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Latest revision as of 21:13, 31 December 2019

A Swift Right Hook
Date of Scene: 26 August 2019
Location: Barbara Gordon's Apartment, Clocktower
Synopsis: Some random assignment
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, Oracle

Supergirl has posed:
    And Kara Danvers was enjoying her classes - more or less, less or more. But as it turns out... well...

    Kara brings up her hand to her ear, tapping the earpiece in there. Gently, gently, forever gently. "Um... check. One two. One two three."

    A moment more, and she brings her hand down, to tuck into the pockets of her hoodie. She was REALLY BAD at this infiltration stuff, but after discovering what Hook was from the conversation that she had with Babs and her friend earlier... well... this bothered her. And so she was on the campus, alllllll the way over in Riverdale.

    Where she was planning on meeting with someone - a small time drug dealer, really, to see if she can get any information out of him.

    But, ah... Kara's ability to sneak was super bad, so this was kinda a training mission more than anything. Where she hoped to have the watchful eye of Barbara over her.

    "So, um. How do you do stuff like this again?" she was dressed... well... Kara thought she looked kinda 'punky'. She probably looked like a preppie girl who was trying to look punky, instead. Her hair done up in babydoll twin ponytails, and her earrings were little skulls. And she was wearing black lipstick. And a slightly torn hoodie over her usual blouse. Plaid skirt, stockings, and other things.

    She felt /really weird/. And it kinda felt like /lying/. Which made her feel bad.

    "I um... appreciate you helping me with this too. I just kinda want to know if this stuff is this far up north, you know?"

Oracle has posed:
Babs had given Kara a couple things before she left Gotham a few minutes previous, first amongst those things was the earpiece she was wearing to communicate with her. Also she gave her a black hardshell backpack that she instructed her had a remote drone and a charging station since Oracle didn't have any already laid out around Riverdale. Then there was an updated pair of glasses. They looked exactly like Kara's usual 'disguise', only they had built in micro cameras that let Babs see whatever Kara sees... at least from a certain point of view.

<<Everything looks good.>>

The voice is distinctly /not/ Barbara Gordon's. It's barely human.. it has a synthetic lilt and is largely androgynous. The glass of the glasses was actually 'smart glass' and gave Kara a small HUD onto which Babs could feed her information as needed.

<<The man you are looking for goes by Vipor. He is a member of the street gang Ghoulies. Low time peddler of marajuana.>>

Said quietly into Kara's ear. Grinning a little while watching the blonde, brow raised with her feet up on her desk balancing a coffee mug on her thighs.

Supergirl has posed:
And Kara always futzed with the glasses. They didn't quite sit on her nose the same way as her usual 'prescription', so she fuddled with them a bit more than most, jostling the camera on Babs' monitor every so often. "I mean, I usually carry my cell phone, but all of this stuff is /really/ fancy. I'm afraid I'm going to break it!" she enthuses.

That voice in her ear makes her pause just a bit.

"So um. Do I call you by a codename when you're talking like this? Like... The Watcher or something?"

"Vipor. I hear the 'o' in the name. Makes it sound a little French. Vip-or. Vi~pour~," she tries out the words.

Tilting her head to the side, she reaches out her senses... listening. Waiting. As she wanders down this alleyway and that one.

Although she pauses, twisting in a direction. "I got him," she says. "I think. Someone's buying some marijuana from him /right now/, or so it sounds like."

"Vip...pour. Vipper," she murmurs to herself, low in the comlink.

Oracle has posed:
Babs glances over the monitor where Kara's camera feed is located and click-taps a key to get a zoomed in image of the man the heroine is looking at. She pulls up mugshots and rap-sheets easily enough.

<<Yes. My name is Oracle.>> the voice says in Kara's ear, <<That is your target. Approach him casually and strike up conversation while purchasing marijuana. Ask him if he knows anyone who might have something your cousin Vernon heard about back East, Hook. Be conversation, but not forceful. You can do this.>>

Babs settles back and crosses her ankles. Not at all afraid of Kara getting hurt... she's freaking Supergirl for Christ's sake.

