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Latest revision as of 20:35, 31 December 2019

A Solo for a Lonely Heart
Date of Scene: 30 December 2019
Location: Music Room, Xavier's School
Synopsis: Sam Guthrie gets caught up in some music, Sam and Alexis talk decor in an apartment, adorable fluff.
Cast of Characters: Prismatic, Cannonball

Prismatic has posed:
    The music that floats from one of the digital pianos that has been se tup in the music room of the Xavier Mansion. At the key sits a dark-haired young woman, her eyes focused on the keys as the somber, sorrowful notes dance around, shivering in the air.

    Alexis was wearing just a T-shirt and jeans today, looking all the world like she'd just be one of the students. Her fingers flit about the keys, caressing them as she plays. It's one of her own compositions, but not one on her album.

    It's too special to be shared like that.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes walking along, and hearing the music, he will stop to find out who it is. Very talented, and if it aint his lady, she will want to know who it is. He comes stepping into the room, and seeing Alexis, he smiles. He does not hide himself but he keeps quiet listening.

Prismatic has posed:
    It was indeed his lady fair who was at the keys. She had a set of headphones around her neck, but they weren't plugged in as she played the maudlin tune before she draws her gaze up to Sam, straightens slightly, and lifts her hands from the keys.

    "Oh, sorry Sam -- ah, too loud out in the hallway?" she questions.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shakes his head, and walks over to hug her shoulders from behind "No love, Ah just barely heard it, and came in to see who was playing. Don't think ah heard that before, what is it?" He will rub her shoulders a bit leaving her arms free to play.

Prismatic has posed:
    "Do you often listen to Liszt-like movements?" Alexis gives a wry grin, leaning back against Sam as she closes her eyes.

    And her fingers pick back up from where she had left off.

    "It's one of my compositions, with some adjustments. I had originally written it for my father." she states quietly.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles a bit and says "Oh course Ah do, and would more if Ah knew who Liszt was." He grins and says "Found something that fits it more?" He asks as she says originally wrote it as if she has it attacked to something else now. He continues to softly massage her shoulders talking quietly so to not go over the music.

Prismatic has posed:
    "Well, I wrote it when I was twelve. When my father was proud of me, when he extolled the virtues of human talent." Alexis replies gently as Sam rubs at her shoulders. She was tense.

    "Different key, different pace, joyful." she continues to play the somber music.

    "This movement of the piece is now called 'The Favored Vehicle'. I was, after all, his favorite 'vehicle' to prove humanity would always be better than mutants. Now I'm just named for his favorite automobile."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie leans down and kisses the top of her head. "You know his bigotry is not something we should be mad at him for, it is something to be sad for him. He is letting his prejudice make him loose something oh so wonderful. I know I am biased, but you are a great person.

Prismatic has posed:
    "Yeah, he gets to miss out on meeting you." she gently replies to Zam, lifting her fingers and leaning back against his warmth, her arms rising up and sliding behind his, fingers curling against him.

    "I'm not angry at him for his bigotry. At least, I try not to be." she comments quietly, before she tilts her head back and looks up at Sam.

    "Do... do you have any relatives who aren't comfortable with who you are, Sam? Or Jay, or Paige?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Currently no, but there has been some issues in the past. Jay resented me for being a mutant and for leaving. And even at one point he was scared he would have to leave if he turned into a mutant. Which Ah guess did sorta happen, but was not cause he was a mutant that he had to come up here. And then Liz at one point was interested in a guy, and again resented Paige and Ah got to leave, and ended up with an anti mutant group, we had to rescue her."

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis's noe wrinkles a moment, and she stretches her fingers.

    "I... honestly can't imagine Jay not rocking his look." she murmurs gently to Sam, and she rubs the backs of his arms a bit as she considers.

    "I don't think I knew any other mutants before I came to New York. Not personally, anyway."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Ah was the first one Ah knew of, and my power is what saved my life when it kicked in. Then while working for the bad guy, the other new mutants were the next ones I met. Rahne and the Prof being the first, but did not know they were at first.

Prismatic has posed:
    "'Working for the bad guy'?" Alexis questions slightly, trying to make sure she's getting names straight as she leans back against Sam a little more, her eyes closing.

    "I... suppose there are differences... I almost wish I had been here. Perhaps things would have ended up much more different. A home, others like me. Maybe I could have been a hero already." she jokes.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "From what I have heard around Bushwick I think you were in more ways than fighting bad guys." He will move to sit beside her on the bench arm around here. "Yea, Pierce, wanted to kill the prof, cyborg guy very anti mutant. He hired me to use against the Prof, pretty sure planned to do me in afterwards. Well he caught the Prof, and Dani, Berto, Rahne and the rest came in to rescue the prof. Ah fought on the bad guys side till Ah realized he was a bad guy and then tuned against him to help the others.

Prismatic has posed:
    The brunette blinks, and sloowly lifts her head from Sam's stomach, turning and looking up over her shoulder.

