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Latest revision as of 21:09, 31 December 2019

Something Is Up in Starling
Date of Scene: 28 December 2019
Location: Glaberton (The Glades), Starling
Synopsis: A prison break doesn't work out as intended thanks to Alpha Flight!
Cast of Characters: Wolverine, Supergirl

Wolverine has posed:
Logan had been out in the Glades, minding his own business when he heard thr sirens ring as a police car headed past on its way up to Iron Heights. Popping the clutch on his motorcycle, he took off in hit pursuit. One nice thing about being up here in Starling was that he actually had credentials to flash.

When he got to the correctional facility, he pulled out credentials identifying him as a member of Alpha Flight. "The name's Logan. I'm with Alpha Flight. What's going on here?"

Supergirl has posed:
There was controlled chaos going on when he arrived at the main gate. The presence of correctional personnel was high and many were rushing to other locations. A few had weapons in hand, a sure sign something was wrong. Corrections personnel generally never carried firearms unless there was a crisis situation.

The sergeant at the gate took a long look at the credentials then at Wolverine. "Building E. Brawl getting out of hand. Seems like it may be a distraction for..."


The sound of an explosion along with the shaking of the ground around them. The sound of a voice on the sergeant's radio could be heard. "Explosion west wall! Incoming humvees times three! Shots fired! Shots fired!"

The sergeant looked at Wolverine then pushed a button to unlock a gate so he could enter and head for the obvious point of trouble.

Wolverine has posed:
Logan should have left the motorcycle there, but a motorcycle was able to go almost anyehere that a man could, and it was faster. He said "Call me in", directing the guard to warn people of his presence so they didn't shoot him. He roared the bike forward, heading through the security. He hated doing it, but at a certain point he snikted his claws to cut a path through the fencing towards the oncoming humvees. If they were making an attempt on the facility, they'd get inside soon enough. While driving he pressed a button on the bike. It was a simple distress signal on AF's systems. He could handle it, but with this many inmates, he figured backup was warranted.

Supergirl has posed:
The three humvees were making a beeline for building C. Not the building where the disturbance was happening. Apparently the veteran sergeant had been right that it was a distraction.

Inside each humvee were four men in tactical gear armed with a variety of weapons. As they tore toward the building at high speed, they exchanged fire with correctional officers who were hunkered down behind cover.

The motorcycle came roaring toward them. They didn't think much of it until three claws ripped through the entire side of the vehicle, starting from front all the way to the rear, taking out the tires in the process and leaving ragged open metal down the side of the vehicle. The first humvee came to a screeching halt. So did the second when the same happened.

The third wised up and cut to the left, avoiding the man on the motorcycle. They neared the building and bailed out, as did the man from the first two vehicles, beginning to focus fire toward the stranger.

Back at her house for the holidays, Kara Danvers was sitting in the kitchen with her parents eating gingerbread cookies and drinking hot chocolate. The alarm went off and she turned to look at it, seeing the location. "Got to go!" She gave both parents a kiss and quickly was gone. A few moments later, there was a loud boom high in the sky. Supergirl was incoming. She slowed to a more normal speed and was dropping to a lower altitude as she eyed the goings on. It would still be a good twenty seconds before she arrived to actually help.

Wolverine has posed:
This all had been practice for Wolverine up to this point. Two vehciles vehciles down, one to go. And sure they started firing at Logan, a few evem hit him and the motorcycle, but not enough to slow either of them. If Logan had more sense, he would have done something different. But he operated from the Mike Tyson playbook. He knew he could take whatever they could dish out, but they couldn't take what he had for them, so he charged them head on, turning thr bike over onto its side in a controlled crash. At the last second, he leapt up at the guys he couldn't 'throw' the bike at, hacking and slashing at their kevlar like it was made out of butter. Though he was going for the incapacitate rather than kill. He must be getting soft in his old age.

Supergirl has posed:
His skills were legend for a reason. Even though he wasn't going for a kill, he easily was rendering the men more succeptible to those bullets coming their way from the corrections officers (though the officers stopped firing when Wolverine moved in). Being more likely to die, they were less bold and went skittering for cover. If they could. Unfortunately for them, they were finding themselves falling like dominoes, one after the other, to fists or kicks. Bodies were just falling in his wake, a sick and violent parting of the Red Sea around the Alpha Flighter.

One of the men behind him managed to reach into the humvee pulling out a rocket launcher and aiming it at Wolverine's back as he worked through the bad guys.