Supergirl has posed:
"Oracle. Ooo. Like in Greek mythology," says Kara, waggling her eyebrows although Babs could, no doubt, not see this moment.

And Kara loosens herself up as Babs confirms the target, kinda rolling her shoulders once. One after the other. Bringing up her hand to toss her little baby ponytails over her shoulder, one over the other, she kinda gets a loosely goosey stance, moving to mosey - yes, mosey up closer to the drug dealer.

Maybe there was no tension in this because of Kara's... ability.

"Heeeey," she says, fluttering her eyelashes towards ~Vipor~. "I'm.. um... Annie," she says. "And I hear you got a little bit of extra... you know. Ganja for the... ahm. You know. Manja?" she says, furrowing her eyebrows together.

She tries to gloss that over with a goofy giggle, though.

Oracle has posed:
"Did she just say Ganja for the Manja?" Babs nearly spits coffee on her desk and has to wipe it from her nose where it snorted from her nostrils, laughing a little as she's forced out of her seat to grab a paper towel. "Jesus Christ, Kara..." Brushing the towle down either side of her face.

<<That was good. Try not to ever say that again. I have it recorded, however.>>

Vipor eyes Annie dubiously, "What you know about Ganja Manja." Babs snorts up more coffee when the street hood plays along. "That's my boy... but he only hangs out with Greens McDollars.. how long you want to hang out for, that's what I need to know."

<<I am unfamiliar with Riverdale slang, but I think this is a reference to how much marijuana you wish to purchase.>>

Supergirl has posed:
"Well, uhm," says Kara, her eyelashes fluttering just a little bit more. She almost... /almost/ brings her hand up to her earpiece, but she changes that motion to another brushing back of her ponytail as she attempts to look cute again.

"I um..." she puts on a smile. "I know it's... ah... I want, I'm like... super wanting to get buzzed, man," she says, sticking out her hip a little bit and rolling her wrist a bit. "And I got like... um..." A beat. "Twenty bucks? Or do I need more, you know. To hang out with Greens McDollars and his gang," she says.

Clearing her throat afterwards, she couldn't help the faintest of blushes from touching her cheeks.

This was /hard/. If Babs had a heartbeat monitor set up, it was going /superfast/.

Oracle has posed:
Babs finds it rather quite adorable, honestly. Grinning behind her bank of monitors with her feet back up on the corner and her coffee mug resting her thigh. Vipor, however, double downs on his dubious expression. "Seriously? Is this your first time? Are you a cop? You know you have to tell me right?"

<<No you do not. That is a myth.>> Helpful. Kara isn't a cop anyways.

<<Tell him you want a twenty bag and casually bring up Hook.>>

Babs takes another sip of coffee, reaching up to adjust her glasses while flipping through the files on Vipor just to make certain he hasn't got any violent crimes history. Not that it would matter much.

Supergirl has posed:
"Uhhh," says Kara. "It is my first time, yep," she says. "But you know. My school is... like... really, really hard," she says. "So I need something to mellow out with," she says. "And my best friend. I hang out with the bad girls, you know," she says, kinda twirling that ponytail around her finger with anxiety.

She rarely felt anxiety. This was so out of her comfort zone! Why couldn't Vipor be a big robot that she can punch!

"I um. But my cousin Vernon, who, you know, is super into drugs too," she says, leaning forward towards him as if to whisper this secret. "Told me what I /really/ want is Hook. But I think I'd just, you know. Take a twenty bag for now, instead," she says, her hand literally shaking as she dips it into her purse to pull out a twenty dollar bill.

Oracle has posed:
"That was smooth." Babs says into her coffee, grinning around the mug as she takes another long sip. Settling back now to let Kara fly some, stretch her wings.

Vipor sizes the blonde up with narrowed gaze, "I bet you do, baby. You ever want to hang with some /real/ bad dudes, though, you just come find me when I'm not working." Lecherous grin as he fishes out a baggy of pot from inside his pocket, flashing it at her, "You got the m-" Hook.

