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Latest revision as of 20:35, 31 December 2019

All Work And No Play....
Date of Scene: 30 December 2019
Location: Kitchen - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Mr. Green reminds Shannon of the need to look after herself as well as others. Plans are made to fly her down to her family for New Year's.
Cast of Characters: Nightingale, Martian Manhunter

Nightingale has posed:
     One would think that most students would be more than happy to put away their books over the holidays. Not so with one particular student. Shannon is in her PJ's, having a little breakfast in the kitchen, with a printout of something next to her plate. Her red tartan sweatpants, baggy gray tank top, and big fluffy sheepdog slippers are at odds with the studious air about her. Spearing a sausage link with her fork, she nibbles on it while peering down at the pages in front of her, intent on her studies.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn hasn't checked on Shannon for a wile now, again not for lack of interest in her wellbeing, more for the definitely reduced time that he has available! At least now, holidays in place, he doesn't have to teach regularly, just assisting those students that ask for it regarding his subject. But now, with more free time, J'onn actually finds himself walking through the school's corridors, aiming his steps towards the kitchen in which he enters, already waving in the direction where he knows Shannon is eating and studying! "hey, Shannon!"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon looks up and smiles, about half the sausage in her mouth. Not very good manners, though! She quickly finishes the bite, and grins a bit sheepishly, pushing her papers aside. "Mr. Green, hello there! Bet you're enjoying the break from teaching for the holidays?" Sliding off of her stool, she shuffles on over to the sink to rinse out a couple mugs. "Got the coffee pot going... want a cup?"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn smiles at the woman, briefly glancing out the nearby window "I suppose it's early enough that I could be sleepy and need some coffee, yes. So please, I'd really like a cup!" he exclaims, smiling brightly "how have you been?" he asks, moving to get a chair to place near Shannon's, taking then a seat on it. As usual, is wearing his impeccable blue suit, and the kind smile is already on his lips. "I like the holidays, yes, can't complain at least"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, and pours out two mugs of coffee, finding a small sugar bowl, and getting some milk from the refrigerator. If Mr. Green were to look at the papers near her plate, he would find it's information on valerian, its uses, dosage, parts used... pretty much anything one could want to know about the proper use of the herb. "Been missing my family," she says, with a small sigh. "But at the same time it was worth staying to make sure the other kids who don't really have anyone could have someone here with them maybe a little closer to their own age. But what about you? How have you been?"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn smiles again at the girl, peeking briefly at the papers and tilting his head "planning to work with that?" he asks, gesturing towards the papers. "that's very noble of you, Shannon dear, but I think you should still go see your family for a bit if you miss them, don't you think?" he inquires, moving his gaze towards the woman again

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shrugs, sliding over one of the mugs towards him and smiling a little bit. "I'll have to see if I can catch a ride down with someone soon before the holidays are over. I plan to go for my license in the spring, so I won't be having to bother people for rides for very much longer." For her part, she sips her coffee plain, and glances at the papers with something of a small smile. "Megan was mentioning difficulty getting to sleep sometimes, and it happened to be in front of the Captain. He was the one who mentioned valerian to help with sleep, so I figured a little research couldn't hurt."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn nods, understanding what she said about the valerian at least "it is an useful remedy, in a way." he comments, smiling and accepting the cup of coffee with a thankful expression. Bringing it to his lips, he takes a small sip from it, asking "if you need it I suppose I could also give you a ride to your place, I suppose." he says "or you could ask Clarice if, she's still around?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles brightly, looking hugely relieved at the prospect of being able to visit her family for New Year's after all! Propriety and status be damned, she hugged Mr. Green fiercely anyways! "Thank you so much! I'll have to get an overnight bag ready, plus there's a little walk in the woods I need to take later today, too." She'd only traveled by Blink once before, around the time of Lorna's coronation, and that trip had turned out to be a bit more than any of them bargained for. But then again, had she really expected otherwise? As for the valerian, she shrugs, and smiles a bit sheepishly. "I'm not really sure of myself with that one, so I won't even try the herb on myself. Maybe I'll have to ask miss Munroe and see if she's planning on any classes in herbalism or such. She'd be the one to talk to, I think."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn smiles and returns the hug, temporarily letting the cup of coffee float in the air next to him, to grab it again after the hug. "well, I know some things about herbs, but, yess perhaps asking miss Munroe would be a good idea." he admits