"That's not very nice." Supergirl floated down into his line of sight. She reached out to take the launcher, hand easily crushing it into scrap metal and making it useless. She brought her other hand forward and gave the man a flick of her hand, sending him flying and slamming into one of the other humvees. He fell to the ground unconscious.

Supergirl turned to find Wolverine was finishing off the last of the others. "Show off!"

Wolverine has posed:
As Supergirl turned around to proclaim that Wolverine was being a show off, he retracted his claws from the shoulders of two men, who promptly fell to the ground. He stepped over them without a word.

His hands no longer exhibiting razor sharp claws, he offered a hand to her. "Thanks Supergirl. Couldn't have done it without you." She was young, recently promoted to full on member of the senior team, so he tried to be humble and generous with praise. Also she was probably the single most powerful woman in the country, so it was best to get on her good side.

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl accepted the offer, giving a brief handshake as she glanced around at all the bodies on the ground. Corrections personnel were rushing in to cuff them all as they could hear sirens in the distance approaching. The police would be on scene soon to take the villians into custody. "Pretty sure you could've but glad I was able to try to help at least."

In Building E, the corrections personnel got everything back under control in short order with no loss of life. Just a few injuries, to inmates and officers.

The two Alpha Flight members would need to do some paperwork and answer questions for the police but it was something they were used to.

"Haven't seen you around lately," Supergirl commented once all the 'work' was done and the pair of them were able to move outside the premises. She had helped bring in some heavy concrete pieces to build a make shift wall until the repairs could be completed by the facility at least.

Wolverine has posed:
Wolverine decided against commenting on her assessment that he could have handled it all by his lonesome, instead focusing on the social banter she brought up as the corrections personnel got to work on restoring order and getting the facility back to some semblance of normalcy.

"Sorry 'bout that, Supergirl. I work with lots o' people. Only so many hours of daylight. "But congratulations on graduting to the big team. Went straight from Gamma to Alpha. That's mighty impressive."

Supergirl has posed:
"I'm pretty sure it's because I'm Kryptonian. Not really because I did anything right. Just genetics," Supergirl says with a shrug. She's already done the heavy lifting so it's about time for the pair of them to get off the grounds. She glances over where the remains of his motorcycle are, wondering if it is salvageable. She's doesn't have a clue about motorcycles so can't tell at a glance.

"Not that I mind. Though it's eating up a lot of time, being part of two main teams. I joined the Justice League back when I was on Gamma Flight," she explains.

Wolverine has posed:
Wolverine says, "Hey, genetics ain't got nothing to do with it. You earned it. Hyperion's got plenty of power, but he's in Beta Flight. Me, I have claws and heal fast. It's not about what you were born with, but who you are, what you learn, and most of all, what's in here." He tapped his chest, over his heart, "and here," then he pointed to his head.

As he walked with her towards the bike, bringing it up. There wasn't much he could do here to fix it, but it was still driveable. A few bullet holes, nothing too serious. It'd need a lot of work, but as he sat on it, and revved it up, he asked, "want a ride? I'm pretty sure you don't need a helmet." Sure, it was the law, but they were both members of Alpha Flight and neither were vulnerable to a vehicular injury.

Supergirl has posed:
She tilts her head to the side a moment, looking at the roaring machine. "I've never ridden a motorcycle. I mean, I can fly faster," Supergirl responds as she looks at the machine again, nibbling a little at her bottom lip. It was written all over her face that she was torn. After all, she shouldn't ride. No reason for it. She didn't have a helmet.

But she'd never ridden a motorcycle! "Just to see what it's like. I mean, that'd be okay, right?" She rushes over and manages to get seated on the bike behind him.

Wolverine has posed:
"Yer gonna want to wrap yer arms around my waist." He said. There was no reason for it. But motorcycles were fun. Logan loved 'em. He figured she might like them too. "Hold on," and he'd do a spin, not going too fast yet, and head towards the gap in the fence he had cut earlier, before heading out through the normal way. Once on the road proper, he really kicked it up. Not as fast as her, but probably a different type of fun.

Supergirl has posed:
"Why?" That is of course the immediate question for why she would wrap her arms around his waist. Although she had seen that in movies. So she did as instructed, then let out a squeal of surprise when he did the spin. As they took off, it wasn't long before her hands were gone from around his waist. Instead her arms were up in the air as she screamed, "WOOHOO!"