His expression changes a ltitle. "The fuck you know about that shit, girl?" With a little dangerous shift in his tone.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara was super smooth, although perhaps Babs can notice the shift in her demeanor at that praise, sticking her chin up a little bit, and her chest out, her smile growing a little more sure and confident. "Well! Maybe um... hanging out with bad dudes would be something I would totally enjoy sometime. Do you like milkshakes?" she asks.

"I mean. Not that I like milkshakes, because I'm like... a super... you know." A pause. "I rebel. A /lot/," she says.

"Just that my cousin said it's... you know. It's waaaay better than MJ, for relaxing," she says. "Was he wrong?"

Oracle has posed:
"Everybody likes milkshakes..." Vipor says dubiously, who would even ask such a thing! He exchanges drugs for dollars and rubs at his unshaven jaw, "Alright, well we don't got none of that Hook shit here.. at least not yet. One'uh my boys tried to get a pipeline, but..." He's speaking quietly, glancing around slowly.

Babs grins at that little shift in Kara's demeanor, "God you're adorable." She murmurs, finishing off her coffee so the empty mug can be set aside on the counter.

Supergirl has posed:
And Kara brings up her hand to push her glasses higher onto her nose, leaning in towards Vipor, her eyes wide. So Barbara gets a nice picture of up Vipor's nose. "But what? Was like... are there even badder dudes pushing you out?" she asks, her voice rich with curiousity at that, as she waggles the twenty dollar bill in Vipor's direction.

Another beat.

Kara wanted to say /so much/ to Barbara on the other end of the line, but she just had to think it right now. But Barbara could probably tell that. And Kara was blushing now. Which Vipor may take the wrong way, of course.

Oracle has posed:
"There's always a badder dude... a bigger shark." Vipor says quietly, perhaps misunderstanding the nature of the smirk by the way his grin grows a little wider as he slips up nearer, "But let's not talk about that shit, you don't don't want to fuck with that Hook stuff anyways. You too fine for that... I hear it kills people like you." Up nodding a little.

Babs raises a red brow, drumming fingers against the sides of her thighs watching the little exchange with a far less amused expression. Still, Kara can take care of herself, and she wants to see how she'll get out of this situation... she wants Kara to help her in Gotham, but she has to make sure she's not tossing her into the deep in if she can't swim.

Supergirl has posed:
"Yeaaaah... um," says Kara, taking a small step away from Vipor. "So... uhm... you don't know anything about it?" she asks, her brows knitting together. "I mean. I hope this ganja does the job, but..." she says. A sigh passes her lips. "I think I should probably get going, though?" she says, lifting up her hand to point a thumb over her shoulder.

Unaware of displeased Babs.

And Kara can not only swim, but superswim.

"Maybe I'll find someone else to get Hook from, maybe," she says, thoughtfully, taking another stuttering step away from Vipor.

Oracle has posed:
That is clearly not what Vipor wants to hear and he snaps out a hand towards Kara's arm as if he could prevent her leaving, it's almost laughable. "Hey now, let's not quit the party so quickly, huh? How's about you come back to the clubhouse with me and we'll burn a few? I might know a dude who could get you Hook if you /really/ want it, but it's not going to be cheap at all."

Babs narrows her eyes as if she's in a postion to do a whole lot of anything to help from Gotham... which she could, actually, but Kara is plenty able to protect herself.

<<Let me know if you need assistance.>> Less Kara forget that she actually /is/ there.

Supergirl has posed:
A pause, and Kara bites her lower lip. Even as she lets her arm get grabbed like that. And Kara puts a wide smile on her lips. "Well, um," she says. "I like that idea, but not tonight? My friend is expecting me back home in like fifteen minutes. This whole thing - I was actually gonna share it with her," she says.

Another moment.

"Can I have your number, though?" she says. "If she's down, I'll catch up with you, and we'll make a party out of it, right?" she says. "And how much would you think I'd need to bring, you know... if I wanted to hook it up?" she asks.

Kara wasn't... really nervous. Well, she was anxious at the moment.

But she wasn't in any danger, as Babs knew.