    "Wait, *you* fought against the New Mutants? I... sort of thought you were there from the start." Alexis comments, drawing her arms out and streeetching them up in front of Sam.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Team has not really formed that was in the first week of them meeting one another. Ah spent a day back home before coming up. Berto did not want to give me a chance, till Rahne said it should be her choice, and she said Ah should be given the chance. So was here for first introduction to danger room and all that, just had gathered a bit before I got here.

Prismatic has posed:
    "Cor Berto would be the one to try and oust you." Alexis comments wryly, and she pokes her fingers very, very lightly at Sam's shoulders -- short girlfriend has trouble reaching anything above that when seated.

    "Good on Rahne, though..."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well he was the only guy and was a bit pissed Ah hit him from behind in the fight." He grins and leans to kiss her fingers. I was the second oldest in the group but Xian had her siblings and things to watch over, so Dani and I were put in charge of the team."

Prismatic has posed:
    "Quality leadership." Alexis gives a grin, wiggling her fingertips as her lips curl, and she cloes her eyes, cleaning back againt Sam more.

    "You have led a very interesting life, Mr. Guthrie." she lilts gently. "I'm glad to be a part of it!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie grins and says "and Ah am very glad your part of it, and think now that you are part of it, it can only get better." He grins down at her and strokes a hand through her hair.

Prismatic has posed:
    "Or it'll just be more complicated until you finally tire of boring ol' Allegra Caradenza, with her knowledge of high class plate settings and white tie affairs." she grins back, and pokes at the tip of his nose.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks a bit "Or more likely she tires of the country boy who don't know why need more than one fork, and what type of wine goes with fish." He grins down at her, and says "I am happy with my fancy lady Allegra."

Prismatic has posed:
    "Oi, only reason I know that is because I'm related to Abruzzi winery owners!" Alexis states, giving a laugh. "... but really, it's probably a lighter, dryer white. Match the color of the meat to the color of the wine. Red meat, red wine. White meat, white wine." she closes her eyes. "Or just order a coke with a straw in it. Goes with everything."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Ah prefer that I think." He grins at her, and says "So, Ah was thinking, ah was hoping the bedroom at the apartment is ours not mine. Ah want it to be your home too when your in the city.

Prismatic has posed:
    That made her sit up a little bit, and she purses her lips.

    "'Our'?" she questions, raising an eyebrow, and she rubs the back of her head a moment as she looks at Sam, then looks around the room and blows out a little, her cheeks puffing.

    "Well, I mean... we're... both sleeping in it."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Yea, Ah mean we are sleeping in the same room more often than not, and it makes sense, plus.. I like waking up and seeing you there with me

Prismatic has posed:
    Allegra pauses a moment, feeling her chest tighten as she looks up at Sam. Her brown eyes search his blue, her fingers curling against his shoulders as she just softly smiles up at him.

    "I like it too." she replies gently.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie leans down and kisses her softly, and says "Well then lets make sure we set the room up so it is ours, things we both like in it." He says after the kiss. He may not have said the words, but yea seems he s wanting her to live with him.

Prismatic has posed:
    She already lives with him. They're practically always in each other's rooms! She kisses him, her finger drawing gently through his hair before she gives a wry little smile.

    "Keep making me breakfast?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Yea, and will even try to make sure there are less naked Doug's but can not say that one for sure." He jokes a bit with her. "Anything we need to add special for ya there hon?"

Prismatic has posed:
    "In all honesty once you've seen one naked Doug, you've probably seen the best of them." Alexis replies full of cheek, and draws her fingers through Sam's hair again before she laughs, and arches her back as she considers.

    "Well... perhaps I could find a moderately priced electronic violin for practicing. Doesn't have the same sound as a wooden one, but earphones are handy when others are trying to sleep." she gives a grin, motioning to her own earphones around her neck.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Well we will find you one... You know Ah want to give you everything you ever had and anything you ever wanted right?"

Prismatic has posed:
    "Sam..." Alegis begins, and she draws herself to her knees, turning in his grasp as she kneels on the piano stool. Her dark eyes focus on his blue, and she reaches up and gently brushes her fingers to his cheek.

    "I don't want for anything. Honestly and truly. I have a job, a good job, I can pay for things." she smiles, and brushes a kiss to his chin.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie keeps her close, and wraps her arms to hold her "Ah just want to give ya everything." He tells her. He kisses her forhead, and says "Well if you find something you need or want let me know, so we can work together to get if for you ok?"

Prismatic has posed:
    "Teamwork is an acceptable compromise, Mr. Guthrie." the brunette replies with a little bit of glee, her lips still in a grin before she ruffles through Sam's hair and draws her hands back, turning and sitting on the bench good and proper.

    "So, do you have an idea for the theme of the apartment? Or shall it simply be mixed decor?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well, Doug and Ah had pretty much went with either something we saw we liked or something neat. There will be a heck of a computer corner, I like sorta sci fi looking stuff or really comfortable stuff"

Prismatic has posed:
    "Good to know. I could do comfortable. Sci-Fi... I'm getting there." she gives a small grin, stretching her fingers a moment before she eturns off the electric piano.

    "Hmm, perhaps I can find some old records..."