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods. "A very good idea. The last thing I'd need is to try one I'm not sure of and then we wind up with a worse problem than before." Shrugging, she smiles somewhat, perching once more on her stool, and reaching for her coffee cup. "At least I'm pretty sure of chamomile, mint, and a touch of lavendar for sleep. But there's still so much to learn, and so little time." Rolling her eyes she chuckles softly. "Not everyone has the luxury of long lifespans, so we have to cram it all into a few short years."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn sips his coffee slowly, tasting it calmly "hmm, well yes, a lifespan isn't always enough to learn everything no matter how long... But the drive to learn is always admirable, Shannon. So as always you have my respect for having so much of it" he smiles at the woman, glancing again at her papers.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon closes her eyes for just a moment, and smiles a bit more. "Still," she comments. "I have to keep reminding myself not to let life pass me by, either, while I've got my nose stuck in a book. That's a failing of mine, I think..."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn nods in agreement "you only live once, most of the times at least. Whilst your drive to learn is indeed commendable, it can sometimes let you pass by opportunities that are once in a lifetime things, and not notice them... Not saying it is now, rather, it may be so if you're not careful. The same could be said about your helping others, even if that is a quality so wonderful that I respect you all the more for having it, it could drive you to neglect yourself and your own needs. Which is, in the long run, not a good thing at all"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon purses her lips slightly, glancing at him over her coffee cup. "Now you're starting to sound like Logan," she says, rolling her eyes and laughing. "Ooof. Never going to forget the one time he pretty much stormed into the medbay when I was down after a healing and chewed me out for not setting boundaries for myself."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn chuckles, a hint of amusement visible on his features "uh, he may be right, you know?" he asks, winking conspiratorially at the girl and finishing his cup of coffee, only to send it, floating, into a nearby sink. "you may want to be careful about yourself as well, as I said..." he states

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon frowns a little bit, irritation bubbling forth to disturb her otherwise calm, happy thoughts of possibly visiting her family for New Year's. "It's less that, and more there just hasn't been a use for my gift lately. Which I guess is kind of a good thing, but still, I love helping, plus each time I do, my gift's been getting stronger."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn glances at Shannon, and partially perhaps at her thoughts "which is good, Shannon, but" he pauses "but if you live your life based on helping others without ever thinking about yourself, in the long run, you'll become just a tool, at a certain point. Sometimes try to do something just because you like doing it. Go see your parents, other students will be together already if more than one decides to stay, for example. Go outside and fly, in such a bright day, instead of spending it inside studying. You probably already know a lot of what is in there"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon cracks a small smile and finishes her cup of coffee and the rest of her breakfast. "Okay, okay, you convinced me! I'll just have to go shower, and bundle up, because it's still cold as anything out there!" While some of the irritation does remain, the need to help others simply not having been tended to of late, the reminder to take care of herself, too, gets her up and moving, when perhaps she had begun to hole herself up with books and studying again. "Maybe I'll see you out there?"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn smiles and nods "well I do have to go back to the tower soon, but please let me know when you're ready to go to your family and I'll fly you if you want!" he says, slowly standing up from the chair and placing it where he took it "and thanks for listening to me, Shannon, I know it's hard at times!" he says with a chuckle

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon dissolves into fits of giggles, and grins a bit sheepishly. "Okay, so maybe I'm a bit hard-headed at times. I'll try to look after my other needs, too, not just the one that makes me want to help others. But that one, too." Cleaning up her breakfast mess, she hugs Mr. Green once more and smiles. "My regards to everyone at the tower, if you feel it's appropriate. At the very least, happy holidays to them!"