Oracle has posed:
Vipor scrutinizes Punk Kara with narrowed eyes and slowly uncurls his fingers from around her upper arm to fish his cellphone and thumb through to input her number. "Yeah, well..." Glancing up at her expectantly.

Babs back at the Clocktower grins at Kara, though she can hardly see it, and brings her feet down to get to work cloning the cellphone now that the glasses Supergirl is wearing has a clear sight on it, "Good work, babe... very good work." Moving the file over so she can keep tabs on any calls or texts sent from the number until he replaces the drop phone.

<<That was smart thinking with the phone number. Very impressive.>> Words of encouragement! FROM ORACLE!

Supergirl has posed:

Of course, Kara wasn't really aware of the hard butt reputation Oracle may have had, so the smile that flashes onto her lips - aimed at Vipor, might be mistaken by the man as something else. "Okay, Vi~pour~," she says. "I'll contact you later, okay?" she says, bringing up her hand to waggle at him.

"Thanks for the party. I'll hit you up for more, later," she says. And as soon as she could, Kara was fast walking into a nearby alleyway. "OH MY GOSH ORACLE HOW DO YOU DO THIS IT'S SO STRESSFUL," she hisses into the earpiece.

Oracle has posed:
Vipor up nods at Kara and watches her, like /really/ watches her walk away. Soon enough another student is coming up to score some pot though and his attention is adrift.

<<It is a matter of practice. You did very well for your first attempt at undercover work. You were able to secure a cellphone for us to snoop on.>>

Once Kara is far enough away that nothing could be said about her answering a cellphone, Babs calls her and balances her own phone against her shoulder while pulling out a pitcher of water from the fridged, "You did good, babe. Really good."

Supergirl has posed:
Well, what was going on with the view from Kara's glasses? Was that a cloud? And a loud wooshing now in the earpiece?

"Alright, Babs... er... uhm... Oracle," she says. Rocketing through the clouds, it seems.

Which might be a pretty view in that monitor, especially as she crests a cloud and the flare of the fading sun arcs across the camera screen, fading it out for a brief moment before the menagerie of colors appears.

She probably should have changed first, but Punk Kara was probably disguise enough. Maybe. She /was/ wearing her glasses, so nearly invisible.

"Do you mind if I stay over tonight too? I can go get Italian food again," she says. "Although maybe I should swing by, and get my normal clothes first."

Oracle has posed:
Babs is back in her seat as Kara crests the clouds and blinks a few times at the beautiful view she's being afforded with a wide grin. It actually takes her a little while to finally answer because of it, honestly, "Wha- Oh, yes of course you can stay over. Don't be silly, Kara you can stay over whenever you want... actually I kind of have someone I want you to meet." It doesn't sound like it's anything awkward, but who knows right?

"Would you mind? I could really go for some pasta tonight." She's a multi-tasker, flicking through things on her monitors while conversing with Kara on her cellphone. Even if the reception kind ebs and flows a little with the distance/height.

"How long until you ge here?" Grinning at what she suspects is going to be a /very/ short distance.

Supergirl has posed:
And Kara does a barrel roll, perhaps out of fun, perhaps to make the vision in that screen a little more topsy-turvy. "Oh yes? I remember your friend, um. The ninja?" she says.

"Or is it someone else?" she asks. Was it awkward? Was it not? This was a mystery. Kara was a naturally awkward chick sometimes, so. There you go.

"I wouldn't mind. So if you could call in the Order for Annie to pick up... oh, shoot. I have to go to the bank too," she says. "I gave that guy my twenty bucks!" A beat. "And oh my gosh, I bought /drugs/! Superman is going to be so mad at me... what do I do with them?" she asks.

"... so um. Like twenty minutes?" she says.

Oracle has posed:
"Already on it. I ordered it online, so it's already paid for." Babs says to Kara, sliding out of her computer chair to trot down from the loft with both arms up over her head like a craddle, further capturing the phone between shoulder and cheek, "Twenty minutes. I'll make sure to have your pajamas ready." Said jokingly.

"Nah, not the nina.. Charlie. She just moved in a few nights ago. You'll like her though, I think. Young, sixteen? I'll explain when you get here. See ya in twenty, babe."