to get sued one day.. you know that right?" She glances at Nick, "Thanks.. I guess.."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"You're welcome." Nick says in reaction as he helps up the other guy, leaning in to murmur some words to him.

Sandwich guy turns, giving a hopeful nod.

Confirmation given, the two of them head to the check out counter where sandwich guy gets a fresh ticket handed over to him.

As Sandwich guy tries his luck again with his financial clean slate, seeming to smile a little, Nick turns to pay the balance off the three remaining tickets.

Red She-Hulk has posed:
Betty Ross nods and tries to smile, she's still mad, it's just part of being a hulk. Upon reaching the counter she is informed that her meal is paid for, she nods again, managing to actually smile a bit but it's really not that easy, "Still.. wouldn't recommend this place again if no one has room to walk." She glances at Nick again before she leaves, "I wasn't.. mad at the guy who spilled.. it's this damned place really."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick gives a small smile, waiting for Betty to leave before looking to the cashier, giving a shrug before sliding a few bills into the tip jar, "Well." He sighs, "Shit happens. Can't please them all."

He tosses a quarter into the donation jar before taking a peppermint. "Have a nice day."

Red She-Hulk has posed:
Betty Ross leaves and goes on her way.. really hoping her food doesn't get cold.